Chapter 23.
Edited by KitWulf 8-11-2020
Lucas dragged Azura out of the bar by force. They were getting a lot of curious and strange looks as he struggled with her. She was resisting hard, fighting him with every step, growling like a rabid animal. but luckily most people had seen her flip out on that guy so they actually stepped to the side to let them through while blocking the man from even going near them. Her skin was searing hot, the heat pouring through her clothes and her eyes were spewing fire. This was even worse than when she had tried to attack Bethany.
The guy she was with had yelled something at them as Lucas had intervened, but he couldn't care less and didn't hear any of it. Seeing the guy grab and hold onto her while it was clear she wanted him to let go had made Lucas move in, but he was too slow to prevent him from kissing and actually trying to grope her. He had arrived just in time to pull her back as she went straight for him.
She didn't just want to slap him, that was for sure. She was going for a kill. If she hadn't lost control like this, Lucas would have hit the guy himself but now he had to keep his focus on her the whole time to prevent her from breaking free.
The cool night air embraced them as Lucas forcefully dragged her along. He had managed to get one of her arms folded high on her back pushing her forward. Every time she would try to fight him, he would lift her elbow higher, causing her shoulder to move in a way that was quite painful and preventing her from doing anything. She grunted and growled at him in disapproval. It was a powerful grip, often used by police to control violent people.
He guided her away from the bar to a nearby alley and spun her around to push her against the cold brick wall. Lucas grabbed both her hands and pressed them against the cold stone as he leaned in with his body to keep her trapped. It was a good thing the streets were almost deserted right now as most people were partying inside. Otherwise, he would have been charged with assault for sure.
"This is the one time I need a glass of water and it's not within reach." He sighed and instead he simply kept the pressure on her body with his own, preventing her from moving, hoping the cold wall and wind would do the rest.
She refused to look at him directly. Her eyes moving around frantically as if searching for an escape. Azura was strong, much stronger than she looked. Lucas gritted his teeth as her nails dug into his arms. The heat coming from her body was immense but strangely it did not scare him. Knowing what caused it, knowing it would not attack him calmed him while her heartbeat raced.
He felt it against his body, could feel every inch of her as if there was no space between them with his body pressed against hers. When he felt her muscles relaxing a bit he slowly eased up while keeping pressure on her hands and his leg pressed against hers to keep her in place.
"Come on, Azu! Look at me. You need to calm down, I'm not the enemy." As he stared into her eyes he noticed they were not the kind of blue he was used to. Instead, there were streaks of red running through them. A bright flaming red. It was strangely beautiful. The hair on his neck rose up as a chill ran down his spine.
Looking beyond her exterior, it was almost like her soul bared itself to him. The aggression she always tried keeping bottled up showed her true self. Deadly for those who crossed her and yet she was nothing like that normally. Two very contradicting sides of her which caused her to clash with herself over and over.
The determination and the fire behind her gaze was just intoxicating. Mesmerized by her eyes, his right hand had released her arm and without fully realizing it, he gently caressed her cheek. Her sharp intake of breath had him halting as it brought him back from the weird 'high' he was on.
Grumbling, Lucas could smack himself in the head for being so stupid. Words spoken to him earlier by Nina filled his mind but he quickly pushed them to the side as he tried focusing back on the here and now and getting the woman in front of him calmed down. One thing was a plus, with her being so riled up he did not need his coat to stay warm. Getting her out of the bar in a rush had left him incapable of retrieving his and hers.
It took a few minutes for Azura to start breathing normally again as her eyes slowly turned back to normal as well. Lucas said a small prayer, thankful the cold air and wall was apparently doing its job to cool her down. As he felt her body relax, he did the same and eventually let go of her completely.
The trembling started with her lip, but soon her hands started and it didn't take long for her whole body to start shaking. Right before her knees started to buckle Lucas grabbed her again to support her and stay upright. He flashed her a small smile as she finally managed to regain control and looked up at him.
"I fazed out again didn't I?" She spoke softly.
"I wouldn't call it like that... I would rather call it flipping out, losing control," He paused and shrugged casually "wanting to kill him." She flinched as the words left his mouth.
"The moment that guy kissed you I saw you become angry and all fired up. Literally. So I had to, sadly, save the guy before you decided to flame him up." She groaned in dismay and shame. She remembered him kissing her, but everything after that was one big blur.
Lucas didn't want to tell her the full truth. Besides the fact the night had a very different ending than what he had expected, he had not even expected her to pull through with the dare. When she actually engaged in small talk with that man Lucas had expected to feel proud, or happy that she was taking a step in the right direction, instead an uncomfortable knot had formed inside his stomach.
When he had left for the bathroom, that was when Lucas moved in, kinda hoping Azura would back out of the deal. It had been his idea to do though, so as she seemed fine, he had left but had kept his eyes on them.
Jealousy had never been a big issue for him, yet when that guy held her, kissed her, it struck. Only for a moment but undeniably there. Soon after it was replaced by anger as apparently, Azura did not want the man's scrubby hands on her.
Even though he had set this whole thing up for her, seeing it in action didn't give him the satisfaction he had hoped. Not to mention the words from Nina were still nagging him, and that nagging feeling had only gotten stronger as he had seen that look in her eyes.
"Wait? You saw him kiss me?" Azura's nostrils flared as she raised her voice a tad. "I thought you decided your job as a wingman was done and that you had left!"
"Nah, of course not! How could I let you stay by yourself? I dragged you into this, so it only makes sense if I take care of you as well. Plus, it's a good thing I didn't leave right?"
He smiled again, carefully wiping some hair out of her face. As his fingers touched her skin he felt a slight shudder under his fingertips. Surprised by this reaction his hand lingered on her face a little longer and both fell silent. Avoiding her questioning gaze, he dropped his hand as his eyes fell on his other. Suddenly aware he was holding hers. He had gone from grabbing her wrist to actually holding her hand gently and he hadn't even noticed. As if the air became thicker, it became harder to breathe and goosebumps rose on his arms and neck. Nina's words again echoed in the back of his mind, becoming a real nuisance
"There's no room in your heart for me. That place has already been filled by someone else. You just don't see it yet."
He could still see Nina standing at the door looking at Azura and himself as he had comforted her. Looking back on it now, he realized Nina had been right. He had cared for Nina, but he painfully realized she was only a distraction from the person he really cared for. And Nina had seen it sooner than he had.
He shook off his thoughts and focused on the moment. His mind had been racing and only a short moment had passed. He gazed at Azura's blue eyes and made up his mind. Either she would accept it, or he would get smacked around hard.
Cupping her face with his hand again, his lips brushed against hers. His beard prickled her chin. It was not a full-on kiss but enough to make her stiffen. He immediately backed away as she froze, afraid he had just made the biggest mistake ever. Azura stared at Lucas in shock as he took a small step back.
Her mind was racing, she could feel the tension between them but this was not something she had suspected to happen at all. To her great surprise, she didn't mind it. In fact, even if it was for a short moment, his touch had felt rather...pleasant. More than pleasant, actually.
How come her body was reacting this strong and in a completely different way than with the other guy? With the first man, everything in her was rejecting it, and now, with Lucas, there was no resistance at all coming from her body. Instead, she wanted more, wanted to know what a real kiss would be like.
Slowly she let herself relax and reached out to him. She placed her hand on the side of his face and gently caressed his beard and cheek with her thumb. Her breathing became more shallow as her eyes focused on his lips. Her lips still tingled with the sensation he had left. It was all he needed to know. He moved back in and cupped her face with his hands before placing his lips on hers. This time it was a full-on kiss.
Butterflies exploded in her stomach. A comfortable heat rolled inside her, reveling in the joy it brought her. No voice in her head telling her to get away, yet encouragement to keep going filled her mind. The tingling sensation on her lips, the urge to keep kissing washed over her as heat pooled in her lower stomach. He gently pushed her against the wall again as the intensity of the kiss deepened. His hands roamed across her back going lower and lower.
She could feel the heat inside her rise again but this time she wanted it. As lust clouded her rational thinking, she only wanted one thing. Him. All of him. She wrapped one arm around his waist and her other hand rested on the back of his head. She ruffled through his hair and he responded by teasingly licking her lips with his tongue.
She opened her mouth and his tongue found hers. Time ceased to exist as she let herself go in the moment. When he broke the kiss she was about to protest but when his lips touched down at her neck, every protest died in her throat. Tilting her head to the side to give him better access he slowly moved down to her collarbone and up again till his mouth touched the soft spot on the side of her neck.
Giving her a small nip Azura involuntary let out a soft moan. Lucas backed away from her with a goofy grin on his face. Both of their faces flushed as he created some space between them. She missed his warmth straight away. A feeling she had not experienced in a long time.
"Wha-Why...? " It was all she could muster as she looked him in the eyes.
He chuckled as he took her hand but did not reply to the question. "We should go home. Let me grab our coats and we should find a cab. I don't think you're able to walk all the way on those shoes of yours."
A nod followed by a sheepish smile was the only thing she could return as he led them back towards the bar.
Twenty minutes of awkwardness from the moment he had pulled away from the kiss till the moment they were home. She had retracted into the confinements of her own mind while Lucas had tried making some small talk to ease the tension. It had not worked as the whole ride home, she could not stop thinking about the feeling of his body flush against hers and how she had reacted to it. He was her friend, a close one, but things just got all screwed up in a matter of minutes and she had no idea what to do with it. Now that she had come back from her high of adrenaline, reality hit her like a ton of bricks.
Lucas opened the door and Azura stepped past him into the house. Clenching her fists unsure of what to expect next. As the door closed behind her she took a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart down. Refusing to turn around and face the tall man behind her, she slowly took off her shoes and coat. She felt his eyes burn into her back. He was waiting for her to make the next move, but she didn't know what to do. Part of her just wanted to turn around and kiss him. A big part if she was honest with herself and it scared her. What if it had been a mistake?
"Azu, turn around. Please."
When she did not react, he gently grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. With her eyes cast down, the first thing she saw was his crotch. Feeling the blood rush to her cheeks she immediately looked up. A mischievous grin was sprawled on his face when she met his eyes making her groan in embarrassment for being caught.
"Kill me now please." She whispered as she facepalmed herself.
"And why would I do that?"
"I...just... I don't know! Cause I'm an idiot, that's why!"
He was playing with her, that much was obvious but until she knew exactly what she wanted she had no clue how to react. This night was not supposed to go like this. Best case scenario she would have ended up in bed alone. Second best case scenario, she would be in bed with a handsome dude who she fully trusted and actually proved to Lucas he was wrong.
Worst case scenario was this. Being kissed by your closest friend and roommate and actually wanting more. It was a recipe for disaster. No matter what happened now, things would always be different between them.
"You're not an idiot." He replied as he moved closer.
Not waiting for an answer he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for another kiss. Heat spread through her body instantly, clouding her rational thinking again as she relaxed into his arms and let her lips move with his. It was a slow, deep kiss, not tender or sweet like the first one had been at first but more demanding, passionate.
Azura groaned as she felt the heat come together between her legs. Pulling him closer, all she wanted to feel was his body against hers. Preferably naked. Right as that thought crossed her mind, he broke the connection between them.
"Sleep well, Azu." He winked at her and left her dazed as he made his way up the stairs to his bedroom.
"Yeah... Sleep well..." She whispered as he had walked off.
What was he doing? Azura touched her lips with her hand as she slowly made her way up the stairs and into her own room. Questions filled her mind regarding his actions and behavior. Was he afraid to continue, or had it really all been a game to him?
As her brains came close to a full meltdown she undressed on autopilot until she only was wearing her bra and panties. She had complied to rule three. Lucas had told her to wear 'something nice' because who knew who she would end up with. It was the only matching set she owned. Simple black lace panties and a matching bra. It looked nice on her pale skin, creating a contrast she continued with her black hair.
Azura walked over to her bed and let her hand trail across the covers. Was she really going to sleep alone? It suddenly felt weird to be by herself while normally she preferred it. If she slept alone, she would have failed what her goal had been for this night. The goal which at first she didn't want to reach, but now...
Azura looked at the door of her bedroom and made her choice. She walked out and stopped in front of his door. She took a long deep breath and knocked.
"What took you so long?" His voice was low and husky when he opened up.
Azura bit her lip and dug her nails into the palm of her hand. "Don't make me regret this, Lucas."
He extended his hand. "I won't. I promise." She took it and allowed herself to be guided inside. A playful smile curled around his lips.
He was only wearing black boxers briefs. His upper body was nicely toned, but not overly muscular. An obvious climbers body, thinner waist, strong arms, and shoulders. Her gaze slowly moved down his frame. He had dark curly chest hair, not too much but just the perfect amount she thought. It wasn't the first time seeing him half-naked but it was the first time her body reacted to it in a way she hadn't experienced for a long time.
Heat pooled in her stomach as her gaze landed on the small stripe of hair going down from his navel to his pelvic area. A blush formed as she realized she was ogling his very apparent arousal. Mother nature had been kind to him, that was for sure. Her eyes shot back up as she clenched her thighs together, trying to extinguish some of the need burning between them.
"You knew I would come over?" She asked when her eyes met his again.
"No, but I was hoping you would. I had to make sure this is really what you want."
He stepped closer. His eyes traversing across her body as she had done with him. He lingered on her scar for a short while but it didn't faze her as much as she thought it would. He had seen it before, had seen her before like this, and yet he looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time.
What do you say you let go now? Make the fall, let it all go. Let yourself fly!
The voice didn't freak her out this time. The Phoenix had been pushing her the whole time now, she had anticipated that it would voice its opinion. She disregarded it but it did push her across that last hurdle. No turning back now.
Lucas gently cupped her face and their lips met once again. Her heart was beating more than twice as fast as usual. He kissed her slow, savoring every touch, making her melt against him as she returned and followed his lead. It was just what she needed. There was no ignoring her body anymore as it wanted one thing and one thing only. Despite her mind still had some reservations and doubts about the whole thing, there was nothing that could stop her from going through with this.
As his hands traveled from her arms to her back, she froze again. Azura gasped as she broke free from his lips. It was only a fraction of a second as she had felt his fingers on her bra, ready to unhook it. That fraction of a second was enough for him to stop though. Without a hitch, his hands moved to her side again, gently stroking her.
"You good?" Azura nodded in response to his question, her body already relaxing and heating up once more. "If you need me to stop," Lucas whispered in her ear, "just say so. I will stop."
There was no way she would tell him to stop. It had just been so long since someone had touched her like this. Her arousal, her need to be touched, her body fully ready for what was to come. It all felt like it was her first time all over again.
"No..." She softly moaned as she pressed her pelvis against his erection. "I trust you."
Again his hands found themselves at her back. Azura could no longer suppress a moan as he nipped at her neck and unhooked her bra at the same time. She arched her back to him, pressing herself against his cool body. Their lips found each other again as their hands explored each other. Time seemed to slow down as he kept taking the lead. Small steps and she went with it. Hands found her small breasts, a mouth followed. She was a moaning mess just by his touches and kisses.
Lucas moved her to the bed and pushed her down backward climbing over her but not putting any weight on her. Without pausing, his lips found hers again before they slowly traveled down to her breasts again and eventually, even lower. He paused at her scar and gently trailed the different paths with his tongue then trailed down more.
Her hands gripped the sheets, crushing them as he explored every inch of her with his mouth. It felt so natural and right as he moved around, taking his time with her. He was in full control and she let him guide her. Her mind almost exploded with the different sensations she got. Her muscles sometimes contracted on their own as he grazed her with his fingertips. Every time that happened she let out a small moan of pleasure. Her breathing was quick and ragged as she lost control of her own body and her mind fogged over with lust.
He stopped for just a short moment allowing her to regain some much needed oxygen. Her eyes flew open at the lack of touching she was now so used to. Just as she wanted to look if something was wrong he nipped at her inner thigh and immediately kissed it before doing the same on the other side. Azura's head thrashed back against the mattress as a loud moan escaped her lips. He touched her everywhere except in the one place she wanted to feel him. Impatiently, she started bucking her hips, needing him at the center of her heat.
As if he was reading her mind, he looked up, a smug grin on his face before he took off the last piece of clothing she had been wearing and buried his face between her thighs. Apparently, it hadn't been just her who needed this.
The tension built up inside her. Every lick had made her an even greater moaning mess. It had been so long she knew she wouldn't last. Not that she wanted to. She needed this release. Flames rose inside of her as his tongue moved through her folds and found the sensitive nub. The heat seemed to come off her in waves as the fire inside seemed to burn down a barrier she never knew was there.
The voice encouraged her to let go. To fall and to rise again. The last piece of self-control and the last hurdle of acceptance. As she felt two of his fingers enter her, she bucked up her hips to meet his rhythm. She felt her muscles contract around him and with one last moan, she finally let go.
Her body arched upwards, her hands crushed the sheets as ecstasy came washing over her. Wave after wave hit her as he never stopped stimulating her. Every muscle tensed up and released again time after time. She forgot how to breathe as stars danced in front of her eyes. Flames reared up inside her, fueled her desires as part of the invisible barrier had been destroyed.
Her eyes fluttered open. Lucas had propped himself upwards looking at her face. A wicked grin spread as he saw her blue eyes had the exact same red in them as she had before. Trailing his fingers along her skin, he watched her muscles react. Small contractions, almost like tiny local seizures proved her body reacted in its most primal form. Like his touch was laced with electricity as he could only imagine it felt like. When she had calmed down a bit from her orgasm she managed to turn over on her side and buried her head in the crook of his neck. Lucas bit his lip as she pulled herself against him, her nails digging into his back.
"Whatever you do next, you better do it naked and on top of me." She managed to croak out as her hand traveled to the waistband of his boxer-brief and snapped it.
With a small laugh, Lucas untangled himself from her grip and did what she asked. When he crawled on top of her she could feel his excitement brush against her core. Hungrily, their mouths found each other as he lined himself up and slowly pushed forward with his hips. She couldn't help but curse as he fully sheathed himself inside her. He paused, letting her adjust to his length.
When she smacked his ass, he took that as a cue to move even though he quite enjoyed the feeling of being just still. When he started thrusting he buried his face in her neck as she had done before with him, stifling a groan caused by the friction. Being buried inside was bliss, actually moving was a thousand times better.
The first orgasm was good, but this... With every thrust, Azura felt herself come closer to the edge again. She had no idea how he did it but as he picked up the pace, she knew she would not last long. Rolling her hips against his, in pace with his rhythm she clung to him as if her life depended on it. The fire reignited itself inside her. The flames consumed her from the inside out. She basked in it as they tore at that invisible barrier. Her head lolled back as she tried to postpone the inevitable, wanting to keep in this state of perfection.
"Don't -- hold -- back--" He grunted, feeling her starting to tense up.
The words lodged themselves in her head as Lucas caught her lips with his again. Her vision started to blur, as, with a few more thrusts, he sent her right over that edge once more. Fire consumed her. Became her. Azura clenched her walls around him and as she cried out in pure pleasure, Lucas too could no longer hold back.
She had no idea how long they lay together, panting. No idea if she had blacked out or not but she could've sworn the Phoenix had been there, tearing that last bit of the wall down as she had let go of everything. It was content, just as she was fully sated. Lucas had rolled off her, his arm still around her. The power that had been released inside her moved through her veins. Azura laid still, her eyes still closed as she tried to comprehend what had happened. It felt good, finally free of something but deep down it was terrifying.
"Damn, you're burning up." Lucas snickered as he snuggled against her side.
Pulling her away from her thoughts, Azura rolled her head to the side to face him. As she opened her eyes the grin on his face grew so big she had to pull back a bit, confused by the biggest smirk she had ever seen.
"Your eyes." He spoke. "I was right! Getting an orgasm, or two, really broke your control issues."
"Yeah, don't get all cocky now. And what's with my eyes?" She asked, confused.
"They're completely red. The brightest, fiery red I've ever seen."
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