If I was Gon's sister
Miki and Saya have green hair and brown/ gold/ green eyes like Gon. Okay enjoy! Oh wait- everybody you are beautiful today dont let anybody tell you otherwise... (totally not saying this because I feel really bad about myself right now or anything...) Okay now the story starts <3
~ Flashback 10 years ago~
"Papa why are you leaving us?" Miki cried. Miki is Gon's twin and I am the oldest . "Papa, when will you be back?" I asked. "Soon Saya, don't worry." Dad said.
Miki, Gon and I were still waiting. Dad had promised but I lost hope. He's not coming back. I'm 16 now Gon and Miki are twelve. They want to be hunters, they want to see dad. I don't, but I still want to take the hunter exam. Aunt Mito said I have to protect my siblings after we caught the master of the swamp. Well. it was mostly Gon, I was reading, Miki and I just helped drag it back to the town square. Close enough right?
"Saya it's time to go!" Miki and Gon yelled at the same time. I swear they are trying to find new ways to annoy me. "Fine coming!" I yelled back, throwing one more chocolate robot and a book in my bag, I ran downstairs. "Bye Aunt Mito!" we yelled! Aunt mito and Gon did their weird promise thing then she pulled us into a hug. "Bye aunt Mito we will miss you!" I yelled.
~On the boat~
"BYE EVERYONE! WHEN I COME BACK I WILL BE THE BEST HUNTER IN THE WORLD!!!" I heard gon yell. I turned toward him as some big guys who probably thought they were the best started teasing him. I know I should probably help him but I was too scared, we just love social anxiety don't we? 3 cheers for social- I feel eyes on me... I looked around and saw some weird old guy staring at my boobs. I walked toward him, "Hey old man stop-" I was interrupted. "I'm not old!" The guy yelled. "Stop staring at me, it's creepy and gross weird old man." I finished. "AGAIN IM NOT OLD!!!" well you look old and I don't know your name also don't tell me 'cause I don't care." I walked away and the guy was blushing in embarrassment for being caught looking at me. To be honest I would to. "Saya! Let's go explore the boat! We have to find somewhere for dumpling to use the bathroom!" Miki yelled. "Ummm, okay but could you not yell?" I asked. "NOPE!" she yelled back at me.
We where walking around, I found a nice spot in the sun to sit and read. I told Miki to go on without me and grabbed my book and a chocolate robot out of my bag. I sat down and started reading...
Kurapika PoV (I simp for Pika ngl.. pls no hate. Why am I putting this?)
I was wandering the deck to find a nice place to read when I saw a girl curled up in the corner reading a book, I guess she had the same idea. I looked at the cover of the book it was one of my favorites! [trying to think of a book name rn uhhhhhhhh...] The book's name is [your favorite book] it is about [whatever you favorite book is about]. I decided to go ask if I could sit with her, she looks strong. It would probably be good to make connections for the tests though I do prefer to work alone... I walked over to her and said "Hello, I am Kurapika may I sit with you?" She looked like she was going to have a panic attack. "Uhhhh... sure I guess, m-m-my n-name is Saya." The girl said. Ohhh she probably has social anxiety... I sat down and pulled out my book.
Saya PoV
I looked up from my book to see a cute boy looking at me. But then he walked over to me. Oh shit I won't be able to talk to him, I can't really talk to people until i know more about them. It probably also has to do with my trust issues too... Thanks dad. "Hello, I am Kurapika may I sit with you?" The boy asked. I need to talk to him... help I'm scared... "Uhhhh... sure I guess, m-m-my n-name is Saya."It took all of me to get that sentence out.
~time skip~
"Saya a storm is coming!" I heard gon yell. "I know that dumbass I can see the cloud I yelled at him forgetting about the stranger next to me. He was completely zoned out in his book world . I shook him and said in my smallest voice "Kurapika a storm is coming we have to get bellow deck." and then I ran away. Of course I did...
~during the storm~
This was so fun the huge waves shaking the ship felt like a roller coster! The last time I had been on one was when I was 4 with daddy! Before mom died... I started crying Miki came over to me. Saya are you ok? "Yeah, I was just remembering the time dad took me to a theme park. He left you and Gon at home because you were too young." I said drying my tears. I looked toward the doorway the captain as staring at us Miki went over to the captain and asked what he was doing. I heard him say "We are checking who is not seasick we will fail everybody who is." Immediately I bolted up and walked over scared that I was going to be failed. Crying can be seen as weak I am not.. or I try not to be. But then the captain said "You five the ones who aren't seasick follow me..." So we got up and went to the ship's cabin. The captain asked us why we wanted to become hunters, Gon and Miki said they wanted to find dad in unison, I told you they where trying to find new ways to annoy me. I said I want to help them... And learn as many things as I can I want to go to the libraries that are only for hunters. The weird perv guy and Kurapika said they wouldn't tell. But then the captain said that they would fail. So Kurapika gave his backstory... it is very sad it makes being abandoned by your father sound good. Then Perv started talking... all he wants is cash.
I hope you like it! Word count 1105. Saya out->
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