"I told you that nothing good will come from them. We should gotten rid of them while we have the chance." Domos said while glaring at me with hatred. Was it nearly cutting his beard that made him mad?
"You know I can hear you stooped~ or did I already destroy the last of your brain cells?" I said while looking at the burning Fort. I wonder what the hell did happen here.
"Zack please be quiet and Domos if I hear one more word about those children out of your mouth, I will have a very long talk to the guild master about your behavior and the THREE OF US don't want that."
"One...DAMMMN BOY YOU GOT PUT IN YOUR PLACE. Two how do you know my name?" I ask Justino while looking at him. I don't remember giving him my name... did I?
"Your sister told me. Or at least I think it's your sister." I turn my head towards Lisa, we both lock eye contact, then she continues to read her new book. Note to self, got to talk to Lisa about giving away my names later. I looked over at Justino and he was eyeing me with suspicion. I don't blame him most of the bullshit I made up is getting debunked. As we enter the gates, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. No bodies yet the smell of decay is in the air, Fire that burns yet what they are burning on that doesn't make sense, Arrows bedding into the walls yet the directions of the arrows pointed outwards of the fort not inside. In general, shits not right. I was soon snap out of though when I fealt a hand on my shoulder "Do not go outside no matter what." Justino said while he exited the cart and walk over to a group of adventures and giving them orders. I look over both Lisa and Marcus who just gave me the same expression 'I have no fucken idea.' Not long after, Jackie enter the cart with us.
"Morning friends." She said while her eyes were shut which is kind of creepy. She then claps her hands together and began to smile while her eyes still look like they're still shut "Let's play a game to pass this boring time."
The three of us looked at each other than look at Jackie. "What kind of game." Lisa asked while putting away her por- high maturity novel.
Jackie still looked at us with the same stone face "it's a fun game trust me." She then grabs three bolts. From her quaver and handed it to each of us "Last one to let go of my arrow get a special prize." Again, the three of us looked at each other than back to her then I got a message from Marcus
Zack, I don't even need to know what she said to know she is up to something.
I looked at Jackie in the eyes "Ok, if you play with us." I said with a small smile on my face. Meanwhile I got a message from Lisa
You can't be serious?
Trust me.
I look at Jackie and she was sweating bullets. "W-wh me? N-no...I'm N-not g-g-good."
"But big sister Jackie." I looked down at the floor while having the 'sad emote' on that started making my eyes tear up.
"D-don't cry." She then began to look outside for a brief moment. "ok ok I'll play."
She then put her hand on the bolt then I follow suit, soon enough Lisa and Marcus did the same thing. I can tell that Marcus was confuse but decided to go with it while Lisa was giving me the look of disappointment a look I was too familiar with to have an effect on me.
After a few seconds, Jackie let go of the bolt "Oops I just remember that I have to go and check on Lyinx." She then began to get out of the cart while keeping an eye on us. "Promise me that you won't leave the cart and remember last one let go of the arrow get a special prize." With that, she quickly walks away. As soon as she went inside one of the buildings, both Lisa and Marcus let go of the bolt.
"I win." I said with the grin that can rival the grinch.
"Yea yea." Marcus responded with a bored tone
"Zack I love ya, but you're stupid." Lisa said while looking at me with disappointment. Again, Its not something new
"Anyway, lets go look around this dump. We might find something interesting or just stretch our legs." I said while already getting of the cart. Both Marcus and Lisa just shrug to each other then follow suit soon after. When we all exit the cart, we meet up at the destroyed gate along with a dead body just out of my sight when we enter on the ground with deep cut marks on them. Interesting enough, some of them instead with deep wounds, were just flesh with bones. Almost like someone suck the blood out of the body and leave just a blank empty husk of what it is...or once was. Unsurprisingly, Marcus and Lisa were the first one to walk to the hallow body, while I was walking up the stairs that lead to the walls. As I was walking up the steps, I can hear one of the adventures talking to Lisa, but Lisa said something to the adventure which made him turn pale and walk away towards his group.
"I told you to do not interact with those kids and what did you do.
"I interacted with them."
"They may look like kids, but I can feel negative energy within them."
"Yea no kidding, have you seen the one with rusted armor with a metal face? He knocks out Domos and broke his skull. I heard from one of the guild members that those three nearly killed their challengers in cold blood."
"NOW you're just fucking with me."
"Its true I was there. It was a three on three. Granted those who challenge them were not 'moraly' best people yet they have the skills, but they did not deserve what they got. The one with the bird mask used some wind magic to destroy his opponent knees then proceeded to drain all the blood he has. To this day, he still can't walk properly and last I heard he is working as a farm hand. The one who challenge the blind girl was buried alive under the same arena. Sadly later that day, he took his own life. The creepiest part was a letter he left behind with only the words 'I'm sorry' over and over again. The one with the rusted armor was left for the worst. He hang the leader by the throat which forces him to stand on a block to breath. If Justino didn't intervined, we all would have seen him get whip to death with a ball with chain. The scary part is that one of the members that were there said that it had hooks on them to rend the flesh. The scary part is that when the fight was over, the kids gave them the money that they were trying to haggle out of them. 150 gold pieces.
"what happen to the last guy?"
"I don't know, and I want to keep it that way."
"That story is a load of bull if I ever heard one."
"Take that as you will, I do not want to get involve with those...things."
The conversation was getting me nowhere, so I just continue my climb to the top. Strangely enough there was nobody here which was unusual. If I was preparing an attack, I would have done a lot more range attackers like mages or archers. As I was about to make any further comment, I notice that a longbow was lying on the ground. Upon closer inspection, there is blood on both the bottom where the string is meet and on the grip. I set the bow back down and notice blood trail that leads to the side of the wall. It was kind of weird to look at as there is a huge indicator that someone clearly with an inch of their life crawl to the wall to lay down, but there was no body or any more blood trail that indicate that he moved away from the spot. Almost as if he just disappears from the world. I decided to message both Marcus and Lisa to help me with this conundrum.
As I was messaging them, I notice that another hollow body on the ground not far from the blood trail. I walk over to inspect it and soon came across Justino talking to Domos
"This has the work of the fallen all ove-"
They didn't get a chance to say anything as I just wave to them "hello." I can tell that Justino was not happy and began to walk towards me. Unlucky for them, both Marcus and Lisa came up the stairs and notice both me and Justino.
"Is this a bad time?" Lisa asked while drinking water while Marcus is inspecting the blood stain on the wall.
"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT STAYING INSIDE?" Justino began yelling at the three of us but Marcus was too focus on the blood while Lisa didn't care. I on the other hand was looking at domos who was enjoying the scene in front of him. For some reason, I seriously want to kill him. This stop when Marcus whistle which was rare in most cases. The only time when he whistles was that something interesting happened. He then began to hand sign to Lisa which turn into a full-on conversation. Justino on the other hand was getting more irritated by the second. To save the three of us, I had to intervene.
"Justino just wait I think he found something." I said while watching them sign language which made no fucken sense to me.
"You don't say." Lisa said to Marcus then turn towards us. "We have concluded that something stole the body while it was most likely alive." I can tell Justino was getting more pissed by the minute.
"LOOK just go back to the cart its not safe here." Justino was pinching the bridge of his nose while taking deep breath
"Alright." Was all I said since it didn't interest me that much and I like to keep a positive relationship with Justino and not make him slap the three of us the back of our heads. Lisa just shrug and left without saying a word and Marcus just follows. I look at both Lisa and Marcus and they just shrug. When we got back to the wagon, I spin the bolt in my hand while whistling, Lisa reading another book that put most people to shame just by owning it, and Marcus learning to write in another book. "So, Lisa." I asked while throwing the bolt at her in which she catches between her fingers then snap it in half. "How do you know that the body was taken. I mean, there was a lot of blood there."
"Trust me I know when someone bleeds out. Lost a lot of blood? Yes. Bleed out? Not necessarily. Also, Marcus notice the blood marking on the wall saying that something closed its wounds and took him away or something like that."
"What about a healer dragging him to safety?"
"Un-fucken likely." She said while laughing and turning a page. "I am confident that the church monopolizes healer, light, and holy magic users. So the chances of someone with healing capability is low and healing potions are quite pricey. Even if the wound is closed up, fresh blood can still be drag."
"Really? Damn that sucks." I said as Lisa use magic bs to fix the bolt and toss it back to me. It hit me, but it didn't impale that deep into my skin, so I just grab it and spin it around my fingers while wound close itself. Still, what did happen to the fort and a disappearance of a living body. It might have been a one sided battle since I only see uniforms of people at the fort unless the enemy faction is very efficient that they drag or buried their dead. Still unlikely since the defenders have an advantage and we didn't see any damage siege weapons outside. A disagreement happened which cause a civil war is unlikely since its sound stupid and these people are government run army. Could mind control play a part in this? I am curious on what Lisa thinks so I message her so that no one have any funny idea.
"Hey Lisa, what could you tell me about mind control spells?" A screen pop up in front of Lisa and for a moment, she looked at the message then back to me then back to the message. It took a few minutes before a message appear in front of me
Hijacking one freedom of choice and will just to obey your every command like a puppet. Such spell exists, but unlikely since it required great control and magic theory. Too much force and you melt their brain and they will be useless, too little and they could break free from it. Necromancy is a popular choice since the dead doesn't need consent so its basically flesh manipulation. Relics are another common-ish choice since they require them to wear it like a slave ring or a talisman to the head. Only problem is the magic is needed to be imbued to it and maintain since magic slowly seeps out depending on the materials. She 'said' without looking at me and still reading her 'mature' book.
Could you do it tho?
yeah I guess giving time since different people have different resistance.
What are the chances that someone can mind control?
Even lower than your healer theory since magic works differently. She messages while silently chucking to herself. Magic basically works in this world by using magical power you cultivate since birth and manipulate mana. Everybody is born to cast spells the only problem is that some have more mana since birth then others which only lead them to believe that they have no magic powers. Another interesting fact is that everybody can cast any spells. Some specialize with elements easier than others. Another fact, because of this, they believe that they can only cast spells they specialize in and nothing else. A big hint to this is their hair color."
How does that make since?
The mana they cultivate have a slight hint on which element they are proficient, and hair believe it or not, have a hint of their own mana. So blue hair means they are water caster expert while red hair is fire and etcetera etcetera.
That sounds stupid.
Yet that's the truth you must face.
Ok, ok I get it. So why does my mind control theory is more unlikely then my healer theory?
Mind control is one of the many forbidden spells across the world. So naturally not only the church, but many of the kingdoms burn books or tomes of them or store them somewhere where it is out of reach. Not only that, casting a mind control spell require great amount of concentration and mana and remember too much or too little and it will be useless. If they find a tome of it, the tome will have limited charge and time of the spells effect before it becomes just a book with gibberish on it. And no recreating a tome or scroll require mana concentration and skill. Writing the runes while infusing mana, one wrong move and at best it fails, worst is when the spell is cast and suffer magical backlash. Even then, you got to know how to cast the spell in the first place.
How do you know this?
I been reading and learning ever since we got here. Wait, what have you been doing then?
I don't know, I just been doing guild quest by killing goblins in their dens and hunting some monsters.
Wait I though slaying quest is one rank above ours?
is it?
Yes/yeah Marcus then decided to join in on our conversation
Oh well, I guess they are cool with it.
Did you even read a book or learn anything about this world. Lisa asked while lowering her book of lust.
I plead the fifth. Was all I message then Marcus then looked at me
I'm going to kick your ass Zack.
Whatever, I guess. Maybe it's time I take this seriously. Slaying things is cool and all, but owning a business is fun.
They both looked at me and I can tell they are starting to get worried. Then Lisa message me back. What, a cartel?
I was thinking of a restaurant or a small 'Ma and pa shack' without ma and pa and more of a shack. I think Ill call it 'Tranquility Dinner.' What do you think? I know, the name is still in progress. They both start to relax before they open their books. I don't know why, but I feel left out.
As long as we don't do something crazy like bring guns, robots, cast world effecting spells, or lord knows a flying castle with laser cannons and lava sharks then I'll be happy in my orbital ship when it's done repair. Was all Marcus message before he looked up into the sky.
How long till its fixed?
Marcus started to furiously scribble in his book. Lisa took a brief glance for a moment then shake her head at me with eyes wide open. Marcus then message back. About a few years from now. The problem is not the time or resources, but the radiation that's still lingers in there. I already have a few bots fixing the ship when we first stop at that town.
Before we could continue our conversation, Justino came back on the cart and started ordering people to start moving. I was surprised with how efficient they were because not long after, we already depart from the fort and making our way back to the city. After a few hours have pasted, he handed the reins to Domos and began to look at the three of us.
"Umm, look kids...I just want to say I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I just want to make sure that you kids are safe just in case there was danger still around. So...I'm sorry." This man has a heart of gold. May the lord bless this man.
"Only if you tell Jackie I won the game" I said while holding the bolt she gave me. "She said the winner get a special prize and I am the best at this game."
Marcus just shake his head while writing his book book while Lisa know what I was trying to do and join in on this act. "If only I didn't drop it, I would have win." Both Lisa and I laugh while Justino watch our little act then began to laugh with us.
"Ok ok I'll make sure to tell Jackie to give you your prize winner. Maybe when we get back to town, I'll ask the inn people to make some soup for all of us." Justino said while giving out an actual smile. There is no doubt in my mind that he will make a great father. Now we have to play the waiting game to get back to town, good thing that I still have more of 'Brinx's Brew' to pass the time.
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