Spoil Me Rotten

A bright moon hung triumphantly from a high pedestal in a cloudless sky. Its beauty was further enhanced by a blanket of stars weaving into different shapes. Albeit a gorgeous spectacle, the glimmering dots weren't as plentiful as they were the previous night since a bustling hotel was lit up a short distance away.

Doors were propped open by two wicker deck chairs. Laughter, cheering, and music could be heard from said establishment.

Half-drunk people were playing party games with each other. Some of them sat in a circle to play a round of spin the bottle. Others were in a separate group playing card games with onlookers making bets about who would win. Any remaining partygoers were dancing to the music playing from a bass boosted stereo. Clinking of drinks could be heard above thumping tunes.

Alessandro could feel faint reverberations from outside.

He was sitting on the bottom step of a large deck leading onto the private beach. His elbow kept his body propped up in its leaning position. One leg was bent at the knee with the other sticking straight out. Both bare feet were submerged in the cool sand. He didn't pay any mind to small shells that raked against his skin. They didn't cause much discomfort, so it wasn't worth fretting over.

Green eyes were glued to the horizon. Moonlight reflected off of sparkling water. Violent waves crashed against the sand before receding back into the ocean to do so again.

His mesh robe was draped over his shoulders for a layer of added warmth. The chilly breeze helped in combating the sticky, muggy air that engulfed the surrounding area.

Alessandro was alerted to an incoming presence via quiet footsteps. He knew who it was based on their signature cologne, so he remained calm.

A second set of bare feet came into his field of vision. They were followed by toned legs and dark gray cargo shorts.

"Could you use some company?"

"If it's from you? Always."

A chuckle was given in regard to the honest statement.

Lance's full form was revealed as he walked forward. He had a clear motive in mind because he stood over Alessandro before climbing into his lap. A single finger ran down the length of his chest.

"In a frisky mood, are we?" he teased, his smirk coming to life.

"Can't help myself- I think I've become addicted." Lance chuckled. "I'm not the only one with ulterior motives though. A bunch of people have disappeared to the rooms already."

"Eh, it's expected. Retreats like this always come with hookups. Like you said, it's the one time for people to go wild."

"Would you be opposed to doing the same?"

Lance leaned forward. He braced his arms against a broad chest with his hands settled atop hard shoulders. Long bangs fell past his ear and framed his face.

"...Not if you manage to convince me," Alessandro challenged. "I'll admit, it's really nice having the facade drop for awhile. It tries to sneak its way to the surface every now and again though. I'm more than okay with fooling around. I just- I guess I just need some reassurance that it's okay for me to fully let my guard down."

"Reassurance, huh?" Lance nodded in understanding. "...I guess I'll have to bust out the big guns then."

Bluish gray eyes drifted down to a pair of inviting lips. Slender hands took hold of soft, moldable cheeks. Short strands of facial hair were gently caressed. Goosebumps formed against the featherlight touch.

Each movement was intentionally delicate—something that was unexpected.

A chaste kiss was equally just as surprising. It awakened a few sleeping butterflies.

Lance spoke with a hushed voice. "It's okay for you to unwind and be yourself, Andro. It's okay to exist in the moment. We're here to have fun. To take a break from the stresses and struggles of daily life. This is a time for us to... make some really wonderful memories. To do things we're normally too scared to do. To just be free. And I intend to help you do that."

"How so?"

"You're a real giver both in and out of the bedroom. Tonight, I want that to change. I want you to be the one who receives every single thing you could ask for. You normally hold back. I want you to let go. And just like I told you that very first night when you brought me home- I want you to take whatever it is that you want."


"Please, Andro. Let me spoil you. Let me prove to you that it's okay to ask for things, and that it's more than rewarding to get them."

Alessandro maintained eye contact. His jaw clenched. Soft breaths became more labored.

It took every single ounce of self control to not pounce. To not do what was asked by claiming what he wanted. Not yet, at least.

They were still in public after all; but maybe it was an opportune time to change that.

No verbal agreement was given. Instead, he pulled the room's key card out of his pocket and presented it.

The silent gesture was an invitation for Lance to temporarily take control of the situation like he asked.

Wordlessly, both men stood up. The room's key card was taken, and their opposing hands clasped together. Lance took the reins by leading them inside of the hotel. A leisure pace was taken as a means of hiding shared excitement. Tightening fingers hinted at that specific feeling instead.

A few people noticed the couple making their way toward the rooms. Considering it was a pattern seen throughout the evening, hoots and hollers rang out. More drinks were heard clinking together.

Every single aspect of outer stimulation was deemed unimportant.

By the time Lance and Alessandro got to their floor, it was becoming harder and harder to not meet for a kiss or teasing graze of the flesh.

Their strides became longer. Footsteps became faster. Heated palms dampened. Lust continued to cloud their minds. A straightforward thought process driven by intimate need impacted their actions.

As soon as the door was unlocked, Lance was pushed up against it. He blindly felt for the handle as his other hand grabbed against different parts of whatever he could get a hold of. It took a few tries, but the metal knob was finally turned. Alessandro had to grab the door frame to keep them from falling.

Clumsy steps were taken into the spacious room. The sloppy kiss was parted when the robe's waist belt was tugged at.

"Get yourself ready. I just want to make sure we won't be bothered."

Lance nodded. He gave one more peck of the lips before withdrawing.

Alessandro turned around to face the entrance. He pulled a bright blue Do Not Disturb sign off of a hook by the coat rack. The thin indicator was hung over the outer handle.

Before the door was fully closed, a few models were seen entering their room directly across from his. They made quick eye contact. Still in his lust filled haze, Alessandro gave them a playful smirk. He put his finger up to his lips as a nonverbal gesture to keep quiet. He heard squeaky giggling even after the door was completely shut and locked. Little mind was paid to the muffled sound.

He had something more enticing waiting for him.

Alessandro turned around to face the interior of their shared room. He froze as soon as he did.

A thin T-shirt, cargo shorts, and boxer briefs were tossed onto the floor in a haphazard manner. Glowing light came into the room via an open window. A vibrant hue engulfed the queen sized bed in a sea of pale blue. Lance was lying on his side atop the fluffy white sheets.

He was stark naked.

Dark strands of loose hair fell over half of his face, covering one eye. A bent leg accentuated the dip between a thin waist and pronounced hips. His head was propped up on one hand. The other was patting an empty spot on the mattress.

A spot eagerly waiting to be filled.

Alessandro took off his remaining clothes. He crawled into bed with pure adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Warm hands pushed him onto his back. Firm pillows kept his torso and head propped up. Knowing that it was expected, both legs were splayed open. The space between them was immediately conquered. Lance got comfortable by lying on his stomach, his feet kicked up and his ankles crossed.

"Tell me, Andro. What is it that you want tonight?"

His voice came out breathless. The want—no, the raw need to touch was written all over his face. Glazed over and half lidded eyes shed light on building arousal.

"I want to be at your mercy tonight."

"That so?" Bluish gray eyes were engulfed by deep black when pupils dilated. "Then say no more. Get comfortable. And enjoy the show."

Lance made it his self proclaimed mission to maintain eye contact. Blinks were slow and teasing. His gaze was penetrating.

It made the entire scenario even more invigorating.

Light pecks were planted onto Alessandro's inner thighs. Open mouthed kisses allowed for gentle grazes of teeth to pass along hard muscle. Delicate nibbles dug into sensitive skin, but they weren't hard enough to actually break through.

Random spots were prodded at. Strands of saliva made an appearance once a slick tongue came out of its confines. Circular shapes were drawn before being further branded by harder bites.

Each individual tooth dug in. Small indentations were left in their wake. It stung.

Alessandro wanted more.

Lance continued his task with an impressive amount of patience—something he normally didn't do. He soaked up every single gasp and pant that ripped into the air. Every sharp hiss was appreciated. Every guttural swear made him squirm, which in turn made his bites more rough.

He knew he was being a tease. He also knew that it was exactly what was wanted.

Green eyes widened when a slick tongue ran up the entirety of Alessandro's length. Delectable passes were done in such a slothful manner, his cock twitched as each second passed by. 

Strong hands fisted the sheets beneath him for leverage. Spread legs opened even wider for easier access. Sharp hips were manually pinned down to keep them from moving.

Lance continued to take his time.

This moment was something he wanted them both to experience as slowly as possible.

The tip of his tongue dragged against the underside of Alessandro's cock until it was glistening with saliva. Once Lance was happy with his work, more attention was paid to its sides and top. Teasing licks and occasional kisses were offered. In a matter of minutes, the entire girthy organ was sopping wet.

Things were taken a step further when Lance braced himself on his elbows. Additional height made it easier for his tongue to swirl around the tip.

Eye contact was still maintained.

Alessandro felt amazing. Each sluggish gesture made him want to shiver. His insides felt hot, and his head continued to swim with each well placed kiss.

Even though he was experiencing pure ecstasy, however, he was suddenly overcome by nervous jitters.

He felt incredible, but this type of treatment wasn't something he was used to. He was unfamiliar with being the center of attention like this.

A very small voice in his head told him that he should swap their roles. That he needed to do what he always did by giving rather than receiving.

Any worries or anxieties vanished as soon as they came though, when Lance took the entire length into his mouth.

Intrusive thoughts were decimated by blinding pleasure.

He pushed his tongue out to open up his throat. A few involuntary gags forced their way out, but slow breathing through the nose helped to stabilize him. A well placed swallow was rewarded with a deep, husky moan. It also received a gorgeous full body shiver.

Higher pitched mewls were given in return. The sound forced vibrations to run down Alessandro's cock, making him whimper and his toes curl.

Lance inhaled deeply as he picked himself up. Once the tip was right at his lips, he pushed his head back down to refill his throat. The same motion was repeated over and over again at a slow pace. More twitches were given in response to the stimulation.

A salty taste lingered on his tongue and in the back of his throat. It was a flavor which became more powerful with every bob of the head.

Alessandro couldn't contain his moans. Fast, hard breaths worked their way out of his lungs. Muscles clenched in ecstasy. A plump lower lip felt sore with how much it'd been bitten in an attempt to quiet fervent noises. He honestly felt like he was losing his virginity again.

All of those sensations, both new and old, were overwhelming him.

He still wanted more. He needed more. And Lance could see it.

A single eyebrow was raised in question since his mouth was occupied.

Instead of answering, Alessandro took the reins by burying his hands in wavy black hair. Thick strands wove around shaking fingers. Without warning, they clamped. The position was used as leverage to push Lance's head down even further. His eyes widened when the action was met with a thrust upward.

He choked and sputtered. Another deep breath through the nose put an end to those noises.

Alessandro's arousal heightened when he noticed a slender hand lifting away from him.

With the appendage being drenched in saliva, it was easier for Lance to start working himself open.

He spent a few seconds toying with his rim. A single finger slid inside, making him audibly gasp.

A fierce stare down was finally broken when bluish gray eyes rolled back. It was an enticing sight that became more and more delightful to watch as more fingers were added.

Lance's position made it difficult to see much, but that just gave an opportunity for a creative imagination to run wild.

His back was arched enough for his spine tattoo to be on full display. A slick palm was pressed against his tailbone, effectively shielding it from view. Three fingers continuously pushed in and out with the most intriguing visual being unintentionally censored. The digits were pumped inside of him so vigorously, both legs started trembling.

Alessandro knew he was getting close. He could feel it—that signature tightening in his lower abdomen.

Calculated thrusts became more sloppy. More twitches and spasms tore through his body. Sticky saliva spilled down his cock and along his thighs. A wet squelching came from the tight cavern that was Lance's throat.

It constricted further with more intentional, glorious swallows.

A mewl followed by a drag of the tongue near his base pushed Alessandro over the edge. He bucked his hips with a final deep thrust. He threw his head back in total euphoria as he spilled his load down Lance's throat.

Even with whited out vision filled with stars, it could be seen clear as day when bluish gray eyes fluttered open. Lance continued bobbing his head to milk the strong orgasm for everything it had.

Powerful aftershocks forced their way through Alessandro's body. It was too much stimulation.

But he didn't dare ask for them to stop. He wanted to feel every single thing that he possibly could.

A hardened cock was only released after it stopped throbbing. Lance sucked in a series of deep breaths to gather himself.

His lips were an enticing dark pink. A deep blush painted his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. Multiple strands of saliva fell from the edges of his growing smile. Tear filled eyes were still half lidded.

He looked like he was in complete bliss.

"Well shit." Lance chuckled with a hoarse voice. "You should let loose more often."

Alessandro wasn't given a moment to catch his breath.

His lap was straddled. A hand braced itself atop a set of defined abs. Harsh breaths shifted into broken whimpers when his soaked cock was stroked. The gesture was done lazily just to get a rise out of him.

"What do you want, Andro?"

"I- fuck- Lan-"

"Tell me," Lance commanded with an authoritative voice. "I want to hear you say it. And look me in the eye as you do. I want to see your face while I make a fucking mess out of you."

Teasing strokes picked up speed. It was both too much and not enough all at the same time. 

Any dormant feelings of doubt were being thrown out the window.

The metaphorical dam was so close to breaking. Its structure was crumbling. Growing cracks were getting larger with each passing second.

A sudden twist of the wrist shattered every trace of reluctance. Every single negative thought disappeared.

With a concrete wall having busted open, hidden contents came spilling out. A feral creature was finally given a chance to come out of hiding.

"Ride me."

Alessandro's tone was firm. Unwavering. His stare was akin to that of a fierce, hungered predator.

It was the most serious he had ever been about getting what he wanted in a long time.

Lance smirked knowingly. He lined himself up with a sopping wet cock before slowly sinking down onto it. Doing so stung slightly. And the feeling of being stretched out made his eyes cross. 

A slow pace was taken as each inch was engulfed. He picked himself back up to get used to the sensation. Once he was ready, he sank down until he was filled to the brim. A sharp gasp cut through the silence. It was followed by a delectable roll of the hips.

Alessandro nestled into the pillow beside him. Short nails raked against the soft skin of Lance's thighs. Trembling fingers ran up his torso. Confident sweeps were made over his chest and stomach. Large hands settled around a smaller waist with a snug grip.

Green eyes ogled at his beautiful body with unwavering attention. 

The entire scenario felt different. They didn't normally have slow sex. Every time they jumped into bed together, it was followed by clumsy foreplay. When that shifted to actual intercourse, it was wild and fast paced and scream inducing. Sex was done for the sole purpose of ripping mind blowing orgasms out of the other person until they were a drooling, panting mess.

What they were doing now—it was something entirely foreign. They were getting into new territory which further revealed certain emotions.

Just like earlier, those feelings were ignored for the time being.

"That all you got?" Alessandro challenged.

Lance didn't answer. He simply started bouncing with more fervency while still keeping a leisure pace.

Wet skin slapping filled up the room. A wooden mattress base lightly creaked beneath them. White bed sheets were damp in multiple spots. Its surface was stained with different types of bodily fluids. Gorgeous moans, gasps, swears, and whimpers broke out from both men.

A brighter hue came into the room from the window. There weren't any curtains to block the moon's beams. Glowing rays appeared from behind Lance like a spotlight.

He looked absolutely breathtaking. Ethereal, even.

Alessandro felt like he was gazing up at a celestial entity. Like some sort of otherworldly being was gracing him with all of the power and pleasure he could ever hope for. He was a mere mortal in the clutches of a divine creature.

A creature that managed to ensnare his heart simply by existing.

Later, he'd feel like he wasn't worthy. But now, he was going to submit to this god by revealing his most primal desires. There was no need to hold back because he knew every single wish, no matter how big or small, would be granted without an ounce of hesitation.

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