Why can't I stop being a little bitch and just talk to him!
The five minutes that we spent in silence felt like years before I finally decided to talk.
"I never go to say what I wanted to back at Sarah's." I say and he looks at me.
"You can tell me now, Mikey Way isn't going to interrupt us this time." He laughs lightly.
I smile at him.
How can someone be so perfect?
Whenever he smiles I feel a warmth in my chest that's unexplainable.
"Brendon?" Dallon says, snapping me out of my daydream.
"Shit. Sorry Dal." I laugh awkwardly and he blushes at the nickname.
"What were you going to say?" He asks.
Fuck. I'm not ready to tell him.
"I w-was j-just going to tell you that I'm dating Ryan." I stutter out and immediately regret what I had just said.
I hate lying.
Dallon's smile fades as he looks away from me.
"Oh." He says as he keeps his eyes trained on the ground.
"Are you okay?" I ask and he just nods.
"I have homework to do. I should get home." He says, his voice strained.
"Ok." I say as we get up and go back to the car.
The whole ride back to Patrick's was awful.
Dallon looked like he saw his whole family die and no one else was to blame except for yours truly.
By the time we got to Patrick's house, Dallon's lip was quivering and he looked like he was going to cry.
"Bye Brendon." He chokes out before quickly getting out of the car and running into the house.
I sigh as I drive home.
Why the fuck did I do that?
I'm not going to cry in front of him.
I'm. Not. Going. To. Cry. In. Front. Of. Him.
I repeat it over and over in my head until I have to get out of the car.
"Bye Brendon." I say quietly due to the lump in the back of my throat.
I don't give him a chance to say bye back before I run into the house and straight to my room.
When I got there, I broke down in sobs.
Did I really think I had a chance with him?
I thought he was going to tell me he liked me, not announce he was dating someone else!
It hurts so bad.
I really like Brendon and this just ruined me.
I thought he liked me back.
I lay in my bed and stare at the wall as I think about what could happen if everything was different.
Five minutes later I hear a knock on the door and I just grunt.
"Why are you back so early?" Tyler asks as he enters my room and crawls into my bed.
"Brendon told me that he was dating Ryan Ross so I made up a shit excuse about how I have homework." I sniffle.
"That's shitty Dal." Tyler says as he hugs me.
"Yep." I say as I wipe the tears away from my cheeks.
"What can I do to make you feel better?" Tyler asks.
"Tell me about your fantastic love life and make me happy." I say and Tyler laughs.
"But why?" He asks.
"You and Josh are adorable so please tell me!" I pout.
"We're dating now. He asked me to be his boyfriend at Sarah's party." He says with a small smile.
I grin and hug him.
It was a bit weird because we were both laying down.
"I'm so happy for you!" I say as I pull away from the awkward hug.
"I think I love him." Tyler blurts out.
"That's adorable!" I squeal.
It didn't make my feel any better talking about a relationship that's going well but its making Ty happy and that's all that matters.
"More like terrifying." He says with wide eyes.
"I know he loves you back Ty. Give it some time and one of you will eventually say the 'L' word." I say and he laughs.
"The 'L' word?" He asks.
"The 'L' word." I confirm with a half smile.
After our small conversation, I go on a walk to clear my head but I get caught in the rain and end up having to run home.
I fucked up. I fucked up real bad.
After I drop Dallon off I drive as quickly as I can to Ryan's house.
What the fuck am I supposed to do?
I'm surprised that I didn't get a ticket when I was driving here.
I run into the house without knocking because I grew up with Ryan and Mrs. Ross sees me as another son.
I run straight up to Ryan's room and barge in, not bothering to knock.
"RY I FUCKED UP REAL BAD AND NOW I NEED YOU TO BE MY FAkE BOYFRIEND!" I yell as I throw myself onto his bed.
"Bren, what the fuck did you do?" He asks without looking away from his laptop screen.
"I wasn't ready to tell Dallon that I liked him so I said that you and I are dating." I say as I scratch the back of my neck.
Ryan is silent for a few moments before bursting into laughter.
"You fucking dumb ass!" He says between laughs.
I turn red in embarrassment as he keeps laughing.
"I'll do it but you really are a dumb ass." He says as he wipes tears from his eyes.
"Ugh I hate you sometimes." I say as he gets up from his desk and lays beside me.
"How did Dallon react to all of this?" He asks.
"He almost started crying." I say as I throw my head into Ryan's pillows.
"He obviously likes you so why don't you tell the truth?" Ryan says.
"I already said I was dating someone though." I whine.
"If you think that fake dating me is gonna help we should do it but if it hurts him more you should just tell him." Ryan says as he rubs comfortingly rubs my back.
"Since when do you care about feelings?" I ask with an eye roll. "You beat Dallon up every chance you get."
"I care about feelings if they're coming from my bestfriend's potential boyfriend." He says blandly.
"Okay then fake boyfriend."
Why was my alarm clock on?!?
Its easter tomorrow and I'm tired
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