Chapter 1.

*    *    *    *

The bounty hunter had returned to his domain, bringing with him the humans forearm with the relic morphed into it. He entered the throne room with the long awaited prize, all optics were on him. Quintessa looked very pleased with his results and hovered towards him.

"I am pleased with your results, Lockdown. Yet another human exterminated, once and for all this time. Correct?" The Deceiver asked as she took the arm from him.

"She couldn't have possibly survived a direct hit, it's impossible. So I assure you, she is dead." He assured, unaware of how wrong he was.

"This human was much more clever than the past several." Starscream grumbled.

Quintessa turned over the arm to look upon the gems. Her expression changed from joyous, to mildly puzzled. She looked towards the grey mech with an optic ridge raised.

"Where are the gems?" She asks calmly.

Everyone else was equally as puzzled as she was, especially Lockdown.

"They are there, I saw them." He claimed.

Quintessa faced the arm towards him to show that the gems were nowhere to be seen. His optics widened in surprise, for he KNEW that he had them before returning to their world.

"That is impossible, they were in my possession. There is no possible reason for them not being there." He said firmly.

She threw the useless arm off to the side, furious.

*    *    *    *

After what they thought was their daughter's death, her family was in tears and mourning their loss. The Autobots lowered their heads at the thought of another human friend eliminated. As well as being accompanied by 2 more, Bendy and Springtrap. The two had fought as well as they could. But Bendy was made of liquid which made him weak to electrocution, it also caused him to change back to his muscular form, and Springtrap had lost a few parts to his animatronic suit.

The screen that had gone to static once Sky was shot, then started to glitch and buzz. It caught all of their attention and they faced the screen. An image began to glitch through, but not of the human. But instead showed a red slit eye peeking through strange tall crops, it was Blue. This confused the captives.

Blue all of a sudden launched out of the crops with a loud screech. She landed on top of what looked to be a deer, biting onto its neck with full force. The creature bucked and tried to throw the raptor off, but to no avail. There was a sickening snap as she broke the animals neck, the creature falling limp to the ground with Blue still on top.

She released her grip and stepped off of what could be her meal, blood covered her scaly lips. Blue then bit onto its neck once again and started to drag it towards a wooden structure at the end of the crop field.

"Where the hell is that?" Bumblebee asked with his radio.

"I am unsure." Optimus replied.

The dinosaur dragged the carcass up some wooden stairs and into the structure. A fire in the center of the room produced light for the entire space, a pot hung above the flames as steam poured out of it. Blue dragged her catch toward the center of the room, then letting go of its neck. She made some chirping noises towards someone else in the room.

A tall bald purple figure wearing worn clothes stood in front of a homemade countertop, he was cutting up what looked to be fresh grown fruits and vegetables. Those that were unknown to the humans and Springtrap, although no one knew who the purple man was. The humanoid turned his head towards Blue.

"You're quite an efficient hunter, little one." He said to the raptor.

He placed the chopped contents into an old beaten up bowl and sprinkled exotic spices over them, bringing them towards the pot over the fire. He poured the contents into the boiling water and set the bowl down, walking towards the fresh animal carcass while grabbing a knife.

"Since you did a miraculous job in catching this, you will get 75 percent of this for yourself. I only need a small portion for myself and your friend for when she wakes." The figure looked toward a corner in the room.

There in a wooden bed covered with a dark worn blanket, laid an unconscious Sarah. Everyone's eyes and optics widened with shock. She had bright blue glowing bandages wrapped around her chest, which rose with every breath. She was breathing, showing that she was certainly alive. Her family started crying tears of joy, the Autobots were both still surprised and relieved, Bendy and Springtrap smiled greatly.

Blue looked towards the human, squabbling and approaching her sleeping form. The tall purple man began dividing the animal carcass in sections of what Blue could have, and what he required to make dinner. The raptor was at Sky's side, chirping and very gently nudging the side of her head. The figure then took 2 pieces of meat and walked towards the fire, placing a grate next to the pot with the boiling content within it.

He then placed the steaks on the grate for the meat to cook, taking a pair of prongs and sitting down to watch it. Blue looked back towards the tall purple man, making clicking noises. He looked in her direction.

"If you are asking when she will awaken, I cannot tell you for certain. I only treated her wounds, which is phenomenal that she survived. 2 direct injuries in the torso area is almost certain death, even to machinery." He said while looking to the cooking meat.

The humans little nose started to twitch, smelling the air. She then began to stir, catching Blue's attention. The dinosaur chirped curiously and nudged her head once again. Sarah then groaned and shut her eyes tightly as she began to move, then slowly opening her dark brown eyes. Her eyes landed on Blue, who was excited that she had awakened.

"Hey Blue..." She said weakly.

Blue squawked and nudged her more forcefully, trying to get her up. She went to sit up then gasped sharply as she gripped her chest, right where she was shot. She looked pained, which it was certain she was. The tall purple figure looked in the humans direction, but the human did not notice him just yet.

"Ow...mother FUCKER that hurts..." Sky cursed.

The human sat up completely, the blanket sliding off of her torso. She looked and saw the glowing bandages, confused yet relieved. Her brand new wings folded outward, startling both herself and Blue. Sarah looked at her new wings, they were bright red, blue and dark grey with blue glowing lights. She looked at the new appendages with much wonder and excitement.

"You've been resting for quite a while." The figure said to her.

Sky turned her head towards the purple figure as he turned over the meat, her eyes widening in shock. She even looked a little defensive as she tensed as she looked around for her other 2 friends, who unfortunately weren't there. Which concerned her.

"Wait...where are Bendy and Springtrap..?" She asks Blue.

The raptor only lowered her head.

"I discovered only you and your animal companion, there was no one else with you." The purple figure said.

"Oh god...NO." She went to stand, but her injuries prevented her from doing so.

The blanket completely slid off her body, revealing what was left of her right arm as well as her new tail. She immediately noticed them, as well as her clothes and shoes being gone, but thankfully armor was in place of where her clothing was previously. Sarah looked at where her arm was previously, shocked and in disbelief.

"What the hell hap-" Her eyes widened, then she balled her only hand into a fist.

"That MOTHER FUCKER! He fucking sliced my arm off! Oh god...they have the relic!" She shouted.

Blue remained calm as the human was panicking, Sky noticed how calm the raptor was and raised an eyebrow. The raptor had a mischievous look on her face.

"Blue, why are you so calm about this?" She asks.

The raptor then started to cough and hack. This concerned the human, she leaned forward and placed her hand on Blue's back. Blue coughed harder and harder, trying to regurgitate her stomach.

"Blue?? Are you okay??" Sarah asked, scared for her friend.

The raptor then hacked up what was currently in her stomach, the contents fell to the floor covered in slime. Sky's eyes widened at what Blue had coughed up, she stared at the items upon the floor.

It was the 6 gems from the relic.

Hell of a way to kick off a book, eh? Let me know what you think so far!

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