justin appearances

Shelly pov

I was with diamond and max when Justin told us that he has something for us to do

"what is it sir"we all said

"some one gave me a request to kidnap this person"Justin said showing us the picture

"alisa" both me and diamond said

I know me and diamond didn't want to do that to a old friend but it's for justin

Justin pov

"Okay we'll do it"diamond said

~they walk out~

"they think that that is the only thing they doing but I will have to destroy her for Icirrus"I said bawling up my fist tightly.

I looked at the picture of me and my enemy on the wall

"it's funny how your family can be your own enemy"I said taking out the picture of me and Alisa as kids and used my sand magic to tear only her side of the picture out.

"I'm going to get my revenge on her and no one will stop me!"I said out loud

Alisa pov

I was with Gray and the gang talking when these two girls walked by with these beautiful jackets on I stoped and ran over to them

"excuse me"I said running towards them.

Jessica pov

"Alisa don't"I said knowing that it was someone I knowed before.

"don't worry"Alisa said

"and that's the time we worry the most"every one said

Alisa laughed and went up to them

Alisa Pov

"excuse me but I love those jackets where did u get it from"I said looking at them both of them had Sun glasses on

"we got from this place called it's the last"the girl with blonde hair said

"I never heard of it's the last?"I said looking confused

"it's called that because it's a last for you alisa!"the one with pink hair said taking off her Sun glasses and jacket. Then I know who they were.

"diamond?Shelly?"I said looking at them

then Shelly was stuck by some kind of force them I look back at and Jessica was the one hitting her.

"max now!"diamond said then a guy popped out of the bush.

"Everyone don't let them get close to alisa"Jessica said then everyone gathered in a circle around me but ruby and emerald he was fighting diamond.

"now harmful uproar"diamond said using her music magic making almost everyone fall to the ground but me and Jessica but ruby and emerald was still standing. Jessica put up some type of wall that no type of magic can come through

"very impressive now let's see if you can block this"Shelly said trying to punch Jessica but Jessica blocked it and throwed her to the ground

"I did" Jessica said looking at the others with Shelly.

"now what do u want!"Jessica said getting mad.

"we want alisa"the guy said

"for what"I said looking at them

diamond,emerald and ruby were still fighting they were fighting like Shelley and Jessica then max walked up to me and put his fingers under my chin

"don't act slow"he said getting his face close to mine

"don't touch her!"Gray said then max looked at him

"this your girlfriend?"max said looking at Gray

"Yeah"Gray said

"it's pathetic that u have a cute girl that look sweet on the outside but evil in the inside"max said

diamond pov

I can't believe it ruby,the boy that I liked before I  joined evil is fighting me I don't want to hurt him but I must for Justin

"now music blast"I said hitting ruby and emerald with my magic and he fell to the floor

"to think that you're cute ruby pathetic"I said walking off looking at alisa and max trying to hurt her a little

"don't hurt her remember the promise"I said

"I forgot"max said letting her go

" now that 2 is down we have 4 to go"I said looking at them.

Gray pov

what do they want with alisa? I looked at them and started to brawl my fist with anger

"Ice make hammer"i said making a hammer out of ice

"Harmful uproar"diamond said using her magic and i was sent flying

"Now lets finish them off at the same time"max said throwing alisa on the ground close to me

i picked alisa up and then...

"Dont look down"max said

"Cuz u might get hit from above"diamond said then i looked up rocks started to fall in the sky but jessica used her magic and stopped them in the air

"Gray go"Jessica said holding the rocks in the air and I runned from under the rocks

but then Shelly put her hand up in the air

"now now it look like I need a person to be my slave"she said putting her hand in the air but no type of magic was used

"Cover your eyes" Jessica said and that's what we all did I put alisa down and covered my eyes I could since that a light was appearing

"what happened"May said

"it was hypnosis spell"Jessica said looking at them

we all looked at them and alisa was on their side

"what now ruby and emerald are in a bad condition"Olivia said

Jessica Pov

"oliva take these two back to May house and we will be back their

"but…?"Olivia said and that was the only thing she could say before May cut her off

"we don't have time now go!"I yelled at her and May gave her the key

"Okay but don't disappoint me"

"got it"we both said and she grabbed ruby and emrald and put her arm across them and started walking. I could tell that she was using her magic to make them walk.

"let me try"I said using my hypnosis spell trying to get rid of her spell and it didn't work

Gray Pov

Alisa looked different I couldn't tell it at first but the I looked at her eyes they were blue but not like her eyes anymore  not  like a dark blue you could see more pupils

"Alisa what's gotten in to u?"I said looking at her but then she smirked and said

"I'm not the alisa u know and love"she replied

"what do u mean"May said

"let me give u a hint, ice is delegate and priceless"alisa said

"but ice is ruff and tuff"Shelly said walking on the side of alisa

"when u get mad and ice covers ur heart"diamond said

"u need heat to melt it"max said and I was confused

"what does that even mean?"I said looking at Jessica

"like I know"she said

then Shelly looked at us and laughed

"what's funny"all of us say

"Justin told us to came here to get alisa. Not to waste are energy on u!"Shelly said giving us a evil glare

"who is Justin?"I said looking at her

"well he's our boss and I'm tired of fighting these people"she said

"wait what do u mean?"diamond said looking at her

"I'll let alisa fight them"Shelly said and my eyes grew bigger

"now alisa,give them all u got"she said looking at alisa

"thought u never ask"she said and alisa started to form ice around her

"ice dragon's blizzard"she said making a harsh blizzard form and may and Jessica fell to the ground but I was still standing

"well who know u were this tough"she said looking at me

"that's because my girlfriend though me to get stronger"I said looking at her

Jessica's Pov

"ice make lance"I hear Gray say and I suddenly woke back up and saw Gray and Alisa fighting

"star beam"May said getting up using her magic to try and stop alisa but she dodge it

"now let's give them a little goodbye present"Shelley said

"both of u get behind me" I said but they didn't listen

"why?"May said

"I know what I'm doing trust me"I said and they both listen

Gray Pov

We got behind her and just watched the others

"toxic wave"max said sending a purple magic our way

"boom burst"diamond said

"dark light"Shelly said

"ice dragon's crushing ice fang"alisa said and all of the attacks were coming at once

"I got this"Jessica said and she put up a force filed that blocked all the magic

we started to look at the magic hitting the force field and we couldn't see out appointees.

"Jessica try to hold up the force field it's about to break"May said and I started to look at the field and it looked like a window being cracked

"I'm trying"she said and her magic stopped,the force field went down and we were hit with the rest of the magic all 3 of us were send flying to the ground

Shelly pov

I look at them they tried to save her and they lost

"u are so pathetic"I said looking at Jessica

"now let's move out"I said and that's what they all did we went back to Justin and he was going to be proud

Gray Pov

I woke up later on and saw Jessica and may. I looked around to see May waking up but what about Jessica. She isn't waking up

"she's not waking up"I said looking at May

"She tired,weak,out of magic,she's gasping for air"May said and I picked her up

"we need to get back to your house quickly"I said

"let's go"she said and we both started running

Olivia Pov

I was at May house with ruby and my brother treating them when I heard I knock on the door I opens the door and it was Gray,May and my sis

"so where's Alisa?"I said and may and gray looked at each other

"they got her"Gray said looking at my sis that's in his arms

-end of  this chapter-

guess what I'm not finish New chapter

-next chapter-

"what do mean?"I said looking at May

"well she is still hypnotized"May said

"but we need u to help us with Jessica"Gray said looking at her

"Yeah May u can help out these 2"i said and then gray looked at Jessica in his arms

"what happened to her"i said looking at her sister

"she's weak,out of magic"May said

"in other words she got beaten up badly"Gray said

"i dont know what to do"i said turning away I started to think of what to do then I looked at my brother and ruby and they were up

"She used to use some berries" emerald said and we all look at him

"your both up!"I said looking at them getting happy inside

"yeah"ruby said

"so big bro what kind of berries did she use?"I said looking at my brother that's up

"no"he said looking at her

"better do like alisa did that time just mixed stuff"emerald said standing up and just looking at her

ruby pov

"May u guys must of gotten beat bad"I said looking at May who has fallen on the floor

"Yeah and to think those 2 were old friend's"May said looking me then looking at the floor

"what do u mean old friend's"Gray said looking confuses

May Pov

"well it when the year x777 a few days after the dragons left we found alisa and like 9 year later we found diamond and shelly"i said looking at Jessica

(I'm not sure of this is the year the dragons left)

Jessica,Olivia,emerald,alisa and I were in a gang and there were a whole bunch of people  in the group and it was the day before that out gang leader Drew died. The next day  thing's went out of control


"what do u mean you're leaving cuz Drew died"young Jessica said looking at shelly

"I mean I'm quitting the gang"young shelly said not looking her in the eye

"but why"young diamond said and everyone started to look

"because he was the only person that made the gang the way we are and now this gang will become chaos"shelly said looking at mad

"but u forgot who is the next leader"Jessica said looking at her holding her mad and put her in a lock that drew thought us

"I don't care who is the next leader!"shelly said and her anger started to get worse and u could see her magic energy coming out of her body

"why are u acting like this"Sabrin,drew younger sister said and she is  new leader

"because I can!"shelly snapped back

"shelly stop acting like this"alisa said looking at her

"no without drew this gang is over its just pointless to be here"shelly said walking out of our place

"shelly"Jessica said but then Sabrina put her arm on her shoulder

"don't"Am ooking at her

"I'm going after her"diamond said and she ran out as well

"how come she can but I can't"Jessica said

"cuz she's her close friend"
Flashback ended

"so that's why shelly and Jessica fight like that"Gray said looking at her

"yep I think I got a picture of him"i said getting my scrap book

"here we are"I said showing Gray the picture of the whole gang it was 20 of us we all had on black hoodies with a hat with a white top part of the snap back

"where is alisa"Gray said looking for her

"right here"I said pointing to her and she looked like a guy so Gray didn't realised her

"that's her she!" "look like a guy?!"Gray said looking at her

"and here is drew"I said showing him drew u know him and drew look alike

"really"Gray said looking at drew he had burgundy hair and the same skin tone as Gray and if he was still living they probably would of been build the same in their body

"Okay but there is still a nother question I need to ask but you may not know the answer too"Gray said looking at the picture

"what is it?"I said looking at him

"who is Justin?"Gray said looking at me and then me,ruby,emerald,and Olivia looked at each other

"well......."we all said looking at each other with sadness in our eyes

"do you know something about him and why he want alisa"Gray said looking at us

then we all looked at Jessica

"we only know one thing about him"emerald said

"what do you guys know. It may lead us to her" Gray said then we heard Jessica voice she must of heard us

"Justin is alisa big brother"Jessica said opening her eyes slowly looking at all of us

"jay you okay"emerald said looking at Jessica

"Yeah I still have some energy to speak"she said smiling at us

"but alisa. She told me about spells that she could use,how she want to get stronger,and her backstory with her brother and how she want to meet again and tell him something" she said and she let out a laugh for a few seconds

"at least that what she told me when we were younger"

"Jessica,tell me all you know about Justin"Gray said looking at her with a voice that showed that he wanted to know about him

"Okay"Jessica said

Jessica Pov

"well it was when we all were young and we all were in a gang with drew. we weren't a evil gang we always helped out people that needed it but the day we meet alisa......well...that was a day of happiness and sadness for every one"I said looking at everyone

flash back

"Hey drew look at this" young shelly said and we all went to Shelly to see what was going on

"It's a girl"I said looking at her passed out

"maybe she is ill"young emerald said

"let's take her back to out  place"drew said and we all went back home

young alisa pov

I woke up in a big house surrounded with people I didn't know what to do so I got up is a battle stance

"what do you want with me"I said giving them a evil stair

"we want to help you"drew said looking at her

"I don't want your help and I didn't ask for it"she said getting angry

"just answer one question. what we're you doing all alone"drew said

"I want to be alone"alisa said

"you don't have any family?"shelly said

"I do but......."i said looking sad

young Jessica Pov
"but what"I said getting close to her putting my hand on her shoulder

"my brother don't want anything to do with me"she said looking at the ground

"tell me why"I said looking at her

young Alisa pov

"well it was a few days ago I ran away from home"I said trying my best not to cry

Flash back inside a flash back

I had so much hate and anger inside I didn't have I idea to set it out so i ran away. my big brother Justin fond me in my favorite hiding spot which is in a really big tall tree

"alisa is that you"Justin said 

"just leave me alone"I said climbing up the tree higher

"if your not coming down I'm coming up"he said climbing the tree and got me down

"come on we have  to go back to iccrus"he said and we both went back home bit when we came iccurs was gone

"where is iccrus"I said looking confused then we saw iccurs flying off

"iccurs! Wait for us!"Justin said watching iccrus fly off then he got mad

"of courses this is your fault"he said looking at me and I was scared

"but how?"I said looking scared

"if you didn't run away this would of never happened!"he said yelling at me

"we need to find iccurs"I said looking at the sky

"you can if you want"Justin said walking off

"wait where are you going!?"I said looking at him

"alisa it's your mess so you bring iccrus back!" "but for right now I don't want anything to do with you" he said walking off and I went in a nother direction

flashback end Completely

"and that's what she told me"I said looking at Gray

"he's after revenge" ruby said

"wait  it wasn't her fault because every dragon left"Gray said and we all were shocked

"how do you know?"I said looking at him

"Because I know a few more dragon slayer and they left in x777"he said and we all didn't have a word to say


Alisa Pov

I was with diamond,shelly, and max. they took me to some strange place

"where are we"I said looking at them

"we can't tell you all of that"Shelly said then I heard a voice when we got in

"Did u guys bring her"a guy said then I gasped and I was scared

"no it can't be?"I said looking at a guy with brown hair and blonde tips at the end of his hair with a little bit of red as well. He had on a purple long hoodie and he had on black gloves but you still could see his finger tips at the end, he also had on a dark red shirt.

(I have a picture of him and if you guys want to see a pic let me know a btw I might put it as my background pic)

"alisa it's been a while hasn't it" Justin said looking at me and I didn't answer and he put his hand through my hair.

"alisa, do  you always have to act like this"he said and I still didn't answer

"wait isn't she still under your control"diamond said

"yep"shelly said looking at diamond

"wait what do u mean under her control!!?"I yelled  and she smirked

"that's the only reason why you are here"Shelly said smiling

"I know that person said kidnapp her and I can do what ever else  I want" Justin said and he smiled

"what are you going to do with me?"I said looking at him. He gets on my last nerve every single thing about him makes me want to hurt him but I can't hurt my own brother

"you know what else I want Alisa"Justin said getting close to me

"I want revenge on you little sister"Justin said and I was hit with sand magic and I fell to the floor letting out a groan when I did

"revenge? for what?"I said then like a lighting bolt a quick little flash back of when Justin said that he doesn't want anything to deal with me and he was going to get his revenge. I wasn't paying attention but I was hit pretty hard by max.

"the just asked you a question are you going to answer him"max said but I kept ignoring. I  just trying to think of what to say to them to let me go

Shelly pov

Poor alisa I know that she doesn't want to be here and that she is probably mad at all is now but it's hard for me to hurt a best friend that's why I hypnotized her.

"What should we do with her boss?"I said looking at alisa and she was looking at me in the eyes

"how about a game?" diamond said

"yeah" I said freeing her from my spell and she had no idea where she was

alisa pov

"where am i"I said looking around

"do we have to go thought this again?"max said

"just shut it"Justin said

"Did u want to give her a little gift?"diamond said

"no not yet maybe tomorrow"Justin said lookin at me

"you should be lucky,tomorrow u will get your gift"Justin said and I looked confused

"what do you guys mean"I said looking confused

"Did he make that any clearer to u?"shelly said and I was confused

"no"I said getting smart back

"don't act dumb"diamond said hitting me hard in the back of my head I don't like getting hit that much I got mad and started to attack

"ice dragons roar"I screamed using my magic to hit diamond and she fell to the floor

shelly pov

"harmonic blast" diamond said and her magic with all of her strength and alias fell to the floor she was knocked out

"that's what you get for hitting me like that"diamond said looking at her

"that was a good job for now"Justin said and I was shocked

"you are going to let her stay here?"max said

"why not"I said

OKAY SO I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE IN THIS CHAPTER I DID AT FIRST BUT THEN I DIDN'T THE NEXT ONE WILL BE BETTER PROMISE THAT. So next in the next chapter a lot of stuff happens. so basically in the end I'm trying to say that she meet her brother Justin and like he doesn't care a bout her so him and his workers hurt alisa


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