We Have To Stick Together
Karen looked up from the freezer where she was putting away the ice cream after hearing Stevie sob.
She quickly put the last of the ice cream away and ran over to Stevie who was now sobbing uncontrollably.
"What's wrong Stevie?"
Stevie couldn't speak so she lifted the photographs to let Karen look at them.
Karen's eyes were wide; she couldn't believe Lindsey would do this to Stevie once again.
She quickly grabbed Stevie around her waist as she had noticed Stevie had grown pale and saw her tiny boss begin to sway.
"Whoa, Stevie come on let's get you to the sofa. You need to lay down."
Karen laid Stevie down on the sofa and was rubbing her shoulder gently to try and comfort Stevie.
Stevie just clutched onto the photos and continued to sob. She was crying so hard it was hard for her to breath. Karen trying to remain calm grabbed the envelope the photos came in and started to fan Stevie with it to get her some air.
All of sudden Stevie began to heave.
She had gotten herself so worked up that she made her stomach upset.
No waste basket was close enough so Karen not caring at the moment, grabbed a vase that Stevie had as decoration and handed it to Stevie who began to throw up into it.
Karen rubbed her back and said as she continued to heave into the vase. "Stevie, you need to calm yourself. You know this isn't good for the baby."
After emptying her stomach, Stevie laid back down and closed her eyes.
"How could he do this to me Karen?" She said weakly.
Karen sighed. She didn't have words of comfort for her Stevie. She stayed close to Stevie until she fell asleep.
Fifteen minutes later, Karen heard Stella cry over the baby monitor. She got up and went to get Stella.
When she came back down, she heard the door open. It was Lindsey. She went into the kitchen to feed Stella her lunch. Karen decided to move Stella's high chair outside on the patio; she wanted to give Stevie and Lindsey some privacy. She sighed as she knew what was coming.
Stevie had heard the door open; she saw Lindsey walk in and make his way to her.
"Hey angel, how are you doing?" he said with a smile then realizing her puffy red eyes his smile faded. "Steph. What's wrong?"
She sat up, stood and showed him the photos. "How could you Lindsey!? Who is she and how long have you been seeing her?!"
Lindsey stared at the photos in total shock.
He was cursing himself for not telling her what happened that day.
"Stephanie! It's not what you think! That girl caught me by surprise. I was having a drink with Mick. When he was in the restroom that girl came up to me and she was very persistent. I showed her my wedding band and told her I was happily married! I told her to leave; next thing I know she kissed me and wrapped my arms around her."
When Lindsey was finished speaking even to him it sounded so far fetched.
Stevie shook her head that was pounding by now. "I can't believe you did this too me! We just found our way back to each other and you cheat on me! Is this a tradition for you now?! We get back together and when we seem at our happiest you pull this shit on me!"
"Stevie, no, I didn't cheat on you. I hadn't even met that girl before that day. She just threw herself at me." Lindsey was in tears now; he tried to hold Stevie's hand but she pushed it away.
"Don't touch me! Don't you fucking touch me!" She yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Stephanie, I love you with all my heart. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you and risk me losing you again. I won't ever do that again. I don't ever want to live without you. You are my heart and soul. Please believe me Steph." Lindsey said as he cupped her cheek with his hands and rubbed her tears away with his thumbs. He stared with tear filled eyes into hers and she stared right back into his.
Stevie didn't know what it was but she felt in her heart that Lindsey was telling her the truth. This was so different from when everything had happened with Kristen years ago. Back then, his eyes were filled with guilt and regret. Now, they were clear of all of that except for the love he felt for her.
She put her arms around him and held him close; as close as her belly would allow.
She buried her face into his chest.
"Who would do this? Obviously, someone was waiting and ready with a camera to take those photos." She whispered.
Lindsey held her and thought of only one person. "Marcy." He said out loud.
She broke away and looked into his eyes. "She...she really is doing her best to tear us apart." She said sadly.
"She isn't going to succeed. We have to stick together. She isn't going to win Steph."
"Momma, Dadda!" They heard Stella say.
They turned and smiled at Stella.
Karen had wanted to check up on them since she hadn't heard any yelling.
She sighed in relief but then remembered, as far as Karen knew, Lindsey had cheated on Stevie.
"I'll explain later Karen." Stevie said.
Stella reached for Lindsey who took her into his arms.
Stevie gave her kiss on her chubby cheek.
All of sudden Stevie felt strange.
"Ah!" She yelled out as she doubled over holding her belly. She reached to find the sofa behind her and sat down as she panted in pain.
"Stevie! What's wrong?" Lindsey and Karen said in unison.
"I...don't know! I...hadn't felt...that before." She said in between breaths.
"Karen, I'm taking Stevie to the hospital. Can you please pick up Will and Leelee from school?" Lindsey said giving Stella back to Karen.
"Of course." She replied.
"Thank you."
Lindsey led Stevie to the car. As soon as she was in the passenger seat, he ran around to get in and quickly started the car.
He back away from the drive way and they were on their way.
"It's too early Linds! It's too early!" Stevie cried.
"Shhhh...it's going to be alright. The baby will be fine." He said taking her hand in his.
He held it all the way to the hospital.
Once inside, he asked for help and explained the situation.
The doctor and nurses began to check Stevie's vitals and blood pressure. They also placed a fetal monitor around her belly so they can keep an eye on the baby's heartbeat.
The doctor examined her and after he began to speak. "Well, Mrs. Buckingham. You are NOT in labor. Although, your blood pressure is very high and we will need to bring it down. What you have just experience is what are called Braxton Hicks contractions. These are a way for your body to get ready for labor. Mrs. Buckingham, have you been under any amount of stress lately?"
Stevie nodded feeling guilty for putting her baby through any type of stress.
"From now on, you will need to be as stress free as much as possible. You are just entering your eighth month so we need to keep that baby in there for a few more weeks. I'm putting you on bed rest for a week and of course I'll need to see you after the week is up. We will keep you here for a few more hours as a precaution. The baby's heartbeat sounds really strong so that's a very good thing as well. I'll be checking in on you later on."
And with that the doctor gave them a reassuring smile and walked out of the room.
Stevie sighed. Lindsey sat down on a chair that was next to the hospital bed, taking Stevie's hand in one of his and placed the other on her belly where the baby was kicking.
Stevie placed her free hand on her stomach and said. "I'm so sorry my baby girl. I didn't mean to put you through a lot today. I love you."
Lindsey smiled and kissed her hand that he was holding.
"Linds, how am I going to be stress free when we have the court date coming up?" She asked.
"Let's not worry about that right now. It's not for another two weeks. This week and next I'm going to do everything I can to distract you."
Stevie was sent home the next day.
Lindsey made her as comfortable as he could. He massaged her feet, waited on her hand and foot.
The children even became glued to her side. They would lay with her in bed after school and before bed; Stevie reading them a bedtime story.
Stella clung onto Stevie even more nowadays, sensing that her mother needed some extra comfort. She would lay next to Stevie curled up to her side. Stella would pat Stevie's stomach and give it kisses. "I wuv you baby." Stella would say. Also, "I wuv you momma."
Stevie's heart skipped with pure joy, tears coming into her eyes each time.
One day, Stella was crawling on the floor waiting for Lindsey to pick her up and put her on the bed. She was getting frustrated; Lindsey was taking too long. She stood up and walked to the bed.
Stevie saw and yelled for Lindsey to turn around. "Lindsey! Look!"
Lindsey turned and Stella was already halfway to the bed. Finally she stood looking up at Stevie with a huge smile on her face and said. "Momma, up!"
Lindsey picked her up and handed her to Stevie.
"Oh my gosh, Stella! You're walking!" Stevie gushed.
Lindsey was thrilled to have seen his baby daughter walk.
"Well, it's time to baby proof the house. She's going to be all over this house now." Lindsey said with a laugh.
Lindsey had been seeing his lawyer; telling him all that Marcy had done. Even mentioning Emma; which he had no proof that it was Marcy, he just thought that his lawyer should know everything.
The lawyer had told Lindsey that Marcy had witnesses to testify against him. Emma was on the list too.
Lindsey and his lawyer decided, even though Lindsey didn't want to, they would have Will tell his story of what happened upstairs during Stella's first birthday party.
Stevie was now halfway through her eighth month. Christine decided to come early so she wouldn't miss her goddaughter's birth. She would be staying in the guest bedroom; Christine decided to stay for three months, that way she could help Stevie with the baby.
Stevie was not on bed rest anymore but she still had Braxton Hicks contractions which the doctor said was normal.
A few days before the court date, Stevie was playing the piano working on a new song.
Karen walked into the room and said. "Stevie, Christine's here."
Stevie stood up and waddled to the living room.
"Oh my! Stevie! You look gorgeous!" Christine exclaimed giving Stevie a hug. "Oh and look at this belly!"
Christine rubs Stevie's stomach.
Stevie chuckles.
"How are you feeling love?" Christine asks.
"Well, I don't feel gorgeous and I feel extremely miserable." Stevie said as she began to cry.
"Awe Stevie!" Christine said and hugged her. "You're almost there; just think, in a few weeks you'll be holding your baby girl in your arms."
Stevie smiled wiping her tears. "I can't wait."
"Say, let's go have girls day out? We can go have our nails done!" Christine said.
"I don't know Chris. I..."
"Oh come on Stevie! We'll just go then come back before you know it!"
"Fine!" Stevie said feeling exasperated.
As they sat getting their toes and nails done, both chose the color red, Stevie told Christine everything that had been going on.
Stevie told her about her encounter with Marcy at Stella's birthday party, the adoption, the custody case, the photographs of Lindsey to being on bed rest.
"What a nutter!!!! She's definitely off her rocker!" Exclaimed Christine. She was very angry after hearing all that Stevie had just told her.
Christine had always been protective of Stevie. They had grown so close over the years they were more like sisters. "If you would have told me this before I would flown in and knock some sense into the old bat!"
Stevie couldn't help but laugh. "Oh Chris, I'm so glad you're here."
Heading home from getting their nails done, Stevie fell asleep in the car. She didn't notice the vehicles parked inside the gate.
"Stevie, we're home."
Stevie's eyes fluttered open. She got out of there car and she and Christine walked to the door. Once they were inside, they heard very loudly, "Surprise!"
Stevie's eyes grew wide as she saw her friends and family all gathered around the living room; Mick and John were there as well.
The whole room was decorated in pink.
While Christine had taken Stevie out for the day, Karen and Lindsey got everything ready for Stevie's surprise baby shower.
Stevie became emotional and buried her face in her hands as she cried.
"Teedee, don't cry."
"Mom!" Stevie said as she looked up. She wrapped her arms around her mother and continued to cry.
They gave Stevie sometime to freshen up then the baby shower was underway.
Stevie got so many gifts for the baby which Lindsey put in the nursery once all the gifts were unwrapped.
As the baby shower was coming to a close, Stevie's energy level quickly plummeted.
She rested her head on Lindsey's shoulder and closed her eyes. He smiled and kissed the top of her head.
Everyone saw how exhausted Stevie was so they started to leave so they could let her rest.
Lindsey got up carefully and laid Stevie down on the sofa and covered her with a blanket.
He kissed her cheek and went to help Karen clean up.
Will and Leelee were outside playing on their swing set while Stella was inside playing with her toys in her playpen.
It seemed like a peaceful ending after a long day, until Will ran into the house holding Leelee's hand dragging her with him.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Will cried out in a panic.
"Will, what's going on son?" Lindsey said.
"A strange man tried to take me and Leelee away!" Will said.
"What?! What happened Will?"
"We were playing on the swings and a big scary man told us to go with him! He tried to grab us but I kicked him really hard between his legs! He fell then I kicked him in his face and we ran inside."
Lindsey sprung into action. "You and your sister stay inside with mommy and Karen okay. Karen call the police!"
Karen quickly picked up the phone and dialed.
Leelee ran to find Stevie who was still asleep.
"Mommy, mommy!" Leelee cried.
Stevie woke up to see tears falling down Leelee's cheeks.
"What's wrong my sweet girl?" Stevie said rather groggily still trying to wake up.
Stevie sat up and Leelee without a word climbed up and buried her face into Stevie's chest. Leelee was trembling; Stevie tried to comfort her the best she could still not knowing what was going on.
Will walked into the living room as well and sat next to Stevie and clung to her side.
"Will, what's going on?" Stevie asked.
Will didn't say anything; he just buried his face into her side. Now that the shock and adrenaline wore off; Will was now feeling scared about what had just happened.
Stevie just held on to both children as she gently rocked them.
A few moments later, a knock was heard and Karen ran to get the door.
Two police officers walked in.
"This way! In the backyard." She said as she led them through the house.
Stevie didn't have a chance to ask Karen anything. Dread spread throughout Stevie's body. She wanted to get up and go see what was happening but Will and Leelee had iron grips on her. She groaned internally for not knowing what was going on and Leelee was pressing the baby against Stevie's bladder; she really had to use the bathroom.
A few minutes later, Karen walked in with one police officer and said gently, "Will, Leelee, this is Officer Olsen. He wants to ask you both some questions. Is that okay?"
Will peaked from Stevie's side and nodded a small nod. Leelee had stopped crying and nodded too. "Don't let us go mommy!" Will said.
Stevie smiled a small smile and said. "Never." And gave them a kiss on their cheeks.
Stevie started to cry as she was finally hearing what had happened while the children were outside. Will told Officer Olsen all that had happened and what he did to get away.
Stevie held onto Will and Leelee even tighter.
Because of the baby shower, Lindsey had kept the gates open and hadn't had a chance to close them as he was helping Karen clean up.
"Well, buddy, you did an awesome job protecting yourself and your sister." Officer Olsen said. "Now, excuse me while I go check on my partner."
Karen sat beside Stevie who said. "Lindsey's outside, I can stay in here with the kids while you go."
Stevie tried to get up but Leelee started to scream. "No mommy, don't go!"
"Shhhh, my sweet girl, I'll be right back. I'm just going to check on daddy. Okay? I'll be right back."
Leelee pouted but nodded.
Stevie made her way to the back yard where she heard Lindsey say, "Who sent you?"
"I'm not saying anything!" Said the man who was now in handcuffs.
"Listen, if you cooperate, we will go easy on the charges you are facing. Which, you don't deserve but if you help us, we will help you. So please tell us who sent you?" Said Officer Olsen.
Lindsey spotted Stevie; he opened his arms as she stepped closer to him. They held each other while they heard the next words that came out of the man's mouth.
"It was Marcy. Marcy Messner!"
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