Chapter 26

Author's Note

Hi again! I really wanted to apologize about that mishap with my computer and phone. When ever I am reading stories and an Author puts something like that up I'm like 'if you can post an Author's Note you can post a chapter, right?' So I wanted to explain. If you want to skip this because I'm annoying there's questions at the bottom, or you can get right on with the chapter.

So what happened was there was something wrong with my computer. i don't believe it was my fault as I've never done something like spilt a drink on it or dropped it or treaated it badly. It was some tecnological thing that's out of my head. I always write on my computer because typing on my phone is hard. Not to mention my screen is cracked.... Ya, I know I just said I treat my computer proparly and never drop it so what's up with the phone?

To be perfectly honest I tripped over some of my syblings stuff. Yes, it's still my fault but just so you know it was my first time breaking any electronic device. When I say it's cracked I mean shattered to the point where no matter the location I put one of my fingers its on a crack. Yep that bad. So I didn't want to write on my phone that much but there was something else.

Wattpad is (still) glitching with my phone. It keeps freezing or exiting out of the app. I tried restarting my phone, redownloading the app, closing out of it, waiting for my phone to die, all that stuff but it didn't work. So when I go into wattpad I have very little time. I get lucky sometiems but I wouldn't have the time to type it all out and I would just end up losing everything I wrote over and over again (speaking from experience.)

I deeply apologize. I feel really bad because I told everyone I would start updating regualarly only recently after dropping this story for months. I felt like some of you guys would be thinking that I lied and that I would be dropping the story again. I will not do that!

To try and make myself feel better by trying to make you guys feel better if you even felt bad (lol that's a tounge twister (not really I just re-read it and it isn't but it's a weird sentence d;)) I am going to update all the stories I've been missing all at once to get caught up. Not to mention I am going to add one chapter extra as an apology.

I am still not confident in the development of my story (or my story in general) but I then think about all the fanfics I've read where complete nonsense happens that doesn't make sense but I still love the book in all. Now I don't mean nonsense like comedy or fantasy I mean something that makes you cringe or just stare at it because people don't act like that.

Anyways, I'm not saying I know the value of this fanfic I am writing and I am definetly a harsh critic (pretty much only to myself) but all of you are supporting me so damn much and telling me how this makes you happy (all though half the time it was pretty depressing...) and I didn't want any of you guys who have done so much for me to feel any negative emotions that I caused. I know that's selfish the way I said it. I wouldn't want you guys feeling any negative emotions because then I'd be sad. I'm just saying the feeling I had was more guilt knowing that even one of you maybe felt a little bit sad because of me even if it was out of my hands.

By the way I am not making excuses for what happened (even though I just did in the last sentence). I think that it's my story, my computer, my phone, my plan, my everything so I take full responsability. (Didn't seem like it when half of this damn author's note is just excuses.... sorry....) I just really wanted you all to know how sorry I am. You all are such wonderful people

(Yes I'm starting that long parenthesies. Although I can't name everything about you (I can name a few things depending on the comments or profile) I can tell what your like. I know everyone is all like 'people either are way more mean on the interent or way more nice, they're not their selves but I don't like to believe that. Yes, we have time to calmly think about are response and not feel as preasured because of the lack of background knowledge but I think the people who are rude or mean (unjustifiably/just for fun) on the internent don't have as kind of a soul as those who are nicer, and God are you guys nice. Btw when I say mean I don't mean something like crituqing because that is nice because your being helpful, I mean someone who goes out and calls a person who does nothing wrong names or insults them. Okay sorry. This was ment to be a short explanatiton and now I'm talking about my readers true souls behind their screens.... wow. Okay I got to stop. Lets get out of these parentheisies.)

Okay whoever has come this far and read this is literally my hero. I mean I don't blame the people who didn't but if you did you are like superman or something. (I know I referenced a DC character but I'm actually more of a marvel fan. (I kinda had to clarify. (even though I didn't. (sorry I'm doing it again. XD))) I keep getting off track. Now my Author's note is literally longer then this chapter.

Okay heres the last thing before questions. I just wanted to apologize (even though I did it like multiple times) because I find apology at the end the only way to close an apology... sorry. (Btw that sorry wasn't the apology it's just cause I am so fricken' me right now I can't.) I ended up putting you through more torture if you read this... sorry. (That wasn't the apology either.)

I have one request if you read this far before the apology. I want you to know what you think of what I wrote, and by that I mean the Author's Note. It's not like I ever went back and edited anything (except for the abundent spelling errors) I just want to know if I'm being an idiot, if I should just stop in the future, or whatever. Alright so now I apologize one more time for all the troubles I caused and I'm gunna shut up now. Well not actually because I am still going to ask the questions and write the story but I meant that I'm going to finnish this apology. Okay... soryy.


(It should be question because it's only one but it sounds better that way so ignore it)

What do you want to be when your older?

If you can't answer tell me what you don't want to be, what you are (if you have a job), what you used to want to be when you were younger (than you are now), or anything really or you could say nothing too. That's cool.

When I was 5 I wanted to run a coffee shop. I made my mom coffee all the time. She conviced me that I was the best at it. I don't know if it was to make me smile out of pride or cause she just wanted me to make some damn coffee for her without complaining. I tend to lean towards the first answer because I love my mom. (Secretly still thinks the second answer is actually more promosing.) Anyways I thought I invented an awesome new way to make coffee. I didn't know at the time instant coffee wasn't the only type and way to make it... Anyways I said I had a special ingredient which was literally putting the milk in after instead of before. I didn't relise at the time people did it both ways.... I was 5 okay? Anways I ended up totally embarrissing myself infront of a coffee store owner telling her how I was going to run a coffee shop with my secret ingredient, although it was a secret a second later because I literally whispered it to her. I was a pretty damn cute kid so I think she didn't think of as an idiot because all 5 year olds are idiots. That's really the only thing I can say to chear myself up. I still thought it was kind of funny.

What I want to be when I'm older is law enforcement. I've grown up on scooby doo (watched every single episode and movie at least nine times (no exaggeration.) and mystery books. I got into crime and hero tv shows and comics. I like mystery and saving people and catching the bad guy. I still know that it's not like tv or books or comics or whatever are always relistic. I know that it would be hard to become a detective because for me I would probably start at the bottom and it's not easy rising up. I am also a pretty lazy person so I was thinking more desk job. Phyrenisics interest me a lot. Theres this certain job that isn't helpful much in court but it's all about studying emotions, interactions, the brain, recations, and stuff which is really cool. Otherwise I think I would go for a job in pherensics that is set, like a blood splatter analyist. It's not like the do all phyrensics stuff you know. I would get specific like that. Okay sorry... I'll get on with the chapter.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I thought Natsu was getting me dressed up for something big... well it ended up being big, just not in the way I thought. (Not the real reason Natsu did it though.) We were going to have dinner with his fricken family.

God I'm nervous, but I'm also kind of excited. I think if Natsu didn't dress me up like this my brain would be spinning out of control. At least I feel more presentable physically.

As we entered the house a woman briefly paused, turning to us with a surprised yet delightful expression. "Oh, you must be Lucy!" She said rushing over, spatula in hand.

She grasped my hand, exerting more energy than I could take in and continued to babble.

"Come, come. Sit!" She said guiding me to the table and quickly pulling out a chair for me.

'How could a woman seem so stressed and carefree at the same time?' I wondered.

"Dinner is almost ready." She continued. "Oh my god, I totally forgot!" The lady said putting her hand on her head shaking, may I remind you the spatula was still in her hand.

She stuck the other hand out for me to shake, "I'm Natsu's mother! You can call me Grandine." Grandine leaned in slowly. She glanced at Natsu who was minding his own business before turning back and whispering, "But I'm hoping after the wedding you'll call me mother~"

I blushed a deep shade of red and stared at the lady wide eyed. 'S-She's crazy!' I thought. 'Kinda like Mira. Maybe they know each other?'

"Mom the meat is burning." Wendy, Natsu's sister who I met earlier, popped her head out of the kitchen. "Oh! I'm sorry Lucy I'll be right back." She said hastily as Grandine scurried off to the kitchen. To be honest Wendy seemed more mature then there own mother and she is the youngest in the house.

I thought back to the conversation Grandine and I had. A tick mark seemed to appear on my forehead as I remembered that she didn't clarify her marriage state. I don't know if she goes by her own last name or Dragneel. I also don't know wether to call her Ms. or Mrs. to. Me being, I feel uncomfortable calling her by her first name but it's my only choice now.

I turned my head, looking around, but I couldn't find Natsu. 'He'll probably be back soon.' I told myself sighing. This is not how I expected to spend my day. Wendy came over setting down the plates.

"D-do you need me to help?' I asked, internally scolding myself for stuttering. At least I've gotten better, I used to stutter every sentence. Partially praising myself I could forget the negativity and focused in on our newly found conversation.

Wendy smiled brightly, "No no I got it! Although there is something you could actually do for me instead?"

"What would that be?" I questioned.

"Tell me what you would like to drink."

'Is this girl serious?' I thought. 'She is just too cute.'

Wendy continued after I processed what she had said. "We have water, milk, tea, soda, lemonade, chocolate milk, and if you want we also have some orange juice. I don't if you have coffee, but we have that too." The girl continued to smile brightly. Just looking at her could lighten my mood. "Oh! We also have ice if you have a preference of how your drink is made. We can also heat it up for you."

"Well if it isn't to much trouble, what soda do you have?" I asked. Even a week or two ago I don't think I would be able to ask something like this. I don't really know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Does it mean I'm more confident or greedy?

"Diet Coke, Ginger Ale, and Root Beer."

"A Diet Coke, if you don't mind." Wendy nodded her head and grabbed the glass that she recently set down in front of me while setting the table and got me something to drink.

My thoughts started to trail back to Natsu until Wendy called from the kitchen. "Do you want Ice?"

"S-sure!" I yelled... not very loudly. I heard someone, I'm assuming Natsu based off of how the footsteps sounded, coming down the stairs. So that's where he went.

He had changed into casual wear which consisted of _________ (you got to tell me in the descriptions! It's like a madlib except totally different. Actually it has nothing to do with a madlib except for you fill in a blank that's part of a sentence. It's like telling you to do my spanish homework or something. It doesn't really fit even if it is filling in the blanks. Now I am going into an indepth description on everything stupid and unneccesary but I can't delete it. I guess I'm weird like that. Whatever. Back to my point, you can fill in the blank. Wow that's all I had to say, but instead it turned into this indepth paragraph (okay not very indepth but long) that is probably longer then this chapter. Back to the story.)

He looked really cute. I blushed a lightly shade of pink. 'I think Grandine has gotten into my head.' I was reflexivley about to put a hand on my head as I shook it until I pictured a few mintues ago when Grandine did it.... with a spatula.

This made me laugh quietly.

Grandine brought out the food as everyone sat down, along with Wendy, who first placed my newly Diet Coke filled glass on my right hand side.

Alright.... dinner time.

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