Chapter Four
Seonghwa waits for Hongjoong to leave before going into the main room to find Yeosang.
"Yeosang..." he calls out, smiling as he looks around for his light. The moonlight is shining through the large glass windows, so it's not that difficult to move around. Seonghwa has had a lot of experience dealing with darkness.
Yeosang is sitting on the ground of one of the isles, looking through a few books he's found.
Seonghwa finds Yeosang's light and goes to him, finding him in the children's aisle, "Looking at the picture books?"
Yeosang looks up at Seonghwa. He looks so tall standing there while Yeosang is sitting on the ground. Yeosang nods, "Yes, actually. I remember seeing a few of these in the shop windows when I was younger. I always wanted to know what was in them," he explains, hoping he doesn't sound silly.
Seonghwa kneels down to sit with Yeosang, "I had some of these. My mother would always bring me a book home every week if she could. That's how I acquired all of those that are in my house," he yawns, leaning his head against Yeosang's shoulder as they both look at the book.
Yeosang's body stills as Seonghwa lays his head on him, feeling his loud heart beating more prominently.
"What do you think of your surprise, Yeosang?" Seonghwa asks, looking up at him, the flame of the lantern lighting up his face.
Yeosang can't help but smile as he looks down at him, "I truly cannot believe you got us in here, Hwa. I do feel a little on edge though, I'm worried about getting caught."
Seonghwa laughs, "Don't worry, silly. It's a huge library, no one will notice us. Hongjoong sometimes is in here at night fixing things up anyway, so even if someone did see us — they would think it was just him," he boops Yeosang on the nose.
Yeosang feels his cheeks heat up as Seonghwa taps his nose, "Okay, okay... I'll calm down and enjoy our time here. Thank you so much, Seonghwa. Really," he puts his book down and wraps his arms around Seonghwa, giving him a meaningful hug.
Seonghwa is surprised but Yeosang's sudden actions but gently wraps his arms around Yeosang's small body, feeling his incredible warmth.
"There's no need to thank me. Even though I did lose our bet, I would've tried to get us in here anyway," Seonghwa lifts his hand and rubs the back of Yeosang's head, "It's nice to see you smiling so genuinely. I saw how your face lit up when we first got here."
Yeosang loosens his grip on Seonghwa, putting a small bit of distance between them so they're now staring into each other's eyes.
"I couldn't help it. I told you how I've always wanted to come here..." Yeosang shyly shifts his eyes away from Seonghwa, "I'm glad that you're the one here with me."
Seonghwa's eyes soften as he sees Yeosang looking away, feeling the tension between them. He moves his hand from behind Yeosang's head to the side of his face, willing him to look back to Seonghwa, "I'm glad too, Yeosang," he replies in a whisper.
Yeosang hopes Seonghwa can't hear his intense heart pounding, his body tingling as Seonghwa strokes his face. Yeosang keeps his arms wrapped around Seonghwa's neck, also feeling the tension between the two of them currently.
Seonghwa sees Yeosang not pulling away from him and it sets his heart at ease. Seonghwa confidently moves towards Yeosang, uniting their lips as they're in the moment. As soon as their lips meet, Seonghwa feels like he's never felt before. He feels this intense wanting in his body, the need for Yeosang.
Yeosang eases into the kiss, falling perfectly in place with Seonghwa. He feels the same wanting, his body filling with passion as they kiss. Yeosang holds onto Seonghwa tighter, feeling like he needs to be as close to him as he possibly can.
Seonghwa can't stop kissing Yeosang, it just feels right. He feels at home with him. As they kiss, Seonghwa moves his hand back up into Yeosang's hair, gently gripping some of it as their kiss intensifies. Their bodies are both fighting for power as they're on their knees, bodies pressed against one another.
Seonghwa takes a second to breathe, smiling widely into the next kiss, putting some pressure onto Yeosang. Seonghwa moves his other hand onto Yeosang's back as the two of them fall onto the library floor. They quietly laugh as they fall back, their kiss a mix of playfulness and passion.
Seonghwa is on top of Yeosang as they continue kissing, getting his hand tangled in Yeosang's fluffy hair.
Yeosang tried to adjust his legs with this new position he's found himself in, but one of his legs hits the lantern and it falls over, glass breaking onto the floor next to them.
The glass breaking frightens the two of them, kicking them out of their trance within each other. Seonghwa quickly getting up from being on Yeosang, and Yeosang scooting back before also getting up.
Where they're at in the library, it's pitch black now that the lantern has gone out.
"Seonghwa...?" Yeosang whispers, being the first one to talk and is still a bit frightened from the sudden noise.
Seonghwa hears Yeosang's voice and goes to it, holding his hand out until he reaches him, it pressing against his chest, "I found you, don't worry. Here, we will go get another lantern and a broom to clean this mess up."
Yeosang nods in the dark, knowing he can't see him, but he follows Seonghwa. How can Seonghwa see in this darkness? And what was that incredible kiss...? Where did that come from? Yeosang gently touches his own lips, thinking about the kiss the two of them shared as they walk to the back.
Seonghwa walks them back to where the moonlight is and then to the back, remembering seeing where Hongjoong got the lantern and he goes and feels around. He feels one and picks it up, taking it and Yeosang back to where the moonlight is so he can light it.
Yeosang stares up at Seonghwa breathlessly once they get back into the moonlight. He looks so handsome right now, Yeosang thinks. He admires his dark black hair and similarly colored eyes, wishing to just fall into them. He wants to kiss him again...
Seonghwa opens the lantern and realizes that he doesn't have any matches. He looks at Yeosang standing in front of him, seeing him already looking up at him. He catches something in Yeosang's eyes, it makes him smile warmly.
"Yeosang, can you hold this? I'm going to find some matches," Seonghwa says as he hands him the lantern. Seonghwa catches himself looking towards Yeosang's lips. God, it felt perfect kissing him. He tries to clear his head, wanting to just enjoy this night with Yeosang without wanting to constantly kiss him. Seonghwa leaves to go back to the room they came in to look for matches.
Yeosang nods and takes the lantern, nervously biting his lip as he turns back and goes deep into the library again.
Seonghwa tells Yeosang he will be there soon and goes to find a match and also clean up the broken glass. Once he gets back to Yeosang, he's shocked to see the lantern already lit.
Once they got far away from each other, Yeosang used his magic to light the lantern. He didn't think Hongjoong has left the matches in that room. He could've sworn he'd seen him put them back in his pocket.
"Did you have matches and you didn't tell me?" Seonghwa asks, smirking.
Yeosang is a bit startled by Seonghwa, he didn't hear him come up behind him, "Oh! I- Yes, I realized I had some in my pocket," he turns and smiles at him while he pats his pocket, knowing nothing is in it.
Seonghwa shakes his head and ruffles Yeosang's hair, "You should've come and got me then!"
Yeosang sticks his tongue out playfully at Seonghwa, "I mean, I could have," he winks as he hands him the lantern.
The rest of the night goes well. No more broken glass or fear of someone coming in or seeing them. However, they both withhold their wanting of each other, deciding not to speak about it that night.
End of Chapter Four
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