Chapter 4: Changing weather, feelings and personality.

Heyyy readers,

I'm in a kinda flow today, so I'll go on again! :D


part of the last time:

'Are you okay Tauriel?' 'Yes, yes, the headache is gone...' 'How much do you remember?' 'The orc attack, er... they burned the tree down, but Halondir saved us, we mourned about the tree, and planted a new one, together.' Legolas nodded. 'WAIT! WHAT!?' I suddenly yelled. 'What?' 'We.. we made our present bows out of the wood that wasn't burned, and the last wood of that tree?' He nodded. 'We also made arrows, and swore to kill every orc that invaded our kingdom again.' Legolas smiled. 'I'm happy you remember!' I smiled too and we sat down again, and started to eat. Vegetables never tasted so good before.


After dinner, I thanked Thranduil for helping me, Halondir for saving me, and Elora came with me to my room. 'Girltalk' she had said.

'Look Tauriel, I am very sorry for everything that happened with your memory, so I've decided that I am going to help you with it, okay!?' I nodded. 'I'll send a message to Galadriel to come here in a week time to talk about it!' 'Wait what? Why would Galadriel come here only for me?' Elora didn't answer. 'Elora, why?' 'She'll explain.' I sighed and sat on my bed. 'Okay, so what now?' 'GIRLTALK!!!!!' she said cheerly.

I laughed and she started telling her story: 'I am Elora, I've known you since you were born. Your mother and I were friends and well... we once were in love with the same elf. He chose her. And she got pregnant of you! I wasn't that angry, because she was my best friend. I never found somebody else. At one point I almost left the kingdom and wanted to stay in the mountains alone, but then you were born. Everything became more sunny. Halondir came back from Rivendell where he had lived for a few years, and he became head of protection of the kingdom and other things. I fell in love with him, and Thranduil gave me this job, and here we are!'

'Wait.. Are you and Halondir in a relationship?' 'No... not really.' 'Does he know you love him?' 'No... but neither does Legolas, does he?' I blushed. 'Oh, Tauriel, I'm sorry!' 'No, it's alright' She smiled. I looked at her, her hair was red, like mine and she wore it in a braid. Her eyes were kind but they probably have seen lots and lots of horror. Her clothes were like all the other hunting clothes from here in Mirkwood, but hers were more beautiful and had more details, and she had a shorter dress then me, and she didn't wear trousers under it, like me. (A/N on the sideline is the picture from Elora! :D )

 'So do you feel anything for our prince, or...?' 'Well, when my memories came back for a small piece, I did realize I liked him then already. But more as a brother.' 'Hm hm' 'But there is something about him... Something I... he seems to think about me in a different way than he should. I mean, I'm not Tauriel anymore, he espects me to be like her, to laugh about thinks like her, I'm... I am Tauriel, not the girl he used to know.' 'Oh for a second I really thought that you were going to say he thought about you like- ... hehehe let's not talk about that! But you're right, you are Tauriel, not the girl from the past!' 'No, no, I don't think he sees me like... a love interest or something! I meant like... he doesn't see me as me! Even though he said he accepts me as me.' 'I understand you both. He is just... used to the girl he grew up with, and now all of the sudden you're different!' I nod. 'Yeah you're right...'

I sighed and lay on my bed. 'I really see you like my little sister Tauriel.' 'Why?' 'Because well... I can help you with your problems, I've seen you been born, I've seen you grow up, you don't remember, but I do!' I smile, and she started to braid my hair. Suddenly she touched my skin, and pain shot through my head, and I passed out.


'MOMMY! Mommy, where is my mom?' I yelled, I had hurt myself when I fell out of a tree, and I cried and cried. My leg was bleeding, and my red hair was covered with sticks, leafs, dirt and also blood, I had hit my head too. I ran through the palace, and Legolas came running to me. 'Mellon min,Mani marte?'(=my friend, what happened?) 'Tua amin!(=Help me!) I'm looking for my mommy Legolas!' Elora came running to us. 'Tauriel, little one.... I am so sorry...' 'Where is my mommy?' Elora's tears rand down her face. 'Your mother is... she's dead...I'm so sorry Tauriel! I couldn't save her!' 'Dead? Will I see her again?' 'I don't know.' 'Will she come back?' 'No.' Legolas was crying now too. Elora hugged me tight and she pulled Legolas towards us to join us. We cried and went to her body.

A few days later she was burried, and Elora crouched down next to me, as I threw a rose in her grave. 'I love you mommy... I will never ever forget about you, I will never have another mommy, and I miss you... I will miss you until I die... I will be strong for you mommy. I will not cry. I will listen to our king. I will be brave.' I cried and hugged Elora, as Legolas took a handfull of dirt and threw it on her grave gently and slowly. 'I promise, I will keep her safe. I will be like her brother, I will protect her if it is the last thing I do. I will make sure no harm will ever come to her. I will make her into the best hunter and most brave she-elf there has ever been.' Elora aslo took some sand, and did the same as Legolas. 'My dear mellon, I will never ever let Tauriel down, I will care for her as her big sister, I will give her as much love as she deserves and even more, I'll tell stories about how you were at her age, I will help her through everything you can never help her with now. I will see her grow up like you never could, see her become the same brave, beautiful, independent woman you were. I love you, and I always will, my friend, my sister...'

After Elora came more and more elves saying nice things, and as last of them all Thranduil came and spoke about the wonderful things she has done for our kingdom, to keep us safe, to make us happy, and even he had a tear rolling down his face. 'Today we lost a wonderful elf. We all lost a part of ourselves. She was a sparkling elf and made us happy, we shall all mourn, but we have to make sure we go on. The world can't stop because of her death. Think about all the wars in this world. One day they will reach our safe forest, and wrath and ruin will be everywhere. More will die. Therefor we must keep protecting ourselves. For our lives. And for her legacy. That's all she's ever wanted. For her friends and family to be save. Let's start with that right now.'

Thranduil walked back inside after he had thrown his part of dirt in her grave, and others followed. Soon the dawn came, but Elora, Legolas and I couldn't leave. After a while I fell asleep, and Legolas carried my small body inside the safe walls.

The next thing I saw was the light upon the grave changing and changing, and day became night, and night became day, and a tree grew next to her grave. I saw little me passing by her grave every day, but it was all in high-speed. I saw my little self grow, and I recionized the tree. It was the tree that burned, the tree Legolas and I made our bows from. I gasped and was now wide awake.

~End of dream/memory~

It was dark in my room. Next to my bed was Elora, she has fallen asleep in a chair. 'Elora... Elora!' I shake her awake. 'Hm what? Oh Tauriel, you're awake! What happened?' 'I got a part of my memory back... from.. from the day my mother died... and the funeral... and the origin of the tree!' Elora smiled sadly. 'I'm glad you remember that. It means a lot to me that you now know why I care so much about you.' I nodded, and started crying, as I hugged her. She cried too, and Legolas came in. 'Oh, er.. sorry to interupt.' 'It doesn't matter Leggie!' I said, and I ran to him, and hugged him too. 'I remember the funeral.. I remember my mother's death!' 'Really?!' I nodded, as I burried my face in the crook of his neck. I cried and Legolas held me strongly, but gently. He pulled back and lifted me up, and walked to the bed, to lay me in it.  'Well, Tauriel, we can't go into the woods today, it's raining!' I sniffed and laughed. 'Okay... what shall we do?' Legolas laughed too. 'Let's clean our knifes and arrows. It cleans your mind!' I nodded and sniffed again. Leggie sat on the edge of my bed, and stroke the hair out of my face. He smiled and started to make a small braid in my hair. Elora walked out of my room, and I told her that she could stay, but she said she had to have breakfast first.

Legolas continued to braid, and leaned over to my head, and kissed my forehead. 'It'll be alright Tauriel!' I smiled. 'Thanks Leggie! For everything!' 'You're very welcome.' We remained silent for a few moments as I stared into his eyes. 'I promised her. I couldn't break that promise...' I smiled. 'Without you and Elora I'd have been lost, thank you!' 'But you can't remember anything, so why do you thank me for that?' 'Because I just... know you helped me, I don't have to remember it. I know. And you two are the reason my memories get back. It happened when Elora touched me. I passed out.' 'Wow... are you alright?' 'Yes, yes. I'm not helpless!' 'No... you just don't know when to shut up when orcs are nearby!' We laughed, and I stepped out of my bed, and pushed Legolas out of my room. 'I need to change my clothes!' 'Okay!' he said as he was laughing, and he went to get me breakfast, and I changed my clothes.

He knocked on my door, and I walked out with my hunting clothes, but today they weren't green and brown. They were black and purple. I quickly ate an apple, and followed Legolas with my bow in my hand, and my quiver stripped to my waist, my knife was stripped to the other side of my waist, and another knife was in my boot. We went to one of the towers way up in the palace, and sat down with view over big parts of the forest, and nobody bothered us, because this tower was no longer used by the guards.

We cleaned our weapons, as Legolas made me laugh, and I, on my turn, made him bite his lip not to laugh. 'You can't say that about Henry! He's  a nice guard!' Legolas said. 'Yeah but he looks like a goat with huge ears! Is he even an elf?' 'I bet they didn't find out!' We laughed very hard, and I lay flat on the floor, laughing so hard I got tears in my eyes. 'Leggie... what-t are y-you doing to m-me? My tummy-y h-hurts!' I say as I wipe away my tear. 'I don't know, what are you doing to me with your smile?' He said as he laughed and he walked to me, to see what I was doing, but I pulled him to the ground, and rolled over so I sat on top of him. 'HA! GOT YA!' I pressed down his arms, and he couldn't move. Legolas grinned and rolled me over so he sat on top of me. I came closer to his face, and kissed his cheek gently, as I took my knife and held it against his throat as I rolled him over again. I was on top of him again. 'Rule number one, never ever let your foe destract you!' I grinned, and Legolas grinned and started to laugh. He pulled me closer to him, and I lay on top of him and he 'hugged' me tight. 'Tauriel... do you want to.. do you want to see her grave?' 'Yes. Can you show me?' 'Yes of course...' I smiled, and stood up, and helped him up too.

We took all our weapons and Legolas led me to her grave. When we reached it, I was silent. After a few  seconds, I fell down on my knees and started crying. Legolas sat next to me, and held me, and I burried my face in the crook of his neck again. 'She was like a mother to me. I never forgot her, and I never will. My mother died when I was young, too!' I let go of his shoulders and lay a rose I found on my way here on her grave. I touched the ground, and my eyes shot wide open, I closed them and gasped. All the memories of my mother came back. I cried. I cried. I screamed because of the pain that shot through my heart as I remembered all the moments with my mom. The good. The bad. The hugs. The tears. Her voice. Her smile. I didn't pass out,  I just cried. I felt the rain on my skin, the cold rain mixed with my warm tears, making me completely wet. Legolas gave me his cloak, but it didn't help much. We both were very very wet.

A few hours later, Legolas helped me get inside, and I went to my room alone, took a bath, put  on a comfy dress and slept for hours, and didn't show up for dinner.

When I woke up, the sun shone on my face, and threw my blanket on the ground. I lay with my arms and legs spread and with my face burried in my pillow. 'uuhhhhh' I groaned and Legolas came in after he knocked. 'Tauriel, we need to go!' 'uuuhhh' He walked to me, turned me around. 'AAHHH don't touch me! It's way to hot to go outside!' 'We have to, they spotted some orcs!' 'UGGHHHH' 'Tauriel, put on your clothes and meet me at the gate in 5 minutes!' 'UUUHHHHH' 'OR I WILL DRESS YOU MYSELF TAURIEL!' 'OKAY I WILL BE THERE!' I sighed. And sighed. And groaned. 'What was I going to do again?' Leglolas sighed, and pushed me out of my bed. I fell on the ground, and groaned. 'I'm on my way!' I got up, and walked to my closet and chose my favorite hunting outfit with matching green with black necklace, that my mother used to wear. I put my hair in a comfortable way, but the braid that Legolas made was still in my hair.

I went to the gate, got two apples, threw one at Legolas, he catched it, and we ate, ran into the forest and hunted the orcs, even though it was very hot. Legolas found some tracks, but strangely enough, they weren't from orcs, but... spiders... how was that possible?


Hey readers! I hope you are all happy that I posted 2 chapters today! At least I am! so... please comment and vote, same rules about the votes as last chapter, okay!? I'll see you all after my holiday, and please tell me if you liked it, and what you think is going to happen! :) I'd love to see what you think! Byeeee!!


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