Chapter 30.

"If you will allow me, I can assist you." Nex offered Ratchet his servo.

The medic was hesitant about my characters offer, and I don't necessarily blame him. I made Nex to be tricky. He'll act like he's decent and friendly, then backstab you at the most inconvenient of time. But as I know this character like the back of my hand, I stand up.

"Trust him Ratchet. He can help." I say.

Everyone turned to me, including Nex.

"You two know each other?" Ratchet asked.

"In a way, yes." I keep my eye on the grey and purple mech.

Nex nods and looks down at my friends, kneeling to get a better look at them.

*   *   *   *

After Nex and Ratchet had finished with recalculating the outcome, the results came back which stunned the medic to his core. He was shocked the assistance from the new mech had allowed the result to be calculated correctly.

"So what are the results?" I asked.

"Your friends will be safe with doing the procedure, but be cautious of any contact with massive amounts of electricity." Nex warned.

His words seem genuine, which is surprising for him. I sighed of relief and looked down at Bendy, Springtrap, Blue, Delta, Charlie and Echo.

"So whenever you're ready to, let me know. But know our time is limited." I say.

"Maybe tomorrow morning, it's not that spacious in here." The Ink Demon said.

That was a fair enough argument. My smaller compatriots left the room to go  sleep, Darksteel and Skylynx following as well. Predaking, Ratchet, Nex and I remained in the medbay.

"What am I gonna do...she wants me to come alone. And if I don't then they all die." My ears fell.

"We will think of something, I promise you." Predaking took both of my hands into his, just like back at where he asked me to be his queen.

"I propose that we eliminate her." Ratchet said.

My eyes widen, "No! We can't do that!"

"Whyever not?" The medic raised an optic ridge.

Well, I never specifically told them that Primus had told me that Quintessa was much like me once upon a time. Or that he had asked me to change her back into her old self.

"Because...Primus asked of me if I could change her back to her once kind self." I sighed.

"What?! You have spoken to Primus?" Ratchets optics were wide.

I nodded, "Yes. Not only him, either. I've also spoken to Unicron, not willingly might I add. Quintessa is trying to provoke and awaken Unicron, and he KNOWS that I'm coming to stop her. The bastards tried taking me to the anti spark, but Primus saved me just before he did. In other words, I can't kill her because she was infected by dark energon." I explained.

Everyone was silent, standing in shock. All but Nex, he didn't seem surprised whatsoever. But that might be due to the fact that he lives in my mind.

"Dear Primus, are you alright??" Predaking asks.

"Yes I'm fine, for now anyways. Primus is always nice to talk to, and I know whenever Unicron is close by. The area around me will feel cold and dark. Call it a gift." I say.

*   *   *   *

The next day had come and Predaking refused to leave my side ever since I told him about the Unicron situation that occurred. He truly does seem to care, especially for a girl that he's just met. Literally not even a week he's known me, and he treats me with much love and respect. It surprises me as he's been more of the aggressive type when he stayed in his home dimension, but now he doesn't even want to return. I'm actually rather glad he doesn't. Because if I remember correctly, in the sequel series Robots in Disguise, which I didn't like at all, Starscream DESTROYED the Predacons. I will NOT let them die to that whiny coward!

The King slowly opened his golden optics as he looked to me, his dragon head nudging me as I had slept leaning against him once again.

"Good morning, Preda. I assume you slept well." I pet his dragon head.

He nodded as I got up.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat, I'm hungry. As much as I appreciate Energon, I need some human food. Maybe some coffee." I say as I change back to human form.

The Dragon tilted his head when I said "coffee", ah right he isn't too familiar with human terms.

"Basically energon for humans." I say.

Predaking then gave a slight nod and laid back down. I made my way out of the area where the Predacons and I were allowed to rest, which was a large empty storage area. But I know that some of the other Autobots are skeptical of them, and of my other new friends as well. Mainly Ironhide, I just need to convince him that they're not bad like he thinks. But I'll talk to him after breakfast.

I followed some of the soldiers as they I believe are headed to the mess hall, but they kept their distance from me. They must be some of the soldiers that don't trust me now, when they had NO problem with me before. I slowed my pace once they entered the mess hall, slowly following them in. At this point, I'm not even hungry anymore. I saw the soldiers as they sat at long tables, all eating their breakfast and socializing. With a heavy sigh, I sat down at an empty table and only stared at the surface of said table.

"Well you don't usually sit alone, something wrong?" I heard a familiar voice from in front of me.

I lifted my head to see Lennox and Epps come forward and take a seat in front of me, each with their trays of food. I sighed once again.

"Yeah something's wrong. Half the soldiers and Autobots here act all suspicious of me and my new friends, when they had no problem with me a month ago." I looked at them.

"It might be because your friends aren't like anything they've seen. We may be soldiers, but nothing could prepare us for you bringing dinosaurs, a rotten robot rabbit, a thing made of liquids, 3 'Predacons' into the base. And you being able to turn into a giant Cybertronian rabbit Predacon, why that of all things?" Epps asked.

"Hey, I like bunnies very much as well as the Predacon faction. Plus no one thought of it, and my other friends just simply wanted to come with me." I explained.

My dog then jumped onto the empty seat next to me and ambushed me with several dog kisses to my cheeks, her tongue was like fine grit sandpaper against my skin. I gently pushed her off my face and looked at Lennox.

"I also have the whole Decepticon ordeal." I groan.

"Well I'm gonna tell you now, you're not going." Lennox said firmly.

"What? I have to go or Optimus, Bumblebee and my family die!" I plead.

"It's too dangerous for someone like you." Epps said.

My eyes widen as I raised my eyebrows.

"Too dangerous? TOO DANGEROUS??? I've LITERALLY been in WAY more danger this past week! I've dealt with a psychotic robot bear who clawed my cheek, I've run away from a volcanic eruption, I shapeshifted into and KILLED a manmade dinosaur with ONLY my teeth as I was bleeding like Niagara Falls, I swam in Megalodon Shark infest waters while nearly being drowned by Lockdown-"

Lennox looked like he was about to say something.

"Oh I'm not done! I dealt with Cemetery Wind with only my raptor friend Blue, snuck into a highly secure government building TWICE, got abducted and taken to another Knightship, nearly died by fighting Lockdown, was found by a purple humanoid named Thanos who wiped out half of ALL life in the universe with the snap of his fingers-"

Epps then was about to say something.

"Still Not done! Then UNICRON tried taking me to the anti spark and failed, Predaking I had to fight Skylynx with Darksteel to get them to help and we won, and last but not least! I killed Starscream. And you're saying that this debacle is 'too dangerous for someone like you?' I've lived more danger in the past week than in my entire life." I finished.

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