Chapter 5


Hello there!

So, since Emma's birthday was two days ago (at the time of writing this) this chapter is gonna be her turn! :D

Also I know I said happy birthday on the actual birth date, but... Happy Belated Birthday Emma! :DD

Alr, now it's time to get into the chapter!


Thankfully the next morning when I awoke, no one had seemed to notice Azzy and I sneak out and come back in bed last night.

I was thankful for that, considering I'd just promised Tad that I would try to come back to the motel at sunset from then on.

Anyway, we were all seated and eating pancakes together, chatting and laughing and telling jokes. It was nice.

Until I got a text message from Mabel:

MabelTheUnicornLover: so dip dop has a crush on wendy

Xelia_1337: ...who?

MabelTheUnicornLover: oh rite sorry

MabelTheUnicornLover: wendy is the redhead teen cashier at the mystery shack

Xelia_1337: oh yea i think i saw her reading a magazine once when my friends and i first went to the mystery shack

MabelTheUnicornLover: yea and dip dop TOTALLY has a crush on herrrr

Xelia_1337: wait, so he didn't actually say he was?

MabelTheUnicornLover: no, he didnt  - boys are like that tho, they dont admit stuff about their love life lol

Xelia_1337: alr cool

MabelTheUnicornLover: wdym just 'cool'

MabelTheUnicornLover: we gotta be his wingmen

MabelTheUnicornLover: wingwomen*

Xelia_1337: i can do that

Xelia_1337: but only if he wants our help

Xelia_1337: if he doesn't, or if he doesn't want to admit he has a crush, then im not being a wingwomen

MabelTheUnicornLover: ugh fineeeee

Xelia_1337: good

I closed my phone and looked around the table. I was trying to decide who to go with today, considering I'd already gone with Loo, Lexist, Moonstone and Azzy...

...Which left Ramen, Star, and Emma.

A/N: Btw, since Ramen's inactive and hasn't responded on discord or wattpad, I'm going to write her with a cold because... well, I don't exactly know how to write her if she isn't active to tell me how... hope you guys understand

Ramen had a cold, so I wanted to let her rest. Which left Star and Emma.

Hm... your little sister or one of your close friends...

Got a text message from Mabel again.

MabelTheUnicornLover: hey who u bringing today

MabelTheUnicornLover: the first one was kinda quiet (cool hair tho)

MabelTheUnicornLover: second was beaver queen (yas)

MabelTheUnicornLover: third was fourth wall breaker (or so she says)

MabelTheUnicornLover: fourth was a savage tinkerer (yas x2)

MabelTheUnicornLover: hello

MabelTheUnicornLover: hello

MabelTheUnicornLover: hello

Xelia_1337: stop spamminggg

MabelTheUnicornLover: you werent answering

But Mabel's spamming had just given me an idea on who to pick.

"So..." I started. "Em-"


I was taken aback by her abrupt response.

"O-okay then." I blinked. When I asked why she was so excited, she started to explain.

Emma, having heard of Lexist's travails when searching for the Gobblewonker, was really excited about her own turn with joining me and the twins.

Besides, I wouldn't want to subject Star to danger, since she was shy, quiet, awkward, and would probably be scared to death if she came across danger. Correction - when.

Xelia_1337: okay so Emma's joining us today :>


Xelia_1337: lmao

I closed my phone and just enjoyed the rest of my breakfast with my friends, Emma and I guessing what sort of adventure Dipper and Mabel would get us wrapped into this time.

Soon, everyone finished their breakfast, and Emma and I headed out to the Mystery Shack.

"So what do you think we'll be up against? We've already been through gnomes, a lake monster, possessed was statues, and a psychotic 10 year old with telepathic abilities." I asked.

"Not sure. Have you gotten any texts from them that might elude to something?" Emma asked.

I stopped in my tracks.

"so dip dop has a crush on wendy"

"Uhhhhhhh-" I belted out, almost like a groan. "Yeah."

Emma glanced at me, awaiting my answer.

"Something to do with Wendy, I guess."

Somehow, Wendy, Dipper, Mabel, Emma and I were on the roof, throwing pine cones at trees, that one totem pole, cars...

Dipper and Wendy high-fived, Wendy drove off with her friends, Dipper was teased by Mabel, Emma and I were just throwing pine cones at everything, even though Wendy was already gone-

Surprisingly, that day wasn't that exciting. However, I was determined to get Emma some adventure, so the next day she'd be coming along with us again.

We were hanging out in the Mystery Shack, talking about Dipper's Lamby Dance (TM) until the cuckoo clock went off.

"Hey, look at that! Quittin' time! The gang's waiting for me." Wendy said, getting off the counter, as she was sitting on it previously.

"Wait! Why don't I - I mean - we come with you?" Dipper said. Mabel, Emma and I just stared at him with smug faces - we knew why he really wanted to go.

"Ooh, I don't know... My friends are pretty intense. How old did you guys say you were?" Wendy asked.

I opened my mouth to answer, but Dipper butted in.

"We're thirteen! So, technically a teen." Dipper said quickly.

"All right. I like your moxie, kid! Let me get my stuff." Wendy said, walking out of the room.

"Dipper, why'd you lie?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Come on, guys. This is our chance to hang out with the cool kids. And Wendy, and whatever." Dipper said.

"I knew it! You love her!" Mabel said, prancing around Dipper. "Love love love love love!"

"Oh hey, what's that?" Dipper said, pointing at nothing. Mabel turned to look, and Dipper flipped her hair over her face.

To be honest Mabel kinda was taking it too far with the teasing. Only a little bit though.

We went outside and saw Wendy's gang of friends.

Mabel introduced herself with chewing gum. Dipper introduced himself in an awkward way that gave me second hand embarrassment.

"Hi, I'm Xelia." I said. I kept it simple so things wouldn't be awkward.

"I am the spam queen Emma. Bow before my presence." Emma said, her voice suddenly reaching a very low pitch for her second sentence. Beads of sweat dripped down the teens' foreheads, despite being taller than us.

"So are you, like, babysitting or-" The emo one said.

"Come on, Robbie!" Wendy scolded. She turned back to us. "Guys, this is Lee and Nate." She gestured to two others.

Lee and Nate punched each other and laughed.

"Tambry." Wendy said, gesturing towards a girl who was glued to her phone. She didn't even look at us when she greeted us with a distracted "Hey".

"Thompson, who once ate a runover waffle for 50 cents." Wendy said, pointing at the chubbier teen.

"Hey, don't tell them that!" Thompson said, embarrassed.

"And Robbie. You can probably figure him out." Wendy said, pointing at the emo one.

"Yeah, I'm the guy who spray-painted the water tower." Robbie said boastfully, pointing towards the water tower in the distance.

"Oh, you mean the big muffin!" Dipper said.

"Um, it's a giant explosion." Robbie said.

Emma and I snorted.

"Heheh, kinda does look like a muffin!" Lee laughed. Robbie gave a withering glare at Dipper.

"Let's hurry it up guys. I got big plans for tonight!" Wendy said.

"Wait, we're doing it at night?" I asked.

"Yeah - something wrong?" Wendy asked.

"No, just need to ask Tad if Emma and I can go. His only rule is to come back home before dark, so I need to ask him if its okay to go." I said, pulling out my phone and texting a message to Tad.

"Oh yeah, forgot you and Azzy got lost in the woods two days ago." Emma said. "The smash tournament made me forget."

"Wait since when did you guys get lost in the woods?" Dipper asked.

"Azzy and I lost track of time once when we were with you and Mabel at the Mystery Shack. Was too dark to see anything so Tad came and escorted us back to the motel." I said quickly, not looking up from my phone.

Xelia_1337: hey, can we hang out with Dipper and Mabel until 7:00 pm

Xelia_1337: wanted to ask bc you told us not to stay after dark

TadTheBread: hm

TadTheBread: fine but you better not stay late

I sighed in relief. "Alright, it's all good! At seven we'll have to head back though."

"Hm... that's only two hours from now..." Emma said. "But I'll take what we can get."

"Alright everyone, in the car!" Wendy said.

Dipper, Mabel, Emma and I squished into the back of the car, the teens punching the ceiling of the car while Thompson drove us to the place we'd be hanging out.

"Does anyone actually know where we're going?" I whispered to Emma.

"Nope," Emma replied.


After about an hour of driving, we arrived at a... convenience store?

"There it is, fellas! The condemned Dusk 2 Dawn!" Wendy said, gesturing a the abandoned convenience store behind the tall, wired fence.

"Ha, cool!" Lee and Nate said in unison.

"Neato!" Mabel said.

"Why'd they shut it down? Was it like a health code violation, or-" Dipper started.

"TRY MURDER!" Nate said, raising his arms and wiggling his fingers to resemble a ghost.

"Some folks died in there, and the place has been haunted ever since." Lee explained.

"This town has such a colorful history." Mabel said.

"Colorful is one way to put it," Emma said.

"Wha... are you guys serious?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah! We're all gonna die!" Wendy said in a weird voice. She playfully punched Dipper's shoulder. "Chill out man! It's not as bad as it looks."

Soon, we were all climbing over the fence. Emma pretty much squeezed herself through one of the gaps (how, i have no idea) and the rest had climbed over it. Dipper and I were still having trouble though.

Lee climbed up and accidentally threw Dipper from the fence while trying to help him down.

I, not wanting to get thrown down myself, tried to quicken my pace, but ended up falling from where I was.

However, just before falling on my face (and probably breaking a tooth or something) Emma caught me and set me down gently.

"Thanks Emma..." I said, still coursing through a little bit of adrenaline after falling.

"No problem." Emma said, giving me a little pat on the back.

Wendy looked through the window of the store. "Wow, this place looks amazing!"

Robbie tried to open the door, but it was stuck.

"Let me have a crack at it!" Dipper said.

"Oh yeah. I can't get in, but I'm sure Junior here is gonna break it down like Hercules!" Robbie said with a hideously sarcastic tone.

Dipper didn't appreciate that.

"Come on, leave him alone. He's just a little kid." Wendy defended.

Knowing Dipper, he also didn't appreciate Wendy calling him a little kid, so I wasn't surprised when he suddenly dashed towards the dumpster and starting parkouring on top of the store, opening up the roof vent so he could get in and open the front door.

We headed inside the store (but not before Lee, Nate, Mabel, Wendy, Emma and I gave him some praise) and were met with its dark interior.

However, Wendy found the light switch. It still worked, and we were able to see, so we marveled at all the things around the store - we split up.

Dipper got roped up into a food fight with the other teens, while Mabel, Emma and I were wandering around the outskirts of the store. Until we found Smile Dip.

"I thought this was banned in America!" Mabel gasped and tried a bit.

"Maybe there's a reason for that-" I started, but Emma jumped right in with Mabel.

I sighed. Maybe one packet wouldn't hurt.


Five minutes later the three of us were drooling on the floor, laughing manically.

Dipper walked in on us and his eyes widened.

"Uhh..." He said. "I think I'm just... gonna go..."


After I'd gotten out of my hallucinations from Smile Dip, I joined the others and saw the white outline of the dead people on the ground.

Everyone was crowded around it, and the teens were daring Nate to lie down on the outline. Dipper was warning them not to, and the others were calling him Captain Buzzkill.

However, Dipper was having none of it. Desperate to prove them wrong, he lied down in the outlines himself.

But then they started glowing. And then that's when I got scared.

Tambry got sucked into her phone, and that's when we all screamed.

Thompson got sucked into the Dancy Pants Revolution game he was playing.

Lee got sucked onto a cereal box.

Emma ran from one of the aisles.

"UH, MABEL JUST GOT POSSESSED OR SOMETHING!" Emma yelled. We all looked upwards to see Mabel, hair floating above her head, her eyes glowing.

"Welcome." She said in a deep voice. "Welcome to your graves, young trespassers."

"We're super sorry for hanging out in your store!" Wendy said.

"Yeah! Can we just go now and leave forever?" Dipper asked.

"Well... okay, you're free to go." The doors opened. "But you gotta try these dogs! They're half off!"

Robbie and Nate ignored possessed Mabel, running straight for the doors. They closed in their faces.

Nate got turned into a hotdog.

"It begins." Possessed Mabel said, and gravity became the opposite as everything fell to the ceiling. We all screamed as we crashed onto the ceiling-floor.

Dipper and Wendy climbed inside a tipped over ice machine, hiding from Possessed Mabel. Which left Emma and I scrambling for a place to hide or something to do.

"Uhhhh - Emma, any ideas?!" I asked, ducking as an arcade game soared over my head. "I got nothing!"

"I think I have an idea!" Emma said. "Everyone was zapped for doing normal teenager things, so we just gotta act like kids instead of teenagers, and then the ghosts will realize we're not teens!"

A packet of Smile Dip smacked into my face.

"The universe agrees." I said, giving a thumbs up to Emma, the packet obscuring my face.

Sharing the Smile Dip packet, Emma and I devoured the entire packet. Our pupils widened and we zoomed around the place.

Dipper and Wendy just stared at us, confused.

Mabel dropped to the floor, the ghosts showing themselves.

"I don't even know what to do with these two. Goodbye." They said, and they faded away.

Gravity returned, and the teens returned to normal. The doors were open.

Without missing a beat, everyone ran out.

Emma and I fist bumped.

Dipper and Wendy were still flabbergasted by how we stopped the ghosts.

"Uh... I..." Dipper said. "How...?"

"Be grateful you didn't have to do the lamby dance." I said, getting into the car before Dipper could respond. When I glanced back at him he was tomato red with embarrassment.

After heading back to the Mystery Shack, Emma and I said goodbye to Dipper, Mabel, Wendy and the teens, and we headed back to the motel.

This time, I made sure to use my phone's flash mode so that we could see where we were going.

"I can't believe we just annoyed the ghosts so much they just peaced out." Emma said, and we both burst into laughter.

Emma readjusted her emoji mask on the side of her face. During all the hubbub it had gotten loose.

"The ghosts really said 'nope'." I joked, and that earned us a few more laughs before we got to the motel.

Once we headed inside, we immediately froze.

Everyone was pillow fighting each other, Tad having fallen asleep while they were watching a movie. Some marker doodles were drawn on his face, adding a monocle and mustache to his face.

They were all laughing, and Emma and I joined in without a second thought. It was only until we all got tired and continued watching the movie together that I noticed Tad had the slightest of smiles on his face.


Sorry that this chapter is shorter! I wanted to get this out before I have more of my final exams, because I really didn't want to leave you guys with nothing until 15th June!

So... yeah. This chapter is shorter than the others... ;-;

But this chapter had a different ending than the actual show, so I'm starting to make it more of an AU instead of us just following Dipper and Mabel around.

In fact, next episode, we aren't even going to be tagging along with Dipper and Mabel at all.

Let's just say Tad's cipher wheel will come up... with our symbols and everything... >:)

But anyway! Emma, I hope I did a good job of writing you! I wrote this chapter in a few hours (and yes I know it's been pretty much a month since your birthday even though I promised this chapter would come out sooner).

Hope you guys will be excited for the next chapter! :D

Stay safe and well, and have a great day/night! <3 <3

- Xelia

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