Chapter 3 - The Bearzerker - Wave 2 - 2nd Boss Fight
Location: Fort Awesome
As the second wave of Huggables started attacking the trio, but they started taking them out one by one, despite of a bunch of Huggables that are giving the boys a hard time to kill them, especially seeing two different colored Huggables like the Golden-like Huggable that is a bit harder to kill and a blue one that is a bit bigger and a bit harder to kill.
However, the trio are able to use both the Flamethrowers and the Bearzooka to take out a number of Huggables, which is pretty useful in a place like this. Y/n then took notice that the sky is now covered in clouds, making the whole place look a bit darker and gloomier than it actually is after he and Mario arrived here and met Oliver.
Y/n: Huh? Is it me or does it look like it's gonna rain soon?
Mario: Hmmm...Mario can't tell the difference.
Y/n: I meant that the whole place looked beautiful and peaceful like, but now it's starting to become a bit gloomier around here.
Oliver: We'll worry about it later. We just gotta keep fighting until backup arrives.
Then suddenly, the trio felt the earth shaking as if something big is coming towards them as they see a headless Huggable that is flying towards them until Y/n shot the decapitated Huggable before it could hit them that caused it to be split in half. Then they looked to see a towering giant Huggable stomping his way into the battlefield to pummel the heroes like a pancake.
Mario: Holy Shit!
Y/n: What the F*** is that?!
Oliver: It looks like another one of those Elite Huggables! Shoot him NOW!!
The trio then started shooting the giant Huggable with everything they got, but the bullets seem to be bouncing off of the giant Gigachad bear as he is freaking unstoppable.
Because he is not just any Elite Huggable, he's called...
The three of them then hid behind the sandbags from the Bearzerker as the Giga-chad bear roared with rage. The trio tried to figure out another way to take out the Bearzerker since bullets don't work on the killer bear, until Y/n spots something in the distance.
Y/n: Hey what's that over there.
Mario and Oliver looked where Y/n is pointing at as they see a Jackalope in the distance, a rare animal that is a combination of a jackal and an antelope.
Oliver: A jackalope?
Then the jackalope then hopped away to see that it just pooped out something that can be useful in defeating the Bearzerker...
Mario: Ew! What did it poop out?
Y/n: It looks like...jellybeans?
Oliver: Black jellybeans.
Then suddenly, they see that the black jellybeans that proven to be toxic.... very toxic as they started to corrupt the grass around them, which gave the trio an idea that might be able to take out the Bearzerker from the Jackalope's toxic droppings. They just need to get the Jackalope in order to get as much of those magic black jellybeans that they can use in order to defeat the Bearzerker.
Y/n: Ok, here's what we need to do. Mario will go grab the Jackalope and bring it back here and I'll create a distraction so you can shoot the Black Jellybeans into the Bearzerker's mouth.
Oliver: Right. I just need a slingshot to shoot it in the Bearzerker's mouth in order to kill it.
Y/n: I got a slingshot in the Weapons Chest that you can use.
Oliver: Really? Well, I was going to use the Jackalope's antlers as a slingshot, but I'll use the regular slingshot instead.
Y/n: Good, cause you know that it's wrong to use a Jackalope's own antlers as a slingshot. You could really go to Hell for that.
Oliver: Yeah, I know.
Y/n: Alright then. Mario, you up to get the Jackalope and bring it back here to the base. We're gonna need plenty of those toxic jellybeans if we're gonna take out that Gigachad bear.
Mario: Okie-Dokie. (Turns to run to go get the Jackalope) GUESS IMMA GO FISHING! C'mere fishy fishy~ Here fishy fishy!
Oliver: Does he always act like this?
Y/n: Yeah, but you'll get used to him eventually. I'll go get the slingshot and keep an eye out for whatever that giant teddy bear throws at us.
Oliver: Got it.
So then, Y/n quickly went over to the Weapons Chest to grab the slingshot and a few other things for his plan to distract the Bearzerker so that Oliver can shoot the black jellybeans into the Bearzerker's mouth to kill it from the bean's own toxicity.
He pulled out the slingshot, a giant set of speakers and a microphone as Y/n is gonna rap battle against the Bearzerker as the perfect type of distraction for Oliver to shoot the Black Jellybeans with the slingshot. Let's hope that Mario brings back that Jackalope alive or they're not gonna survive this wave.
Speaking of Mario, he was able to capture the Jackalope within a few attempts, but he was able to get with a simple trap by luring it with a tasty steak dinner with a salad bowl filled with lettuce and diced carrots inside a metal cage since Jackalopes are known to be carnivorous animals that can actually eat meat and veggies. He then grabbed the cage and brought it back to the fort with Oliver and Y/n as he gently placed the cage down before grabbing the speakers with Y/n following behind him.
Oliver then proceeded to grab the droppings from the jackalope in the cage and waits for the perfect moment to shoot the toxic jellybeans into the Bearzerker's mouth before looking back at the jackalope trapped inside a cage.
Oliver: Don't worry, little guy. You're gonna be okay. At least you'll be safe here in this fort and not out there with those two fighting against the Bearzerker.
Back with Y/n and Mario, the two of them got themselves ready for a rap battle with the Bearzerker as they walked up in front of the giant beast with Mario getting on top of the speakers with Y/n holding the microphone in his hand. Mario is excited for this epic moment. The giant bear looked down at Y/n holding the microphone as he is challenging the bear to a rap battle that actually made the bear confused for a bit before changing its confused expression to a more excited expression as he smiled wickedly at Y/n as he accepted his challenge to a rap battle and brought out a microphone of his own and let out of loud roar.
Oliver is worried about Y/n and Mario at this point, but if Y/n's plan is going to work, Oliver will have to put his trust him and Mario if they're gonna survive this wave before help finally arrives to rescue them. Even, the jackalope that Mario captured actually started to cry to see Y/n and his best bud are going up against a big brute like the Bearzerker, hoping that they will survive this fight no matter what it takes.
Jackalope: (Whimpering)
Then suddenly, a crowd of Huggables came around and formed a circle around the Bearzerker, Y/n and Mario as the rap battle is about to commence.
Mario: Ooooh boy! This will be good!
Song Plays - BearZombie - Vs. Bearzerker - FNF Mod
As Y/n finished up the rap battle as the winner, Mario cheered for him along with the other Huggables that loved his singing voice, which caused the Bearzerker to go completely ballistic as he is about to pummel Y/n to death with his mouth wide open, which gave Oliver the opportunity to shoot the black jellybeans into his mouth.
Oliver then aimed at the Bearzerker's mouth and made a perfect shot as the black jellybeans went straight into the the giant bear's throat, causing the Bearzerker to choke and turn his pink fur to a black color before he fell over and died. Y/n and Mario then shot down the rest of the Huggables before grabbing their dead bodies for ammunition for the Bearzooka and the Flamthrower.
This caused Y/n and Mario to jump up in victory as they grabbed the dead body of the Bearzerker back to the base to get its meat to eat later.
From the animals that you and your team shot, you got 985 tons of meat from the Bearzerker. You would only have gotten at least 100 pounds of meat to carry back to the base if it weren't for Y/n and Mario helping you out to get it all back to Fort Awesome.
(Note: After the Bearzerker is poisoned by the black jellybeans, it won't poison Y/n, Mario and their friends after they consumed it.)
Oliver then radioed Riggs to tell him they need to get out of here as soon as possible.
Oliver: Riggs, seriously! You got to get us outta here!
Y/n: Yeah, I don't think we can hold them off much longer!
Riggs (Radio): Not to worry. We got someone heading your way right now.
Y/n: Really? Sweet. I'll radio them right now to tell them where we're at. (Tunes the frequency with his hat emblem) Hello? Do you read me? This is Y/n, requesting for pick up, over?
Then somewhere in the sky, we see a hovercraft flying over to where Y/n, Oliver and Mario is at right now for a quick getaway.
Sanchez (Radio): This is Sanchez! I hear you, loud and clear, Y/n. We'll get you and your friends out of there.
Y/n: Roger that, Sanchez! Over and out!
With that, the trio saw the hovercraft coming towards them as they cheered that they are saved and are ready to get out here...Until they didn't realize that Sanchez isn't the only one in the hovercraft as a Huggable in the hovercraft that Sanchez is piloting.
Sanchez: What the? Oh no! A Huggable is on the ship! Help! Mayday! Mayday! I'm going down!
Then suddenly, the ship then crashed right in front of Fort Awesome and it looks like Sanchez didn't survive the crash as the trio soon began to scream in anger after they lost their one and only chance in getting out of there.
Then suddenly, as the Huggable heard the loud swear word from the trio, they seem to be slowed down from the swear word as Oliver suddenly remembered bringing a Swear-a-Phone with while he was traveling through their world to get the treasures as he went over to the Weapons chest to grab it.
Oliver: Where's that Swear-a-Phone? (Grabs it) Got it!
Y/n: That's that, Oliver? A Megaphone?
Oliver: Not just a megaphone. It's a Swear-a-Phone! We can use it to slow them down to buy us some time to kill them.
Y/n: Interesting, but I think I got a better idea to use it.
Oliver: What's that?
Y/n: Tell him, Mario.
Mario: Ever heard of "Hey Cow!", Oliver?
Oliver: (Confused) What's "Hey cow!"
Y/n: We'll show you, but how's the Jackalope doing?
Oliver: He's doing fine, he seems to taken a liking to you.
Y/n: I see. Let me see that Swear-a-phone for a moment. Also, you and Jack there is gonna need some noise-cancelling headphones.
Oliver: Ok, (Hands Y/n the Swear-a-Phone) but why did you name the Jackalope, Jack?
Y/n: I named it after a card called a Jack when I was learning how to play cards with Luigi.
Mario: Oh yeah, my brother, Luigi was a whizz in Poker games.
Then Y/n placed the Swear-a-Phone on metal pole, taped it to it before placing it in front of the sandbags and putting Mario in front of the Swear-a-Phone to do his game of "Hey Cow!"
Y/n: Alright, Mario. You know what to do.
He then went back to Oliver and Jack with their noise-cancelling headphones on as they are about to see Mario take out a huge horde of Huggables with his loud voice as he took a deep breath before shouting into the Swear-a-Phone that is bring a huge Sonic-Boom through the Swear-a-Phone.
With the Huggables all dead with their eardrums completely shattered, they soon turned into one BK Whopper AD and Oliver has never something like that before in his life.
Oliver: My god....he actually did...AWESOME!!!
Y/n: Yeah, way to go, Mario!
Mario: Thank you very much!
Y/n: Now let's see if we can collect what's left in that hovercraft that crashed in front of our fort and take it back to the base for extra ammo and supplies and maybe we can use the materials from the hovercraft to upgrade the base.
Oliver: Good idea. Let's get to it before more Huggables show up!
Y/n: Good idea. You up for some more loot, Mario?
Mario: Oh yeah.
Y/n: Then let's get to plundering.
And so, the trio managed to not only defeat the Huggables, but also manage to get into Wave 3 as they quickly went over to the crashed ship to collect what's left from the wreckage and use the materials from the hovercraft to upgrade their base.
But this war is not over yet, things are about to go from bad to worse from here.
Stay tuned for another exciting episode in this amazing crossover series.
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