[ 024 ] the thing he loves most

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    IT WAS DARK by the time they made it back into town, pursuing what everyone now knew to be Peter. Kaelyn had largely remained quiet in the back of the car, as they stepped out and began to head towards the vault through the cemetery.

    "Regina's still not answering," Emma said, frantically.

    Beside her, Henry turned to Rumple. "When we find Pan, remember he's still in my body. So if you have to throw a fireball or something, at least avoid the face."

    Rumple sighed. "I'll do my best." He sounded as unnerved by the body switch as Kaelyn felt.

    As they approached the vault, Kaelyn could make out the shapes of Hook, Neal and Tinkerbell waiting for them at the vault door.

    "Is it really you?" Neal called out

    "Dad!" Henry ran forward and they hugged, as everyone else gathered.

    "Well, this must be horribly weird for you," Neal said as he pulled away from Henry, looking down at Kaelyn.

    "Worse than you can imagine," she said, tightly.

    "Did you find the Shadow?" David asked.

    "Not yet," Tinkerbell said.

    "Well, we'll be ready for him when we do," Hook added, lightly, holding up the coconut halves.

    "It's Pan we should be concerned about now," Rumple reasoned. "Why are we still up here?

    "It's locked up tight," Neal explained, pointing to the vault door.

    "Really?" Rumple said, smugly. He raised a hand to the door, but a few seconds later pulled back. Kaelyn tilted her head at the result.

    "Told you," Neal murmured.

    "Fair enough. This is going to take some time," Rumple announced, stepping forward. He held out a shaking hand to the door, as Emma departed. Kaelyn watched her go, ignoring the way Henry looked at her with Peter's green eyes. "Help me," Rumple said.

    Kaelyn turned to him, lips already turned into a sneer, but she knew she had to help. She had to find out Peter's plan and do something to reverse the body switch– even just for her own sanity.

    "God, what have I become," Kaelyn relented as she stepped up and began to work her own magic on the door which was, admittedly, locked tight.

    "I know that you knew," Rumple murmured after a few moments, quiet enough that only she could hear.

    "You know me better than any of them, but they won't believe you," Kaelyn shot back, not even looking at him. He gave her a dull glance, trying to discern if she was bluffing or not, just as the door swung open inwards.

    "Shall we?" Rumple didn't even wait as he headed in, Kaelyn on his heels as they descended the staircase into the vault. Kaelyn tried not to stare too much at the rooms they passed, the countless shelves and the cobbled stone walls and floors.

    "Regina!" Mary Margaret cried as they reached the bottom, running to the body of the woman sprawled on the ground, checking her pulse.

    "Pan's gone," David said, entering from another room. Kaelyn didn't miss the distrusting look he gave her at the statement.

    "We're clear down here!" Emma called upstairs.

    "Is she dead?" Kaelyn asked. Mary Margaret shook her head, stepping aside for Rumple to reach down and lift the enchantment on her. The Evil Queen stirred, pushing herself into a sitting position as she scanned the room.

    "What? What happened?" she asked.

    "It's Henry. Somehow Pan switched bodies with him," Emma briefly explained.

    "And I fell for it," Regina realised, sounding defeated.

    "We all did," Mary Margaret assured.

    "I wanted to believe what he was saying so badly I missed all the signs." She got to her feet. "I just wanted to believe he still needed me to be his mother."

    As if summoned, Henry appeared at the entrance. "I still do."

    Regina looked at him in shock. "Henry?"

    He embraced her tightly, Kaelyn once again being unable to watch, instead scanning the floor, which was littered with books, papers and magical artefacts. He had come down here to get something, she knew Peter had. Regina had been his plan.

    "So what exactly did Pan come down here to get?" David voiced her thoughts.

    Kaelyn blinked as she noticed Rumple holding a hand to an opened box, which was placed into its own separate alcove in the wall, surrounded by candles. Rumple turned away from it. "Please tell me you didn't keep it down here," he said.

    "Where else would I keep it?" Regina said, shakily.

    "What is it? What did Pan take?" Emma asked, as the tension began to build in the vault.

    "A curse," Rumple sighed.

    "A curse?" Kaelyn asked in exasperation.

    "Not just a curse. The curse," Rumple enunciated. Kaelyn blanched at the realisation.

    "Why would Pan even want the curse? I already cast it," Regina reasoned.

    "And I broke it," Emma pointed out.

   "Well, that doesn't mean you can't cast it again. And this time, without your parents' true love woven in, even you would be powerless to break it," Rumple explained.

    "I don't understand. We're already in this land," David said, puzzled. "What exactly would casting the curse in Storybrooke do now?"

    Rumple looked at Kaelyn, and she looked back, lips turned down. The man turned back to the apprehensive group. "Everyone will forget who they are. Time will stand still. And Pan... he will be in charge."

    "He's making a new Neverland," Kaelyn murmured, feeling her heart constrict at the realisation.

    "If he has the resolve to do it," Rumple remarked. Kaelyn looked back at him, furrowing her brows at the way he was looking at her.

    "What does that mean?" she asked, knowing there was some double meaning in the ominous way he said it. She looked back at the others, noticing a similar look on Regina's face. One of almost-sympathy. "What? Why're you both looking at me like that?" Kaelyn demanded.

    "The curse... it requires the heart of the thing the user loves most," Regina told her.

    Kaelyn felt her eyes widen. There was no doubt that meant her, and clearly everyone in the room agreed, as they turned to her with varying expressions as the realisation set in. Peter's plan required her to die, it required him to kill her.

    God, did he know that? Would he try and find a way around it? Or would he come straight for her? Had he known all along? Were his promises just empty?

    She had gone very quiet, staring at the floor, feeling her stomach drop and her hands start to shake. She couldn't accept it. She couldn't. There were too many loopholes and miscommunications. She couldn't accept that Peter would have to kill her for power and control– something he had already proven he valued above her.

    Could he do it? Would he do it? Did he already plan to do it?

    "In that case, we have to keep Kaelyn away from him. He'll come after her," Emma said, calmly.

    "No, he wouldn't be able to do it," Kaelyn spoke up, but her voice wasn't convincing.

    "We can't rely on that," Regina said, firmly.

    "He wouldn't," Kaelyn insisted.

    "If it's triggered, Gold, is it going to work like the last one?" Emma asked, ignoring Kaelyn's protests.

    "The last one was created to service the Queen's wishes. This will be done per Pan's desire. I would count on something hellish," Rumple explained.

    "The curse was built to be unstoppable. There's nothing that can be done," Regina said, solemnly.

    Rumple frowned. "Well, it is possible to stop it." At Regina's confused look, Rumple continued to explain, "By using the scroll itself. It can only be undone by the person who used the scroll. That's you, Regina."

    "She won't have to," Kaelyn snapped.

    "He chose power over you once before, what's to say he won't do it again?" Rumple said, coldly.

    "And you chose power over your son, but look where you are," Kaelyn said, darkly.

    "Do not compare Pan and I," Rumple hissed. He had the same look in his eye that Peter did whenever she compared them as well.

    "I already have," Kaelyn deadpanned.

    "Pan will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal," Rumple continued.

    Kaelyn shook her head. "He won't kill me," she kept repeating.

    "You're blinded," Rumple scoffed.

    "Shut up," Kaelyn snapped, trying to push past him and get back outside, get some air to try and clear her swimming head. Everything felt heavy, too much to accept and too much to think over. But she paused as a magical barrier hit her, halting in her steps and turning back to the group of heroes.

    "We can't let you go," Regina said with a sigh. Beside her, Henry looked terrified. "You are the key to Pan's curse, we have to keep an eye on you."

    Kaelyn sent Rumple a hard look, knowing he was the only one with the power to hold her even slightly back. "Let me go," she said sternly, eyes gleaming indigo.

    She felt it flare in her chest, the fear of being trapped, of being controlled.

    "We can't do that," Rumple denied. Kaelyn looked at him, eyes hard.

    "I wasn't asking," Kaelyn said, coolly, before destroying the barrier with a single, precise blast. Everyone in the vault was pushed back slightly, before Kaelyn swiped out a hand and clipped Rumple across the cheek.

    He was so surprised by the slap that he couldn't attempt to stop her as she bolted from the vault, practically flying up the stairs in panic. As she burst out of the door upstairs, Hook, Neal and Tinkerbell stared at her in confusion.

    "Kaelyn?" Neal asked, approaching her. She sent him a single look, one of distrust, backing away from him as he attempted to reach her. She heard voices coming from the vault, and without a word or a glance back, she had disappeared into the night, ignoring Neal's cry of, "Kaelyn, wait!"

    Peter had been right. No harm would come to Henry, but he would forget, and she would have to die. No one pursued her, no one, and she could only curse herself as her lungs burned and feet pounded against the concrete as she re-entered town. They would pursue her soon enough, they would. Because they were right, she was the key to his plan.

    There was a sick curiosity. A need to prove he wouldn't do it, that her faith wasn't misplaced. But she wanted to know. He had done something similar before, would he do it again? Would he do it worse? Was she truly in danger?

    "Damn him," she hissed, stopping on the outskirts of town, still in the thick of the woods. The blinking lights of Storybrooke were visible in the darkening night, and she kept ignoring the tightness in her throat and the burning behind her eyes. "Fuck you," she spat into the dark of the night.

    "Fuck me?"

    Kaelyn wheeled around in shock as she saw Peter standing before her, still in Henry's body, still as comically unsettling as the first time. She felt her heart jump, muscles tense, not knowing what he wanted, not expecting him to be there.

    "Don't say that shit while you look eleven," she said, instead, trying to play it calm. "How'd you find me?"

    "My Shadow sees everything," Peter said, ominously.

    "Fuck your Shadow and fuck you too," Kaelyn sneered, looking down at Peter.

    Peter just sighed, rummaging in his pocket, Kaelyn watching with bated breath. He pulled out a scroll, the scroll. Kaelyn couldn't help her eyes widening as he then held out a hand to her, the scroll in it. She looked at him in confusion.

    "Read it," Peter instructed.

    Kaelyn took it, suddenly knowing she held the leverage in the situation, before she unravelled it. The paper was aged, the writing cursive and slightly hard to read. But she could make out the part she dreaded.

    Kaelyn didn't look at him. "Have you read this?"

    "No. I want to invite you to come with me first," Peter told her.

    "How honourable," Kaelyn said, dully. She rolled the scroll back up, staring at it intensely. She held the ultimate card in her hand, Peter had handed it over to her. He wouldn't do that if he knew what it said. He didn't know.

    "It'll be the new Neverland," Peter told her, as if she hadn't already figured it out.

    "Because the first one worked out so well," Kaelyn scoffed, but her lightheartedness was betrayed by her tight grip on the scroll.

    "I'll die," Peter said, so casually it was hard to believe he was going to such extreme measures to preserve himself.

    "I can save you," Kaelyn persisted.

    "I don't need you to," Peter hissed.

    "Let go of that fucking control and let yourself rely on someone," Kaelyn snapped in frustration.


    "I know you look like a child but stop acting like one."

    Peter sighed. "I am going to do it. But I want you by my side,"

    "You want me to lead with you?" Kaelyn asked in disbelief.

    "I said by my side–"

    "I'm not doing this again," she cut him off.

    "Think about it," he said. Kaelyn glanced down at his outstretched hand, feeling her resolve shake amongst the trees and the fading stars.

    "No," Kaelyn said.

    Peter looked at her, before she turned her back on him, swallowing against the lump in her throat. She clutched the curse to her chest, knowing the weight and importance it carried.

    "Don't do this," Peter said, coldly.

    She glanced over her shoulder at him. "Try and stop me in that body."

    The look he gave her was knowing. She held the upper hand in that moment, and as she began to move away, picking up her pace, she carried the ultimate leverage. But she didn't feel any sort of satisfaction, any sort of triumph. Peter didn't know she needed to die for him to win. And she didn't want him to know.

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    HER NEXT CAUTIOUS stop in town was the police station. She had to hope no one had been warned to look for her yet, as she stormed inside. It was complete chaos, people running everywhere. Kaelyn furrowed her brows, using the confusion to glance into the back. Felix was gone, his holding cell swung open and no trace of him.

    Kaelyn was out of there in an instant, not taking the risk of Emma's crusade finding her and trying to trap her and manipulate her. They would have a plan of her their own now, she knew that, but she held the bargaining chip. Peter was too weak to completely possess the scroll– the body switch had weakened him while simultaneously making him weaker overall. Henry's body was not built to handle magic.

    That was the only advantage to the body swap, she thought bitterly, as she clambered up the side of the diner, breaking into her own room. She kept herself quiet, and set up a barrier, the same kind she had once used in motel rooms and ruins with Peter and Rumple. She knew they would come for her, and the barrier would be her warning. And Peter didn't actually know where she lived in Storybrooke.

    As she wrapped herself in blankets, she read the scroll again, and again, over and over. She had no idea what she was going to do, how to keep everyone she cared about alive. She was not a good person. She did what she wanted, when she wanted, and on nobody else's terms. This was no different. And she wasn't endangering anything. Peter couldn't complete the spell without her heart or the scroll. And he didn't have either– or the knowledge.

    And with that comfort, she managed an uneasy sleep, knowing she was currently the target of many.

    She was brutally reminded of that fact when she was woken by pounding on her door, weak sunlight streaming in through her windows as she leapt to her feet, pulling on her clothes. The knocking didn't stop, even when she made no noise or gave no response. She heard Emma's voice, and many clicks of the lock of the door, but no successes.

    Kaelyn grabbed the scroll and zipped it up in one of her coat pockets, before moving back to the window from the night before.

    "The entire room's barred by magic," she heard Rumple's voice. "She's in there."

    Kaelyn rolled her eyes as she leapt out of the window, wincing at the impact of the landing, but dismissing it as she ran from the diner, ignoring the fact she probably had a shift that day. She refused to be caught by the heroes and talked against Peter. She had to figure it out on her own, a way to get what she wanted.

    If they got the curse or– god forbid –Rumple found a way to restrain her, especially with Pandora's Box, they'd hunt Peter down and kill him. They had already proven at the town line that they were willing to. She refused to let that happen. She had saved Henry– now she had to save Peter.

    Damn what he would have to do to achieve his goal. Kaelyn wanted to trust him, regardless. That and if the scroll was given up, then she had no power over anyone in the situation to achieve anything she wanted. And what she wanted was her freedom and Peter's life.

    "Kaelyn." Mary Margaret blocked her way in the street, David shadowing her as Kaelyn skidded to a halt.

    "Stop it," Kaelyn snapped. "I'm not going with you– for my protection or anything."

    "Please," Mary Margaret said, softly. "Think about everyone else."

    "Everyone else never thought about me," Kaelyn spat, harshly. "I know what I'm doing. Let me go."

    "You're a risk, I'm sorry," Emma said, appearing behind her with the rest of the wake-up crew. Kaelyn's eyes focused on the box in Rumple's hand, and her heart dropped.

    "You wouldn't," she snarled.

    "It would be temporary. Only until Pan is stopped," Regina told her.

    Kaelyn felt her pulse race at the thought of being so controlled and restrained, felt her magic ripple under her skin as her hands glowed with indigo energy, a renewed sense of purpose in her. She had no idea they'd go to such measures to keep her at bay.

    "I can't trust you," she snapped.

    "She knows something," Rumple said, abruptly.

    "What?" Emma said.

    Rumple stared her down, before his eyes widened. "She has it."

    "That's impossible," Regina denied, but Kaelyn had already backed up further, the scroll feeling heavy in her pocket.

    "She has it," Rumple spat, the air around his own hand rippling with unseeable energy.

   "What gave it away?" Kaelyn asked, smugly, trying to appear nonchalant.

    "It is a great magical artefact. Easy to detect if you know what you're looking for," Rumple sneered.

    "Lovely," Kaelyn sighed.

    And she lashed out the second she saw Rumple raise his hand to the box, knocking it to the side before running for it herself. She saw movement in her peripheral, and threw indigo at Mary Margaret, forcing her to duck and dive away from her. Kaelyn stumbled, grabbing the box, before she was shoved against the wall, cheek digging into the brick and arms twisted behind her back.

    She dropped the box, and in the moment of supposed victory, forced her apprehender off with magic, whipping around to see David, whose hand was reaching for something at his waist. Kaelyn paled, knowing he and his daughter both carried firearms often.

    Then, out of the corner of her eye, Kaelyn saw it. The scroll was in Emma's hand.


    But it was there. Kaelyn felt her heart race, magic throbbing in her veins, eyes narrowing. She knew the Saviour had once been a thief, but apparently she had been a good one, and had pickpocketed the scroll in the few seconds Kaelyn had been forced on her back.

    "Give it back," Kaelyn said, lowly. Indigo wisps swirled around her open hand, menacingly. Emma shook her head. Kaelyn had only taken a single step before she heard a gun cock. She tilted her head, looking at David, eyes unnerving. "You don't have the stomach for it," Kaelyn sneered.

    He moved at the same moment as Kaelyn, the immortal teenager lifting a single finger and sending David's arms moving to the ground, where the gunshot went off harmlessly, piercing the relative silence of Storybrooke. He had been going for her legs, Kaelyn knew that, but she felt her pride threatened. She had underestimated him.

    David was slammed against the opposite wall, held there by Kaelyn's magic, breaths strangled.


    Something in the way Mary Margaret screamed his name tore at her. It was something she couldn't ignore, something she didn't want to be responsible for in her quest for something so similar.

    Swallowing thickly, Kaelyn released David, using his body as a projectile to force Mary Margret back. But, ultimately, only leaving him bruised and winded.

    She turned back to the remaining three, eyes hooded.

    "Pan isn't worth all this," Rumple snapped.

    "You can't change my mind," Kaelyn snipped, before pulling a hand towards her. The energy knocked Emma's hand from the back, the scroll falling from it and rolling on the ground towards Kaelyn.

    She dove for it at the same time as Emma, whose eyes had gone wide, both their hands outstretched and desperate.

    Rumpelstiltskin was an equal. Frustratingly, an equal, and he made that apparent as he appeared behind her, then locked her in place, holding back and moving her away, as Emma's fingers closed around the scroll again.

    "No," Kaelyn murmured as she felt defeat sink into her, her magic being barred – barely – by Rumple. Emma gave her a look, one of almost-pity. "No, you'll kill him!" Kaelyn said, louder.

    "He'll kill you!" Emma snapped.

   "I promised him!" Kaelyn snapped back.

    "Think of Henry!" Emma said, desperately.

    "I am!" Kaelyn screamed. "Not a single moment went by on that island that I didn't think of him! I helped save him, I got the heart back, I brought him home. Now I have to save Peter, too! I promised to save them both and I get what I want."

    "Kaelyn, if Pan gets that scroll, it's all over," Mary Margaret sighed, supporting David beside her.

    "Then let me prove it to you," Kaelyn insisted, trying to stall, give herself time to undo the intricacies of whatever spell Rumple had cast on her that restrained her.

    "We can't take that risk," Regina said. Emma gave Kaelyn one last look, before turning to hand Regina the scroll– the one sure fire way to make the curse completely useless, remove the leverage it held.

    Kaelyn was useless to do anything, as she watched Regina take the scroll, sealing her and Peter's fate. They would hunt him down and they would really kill him, and they would trap her in Pandora's Box for god knows how long.

    She would fail, end up alone and trapped. She had made a promise, she had wanted to give their story more time. She had not come so far just to be beaten. But Kaelyn could only slump her shoulders as she realised her efforts had been for nothing.

    Could she have done something different? Had she not had the compassion for Henry that stopped her from tearing any of his loved ones from him, would she have been quicker and more efficient? Yes, of course. She knew that. Compassion, it seemed, was once again a downfall for her in her goals.

    But Regina collapsed the second she touched the scroll. Everyone froze, unsure what to do, and Kaelyn, in a moment of strength and in Rumple's of surprise, broke free. She swiped the scroll off the ground into her hand, leaving behind Regina's unconscious body.

    Kaelyn had sprinted off before anything could stop her, the scroll gripped tightly between her fingers, held close to her chest. She risked a glance back, seeing them crouched beside Regina, always valuing compassion over goals. It gave her the opportunity to escape, flustered but still determined.

    She continued to run, knowing she had just made herself the most wanted in Storybrooke. She wasn't sure why Regina had collapsed but it had been the distraction she needed.

    Kaelyn once again ran for the woods, knowing they were easy to lose people in. Rumple would manage to track the energy signature of the curse now that he knew she had it, if he had been telling the truth, of course.

    Kaelyn needed more time. She had to figure out what to do, what she even could do. The heroes would not listen to her, not unless she could prove Peter wasn't an enemy to everyone. She was in too deep. And Peter was dead set on activating the curse, but she still had a chance to turn things around.

    She swallowed thickly, hoping she wasn't overestimating the situation. She was tired– she wanted it to stop, to go back to the days where problems were solved by those who actually cared for the greater good. She longed to go back to being self-involved and impassive.

    But she had no choice– not with Peter now.

    Kaelyn turned when a presence arrived, a strong magical aura. She almost screamed at the sight of Peter's body staring at her with a gleam in his eyes, the dull light from the canopy casting dark, eerie shadows on his face.

    The immortal teenager could only stare at him, dumbfounded, as he smirked. "I switched back. They really thought I wouldn't have that power." Kaelyn could only continue to stare at him in his actual form, heart racing. "Sounds like you're the town's most wanted right now," he continued casually.

    "Where's Henry?" she finally found her voice.

    "He's safe," Peter said, simply.

    "They'll realise you've switched soon," Kaelyn said, quietly.

    Peter stepped up to her, breath fanning her face. "Soon it won't matter," he said, softly.

    "You're going to make me forget again," she said, stiffly, eyes raising to his, testing his bluff.

    "No," he said, immediately. "If you are with me, I'll be able to keep you from it. You won't lose your memories, not again."

    Kaelyn lowered her gaze, feeling heavy. "How can I believe you?"

    "Because why would I want you to forget everything we've been through?" Peter said matter-of-factly.

    Kaelyn blinked at him, feeling her mouth turn bitter, knowing what was written on the scroll, and what he'd have to do. She didn't have the gall to tell him, she wanted to see him find out on his own, if he had to find out.

    "Okay," she managed. If Peter was surprised by her sudden passiveness at his plan, he didn't show it, as he reached out a hand.

    "Come with me," he said. "We're meeting Felix by the well."

    And Kaelyn followed.

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    THE WELL WAS far outside of town, and if it wasn't for their current situation, Kaelyn almost would've enjoyed the peaceful forest walk with Peter. Because she knew what was coming was unavoidable. There was no fighting it. Peter would get the scroll and find out eventually, the best she could do was have it in a controlled situation, she told herself.

    As they approached the well, Kaelyn could see Felix's looming figure watching them approach, eyes hooded and club gripped at his side. The brunette swallowed thickly as Peter finally stopped, turning to face her, just out of earshot of Felix.

    "You have something of mine," Peter said. Kaelyn didn't stall anymore, handing it over, feeling the weight leave her body as she did so.

    She watched, in agony, as he scanned the words on the paper, indigo irises never leaving his face. He looked smug, proud, like he had already won as he gripped the paper between his fingers.

    And then his eyes widened, the hand gripping the scroll tightening, and Kaelyn felt her throat tighten. He lowered the paper, staring at Kaelyn, who met his gaze, unwavering despite the turmoil she was feeling, the building panic, the apprehension– the complete uncertainty.

    She wanted to trust him. She wanted to be right. But she couldn't be sure. Maybe she was blind, maybe she had just handed over her fate and sealed it with a kiss.

    "Felix, leave us," Peter snapped. He didn't even look at him, as the taller boy skulked off, and Kaelyn continued to stare Peter down. They were feet apart, but the distance felt murky and unsure.

    Nothing happened. No noise, no movement, nothing. Kaelyn swallowed thickly, before hardening her face, as Peter narrowed his eyes.

    "You've known what I'd have to do this whole time," he said, voice tight. "And yet you still brought it right to me."

    "Do it," she snarled.

    Peter swallowed thickly, closing the gap between them in a few seconds. Kaelyn felt her blood thumping, her magic screaming at her to do something, but she didn't. She met his eyes, a swirling storm of green as his hand, slowly, reached into her chest.

    Kaelyn winced, feeling her knees shake, and he gently removed her heart. Kaelyn let out a slightly pained breath, staring at the object in Peter's hand. It was an odd sight, a melting pot of red and black, so contrasted by purity and impurity, as stormy and tumultuous as its owner.

    Peter stared at it, and Kaelyn stared at him.

    "I chose power over you once," he said suddenly.

    "You did."

    "And it hurt you."

    "It did."

    And, slowly, he put her heart back.

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lmao so funny story

there's one more chapter because everything is too long it turns out

sorry for the cliffhanger besties but i hope the angst made it worth it

next chapter as soon as i can (probably saturday or sunday)

i hope this chapter made sense and kaelyn's motives and behaviour didn't seem too ooc. she's a very complex and driven character, so her decision to so completely commit to peter and fight for him after so long being against him was explained in much detail for a reason. kaelyn goes all out when she wants something- she is all or nothing, that's so many scenarios in this fic lmao. she just wants to save peter but also stop him from making a new neverland

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