Chapter IV
THE older Lieutenant and the android arrived at the crime scene exactly eleven minutes after Connor received the report from Captain Fowler. The duo didn't speak much, only discussing everything that the reports had told Connor and it wasn't much to go off of. The only thing that the police and CyberLife knew was that there was a robbery and one of the suspects is a deviant.
It was around three in the morning once the duo was situated at the bank and all of C.S.I had finally arrived (even if Connor could process the evidence quicker, he wasn't going to tell them that.) Hank and Connor exited the car, the sounds of press attacking the police by the police line was louder than the sirens of the cop cars.
"How is it working with an android detective as a partner?"
"Is there going to be more RK800's in the Detroit Police Department?"
"Why have you let an android take the lead on an investigation?"
Hank grumbled as he pushed past the journalists, Connor right behind him as a few reporters start grabbing at the android and his partner. The android brushed past them, not giving them the response they want as Hank pushed past them as fast as he could.
"What makes you think you are good enough to work with our police department?" One reporter grabbed Connor's jacket and pulled him into the swarm of violent journalists. The android clenched his jaw, holding back his comment as he grabbed his arm away from the reporter and continued walking through them without so much as a glance.
Hank crossed the police line, greeting Chris as he entered. The dark-skinned officer waved to the older Lieutenant, turning back to another officer he was speaking to before Hank arrived. Connor noticed the number of federal officials in the building, even the F.B.I was gracing the rest of the police department with their presence.
The duo entered the bank, many more people crowded the inside of the crime scene as Hank scanned the area for any familiar faces. Too many men in suits littered the area, making the Lieutenant grunt under his breath. This was going to go great.
"Lieutenant Anderson!" A voice called to him from the middle of the bank, waving their hands to get his attention. Hank squinted for a second, trying to locate the origin of the noise before his eyes zeroed in on a woman in a lab coat and gloves covering her hands.
The Android and Hank made their way towards the woman, Connor scanning his surroundings as well as he could, but there were too many people and they were blocking all the evidence. Huffing outwardly, the android put his usual stoic face on and put his hands in his pockets, the feeling of the metal coin in his fingers reminded him he needed to self-test once again and restart all cognitive functions.
"What you got for us?" Hank asked, looking down at the first dead body, been dead a little over an hour and the blood had dried. Connor scanned the face of the bank teller, identifying him as Camden Wright, born in August of 2023 and had no criminal background.
Pulling the coin from his pocket, Connor placed the coin in his right hand as he flipped it into the air. His eyes were focused on the dead body before him as the coin flew up and down from Connor's hand. The woman - who Connor presumed to be C.S.I - explained what had happened to Camden, but Connor already knew that the cause of death was the multiple gunshot wounds to the abdomen, but he let her continue in peace.
"Three bullets clearly went through his body, hitting the wooden wall behind him, but I suspect around two more bullets to be still lodged in his organs or bones. This is the oldest stiff, the robbers killed him first." The woman explained, gesturing to Camden's stomach from time to time as Connor made his way to the wall behind the dead body.
Connor's brows furrowed, examining the bullets lodge in the wood. His sensors quickly scanned the bullets and reported back almost instantaneously.
They used 5.56 ammo - rifles.
Connor moved away from the wall, returning to the CSI and Hank, who were still discussing the first dead body. Connor took one more look over Camden before he slipped away from the two, searching for the next piece of evidence.
The android gravitated towards the left side of the bank, where the hostages were rounded up and kept against their will. From the report, there were 12 hostages at the bank, but that is where Connor found the next two dead bodies.
The bodies were lined up against the wall, zip ties around their wrists as their dead bodies slumped on the wall with their heads leaning forward.
They were... executed?
The bullets matched the ones that killed Camden, proving that these were the same people. But the time of death was right near Camden's, adding the idea of more than two people robbing the bank. There must have been around five, each one assigned a task to execute their plan.
Kneeling down, Connor found out that one of the dead bodies was an android worker. It was a newer model, it's primary function was to work as a bank teller and nothing more. The brown haired android dipped his forefinger and ring finger into the slowly drying blue blood and brought it up to his tongue for analysis.
The model number was PL500, and it had been recently stationed at the bank. Connor furrowed his eyebrows, slowly piecing together the evidence he had found.
One of the suspects worked at bank and android replaced him. A crime of passion.
Connor turned to the other body, a human this time, but this one was holding a phone in his hand - probably the one who alerted the police. Robbers didn't want to kill this one, but they did anyway.
No regard for human or android life?
Connor stood up once again, turning to leave the two dead bodies before he collided with another person behind him. The android stumbled a few feet, a brow raised as he looked at who was behind him. Connor held in a groan as the smug face of Gavin showed against the harsh light of the bank.
"Detective Reed." Connor greeted stiffly, restraining on letting annoyance slip through his tone. Connor's LED flashed yellow for the briefest moments but quickly returned back to their usual blue. The arrogant detective only raised a brow and pushed past Connor was a roll of his eyes.
"I don't want to see this plastic prick anywhere near my crime scene," Gavin spoke to the officer behind him but made sure Connor could also hear him.
He is just trying to rile you up, Connor tried to reason, his fists clenching at his sides as the android walked past Gavin without responding to his taunt. Connor exhaled outwardly, the blinking LED turned yellow as Connor tried to relax. Gavin was pushing all of his buttons and all he did was speak to him for a few seconds.
"Connor!" The yell distracted the android from his thoughts, dragging him out of his introspective state. The android's head snapped upwards, finding the source of the noise was Hank gesturing for him to come over to him. Connor nodded curtly, pushing past a few officers to reach the Lieutenant.
The android rubbed his hands together, taking a look over the hallway leading towards the large vault. The steel vault had scorch marks near the edges and the bottom half, giving some idea as to how the robbers entered the vault. Connor analyzed the marks as Hank walked into the vault.
"They took two hundred and fifty thousand in total. There was no way they could have just walked out of here without arousing suspicion." Connor spoke out loud, kneeling next to the vault door to deduct what was used to open the vault.
Hank gruffed in response, his eyes focused on the inside of the empty vault. Not a single penny was left. Nothing.
"Most, if not all, must have been previous workers at this bank. They would have the uniform to enter in disguise and exit. The only thing that would cause a nuisance is the matter of leaving with all the stolen money. How could they transport the money without suspicion?" The android furrowed his brows as he tried to piece together what had happened.
"If they worked at the bank, they would have known when the delivery would arrive. They used the bank's own safe on wheels to finish the job!" Hank concluded, walking out of the vault but didn't make it far before somebody came into view.
Hank cursed under his breath as he stopped in his tracks. Connor curiously walked up behind the Lieutenant, wanting to see who was blocking Hank's way. The older man crossed his arms sassily as he waited for the trenched coat man to speak in his pretentious voice.
"Lieutenant. I see you are still using that android." Special Agent Richard Perkins sneered as he glared at Connor. His hands were behind his back, the smug expression presenting itself on his stoic face. Hank itched to send him a right hook and be on his way, but he couldn't afford another disciplinary report and another lecture from Captain Fowler.
"Perkins. I see you're still a douche." Hank was holding his tongue, but he couldn't let that pompous bastard go and take his crime scene. Connor didn't respond to Perkins' obvious taunt to get a reaction out of any of the two men, he would let Hank take point on this one
The agent chuckled softly, his gaze turning to Connor's neutral expression before he just shook his head. "Don't get too involved, this is going to be F.B.I's case in a few hours. Go do whatever you policemen do."
Perkins brushed past Hank and Connor without another word, making Hank huff under his breath. The pair walked to the front of the bank, not exchanging a word after the interaction with the Special Agent. Connor was analyzing all the different approaches to a conversation and all expected outcomes, but with Hank, the outcome was never expected.
"Hey, Hank, I'll see you back at the station?" Chris called out to the Lieutenant as the two started to enter Hank's car. The older man nodded distantly, not verbally responding as he entered the car. Connor said nothing as he buckled his seatbelt and rubbed his fingers over his coin thoughtfully.
new chapter up! i literally do not have an updating schedule and its terrible. but i'm trying to get these chapters out for you as fast as i can!
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