Chapter XVI

"Connor, I really do not want to speak to anybody as of right now." Olivia politely told the Android off. She truly wanted to be left alone and wallow in her own thoughts as she ate ice cream. Olivia had been following that routine for two days since her visit to Doctor Jenkins, who had been texting her for the duration of her bedrest. She had told Captain Fowler she was sick with the flu and needed the week off. The police captain was more than happy to oblige, the last thing he needed was his officers and detectives getting sick because of her.

It had seemed that the only person on the planet Olivia didn't account on coming to her apartment at noon sharply was the seventh precinct RK800. She honestly and truly did not want to speak or interact with anybody for at least three more days, Olivia was going through one of her introverted phases, not wanting to see or speak to anybody for hours on end. Lena always chastised her for this, considering she didn't understand it, Lena being an extrovert with the energy of at least five people.

The knocks didn't stop, Connor still calling out Olivia's name in hopes that she could at least open the door for him.

The woman groaned, pulling the blankets off of her body as she tried to fix the mess that she called a hair before she opened the door. She decided it was futile because the rest of her appearance was worse than her hair, her colorful pajamas with a tank top and slippers would not look flattering on any person, let alone Olivia.

"Olivia, I know you are in here, just open the door!" Connor called out, making sure that all of her neighbors heard him. The idea of that made Olivia pick up the speed as she quickly walked to her front door. She quickly undid the locks on her doors, turning the knob and opening the door.

Before her, Connor stood with two boxes in his hands, one of them labeled soup as the second was a box of assorted chocolates. Olivia raised a brow, confused as she looked down at the boxes before she looked back up at Connor. The Android's LED turned yellow, scanning her body as he found that she was in perfect health, and not sick with the flu. Confusion crossed his face, Olivia grabbing him and letting him enter the apartment.

"What are you doing here, Connor?" Olivia asked, crossing her arms as she plopped herself down on the couch. The Android's eyebrows were raised, still not sure of what he should do.

"I-I came because Hank said you were sick and I wanted to make sure you were alright, but it seemed that you are not ill." His eyes were looking Olivia up and down, repeatedly scanning her body for any signs of influenza or any illness at all. The results came back quickly, telling Connor that Olivia was fine and did not have any illness. The woman sighed, noticing that Connor had yet to move. She exhaled silently, standing up and walking to the Android.

"Thank you, Connor." The gesture was cute, even for Connor. His confused puppy dog expression caused a small chuckle to escape Olivia's lips as she took the two items from his hands and went to the kitchen counter with it. She placed the soup and chocolates down on the counter, taking a piece of chocolate with her as she turned around. The Android was watching her, mentally chastising himself to look away from how stunning she looked, even in her pajamas she still did things to Connor.

"What happened? Why don't you want to talk to me or anybody?" Connor asked innocently, his voice trying to stay flat and devoid of any emotion but failed miserably. Olivia bit the inside of her cheek once she had finished the piece of chocolate, hesitating in her answer which caused Connor to turn back around, his hands in his jeans. Her heart rate was starting to race, pounding at an alarming pace of 112 beats per minute, making the Android's brows creased with worry. His entire face contorted to one of concern and worry, even tilting his head to the side.

"I just don't want to." The childish answer made Connor purse his lips and shift his weight all to one foot as if he was telling her 'really?' Olivia shook her head, sighing as she took a seat on a stool beside the kitchen counter. She wasn't going to tell him, she couldn't bring herself to it. Olivia sighed outwardly, continually avoiding Connor's eyes as Olivia debated mentally. She had to tell him the truth, he could tell when she was lying so that would be futile.

"Olivia, can you please talk to me?" Please? Olivia almost had to hold on the to counter to make herself stop swooning. She needed to get herself together, Connor didn't come all the way over here to do any of that, he came to check on her, on her wellbeing.

"I-I had an appointment with the department's therapist," Olivia started, looking down at her lap.

"Doctor Maria Jenkins, yes, I have met her. Why were you there?" Connor cut the woman off, walking up to her. He stood a few feet away from her but he stood close to the counter enough to place his hands on it. He propped his arms up, placing his head in his hands with his brown eyes watching with intensity. The woman pursed her lips, taking in every motion of the Android before she responded.

"If you would let me finish," Olivia playfully chastised before finishing, "I had to finish my psychic evaluation to see if I was mentally fit to be a detective for the Detroit Police and there were some... touchy subjects that I don't want to talk about. But as you can see, I am fine now." A complete and utter lie, but she had to get Connor to believe her, so a plastic smile found its way onto Olivia's face. The Android didn't move for a moment, his LED turning yellow as he retained the information Olivia had spilled to him. The woman hoped she believed her facade, but if Connor had any objections to her story, he didn't say anything to Olivia because all he did was smile.

"When you are ready, you will speak to me. Until then," Connor paused for a moment, his LED flashing yellow as his eyes hollowed out for a second before he looked back at Olivia. "Lieutenant Anderson has just arrived at the precinct. Are you able to return to work, Liv?"

A smile flashed on her face, a real one at the usage of her nickname as she nodded.

"Let me get out of these clothes and I will be right out," Olivia informed Connor, placing a hand on his before giving him another smile once she stood up and went to her room. She grabbed a few articles of clothing that she considered work clothes. Deciding on a black button-up with jeans, Olivia quickly threw on her clothes in the stead of the clothes she had been in for two days. It had been a while since she had actually worried about what she wore, the last time was her interview with Captain Fowler.

She grabbed her badge, pistol, and purse with other personal items and exited her room. Connor was doing something on the counter, his back covering his actions as Olivia left her room. Furrowing her brows, Olivia walked closer to him, the clicking her heels grabbing the attention of the Android who finally turned around. The brown haired Android held a steaming cup of coffee in his hand, a bright smile covered his face as he extended the mug of coffee to the woman silently.

"Thank you, Con." Olivia grabbed the mug, taking a sip of the scorching cup of coffee without even realizing what she had said. The Android was shocked, his brows shot up as his smile didn't falter. If it could have, it grew much wider. His LED slowly returned to blue after a moment of silence. Olivia took another sip before she turned to the shell-shocked Android.

"You ready?" She asked with a grin.

Connor couldn't form sentences, only responding with a nod of his head. Olivia, still oblivious to the Android, grabbed her keys and phone from the counter and headed to the door. Trying to compose himself, Connor tried to convince himself that it meant nothing but he knew that was an utter lie. The duo left the apartment, Connor calling for a taxi before they exited the apartment, making sure that it was there by the time they had run down the stairs and found their way to the main street.

The sun was high in the sky, surprisingly no clouds covering the usually gloomy city as the sun freely entered the city without any resistance. Olivia scanned her surroundings, taking a deep look at the blue sky with a small smile on her face as she heard the sound of a car door opening. She looked back down, finding Connor holding the taxi door open for the woman.

Connor grinned once he saw Olivia's childlike expression on her face, getting rid of what was plaguing her when she was alone in her apartment. Olivia thanked the Android, entering the taxi before him. He entered the car, closing the door and inserting the address for the police department into the computer connected to the car's interface. The taxi starts moving, going to the destination Connor entered.

The woman ran her hands over the chairs interior, enjoying the feeling of the high-tech leather. She rarely takes the Detroit taxis, since she has her car. The rusty piece of metal Olivia considers a car is one of her most prized possessions, even if it was the single most expensive thing Olivia had bought in her life. She didn't care that it nearly made her homeless for a few months, she absolutely adored her car and made sure everybody knew that. Hank also seemed to have the same mindset, the two human detectives bonded over their cars with a lot of pride. It definitely added some good points in Hank's book.

Connor tried to keep his eyes off of the woman, trying not to stare as he learned that staring was considered rude. He ultimately failed, shamelessly watch Olivia as she was in deep thought, the smile still on her face as Connor tried to keep the smile off of his face. It took a few moments before the Android turned away, a small blush at his cheeks as his lap suddenly became much more interesting. Olivia saw the sudden turn away, oblivious to the fact that he was staring right at her, her brows furrowed in confusion before she quickly shrugged off the motion from the Android.

"We have arrived." The automated voice announced, stopping the car and opening the doors for the two occupants. Connor paid for the taxi, quickly exiting the car beside Olivia. The woman sighed, sliding her hands in her jeans pocket as she took a look at the department's entrance. She told herself not to stress about it, Doctor Jenkins wouldn't tell Captain Fowler about anything and just pass her physic-eval with no questions asked, but life would never be that nice to Olivia, ever.

Flashing their badges, Olivia and Connor entered the police department with no resistance from any of the Androids or guards outside. Quickly spotting Hank, Connor starting walking over to the Lieutenant's desk with his hands in his pockets. He did a mental check, seeing when Hank slept last time - which was somewhere around four AM since his father figure looked much more tired than he had in a while. Connor couldn't see his face though, he could only see the back of his head, which was tied up in a small bun, actually looking tame for a moment.

"Hank?" Connor walked up to his desk, his brows furrowed as he got the man's attention. The Lieutenant turned around, a cup of coffee in his hand as he swiveled on his chair. A smile appeared on the older man's face, taking a sip of his drink as he looked much different than usual. The Android's LED turned yellow, taking in Hank's appearance before his face broke out in a smile.

" shaved! And your hair..." Connor was stunned, he had never seen Hank like this before but the man looked much better than he usually did. Hank cleanly shaved his face, not a single hair covered the lower half of his face, making him look much younger than he was. That added with the fact Hank actually combed and tied his hair, the older man was looking much more alive and not like he was drowning in his pain anymore. It made Connor smile brightly.

"Does it look nice? I thought I could, I dunno... clean up a little." Hank didn't seem so sure anymore, a shy smile playing at his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck. Connor quickly analyzed the emotion as shyness, an emotion he had never seen on Hank. The Android's eyebrows shot up, nodding his head vigorously as took a seat on his desk.

"It looks..." The Android thought of the right word to say, searching for a moment as he found one. "Awesome."

Olivia hung back as the two men spoke, her eyes elsewhere as she tightly clenched her jaw. Her eyes were stuck on Captain Fowler's office, but more specifically, who Captain Fowler was speaking to. The one person in the world Olivia did not want to see, Doctor Maria Jenkins. Why was she here? The timing couldn't be better, Olivia knew it had to do with her latest visit to the therapist, it had to be. She had never seen the Doctor at the precinct before this time, only providing further evidence that Doctor Jenkins was here on her account. Was she telling the Captain she was unfit to serve? That was exactly what Olivia didn't need.

The woman was jerked out of her thoughts by a touch on her shoulder. She looked away, turning from the office to see who had touched her to find a certain detective. The dark-haired detective had a concerned look crossing his face, his hand still on her shoulder as she snapped out of her gaze.

"Olivia, you alright? You just went AWOL for a second." Gavin asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Gavin." Olivia assured him, sending one look over to the office before she turned to the detective. The man shot her a look, looking her over once again before nodding.

"You best get going, somebody needs ya." Olivia nodded, turning to see Hank and Connor both staring at Gavin and Olivia's conversation. Before the woman left, Gavin, grabbing her hand. "You can talk to me, you know that right? You have my number, you can text me at any time."

Olivia nodded, sending Gavin one last smile before she started walking back to her two partners. The two men were pretending that they weren't previously watching her moments ago and were now fiddling with items on both of their desks. The woman scoffed, a laugh escaping her lips as she reached her desk, suddenly grabbing both men's attention.

The woman scanned Hank's face, her jaw dropped as she did a double-take. "Lookin' sharp, Lieut!"

The man in question only smirked in response, not knowing how to respond to the compliments. He looked down at his desk, his face dropping slightly as his eyes connected with the open file that laid open for all to see. Disappointment, Connor noted as he scanned the Lieutenant. Olivia watched with furrowed brows as the lightheartedness of the situation seemed to disappear immediately. The air fell silent, tension rising as Hank turned to both of his partners. His resigned look returned to his face.

"What we got today?" Olivia broke the fragile air, taking her jacket off of her shoulders and placing it on her chair. Her terminal was closed, meaning that the file in front of Hank was what they were going off of today. The older man closed the file angrily, his jaw clenching as he shook his head.

"We ain't got anything. If today could get any worse, Gavin would be my new partner."

"What do you mean?" Olivia was genuinely confused. They had a good lead. They had the Android, what happened? Did somebody mess with their lead? One detective came to mind, but there was no way Gavin would obstruct justice just to mess with Connor, it was too dirty for him.

Hank scoffed, rolling his eyes as he stood up. He gestured for her to follow. Connor took it as his cue to follow as well. The detective furrowed her brows, crossing her arms as she walked with the Lieutenant. The older man led them to the holding cells they had in the back. The first one was occupied by a male who was sitting on the edge of the bench inside of the cell, his back facing the detectives. He was a petty thief a cop had caught on their beat and they were holding him here until his trial came up.

Hank passed this cell and passed all the others until he had reached the last one. Olivia's eyes widen, her jaw dropping as she couldn't even stomach the scene before her. The older man looked disgusted, not even looking at the scene for too long before looking back at Olivia and Connor. The Android looked stoic. It was unnerving as a single thought ran through his head. He couldn't believe it.

The Android that had turned himself in was in this holding cell, but now barely anything remained. Blue blood filled the cell, dripping off every single wall as all of its major biocomponents laid in different corners of the room. The Android tried to fight, but a single bullet laid in the middle of his forehead. The perception was too good to be human. Olivia could tell that from several feet away, it was perfectly centered in his temple, but that wasn't the only bullet, one graced his chest as well. It was in the thirium pump regulator, assuring that the Android was definitively dead.

"Holy shit." Olivia managed to get out, somewhat nauseated from the look. The Android was face down on the floor as blue blood came from every nook and cranny. His arms bent unnaturally, meaning the attacker disabled the Android before sending two killer blows to his head and chest. Her brows furrowed as her breathing becoming ragged.

"Holy shit is right," Hank responded, leaning on the back wall as he crossed his arms. Olivia couldn't even be mad, their only lead was dead - murdered. He didn't even tell them the location of the hideout of the thieves. They barely had any information but looking at this gruesome scene, all of those thoughts slipped through her head.

She shook her head, finally tearing her away from the body as she put her hand on the sensor and opened the door. The human and Android watched the woman entered the bloodied room, Connor barely moving as he felt his heart pound.

He knew it would come. She could come.

Olivia kneeled down next to the Android, turning him on his back as she examined him. His eyes were wide open, the bullet hole was slowly leaking blood. His civilian clothing was now covered in blue blood as Olivia furrowed her brows.

He had fabrics of another article of clothing in his hand, a small patch of black was in his clenched fist. Olivia grabbed the piece of fabric and felt it. She knew this fabric and it made her jaw tick. She stood up, walking to one corner of the room and picking up one of his biocomponents. She continued picking up all the components before she went back to the Android. She debated putting them all back in and asking him what happened but she knew what had happened.

Walking to the exit, Olivia sighed outwardly. She exited the cell and handed Hank the biocomponents with an exhale. "I'm guessing CyberLife is gonna want that."

Hank cursed under his breath as Olivia continued walking as she grabbed Connor's sleeve and dragged him into one of the vacant rooms, which happened to be the interrogation room. She locked the door behind her as Connor didn't say a word.

She made sure the door was locked as she looked at him. Connor's eyes were facing the cameras that were situated in the ceiling's corners but with the Android's gaze, the cameras dropped.

Connor looked back at her, his face expressionless. She crossed her arms as she waited.

"I don't know what to say, Liv."

"Let's try this one," Olivia started, anger evident. "How about, I didn't kill him?"

Connor dropped his head. He leaned on the steel table, his arms on the table as he crossed his legs ever so slightly. If Olivia wasn't mad right now, she would definitely be all over him right now. That's always an option... the back of Olivia's mind reminded her.

"You have to believe me, Liv." The use of her nickname made her stomach flip. He looked up at her, his expression pleading her as he looked... he looked scared. Fear was definite in his features as Olivia's anger disappeared.

She raised her brows as she exhaled.

"You have to tell me what happened. Everything, Connor."

Connor nodded, his puppy dog eyes almost melting Olivia. "Everything."

"Was it his blood that I cleaned off of you that night?" She didn't sugarcoat anything, she needed the truth now. It wasn't from him, she could put those biocomponents back in his body and interrogate the Android for as long as he could live.

Connor's eyes closed as he shook his head. "Yes, it was."

"Why would you do-"

"I didn't do it! She made me do it!"

That effectively shut Olivia up. She? Is it the same person that the report said about the Android, Amanda was her name? Did Connor have his own Amanda? Did every Android produced by CyberLife come with a built-in Amanda?

"She made me. The Android attacked me, and-and she just took over." Connor explained, his voice wavering as he looked like he was fighting internally. Olivia felt sorry for him, her chest felt heavy as she didn't know what to say.

"Amanda," Olivia spoke, it was more of a statement than a question, but Connor nodded. He wouldn't look Olivia in the eye right now, he just couldn't.

Connor stood up from the table, taking his jacket off as he angrily threw it on the table. Olivia was surprised by the action but didn't say a word. Connor's jaw was clenched as he started to pace within the small room.

"She-she plans to make my entire life a living nightmare and now that I'm deviant..." Connor didn't need to finish the thought as Olivia got what he was trying to say. Olivia leaned against the wall as she closed her eyes.

How could she comfort him when he had a literal demon within his mind?


"She will never leave me alone!" Connor slammed his fist on the steel table. His features portrayed one dominant emotion; anger. His brows were furrowed as his breathing was irregular. Olivia went up to Connor, grabbing his arm and turning his face to make him look at her. Connor's stress levels slightly lowered by the action, his eyes burning into Olivia's.

"I am going to help you. You have to trust me though. We may do things that will be way against your programming, but I will get you out of this mess." Olivia promised, her voice dropping due to their proximity. Connor looked over Olivia's face once again before nodded.

A smile graced her features as she quickly leaned in and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Connor was surprised by the action but quickly followed up. He put his hands on her hips as she deepened the kiss. She loved the way his lips moved against hers and how he was experienced but inexperienced at the same time.

Olivia wrapped her arms around the Android, pushing him closer to her as their lips fought against each other. She grinned against his lips, loving the sensation.

A loud pounding on the door made the two detectives jump off of each other. Olivia's breathing quickened as her heart rate accelerated as she tried to fix herself.

Connor dropped his gaze, if he could blush, he would be bright red by now. Olivia turned to the door, opening it for whoever was behind it.

"Yes, Lieutenant?" Olivia asked in a breathy voice as she still didn't recover from the kiss.

"Get off your lazy asses, we got a case to close," Hank said as he looked inside to see Connor on the table.

"Yes, sir," Olivia said as she nodded vigorously. The older man raised a brow at her before leaving. She exhaled outwardly as she turned to him. Connor met her eyes as Olivia grinned.

"We'll finish this later, right ?" Olivia asked, grabbing her jacket as Connor quickly nodded.

"Yes, ma'am."


woohoo! new chapter! and this one has a lot to take in! this probably was one of my longest chapters, thanks to the editing process for making it almost triple it's word count! So, how are we feeling about Connor being taken over by Amanda :))))))

If you enjoyed this chapter, leave a comment saying what you liked about it and a vote! I love reading through your opinions and what you have to say! 


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