Chapter V

"Let me see your outfit again!" Lena ordered through the phone, her face coming into view on the phone. Olivia rolled her eyes as she shook her head. She was currently preparing for her job interview with the Captain of the police department and she hadn't been this stressed since finals back at the academy.

"You are the one who picked it out! Besides, I need to focus on what I'm going to say, they don't care about what I wear!" Olivia yelled back, checking herself in the mirror for reassurance. Lena decided on her behalf that she was going to dress up more than usual for this interview, wearing a skinny, black dress that came up right above her knee and black pumps. Lena basically forced Olivia to cake her face with makeup, in hopes that her looks would win the Captain over, but Olivia was skeptical to say the least.

The dark haired woman wasn't worried about what she wore to the interview or anything like that, she knew she was beyond qualified for the job and she had the statistics to prove it. She was top of her class, held the highest ranking for four years straight and skills went beyond book smarts. If they force didn't accept her, they would have to be crazy. But there was always that nagging feeling of doubt that crept up into Olivia's mind.

"First impressions always count!" Lena yelled back into the phone. Olivia was going to quickly retort but once she picked up her phone her eyes went wide.

"I have to go! I'm going to be late!" Olivia quickly ran out of her room, grabbing her purse, phone and house keys as she tried to run as fast as she could down the stairs of her apartment, although the heels did not help her case. Lena was still speaking through the line but Olivia was completely focused on reaching her car without hitting the pavement face first.

"Being late for being early doesn't count as being late!" Lena yelled into the phone, but Olivia's focus was elsewhere and she couldn't reply with a smartass response.

Jumping into the car, Olivia threw her purse to the passenger side and turned the car on. She had hung up on Lena as soon as she had gotten in the car and Olivia knew she was going to get an earful for that one, but she had bigger things on her mind.

The dark haired woman reversed quickly out of her parking space and sped off onto the busy street. The department was a ten minute drive, but Olivia would make it in six, if she really pushed it. The streets of Detroit were littered with cars and taxis taking the roads with Olivia and it made the rushing woman want to pull out her own hair.

"Let's go! Who could possibly walk that slow!" Olivia yelled at a pedestrian, her hands gripping the wheel so tight it caused her knuckles to turn a bright white color. After what seemed like years, the group of pedestrians finally walked across the street and Olivia could continue her crazed drive to the Detroit Police Department.

As she guessed, Olivia managed to get to the police department and parked all in seven minutes and she still had time to prep a little more before her interview.

Once she had finished stressing about the time, it was time to focus on the interview itself. Olivia had practiced plenty of times, but she still had anxiety. She had a feeling she was going to forget everything she had practiced and completely screw up the interview. She also had a feeling that she could throw up from the amount of pressure she was putting in herself.

Shaking it off, Olivia opened the glass doors of the department and made her way to reception. She was quickly greeted by the androids at the front desks, the blue band around their forearm giving away their identity.

The brown haired girl plastered a smile, placing her hands in the desk as the woman returned the smile. "How may I assist you this morning?"

"I am here for an interview with Captain Fowler." Olivia spoke curtly, her fingers tapping against the desk as the feeling in the pit of her stomach grew.

The android nodded, scanning her face as she hit a button on the desk. "He will be with you shortly. If you could wait on the benches off to the side."

Olivia nodded, walking through the security doors on the right and making her way to the glass doors with the Detroit Police Department insignia on it. An android opened the door for her, a smile on his face as Olivia returned it.

Taking a seat on the benches the receptionist told her about, Olivia checked her watch for the fourth time since she had sat down. She kept on finding things to mess with as her stress levels seemed to rise by the second.

Olivia played with the ends of her dress, pulling at threads and pulling down the dress everytime it started to slowly ride up. Then Olivia started to mess with her purse, deciding she was going to go check her makeup was still decent.

Standing up from the benches, Olivia bit her lip as she started to walk down the hallway, trying to navigate through the nice looking department. She had passed by officers, some offering greetings and a small wave whilst other ignored her presence. Olivia was fine with the latter, her focus was on finding the bathrooms.

After a few moments of stumbling through the offices, Olivia finally found the doors to the bathroom. She entered, going straight to the sink to check on her appearance. Her makeup was still intact, nothing smudged or going down her face, so that was a plus. Other than that, Olivia reapplied a coat of lipstick and then returned back out into the hallway.

Clutching on to her purse, Olivia was walking back to the benches by the front door as she had somebody tap her shoulder. She rose a brow in confusion as she turned around to find a man in a brown leather jacket and jeans with a police badge on his belt.

He had a scruffy beard, his brown hair combed to the side with some volume to it as he had a cup of coffee in his hand. He seemed to be offering it to Olivia but his smile suggested something else.

"I am so sorry for this, but my friend over there is basically daring me to do this," The man pointed to an officer in uniform with a cup of coffee who was looking in their direction. "But, would you like a coffee?" His voice was slightly deep but not enough to intimidate Olivia. The woman eyed the cup suspiciously as she looked back at the man.

"I, uh, have a rule, I'm sorry." Olivia smiled apologetically, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she tilted her head to the side.

"What, can't take cups of coffee from strange men?" The man asked teasingly, still offering up the cup.

"Exactly that. No offense, you look like a great guy, but I don't take those chances." Olivia reasoned, going to turn back to go to the benches before the man grabbed her shoulder with a "wait!"

Olivia turned back, her eyes still focused on the man before her as she was curious more than anything to see what he said.

"My name is Gavin, can I at least have yours or do you also have a rule?" Gavin teased with a grin as he didn't let go of her shoulder. Olivia took note of this as she put a smile on her face.

"Olivia. It was nice meeting you, Gavin, but I really do have to get going." Olivia turned back in her heel, heading towards the benches as she exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding.

At least Gavin distracted her from the interview because as she took a seat at the bench again, an older looking man walked up to her with a smile and extended his hand.

"I am Captain Jeffrey Fowler and I will be the one conducting your interview this morning." The dark skinned man took Olivia's in his own as they both shook hands. Olivia nodded vigorously without a word as the captain gestured for her to follow him.

Olivia did as she was told, dodging desks as she walked to the glass office in the middle of the precinct. Olivia was soaking in the department, trying to see as many things as she could without losing pace with Fowler.

The two walked up the stairs of an all-glass office as Olivia was impressed by the design of the office alone. She followed the captain inside, taking a seat on one of the seats he had in front of the desk. Fowler took his seat on the big chair behind the desk as he got himself situated.

"Windows, tinted." Captain Fowler called out, the windows all around the office losing their color as the only light source was from inside the office. Olivia focused up on Fowler, her eyes never leaving the Captain as he read over what seemed like Olivia's file.

He said nothing as he read, just silently analyzing Olivia as if it was his first time reading over her file. Olivia restrained from tapping her foot as she watched the captain turn the page and look over her transcript from the academy. The dark skinned man nodded silently, closing the file as he looked up at Olivia and placed his hands on top of his desk.

Olivia sat up straighter, her hands folded on her lap as her eyes met Captain Fowler's intense gaze.

"Your records are exempletory to say the least, but I need to know if you can do more than study and memorize." Captain Fowler explained as Olivia nodded curtly. She continually reminded herself to breath in and out because it was becoming harder to remember basic human functions.

"Thank you, sir." Olivia replied in a flat tone.

"Let's start with the basics. Why do you want to be a police officer?" Captain Fowler asked in a tone that was borderline sarcastic but Olivia was definitely not going to comment on it. Olivia exhaled silently before she had begun.

"My mother was murdered when I was a child and the police couldn't find the killer, then the case turned cold. Since then, I have wanted to become an officer to make sure that nobody else would have to experience what I did. I've always had a predilection towards CSI and investigation." Olivia answered smoothly, her eyes never left Captain Fowler's. The man before was stoic, not revealing anything about what he was thinking.

Captain Fowler wrote a few things down on a paper beside her file as Olivia watched intently.

"Why do you want to work in this department?" Captain Fowler asked once he finished writing down his notes. Olivia bit the inside of her cheek but quickly bounced back.

"The Detroit Police Department is one of the most technologically advanced police departments in the nation and with that being said, you will need your officers to be up to par with the criminals and androids alike."

The captain nodded silently as he wrote something else down on the piece of paper. He looked back up at Olivia, his gaze heated as he stared intently at her. Olivia didn't back down, her eyes locked with the captain as she awaited to hear the next question.

"Your supervisor gives you a direct order that you know is against department policy. What do you do?" Captain Fowler questioned. Olivia knew the morality questions were going to be coming but she still hesitated when it did finally come.

"I would advise the supervisor that he/she perceives the directive to be a violation of department policy. If the supervisor insists on violating the policy, I would refuse complying with the directive."

"Interesting." Captain Fowler commented as he wrote another note. Tearing away from the note, Fowler continued the interview. "If selected, the department will make a huge investment in preparing you to serve as an officer. Why should we select you over other candidates?"

"I believe am best suited for this job, I am a hard worker, highly motivated and I continually seek in increase my knowledge, skills, and performance. I also intend to stay in this department, if I am to be accept, since I have always lived in Detroit and will continue to from here on out." Olivia explained, trying her best to persuade the captain as he looked thoughtfully at Olivia before continuing.

"Give me an example of a situation when you had to deal with someone who you perceived was being unreasonable, irate or hostile toward you."

Olivia was well equipped with stories for that one. She could go on for days, but she decided to use the one she knew best. "On my first day at the academy, I could already tell that it would be might different from what I had expected it to be. I went to class the first day and I found myself to be the only female in a class completely filled up with men. This brought about all forms of different approaches. I spent the first year being harassed and being told I couldn't be an officer since I was a female, but I could handle it."

She inhaled sharply before finishing, "But, once I started heading to the end of the academy, it was not only the trainees who were becoming irritable towards me, it was the professors as well. I remember exactly the last class before I could finish the academy, my ethics professor had failed me out of spite of being a female in a 'male field.' I didn't lash out or throw a tantrum, I went to the deen and had explained that their own ethics professor was the unethical one, not me."

Captain Fowler raised a brow as he watched the candidate before him. He wrote something else down on a paper before he stood up from behind his desk and extended his hand. Olivia quickly followed in suit, shaking his hand tightly as she thanked him from interviewing her.

Olivia exited the glass office, walking down the steps to find that the precinct was livelier than when she entered. She took a look around the offices, seeing many officers walking around and reviewing case files on their desks.

One particular desk that caught her attention was one at the far right. It had an older looking man, his arms crossed as he spoke with another man who was sitting on the desk. The older man was speaking to an android but Olivia could have sworn she had never seen that model before. His back was turned to Olivia so she couldn't closely examine his face, but it was curious to see an android working closely with the officers.

Olivia made her way back to the front doors as a person found their way to her side. She turned to see the same officer she spoke to before the interview, Gavin. He had a smile on his face as his hands were in his pockets.

"Olivia, am I glad to see you!" Gavin spoke as they both walked towards the exit of the police department. Olivia could tell he was trying really hard to impress her, she wouldn't be surprised to know if he waited outside Captain Fowler's office for her.

"Gavin, pleasure seeing you again." Olivia politely greeted as her heels clicked against the glass floor. As the two exited the department, Gavin was trying to talk her up, but Olivia knew where it let to. He seemed nice, he really did, but Olivia was going to nose dive into this random man she met at the police station.

They reached her car as Olivia and Gavin stopped. He turned towards her, a killer smile on his face as he leaned against Olivia's drivers seat.

"So about that cup of coffee..."

"Another time, promise." Olivia smiled as she grabbed his hand in hers and pulled a pen out from her purse. Gavin watched intently as Olivia wrote down her phone number on his hand, his smile never leaving his face.

"I'll see you soon, Gavin?" Olivia asked as she entered her car. Gavin nodded his head vigorously.

"Most definitely."


Filler chapter, I know, I know - y'all want drama and some smut but we are gettin there ;)

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