Chapter 1
Hi! This is a story where me and the Cipher Society are all in Gravity Falls! I have to ask them about what they would do or say in the pms. This is gonna take a while to complete, especially since I'm on the opposite side of the world for most of them ;^^
For the sake of the story, all of us are gonna be aged down to twelve years old - well, I mean, I'm assuming we're all actually or older than the age of twelve, judging by how we speak and everything, but there's a small chance I'm wrong about that.
Also, another thing for the sake of the story, I'm just making it so that we're friends from school and we all have phones(i dont have one, i use a laptop for Wattpad, but im making myself have one), just so things are easier for me for story stuff.
The drawing was made from a base, I could never draw in the Gravity Falls art style so well XD
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! :D
Hi. My name is Xelia.
And this is the story of how a group of friends and a family had to survive an apocalyptic weirdmageddon started by a dorito demon.
...Don't ask...
...Because I'm going to tell you!
It all started when we got chased by a bunch of gnomes in Gravity Falls...
Me and my friends had decided to meet up in a sleepy town called Gravity Falls, in the state of Oregon. Despite it being summer, I felt cold here. My home was just above the equator, so I was used to desert heat.
"Why is it so freezing here?" I said, getting off the bus with the others.
All of us had nicknames. Space preferred to be called by her real name, Emma, while others, like Lexist and myself, preferred to be called by our nicknames.
"ThE cOlD nEvEr BoThErEd Me AnYwAy," Emma replied sarcastically, and we all laughed. All of us had a pretty similar sense of humor, so it was no wonder that we all got along.
"No but seriously, what temperature is it? It can't be anything higher than 20 degrees." I said. Noticing the stares, I cleared my throat. "In celsius, I mean."
Lexist took out her phone. "It's 80 F." She noticed my confused look. "27 degrees celsius."
"What?! I thought it was colder than that." I said. "It's funny how cold your body can feel when it's only a little bit cooler than room temperature."
Now, you might be wondering - who's taking care of these six twelve-year-olds? Where are their parents?
Well, we were being watched over by a chaperone that had been paid to take care of us for this summer. He lived in Gravity Falls in a motel, and we'd be split into pairs to share a different room. The motel was surprisingly big.
His name was Tad Strange. Which, admittedly, was a tad strange.
And soon, we'd come to realize that Gravity Falls was a tad strange too. Maybe even more so.
I remember overhearing Moody asking Tad if he was related to Doctor Strange, to which he replied, "I do not know. My father left to get the milk and never came back."
I had had to hold back my giggles.
In the end, the pairs were like this - Lexist and Emma, Azzy and Moody, and Loo and I.
Me and Loo got along pretty well - I felt she was the one who understood me the most in the entire group.
Azzy and Moody were the ones I didn't know much about. Sure, we were friends, but we didn't really talk much. Hopefully we could change that though.
Then there's Lexist and Emma. Lexist was pretty much the leader of the group, I was the founder, and Emma... well, she was a natural born spammer whenever we texted.
Anyway, I have a tendency to wake up early, like 6:00 AM early, despite sleeping at 11:00 PM last night. It's weird.
I got out of the surprisingly comfy motel bed and...
...didn't bother to brush my multi-colored hair, and instead just used my hand to remove some of the tangles and let it be.
I wasn't exactly a person to get ready and glam themselves up to perfection, but I wasn't exactly a person to not care about how they looked either.
I was somewhere in between - just wanting to look presentable.
I put on my light purple sweater and jeans, wore some white sneakers, and I was good to go.
Loo finally woke up two hours later, her purple and white hair tangled in messy curls. (using the OC look from
Loo didn't usually wake up this early, but I guess Tad did tell us there was a surprise today.
Thinking a little more on Tad, there were only three things weird about him. He sometimes referred to himself in third person, randomly says he likes bread when the room is silent, and... the fact that he wasn't weird.
Yep, you heard me right.
Everyone in this town was weird, and surprisingly... dumb. I mean, not to be rude or anything, but we found that most people here were kind of... stupid. In a funny way though, so it didn't bother us.
A few minutes later, we heard a knock on our door. While Loo was brushing her teeth, I opened the door and saw Tad.
"Oh, hey Tad." I said.
"Hello." He replied. "I made breakfast."
"Thank you." I said with an appreciative smile. Although being a little weird sometimes, he was really nice and friendly. "Are the others awake yet?"
Before he could speak, though, I said something. "Let me guess, Lexist couldn't sleep again?"
He nodded.
"I like bread." Tad said, handing me two plates of breakfast for me and Loo. He closed the door and walked away. But that was normal for him, so I didn't mind.
"Loo, breakfast is here!"
"Okay, coming!"
I put Loo's plate on her bed and waited for her to come.
Whenever I ate with someone in the same room, and they were coming, I'd always wait for them to come before I took a single bite. Unless I was starving.
While we ate, I kept wondering about what surprise Tad had in store for us. Would he take us somewhere? Get us gifts?
My imagination was running wild. I was getting impatient, as I am with almost everything.
After breakfast, we all met outside the motel and got into Tad's van.
As Tad drove us somewhere deep in the Gravity Falls woods, I looked through the window in awe. I'd never been in a forest before, so this was a new experience for me. Forest just seemed so magical and mysterious to me. I really wanted to explore, and discover, but nobody else seemed to share my interest in forests.
Soon, we arrived.
"Hey guys, check it out! I think it says 'Mystery Hack'?" Azzy said.
The words on the roof that was supposed to spell out "Mystery Shack" was missing the 's' in 'Shack'. So instead, it said "Mystery Hack". Maybe it said something about the service there...
But anyway, we all snorted, and Tad led us inside the Mystery Shack gift shop.
It was full of all sorts of merchandise to sell the idea of mystery... well, Gravity Falls was weird and shrouded in quite a lot of mystery - hardly anyone knew it existed.
There were shirts, hats, boxes with mystery gifts inside, cards - they had everything.
They even had popsicles! I'd never tried one before, so the first thing I wanted to get in the gift shop was the popsicles.
That's when I noticed the 'No Refunds' sign on the checkout desk. I was a little suspicious and wary after that... but come on. Popsicles. P o p s i c l e s.
Yeah I was going to get it anyway.
But out of the corner of my eye, I saw two unlikely employees.
Two kids around our age - and they looked very much alike. They were so much alike that they had to be twins. The boy wore a brown hat with a star on it and the girl wore a pink shooting star sweater. It looked home-made.
Curious, I stared at them for a little bit. I had a tendency to observe the room a lot, and because of that I stared at people quite a bit before moving on to the next thing to look at. If someone looked at me they'd think I was creepy. Thankfully, no one had ever caught me in the act before, and I was assuming that streak was going to keep going for at least another week.
But then the boy noticed me staring at him and his twin.
I panicked and immediately diverted my gaze towards the popsicles, trying to make it look like I wasn't just staring at him and his sister for a few minutes.
But I could tell the damage had already been done. Great. I couldn't seem to go anywhere without making a fool of myself.
"Okay, you guys should go check around the gift shop. One thing each. I'll get popsicles for you guys." Tad said, beckoning for us to explore.
While I was looking around for something to get(avoiding looking at the twins' direction), I noticed that Loo was eyeing a pendulum.
Then I noticed Emma and Lexist fighting over a grappling hook, before Lexist finally settled on a bigger version of the bobblehead of the guy who ran the Mystery Shack - Mr. Mystery. It was the size of a teddy bear plushie.
I was still deciding on what I wanted to get when I noticed some Mystery Shack snowglobes on a shelf. I walked over to them, interested.
I'd never gotten a snow globe before, but I figured it would be nice to have one. I loved special effects and snow globes certainly delivered.
I spotted Moody getting an eyeball from a jar at the counter as I was heading back to Tad with the others.
We all got our popsicles, Tad paid for everything, and then we all left to get back into the van.
But as I looked out at the forest again I felt the urge to rush right into it and explore. But I knew I'd feel guilty if I did that...
But then I had an idea.
I tapped on Loo's shoulder.
"Hey, Loo." I whispered. She jumped a bit. "Sorry."
"It's okay. Why are we whispering?"
"Because I want to go sneak into the woods and explore. Want to come with me?"
We glanced at Tad to make sure he wasn't listening before Loo spoke.
"Of course!" She whispered back.
"Okay, let's go!" I said.
Now, I was naturally good at sneaking away, as I could run a little faster than jogging speed and be silent. The trick was to tip-toe, but not be too slow. Not painfully slow like the cartoon characters do.
It was to tip-toe and dash forward at the same time. Kind of like running except a little slower and a lot less tiring. Well - unless you weren't used to tip-toeing every time you walked. When you have a bunch of ants living in your bathroom ever since you were little, you tend to get used to tip-toeing so the ants don't crawl on your foot.
I grabbed Loo's hand and tip-toeing ran into the forest as quickly and quietly as possible. Well, Loo didn't know my technique, so I tried to focus on being quick than being silent. By then, the van was out of sight, and the others didn't know.
"Okay, we can stop running now." I said, letting go of Loo's hand. It was tiring for me to tip-toe wearing shoes - I'm used to having no shoes and being barefoot, because my house had a carpet floor.
I looked around. "The forests are so pretty..." I muttered under my breath. Loo heard.
"Yeah, they can be."
I walked around, hugging every tree. Yes, I was hugging them. That's how much I loved forests. I live in a desert with nothing but sand and dry heat, okay?
Then I noticed that boy from earlier was nailing signs to trees. Again, I wondered why a twelve-year-old was allowed to work somewhere as an employee.
I remembered how he'd caught me staring at him... maybe I should go apologize?
"Um, Loo? I may or may not have been caught staring at that boy in the Mystery Shack. Can I go apologize to him?" I said.
"Of course. But I'm coming too." Loo said.
So we went over to him.
"Um... hey." I said, being the socially-awkward person I am.
"Gah!" He yelled, surprised, dropping all his things.
"Ack, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." I said quickly.
"It's fine." He replied.
"Um... I'm Xelia, and this is Loo." I said.
"Yeah, what she said. I'm Loo, nice to meet you, I'm familiar with the area, so.. yeah." Loo said.
"I'm Dipper." He said.
"So... whatcha doing?" I asked.
"Oh, I'm just nailing these signs for Grunkle Stan." Dipper said. "I always tell him I feel like something's watching me in the woods, but he never listens to me."
"Well... I'd like to believe you, but this is my first time in a forest. I wouldn't know. I assumed this feeling of being watched is always with you in forests." I said.
"Uhm, well it's not exactly normalllll, but it's not surprising, I guess. I mean, it's the forest, I think anyone would be a bit paranoid." Loo said.
"Oh, okay." I replied.
"Well I'd better finish nailing these." Dipper said. But when his hammer hit the tree, we all heard a metal clunking sound.
"Wha...?" I muttered. Dipper's hands felt around the tree trunk and discovered a secret cabinet inside the tree. He pulled it open.
Inside was some rusty, dusty machine. Dipper flicked a few of the levers and pressed a button, and the land I was standing on slid open. I lost my balance and fell.
"AAH!" I yelled, landing on my butt. "Ow..."
"Are you okay?" Loo asked.
"Yeah, I'm all good..." I got up, my butt sore. But I realized I was standing on something.
"Hey guys, check this out." I said, picking up a maroon book with a golden six-fingered hand... labeled '3'.
I handed the book to Dipper, and he laid it on the ground for all three of us to see.
It had a bunch of spooky stuff on the weird and paranormal happenings of the town. I was very interested to dive deep into the contents of this... journal. I loved reading. I'd read an entire novel in one day just because of how thirsty I was to read. And I read it all aloud. Just... throwing in a little flex there... yep.
"So the author of the journals was being followed... and halfway through the pages just... stop." Dipper said.
All three of us screamed, startled.
"Watcha reading there, Dipper? Ooh, did you make some new friends?" The girl from earlier, Dipper's twin, said. "You've gotten better at talking to girls, haven't you?"
All three of our faces were flaming red tomatoes now.
"mAbEl!" Dipper yelled with a voice crack.
"What?" Mabel said, giggling.
"I-It's nothing like that, we just met!" I said quickly.
"Hm... okay then." But Mabel's cheeky look didn't leave her face. That worried me.
"Anyway, bro bro, what's that book?" Mabel asked.
"Um... let's go somewhere private." Dipper said, after noticing a goat nibbling on the book.
"Us too?" Loo asked.
"Yeah, sure." Dipper said.
Loo and I smiled at each other, and followed close behind back towards the Mystery Shack.
And when I noticed a familiar van in the distance, down the path, I started to speed-walk.
*Time Skip*
After Dipper had explained everything to Mabel in the living room of the Mystery Shack, the doorbell rang.
"Oh, time to spill the beans!" She knocked over a random can of beans that was nearby.
"Boop! Beans." Mabel grinned. "This girl's got a boyfriend! Whoo whoo!"
"What?! In the half hour I was gone, you already got yourself a boyfriend?" Dipper asked in disbelief.
"What can I say? I'm just irresistable!" Mabel said. The doorbell rang again, multiple times.
As Mabel rushed over to answer the door, Dipper sat on the yellow couch and flipped through the journal, Mr. Mystery himself came by... wearing no pants. I covered my eyes instinctively.
"You didn't tell me you had friends over." He said. Dipper quickly swapped the journal with a magazine.
"Oh, um, we just came a little while ago." Dipper said.
"Here's my boyfriend! Say hi to Norman." Mabel said, pulling him from around the corner.
He wore all black and had a hood, with dark brown hair covering one of his eyes and some... red stuff on his cheek. There were some twigs penetrating through his hood too. He looked creepy and untrustworthy. I'd just met Mabel but I could already tell she wasn't the type to take dating lightly.
"'Sup." He said.
"Hey." Dipper said.
"Hi." I said.
"Um, hello." Loo said.
"How's it hangin'?" Mr. Mystery said. I'll just call him Grunkle Stan since that's what Dipper and Mabel call him.
"We met at the cemetery. He's really deep." Mabel said, clutching his arm. "Oh - little muscle there. Heheh... what a surprise..."
"So what's your name?" Dipper asked.
"Uh... Normal... Man!" He said. I raised an eyebrow.
"He means Norman." Mabel said, smiling at him.
"Are you bleeding, Norman?" Dipper asked again, pointing towards the red stuff on Norman's cheek.
"It's... jam!" He said. Mabel gasped.
"I LOVE jam! Look at this!" Mabel said, playfully shoving Norman.
"So, you wanna go hold hands, or... whatever?" Norman said.
"Oh, oh my goodness." Mabel said with a giggle. "Don't wait up!"
And she ran out the door. Norman followed behind, but not before crashing into the doorway.
Me, Dipper and Loo looked at each other. And we knew. Something was up with Norman.
Later, we were up in the attic. We had decided to consult the journal to see what it had to say about this.
"'Known for their pale skin and bad attitudes, these creatures are often mistaken for... teenagers?!'" Dipper said, and I gasped.
"Beware Gravity Falls' nefarious..." I read, but was cut off by Dipper's scream.
Outside, we looked through the window and saw Mabel and Norman outside, with Norman doing a suspicious zombie-like walk.
After a few moments of us screaming for Mabel to get away from him, Norman just gave Mabel a necklace of daisies. The three of us calmed down, but Dipper was still a little unnerved.
I noticed a handyman coming into the room and setting up his ladder to fix the light bulb.
"Are we crazy, or is my sister dating a zombie?" Dipper said, still focused on his thoughts that he didn't notice the handyman.
"It's a dilemma to be sure." He said. Startled, Dipper yelled out in shock and lost his balance for a bit.
"Soos." The handyman said.
"Right, Soos. You've seen Mabel's boyfriend. He's got to be a zombie, right?" I said.
"Hm... how many brains did you see the guy eat?" Soos replied. The three of us sighed.
"Zero..." We said in unison.
"Look, dudes, I believe you. I'm always noticing weird stuff in this town. Like that mailman? Preetty sure that dude's a werewolf." Soos said. "But you gotta have evidence. Otherwise people are gonna think you're a majorly cuckoo clock."
"As always, Soos, you're right." Dipper said.
"My wisdom is both a blessing and a curse." Soos said.
Grunkle Stan called Soos for help with the portable toilets, and just as soon as Soos had come, he was gone.
"I am needed elsewhere." He said, as he walked backwards back into the darkness he came from.
"Okay, time to gather evidence. I have a camera." Loo said, pulling it out.
Montage time!
After watching Mabel and Norman do some fun stuff together for an hour or so, we'd seen enough.
"Maybe we should talk to Mabel about this." Dipper said.
"Wait, without the evidence? Won't she think we're crazy?" I said.
"She might, but we have to at least warn her." Dipper said.
So we went up to Dipper and Mabel's shared room in the attic.
While Mabel and Dipper were discussing stuff about Mabel's bad cheek mark, I cut to the chase.
"Listen, Mabel, we came to warn you about Norman. He isn't what he seems." I said, reaching through Dipper's vest and pulling out the journal.
Mabel gasped. "You think he might be a vampire? That would be so awesome!"
"Mabel, don't you get it? Norman isn't a vampire, he's a zombie. All the signs, the tripping over nothing, the sluggish movements, the so called jam! Have you not noticed this?" Loo said.
Mabel glared and put her hands on her hips.
"Guys, this isn't funny." She said.
"We're not joking! Why would we joke about this if it were really important?" I said. Mabel just shook her head.
"I have a date with Norman at five o' clock, and I'm not gonna let you ruin it with your crazy conspiracies!" Mabel yelled, pushing all three of us out the door despite our protests.
Sighing, we headed back to the living room as we glumly watched through our recordings.
"Y'know, guys, maybe we are just paranoid. Like Loo said, it's normal to be paranoid about some things." Dipper said.
"Wait guys - reverse the footage! You have to see this!" Loo said quickly, grabbing the camera.
"Why? Did you see something?" I asked.
"Look!" She showed the footage of Norman's hand falling off, before he picked it back up again and put it back on.
Dipper and I yelled out in shock, with Dipper falling off the yellow couch.
"So he really is a zombie! We really aren't going crazy!" I said with massive relief.
"Guys, we have to go warn Mabel! She's going on her date with Norman right now!" Dipper yelled.
"Let's use the golf cart!" Loo said.
"But Wendy has the keys!" I said. Dipper had explained to us that Wendy was the name of that redhead cashier in the gift shop. I hadn't been paying much attention to her at the time, but now I was curious to see how she interacted with her surroundings. Basically - personality.
We raced outside - Grunkle Stan was busy showing off a rock that looks like a face (many people got confused) so we had to go around the crowd.
After panting to catch our breath, Dipper got his breath back first.
"Wendy! We need the golf cart to save my sister from a zombie!" Dipper yelled witha voice crack. I could tell voice cracks were a thing with him.
Wendy just stared at us with a smug face. But after a few moments she handed us the keys.
"Try not to hit any pedestrians." Wendy said.
Okay, Wendy was one of my most favorite people now. I don't know if that sentence was grammatically correct and honestly I don't even care anymore.
We all hopped in (making sure to put on our seat belts) and Dipper began to drive - until Soos stopped us and gave us a shovel for the zombie, and... a baseball bat for a pinata.
"Don't worry Mabel! We'll save you from that zombie!" Dipper yelled.
At this point, it kinda just felt like Dipper was the one saving Mabel and Loo and I were in just in it for the ride.
*Time Skip*
By the time we arrived in the middle of the forest, hearing Mabel's cries for help, we discovered a bunch of gnomes attacking Mabel.
We got out of the golf cart.
"What the heck is going on here?" Dipper said, grabbing the shovel.
A bunch of tiny gnomes were attacking Mabel - nibbling on her sweater sleeve,
I passed Loo the baseball bat.
"Here, you take this." I said.
"No, Xelia, you keep the baseball bat. I can fight on my own, I may be self taught but I have a nasty kick." Loo said, pushing the bat into my hands.
I smiled. "Thanks."
I got out of the golf cart with Loo, baseball bat in hand.
"Guys! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes! And they're total jerks-" Mabel said, when one of the gnomes began pulling her hair. "Agh! Hair, hair!"
While Dipper was flipping through the journal, muttering about us being way off (which we were), Loo and I were helping Mabel against the gnomes, but when they were knocked down, they kept coming back up...
...except that one gnome that Mabel kicked and will eternally puke rainbows.
While we were dealing with the gnomes, with the leader gnome talking with Dipper about 'being a powerful race', (it ended how I expected it would - Dipper using the shovel to get the gnome out of the way) we finished up with the gnomes on our side and quickly brought Mabel into the golf cart.
"Dipper, get in!" I said.
Dipper got in the driver's seat and began to drive(after putting on the very important seat belt).
As we were driving through the forest, I noticed how we weren't going that fast.
"Hurry, before the gnomes come after us!" Mabel said, thinking the same way.
"I wouldn't worry about it. You see their little legs? Suckers are tiny." Dipper said, until we felt and heard big thumps like footsteps from a giant. Dipper stopped driving.
We turned around to see a massive shadow loom over us, as a giant gnomes made out of all one thousand gnomes looked down at us.
"All right, teamwork guys! Like we practiced." The leader gnome said, at the very top of the beast of individual gnomes.
The giant gnome roared.
"Move, move!" Mabel yelled, and Dipper began to drive at full speed.
"Okay, Dipper, you focus on driving, the three of us will handle the gnomes." I said, grabbing teh shovel and handing it to Mabel.
As we were speeding away from the giant gnome, it began to gain on us.
"It's getting closer!" Loo said, pointing at it.
The giant gnome threw four different gnomes our way, landing on the golf cart and tearing it apart with their sharp teeth.
When one of them looked at me and hissed, I swung my baseball bat as hard as I could and watched as the gnome fell out of the golf cart, with a groan of pain.
I turned around to see Loo kick the gnome right in the gut, and before she lost her balance and fell out of the cart, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back inside.
"Thanks." Loo said.
"No problem. Think of it as payment for the bat." I said with a wink. I internally cringed like I do with almost every social interaction I decide to take part in.
When Mabel whacked a gnome away with the shovel, another one came and latched on to Dipper's face.
"Dipper!" I yelled.
"Don't worry, I'll save you!" Mabel said, wedging her shovel in between Dipper's face and the gnome. She threw the gnome off of him and watched as he fell on the ground in front of the cart, and when we heard a thump and the cart hit a bump we all froze.
"Whoops..." Mabel said with a wince.
I noticed that gnome had taken Dipper's hat too.
And then that's when the giant gnome picked up an entire tree and threw it in front of us to block our path!
We all screamed as the gold cart skidded and fell on its side in front of the Mystery Shack.
We all groaned in pain as we climbed out of the cart.
Standing up, we saw the giant gnome had arrived. Dipper threw the shovel at them in an attempt to stop them, but they just punched it into the ground. I would have thought that was awesome if we weren't about to lose Mabel to the gnomes.
So I decided to charge at them with the bat instead, raising it into the air, ready to smack their legs-
They picked me up by my shirt and the baseball bat slipped from my hands onto the grass below.
"Hey! Let go of me!" I said, trying to wiggle out of their grasp. But my attempts were feeble.
"It's the end of the line, kids." The leader gnome said. "Mabel, marry us before we do something crazy!"
Like they hadn't already done something crazy.
After the three of them down below were whispering together in worried discussion, they finally came to some sort of conclusion.
"All right, Jeff - I'll marry you." Mabel said.
I began to struggle harder, punching the gnomes, doing anything to get back down on the ground and attack them - but it was pathetic.
"Mabel, you can't do this!" I yelled down.
"I have to. It's the only way." Mabel said. I noticed her wink and calmed down a little.
She had a plan.
"Hot dog!" Jeff yelled down, climbing down his fellow gnomes to get to the ground.
"Help me down there, Jason. Thanks. Andy, left foot, there we go. Watch those fingers, Mike." Jeff said as his feet touched the ground.
He walked over to Mabel, bent on one knee, and opened a case to reveal a crystal ring. He pointed to it enthusiastically.
Mabel gave him her hand and he slipped the ring on her finger.
"Bada-bing bada-boom! Now let's you get you back into the forest, honey." Jeff said, but Mabel cut in.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Jeff stopped in his tracks and turned around.
"Don't mind if I do." He said, closing his eyes and puckering his lips. Mabel glared at him and grabbed a leaf blower.
She turned it on and aimed it at Jeff.
"Aah! Hey, wait a minute! Ah!" Jeff said, sucked into the leaf blower. "Woah, what's going on!"
"That's for lying to me!" Mabel yelled, cranking up the pressure. "That's for breaking my heart!"
"Ow! My face!" Jeff yelled, his voice a little muffled.
"And this is for messing with my friends and family!" Mabel said, as Loo and Dipper came closer.
"Want to do the honors?" Mabel asked them.
"On three." Loo said.
"One, two, three!" The three of them yelled in unison, propelling Jeff right into the giant gnome like a bowling ball. I fell to the ground with the gnomes, on my butt.
"Ow..." I said, wincing. But my pain was brief as I smiled at how the gnomes were running away.
"You guys did it!" I said, getting up and hugging all three of them. Hugging was the only way I could show affection, other than saying compliments or comforting someone.
But my hugs were tight, tighter if I was really happy, and if I was extremely overjoyed, I could sometimes raise people into the air with my hug.
While Dipper and Mabel were sorting out their differences with their sibling stuff, I noticed Tad and the others running up to us.
"Oh thank goodness you're here! Where have you two been! You look like a mess!" Tad said, kneeling down to check for injuries.
"We're fine, Tad. Just got chased by a bunch of gnomes is all." I said with a giggle.
"Don't sneak off again... please." Tad said, getting back up on his feet.
"Did you really get chased by gnomes?" Emma whispered while Tad was leading the others back into the van.
"How else would the golf cart have gotten smashed?" I said, gesturing to the golf cart.
"Plus I have some gnome hair!" Mabel said, jumping into the conversation, holding up a lock of silver hair.
"Ew... " I said under my breath.
"Emma, Loo, Xelia! Get over here!"
"Coming, Tad!" I yelled. I looked over at Dipper and Mabel.
"Maybe we could hang out sometime?" I asked.
"Sure." Dipper said, waving as we got into the van.
And as the van drove away into the sunset, I was feeling pretty excited about this summer.
I knew it was bound to be exciting.
So, you may have noticed how Loo and I had a bigger part than the rest of you.
Well, each chapter/episode will have a different member of the Cipher Society join me, Dipper and Mabel in the adventure, to make things easier.
And I have a bigger part because... well, the book is written in my perspective. So... it's logical that it would make me seem like a main character.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this! This chapter is so long... Longer than the average chapter of a Harry Potter book!
Stay safe and well, and have a great day/night! <3 <3
P.S. The word count is 5444 words.
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