Chapter I

Pronouns(these are my headcanons being used)
Vaggie: she/they(charlie refers to them as 'her' until vaggie tells her about their pronoun preference)
Charlie: she/her

Vaggies POV:
Cold. That's what I was feeling cold. Here alone. Dying alone. No one here. My family disowned me and where I grew up was a conservative town not nice to the lgbtq+ community. My only two friends left and ghosted me. And those people. I never want to go back to them or see them again... maybe if I close my eyes and this will all just be a dream. Well not a dream a nightmare more like.
Maybe i should be left to die maybe mama was right I am a disgrace. I'll just close my eyes for a bit yea.
-a while after vaggie falls asleep-

Charlie's POV:
I was just walking around, checking things. But then I saw her. She looked dead, was she dead? Shit shit shit don't let this random girl die! No wait her chest is moving up and down it's okay she's alive. I should ask her if she's ok I mean she kinda looks like she's dead maybe she could even stay here! It's so lonely here on my own.

Third POV:
Charlie moved closer to vaggie, slower than she usually would she didn't know if the sleeping girl was acctually sleeping or just resting her eye.
Somehow on instinct vaggie woke up, flinching when she saw the tall blonde figure tower over her.

"Are you okay! I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I won't hurt you or do anything bad to you I promise!" Charlie rambled.

"Pretty" was all that vaggie muttered before she passed out.

Possibly from being tired maybe from stress. Who knows.(not me I'm not a doctor)

Charlie POV:(the povs jump around sm I swear😭)
Shit shit shit she just passed out. Wait did she just call me pretty. I haven't really had anyone complement me in ages. Their so rare here. No Charlie just focus on the matter at hand there this total stranger, well a really pretty lady sitting against your dumpster and now she's passed out. Holy crap what should I do. Should I take her inside. Wait Wouldn't that be kidnapping. But she's passed out she could need medical attention. Goddamit stop having wars with yourself and just take the pretty lady inside.

-inside and third person POV-
Charlie carefully picked up vaggies body and took it to a large building, Charlie's home and vaggies future home. Charlie put the girl on her couch, then left to find a fist aid kit for possible injouruies.

"Okay so step one- get first aid kit is complete! Now time to check on her injouries.

Charlie carefully moved the fluffy white hair out of her face to uncover what was meant to be her other eye. Then to Charlie's shock her eye was gone, nothing was there just an empty socket.

"What happened to her" Charlie thought out loud.

After she cleaned up her eye socket as it was dirty, Charlie started to look around the currently passed out girls body for injouries. Bruises. Cuts. Why does she have loads of bruises and cuts over her, did she get mugged? Attacked? Assaulted? Or... The girl face got scrunched up, she seemed scared, like she was have by a nightmare.

———————— flashback —————————

"Vaggie" her dads loud screams were heard booming through the house, the neighbours probobly even heard them. "I'm so disppointed in you, I thought you would make us proud, instead you come here saying you use she/they pronouns and now THAT YOUR A LESBIAN YOUR A DISGRACE" he stopped, picked up an empty bottle of wine and threw it at them. Glass shards got in their eye making it a useless bloody mess. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE YOU DISGRACE THERE ARE PEOPLE OUTSIDE WAITING FOR YOU, BITCH"
Then vaggie ran out a sobbing mess.

—————— end of flashback ————————

Still third person POV:
Vaggie suddenly jolted awake. Breathing heavily, she felt tears prick their eyes, threatening to spill.
Charlie heard all this because she decided to leave to let the girl get some rest, but was still
close enough to be able to hear her in case
"Hey are you okay,you seem shaken up."

In their panic vaggie wasn't thinking straight so when Charlie tried touching their shoulder in an attempt to help ground themselves.

"Get away from me , don't touch me!" Vaggie shrieked and then started to try to be as small as possible shrinking into the wall.
Hehe bit of a cliffhanger but I will deffo update asap but prob after end of years finish so prob halfterm
Words: 791

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