Green Gem| HTTYD. Part 5
After a few more minutes of thinking to myself, I stand from my seat and put out the fire. Now would be the time to get some much needed sleep, my back is still quite sore from when the Assassin had slammed me into a tree. I then walk towards the small shelter Sky and I had built earlier, pushing the sheep skin door aside to see that she had already fallen asleep.
She looked so peaceful, so gentle. Although I know that's not entirely true from what I've seen, which was many different things. Kindness, aggression, empathy, anger, generosity, Ferocity, many things. This ooman is rather complicated unlike most of the Yautja, but I admit we have our conflicting moments.
I sit down and lean against the wall of the shelter, resting my aching back.
* * * *
Fugi awoke the next morning to find that Sky was not in the shelter, it did not seem to concern him as he figured that she had awoken earlier than him. He stood from his resting position and moved the sheep skin to exit the shelter, only to be greeted with the same blue eyed Night Light sitting right in front of him. He was clearly caught off guard as the look in his eyes seemed rather surprised.
The baby dragon then looked into the shelter, not seeing the human he had grown to like. The Night Light then walked back towards his sleeping father. Fugi seemed rather confused as he did not see the Light Fury anywhere, nor Sky. The Yautja raised a brow wondering where the human had gone, when he then heard her familiar laugh coming from a boulder nearby.
Fugi strode towards the boulder where he heard her laughing, he came around the rock to see the entrance to a cave. The alien entered the cave, curious as to why she would even be in there.
"OW! My hair isn't food!" He heard her say.
He turned the corner to see a fire lit chamber with another pond, only this one had bubbles floating to the top. Sky sat in the bubbling pond, stripped of her shirt, long sweatpants, and bloody bandages with her body submerged up to her collarbone. Bright pink straps went over her shoulders, it was her sports bra. Snowfall was laying beside the pond, the other black Night Light was playfully tugging on her hair. She managed to free her hair from the baby dragon when she noticed Fugi.
"Oh hey Fugi!" She said with a smile.
"May I ask what you are doing?" He asks, coming closer to the bubbling pond.
"Well, I needed a bath and it was a little chilly this morning. Snowfall lead me into this cave and to this hot spring. It works great for baths, relaxing, even on sore muscles. Care to come in?" She says.
Fugi hesitated for a moment, remembering his sore back muscles. Snowfall looked at the alien, curious whether or not he would be joining the human in a nice hot spring. The Yautja was rather conflicted if he should, considering that Sky was rather exposed with wearing a sports bra and only a pair of stretchy shorts. But he was compelled enough to stick his hand into the water, surprised at how warm it was.
"Perhaps only for a moment or two." Fugi removed his armor, revealing his powerful muscles.
* * * *
I watched as Fugi removed his chest armor first, showing off his rock hard abs and pecs. God, he's one of the most physically built people I've ever seen. He removed every single piece of armor, excluding his pelvic armor as well as his single gauntlet with the translator. His muscles tensed as he slowly stepped into the natural hot tub, a relieving sigh came from him.
"This is rather nice, I'll admit." Fugi said as he lay his arms on the outer edge of the hot spring.
"Ain't it? We humans back home usually have hot tubs which are run by electricity, as well as bathtubs and showers. But this is all natural, which is much better." I say.
"Clearly, and I see the female is starting to warm up to you." Fugi said, gesturing to Snowfall.
Snowfall began to clean her baby with her tongue, much like a cat would clean themself. She is much like a feline, I swear. She moves like a cat, acts like a cat, the whole shebang. Only differences are that she has scales, wings, large teeth, and her body is sparkled. She snuck a glance at me as she cleaned her baby, then closed her eyes.
"She is, slowly but surely. Still won't let me touch her, but she lets me get closer to her and the babies. Not including the blue eyed one, he just comes over on his own." I say.
Then we heard the Night Fury coming in with the other 2 night lights, my favorite little dragon caught sight of me and came running. He was now inches from me on the edge of the hot spring, he seemed happy to see me as his little tail wagged. I reached out for the Night Light to touch my hand, and he gladly nudged my hand demanding to be pet.
Fugi simply huffed and leaned his head back, his dreadlocks falling over his shoulders. He seems rather relaxed which I don't think he does much.
"Hey Fugi, what function do your dreads serve?" I ask.
The alien lifted his head, his emerald eyes staring at me. He points to his dreads, I nod.
"These? These are similar to human ears, they are what we hear out of." Fugi said.
"Ohhh okay, I was curious ever since the Elder Yautja let me whisper into his. I'm even more curious as to why he gave me a bio mask at first." I said as I reached for my bag with my free hand, pulling out my new teal tinted bio mask.
Toothless and Snowfall caught sight of the mask and growled at it, all the Night Lights backed away from it including my favorite one. Okay, that's weird. I slowly put the mask back into my bag and held my hands up, the dragons stopped growling and then relaxed. My little night light cane back over and laid down close to the edge, just like he did before. I look to Fugi, and he's as confused as I am.
"Okay, that's weird. Why don't they like my bio mask?" I ask.
"Yautja masks never alarm animals we hunt as it covers our faces, but there are certain masks that aren't just masks." Fugi said.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"I believe your mask is a very rare suit of armor, not many of them were made as they are quite time consuming to create." He explains.
My jaw dropped, "Well if that's the case, I gotta try it!"
I then got out of the nice hot water wearing nothing but my under armour sports bra and shorts, no way was I going into a hot spring NAKED with Fugi possibly walking in to see me nude. So I dodged a bullet there. I grabbed a beach towel out of my bag so I could dry off as well as a clean set of clothes, thankfully there's a boulder in here big enough for me to change behind. I went behind the boulder and quickly changed before my little dragon was curious and came to see me, with my fresh clothes on I lay my damp towel upon the boulder for it to dry. Fugi then started climbing out of the hot spring.
"Fugi you can stay in the hot spring you know, I can figure out the mask myself." I tell him.
"If that mask truly is a suit of battle armor, you could possibly blow something up. I believe it would be best if I helped you." The Predator got out of the hot spring.
"Wait, BLOW SOMETHING UP??" I was shocked.
"Battle armor is rigged with several weapons, you get the picture."
Fugi was now fully out of the hot spring, the water running down his powerful muscles as he reached for his armor. Gosh, his muscles make me melt at the sight of them. Wait, am I hitting on an alien?? Gosh that's weird! Why am I like this?! Why do I always find aliens attractive? But I'm not into Fugi like that! I swear! I'm so weird hehe. The alien put his armor back on despite being wet.
"Toothless, Snowfall, we'll be outside. I suggest you keep your kids in here just in case." I tell the dragons.
Toothless snorted, Snowfall murmured. Okay then. I nodded to them and headed back out the way we came in, back out into the large cove.
* * * *
Sky and Fugi had gone back outside into the cove, the human pulled the bio mask back out of her bag and tossed the bag aside. Fugi then took the mask from her hands, carefully looking over it. She watched as he looked over her potential battle armor, rather curious.
"So do you see anything indicating it's actually a battle suit?" She asks.
"I do not, but that does not mean it isn't." Fugi hands her the mask back.
"Well then, I wonder if it actually fits my face. I mean it looks like the right size, doesn't it?" She held the mask in front of her face.
"I believe it does." Fugi said as he crossed his arms.
Sky then put the mask to her face, she looked around.
"So how does this thing work-" She was interrupted by the sound of a click.
The human froze, unsure of what to do. The alien turned to her as he heard the click, a red beam within the mask scanned her face.
"Fugi this thing is scanning my face!" She exclaimed.
The red beam hovered over the mark on her cheek, red alien symbols appeared before her eyes as they were changing at a rapid pace. They each stopped individually on a specific symbol, the symbols then turned a bright green.
"What do you see now?" Fugi asks.
"Well I just saw a bunch of red symbols, and now they turned green. Does that mean Access granted?" Sky asked.
The Yautja was surprised, "Yes it does. It must have been programed to recognize you."
Another click ensued, then metal quickly started spreading over the humans body. Sky was starting to panic.
"FUGI!!" She exclaimed.
"It's alright! This is supposed to happen!" He growled.
Armor pieces formed over her arms, legs, and torso. The armor had sharp Yautja claws, boots shaped like Fugi's feet, completely disguising the human as a Yautja. Dreadlocks then sprouted from the head, hanging low next to her head as the armor had finished it's takeover. The eyes of the mask glowed a bright orange, both Fugi and Sky stood there shocked.
" do I look?" Her voice came out much deeper and menacing through the mask.
"You look ready to enter a battle." Fugi answered.
Sky walked to the small pond in the cove and looked into the water, seeing her reflection.
Fugi chuckled to himself as the human admired the armor in her reflection.
"I got my own dreads and everything! And a shoulder gun, and wristblades, and-" She squealed happily.
"I'd like to see anyone try to get in my way now!" Sky said boldly.
"Easy there, tiger. There is much to learn about the armor." Fugi warned.
The human nodded as she turned to him, getting into defensive positions to look menacing. And that Sky did.
(The suit basically looks like the predator killer, but is around 5'4, has longer dreads, orange eyes and tinted teal)
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