Problem & Communication

Syo coughed and hacked when he got to land. He lied back down on the grass as he closed his eyes, trying to catch his breathing. "This is not good for my heart right now..." He thought as small pants escaped his lips.

Once he got his breathing under control, he slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by a strong ray from the sun.

"Wait... What happened to me again...?" Syo thought as he squinted his eyes and shielded them with his hand. "Last time I remembered was me, Natsuki, and Ai were in a cave then there was this cliff and..."

The blond's eyes widened as he shot up. "Natsuki! Ai!" He cried out as he stood up and looked from left to right to find himself beside a river stream but no one besides himself. The blond panicked as he started running trying to find them on the river if they were floating or something.

He caught a glimpse of yellow hanging behind the rock. Syo quickly climbed over to the rock and jumped down from it. He saw Natsuki leaning against it who looked like he was unconscious.

"Natsuki!" Syo quickly went to his best friend as he crouch down and placed both of his hands on his shoulders. When he saw he was still breathing, he wave of relief rushed through him as he tried waking Natsuki up. "Oi, Natsuki. Wake up. Can you hear me?"

Natsuki stirred up a bit as he slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times to get rid of the blurry sight in his eyes. His vision cleared up a bit as he looked up to Syo with half-lidded eyes. "Syo...chan...?"

Syo let another sigh of relief as he sat on the ground. "Thank goodness you're awake, Natsuki. You got me worried." He said as he ran his hand through his damped hair. Natsuki blinked and looked around to see where he was.

He looked over to Syo and asked, "Where's Ai-chan?"

Syo instantly stood up and looked around. He saw a mop of blue hanging on the edge of the river as he quickly went towards it. Natsuki followed behind having that worried look at his face.

The blond pulled Ai out of the river and turned him over. "Ai, can you hear me?!" Syo shook him but the bluenette didn't made any signs of movements. He grimaced as he looked at Natsuki. "It's no use... I can't wake him up." He looked back to Ai. "What are we going to do?"

"Uhm... CPR?" Natsuki suggested ever so innocent. Syo choked on his own saliva as he snapped his head towards him with a full bloomy blush across his cheeks. "WHAT?! THERE'S NO WAY I'M GOING TO DO THAT! !"

Natsuki looked at him with innocent eyes. "It's worth a try, Syo-chan."

Syo looked at Ai and just sighed then he leaned forward a bit. "Please don't kill me for doing this, Ai."

He was about to do the procedure until something stopped him from doing so. Syo blinked and furrowed his eyes brows.


"Hold on... I hear something."

"*bzzt bzzt* ...are...ou alri... *bzzt* ....chan...? *bzzt bzzt*"

Natsuki blinked and looked towards Ai's pocket. He reached inside his pocket and brought out the phone as he shook it to remove the excess water. Syo went over to him and looked over to the phone.

"Oh wow... It's still alive." Syo said as he tapped it.

"*bzzt bzzt bzzt* ...Ai-Ai? Do you read me?! Ai-Ai! are you there?!"

"Syo! Natsuki! Are you there?!"

"Oi! Say something! Damn it!!"

"Reiji-senpai? Cecil? Ranmaru-senpai?" The two of them blinked as they tapped the speaker.

"Hello...?" Syo sounded out as he rose an eyebrow.

"Otoya: WAH! THEY'RE ALRIGHT!!" Otoya cheered from the phone with Reiji at the background as Syo and Natsuki heard Tokiya sigh in relief. "Reiji: Are you guys hurt?"

"We're fine, actually. Just a bit cold because our clothes are still wet from the water." Syo replied while Natsuki nodded in agreement as he let out a small sneeze and sniffed.

"Tokiya: I'm glad you guys are fine."

"Ren: Ran-chan, that's a dead end!"

"Ranmaru: I know what it is, Ren!"

"Masato: *sighs*"

"Cecil: *sighs in relief*"

"Camus: Aijima! Keep moving!"

"Cecil: I know! I know!"

Syo and Natsuki sweatdropped at the amount of arguments that sounded from the phone.

"Otoya: So where is everyone at? Rei-chan, Tokiya, and I are on the beach."

"Masato: Kurosaki-senpai, Jinguji, and I are still trapped in a maze."

"Cecil: Me and Camus are walking down a stairs case that's on a mountain? Hill? I don't know... But it's very high."

"While we're at the riverside just out of the cave entrance that's surprisingly next to it." Syo said as he looked over to the dark cave entranced and shivered a bit.

"Tokiya: I wonder who sent us here..."

"Ranmaru: Whoever did, they're going to get it from me when I find out! *growls*"

"Camus: I'll show them some DISCIPLINE when I see them."

"Reiji: maa~ maa~ Syo-chan, Nacchan! Is Ai-Ai there?"

The two of them stayed silent because both were reluctant on answering on telling them what happened to Ai. Syo nudged over Natsuki while the latter was hesitating so he went over to Ai. He removed his jacket and placed it over Ai's body up to his shoulders so the android won't get cold.


Reiji blinked at how they stayed quiet so he repeated the question. "What happened to Ai-Ai? Is he there? Syo-chan? Nacchan?" The brunet asked worriedly like a mother hen panicking for his little chicks. Tokiya and Otoya gave off worried glances at each other as they waited for them to reply.

"Syo & Natsuki: . . ."

"Camus: Oi. Speak up, you fools."

The two of them stayed quiet which made the others very worried.

"Natsuki: Uhm..."

"Hm?" Reiji rose an eyebrow as he listened closely.

"Syo: Yeah, about Ai..."


Ranmaru turned to the right and saw the entrance. Masato and Ren saw it as well and quickly went on ahead since they really wanted to get out of the maze. "Finally..." Ranmaru muttered when he got out, still holding the phone in his hand.

Ren dropped to the floor and sighed in relief then he looked back at the maze. "I'm not going back in there ever again..." He said as he eyed it like it was a threat.

"Agreed." Masato nodded as he sat down on a rock to rest a bit while Ranmaru sat on another rock that was beside Masato.

"Syo: Yeah, about Ai..."

Ranmaru rose an eyebrow at this. "What about Ai?" He asked curiously.

"Syo: He's uhm..."


"Spit it out already!" Camus snapped at the phone while Cecil flinched at the tone. The two were currently sitting down the very last stair case which meant they've already reached down.

"Natsuki: Ai-chan is out cold."


Camis stayed silent but in the inside, he was worried for the bluenette since they are close to each other and always agree to one another's opinions. Cecil knew about this as well since he noticed on how they get along but stayed silent and decided to ask.

"May I ask what is his condition is now?" Cecil asked as he tilted his head a bit to the side.


Syo leaned against a tree once they decided to go underneath the shade of it for a while.
"He's out cold or something. No matter how much we try to wake him up, he doesn't show any signs ever since we fell off the cliff in the cave." The blond replied as he watched Natsuki gently placed Ai down on the ground.

"Reiji: Hmm... I'm guessing he's out of power... It'll take some time for him to recover. Say, tell me. Was Ai-Ai rushing out when you were trapped in the cave?"

"Now that you mention it, Rei-chan-senpai." Natsuki started. "He was kind of in a hurry on getting out."

"Aside from trying to scare us." Syo added as he scratched the back of his head.

"Reiji: Thought so..."

"Ranmaru: What are you trying to say, Reiji?"

"Camus: Kotobuki's trying to say that Mikaze was already running out of power when they were trapped in the cave."

"Reiji: That's right, Myu-chan~ You understand me so well~"

"Camus: Hmph. You're just too easy to read."

"Reiji: Anyways, Ai-Ai might have been worried if he runs out of power and collapses, you guys might be going to have a hard time getting out."

Syo and Natsuki stayed quiet then they looked at Ai. Never did they thought that he would care this much.


"Ren: I know this might be interrupting and all... But what are we going to do now?"

"Tokiya: My suggestion would be we should regroup and think on what we should do by then."

"Masato: I agree with Ichinose on that."

"Otoya: But how?"

Ping! Ping!

All of them blinked at the sound that came from all of their phones as they saw either Piyo-chan or Onpu-kun holding up maps. Each group tapped at the same time and a location was presented on the screen with ways on getting to that exact location.

"Natsuki: Ehhhh? What's this?"

"Cecil: It's a map?"

"Otoya: What are we going to do with this?"

"Camus: Go to it, of course."

"Ren: But what if it's a trap? I certainly don't want to go in another maze..."

"Tokiya: Well. At least we know one location we can meet up."

"Syo: And this is only the map we've got so far."

"Ranmaru: *sighs* It can't be helped."

"Masato: We've got no other choice..."

"Reiji: Let's go meet up there then~! Everyone time for our Shining Stars cheer!"

"Ranmaru: Our what?"

"Reiji: Our Shining Stars cheer! Come on~ it'll boost up our moods a bit!"

"Otoya: I'm in! I'm in!"

"Natsuki: Me too~!"

Some were hesitant on doing it but once all of them agreed, they decided to do it.

"Reiji: Alright! Idols together...!"

"... Shining Stars Forever!!"

All of them voiced out in the end before moving on to regroup at the exact location that they are given by who-knows-who.


Ahaha~ When was the last time I updated this...? Two weeks ago...? Ahaha... I'm really sorry for the late update. I was having a hard time cuz good ol' writer's block was there. I'm really sorry... ^^);

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Sorry again if this chapter was confusing. I tried my best to make it a bit more understandable~

Thank you for the previous votes on the last chapters! Comment below on what you think about this story so far!

I'll update as soon as I can think of anything for the next one!

Until then, bye bye! (o^^o)♪

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