04 | Fight Who Fights


His face wasn't as chill and bright as it used to be. His eyebrows knitted together as if he was in his office room, dealing and dealing with his bunches of works that seemed to never come to an end. There existed no single smile on his lips which would usually spread some sugars for her. It was more than enough to hint Hye-in that he was still affected by the fact he was unwelcome for the party last night.

She placed her hands on the table and leaned over to make them reach the guy's.

"Tae, are you okay?"

It took him a while to answer her. "I am."

Hye-in sighed. Her thumbs moved to stroke his knuckles softly. "You're not. Don't lie to me."

Taehyung took a deep breath and exhaled it out of his lungs out loud, making it seemed like he was escaping a very heavy sigh.

"I even prepared myself for a proper introduction to your family." His voice was low.

Hye-in felt so troubled to hear those words from him. He even planned to face her family properly. God, he must felt so disappointed to know there was no invitation for him. Her parents were so cruel. For real, they were so cruel.


"And even brought them gifts as I felt so excited for the encounter..."

With that being said by him, Hye-in stood up and pulled the chair to sit next to him, pulling him over into an embrace for the comfort. His head rested on her shoulder that she could smell the familiar scents of fresh male shampoo and strong fragrance of Gucci.

"I'm sorry, Tae," she whispered, her hand moving up and down to stroke his shoulder.

Silence filled the atmosphere between them as Taehyung didn't feel like opening his mouth again, and as Hye-in didn't want to be forceful towards the guy.

"Work was suck today. I'm fucking tired. I want to hang out with you until midnight, or maybe morning. Or, whatever, just want to have you now," Taehyung spoke again, yet this time he rather sounded like a demanding child.

Hye-in smiled to his adorableness but as her dad's words replayed in her mind, the smile dropped. "But-my dad had warned me to not go out until that late..."

"Right." Taehyung broke the hug and got his car key which was on the table then stood up. "Better for me to drop you home now, isn't it?"

His sounded irritated, which made the girl hold his hands and pull him to sit again. She examined the whole face of him which was surprisingly had the sulking expression again. Aw, since when Taehyung learned to be a sensitive baby?

Hye-in's lips curved up to a smile as she cupped his cheeks, making him look straight in her eyes.

"Ignore his warning. I'll be with you the whole day today, okay? Now smile," she demanded.

Taehyung's pout was still visible, but then it slowly transformed to a small smile. "Love you."

"Love you too, Tae."

She opened up her arms which Taehyung happily leaned over again.

"Have any thing to do in your head now?" she asked.

"Um, can we go bowling?"

The loud music echoed every corner of the club while the colorful lights were turned on to give the place more party vibes. There were some people who were dancing. Some were drinking, some were flirting, some were giggling like some idiot and some were grinding their hips, not forgetting to say, sensually.

Yet, those loud havoc didn't disturb Hye-in at all. All thanks to her boyfriend who had brought her here often. That girl was just sitting there on the tall chair whilst scrolling down her phone. Her eyes enthusiastically glued on some posts of trendy fashions in the Instagram app, while her mind was busy confirming the idea of using her dad's money (without informing him) again to get herself those.

Soon, Taehyung came to sit beside her made her shift her gaze on him.

"Why? Tired already?" she asked, then turning her eyes to the phone screen again.

Taehyung playfully snorted. "Yes."

His eyes then fell on the tall glass in front of the girl. Sadly, it was just plain water and wasn't any delicious alcohol which could be gotten here. She could've just drink it though—no one would really butt in if Taehyung didn't speak this up to her parents (which he clearly wouldn't)—but Hye-in still had a bit of awareness. It was illegal for her to come to such place, let alone to have some drinks. One mistake was always better than two, wasn't it?

"Just plain water? Aw," he smiled teasingly, making Hye-in playfully roll her eyes. "It's okay. I'll bring you to drink anything you want here right after you become legal."

Hye-in flashed him her sweet smile. "Okay."

The moombahton ringtone which was barely heard came from an incoming call interrupted her whilst she was still lost in the beauty of Kim Taehyung's eyes. Looking at the caller ID, she rolled her eyes, slightly feeling not desiring to answer it, yet she had to. Her finger lazily dragged to press onto the green, answer button.


"Hye-in, do you know what time is it already? Why are you so stubborn? Come home now."

Her overprotective dad. That made her regret picking up the call way more.

"Dad, it's just barely 10 PM. It isn't like it's too late," she said.

"You've been out for hours now. Can't you just come home? I consider ten at night already really late for my daughters."

"But dad—"

"Come. Home. Now!"

With that, he ended the call. Hye-in groaned as she ran her fingers through her own hair, feeling totally unsatisfied. First, he got under her skin for not inviting her VVIP Taehyung to her birthday party, and now he demanded like she was already over it? No way.

"I guess... time to return the princess home," Taehyung said, lowly sighed.

Hye-in knew she had spent like the whole day with him today, yet she still wanted more. She always did. She didn't mind spending the whole time with this guy in front of her.

"It's okay. We can always meet." She smiled, tried to reassure the apple of her eyes even when she, herself, didn't want to bid Taehyung any single farewell.

"Let's leave then." He stood up, pulling her as well.

The usual routine took place, where Taehyung drove Hye-in home and they took some time for themselves to kiss and hug. Taehyung left the place and drove off to his apartment as he was certain that his girl was safe in her house already.

Hye-in, on the other side, not really feeling great and safe to be home. The glares she got made her feel nothing but annoyed. The same damned thing would take place just in a few seconds. She had to prepare an invisible wall on each side of her ears to receive those bullet-like rants.

Yet now she had decided something else. If they opened their mouths just to say things about Taehyung and her, she wouldn't keep quiet. Not anymore. She would fight the one who fought.

"From now on, Hye-in, I completely prohibit you from going out and seeing that guy. U don't care what type of excuses you're gonna give me anymore." Mr Hwang crossed his arms, showing off that he had the veto power in that house.

But, boy, Hye-in being Hye-in, wasn't going to be stopped tonight. No any single power could stop her, including that veto power of her dad's which seemed to be malfunctioning around her pissed off figure at any time soon.

She decided to digest all the rants at the same time, thus, she waited and listened.

"Let me remind you, just in case if you've forgotten who you are because of the amount of love poisoning your brain right now," Yeji paused, "Hwang Hye-in is still, no matter how deep she thinks she had discovered about love, a young girl who's still attached to the last, important year of high school."

"Don't you realize that you're going to graduate soon? You chose to spend time with him rather than to study."

"What have gotten up on you, Hye-in? I never thought you to be like this. I never thought you to choose the useless young love over studies. What had he given you, huh? He poisons you, doesn't he? He told you to be like this. Am I right?"

"I don't care anymore. Break all the connection between you and him. Everything. I will never, ever, allow you to be with him. Finale," her dad announced.

"And I don't give a shit for every of your instructions anymore," Hye-in finally spoke, which led all the three persons to gasp in surprise.


"Eighteen isn't a child anymore. I'm not a child anymore. Stop controlling my life and tell me this and that to obey. I won't. I won't suffer myself only to satisfy your wish-list. Being with Taehyung is rather therapeutic than to be with disciplined people like you who didn't even know how to chill."

Hye-in saw her dad clenching his jaws and fists.

"Get out! Get out from this house and live your live to the fullest with that son of the bitch."

"As you wish."

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