Jealous!!??? part 1

sorry for the late update it was because of school and homework

Gray Pov

I was hanging out with ruby and emerald meeting his sister's(where is Alisa?Lyon said he was getting her and May to come?)-thoughts. I was about to go get them when I heard a voice

"Oliva,Jessica!"May said running towards them before stopping to catch her breath.

"Hey where's Alisa?"I said breaking up there hug

"don't worry she will be here soon?"May said

"I hope she doesn't get hurt"I mumbled at a low voice

"Yeah she been through tuffer things,but I know how u fell"Brandon said to me

"if she is not hear by 1hour,we are going out to look for her"emerald said to me

"yeah we will,hope she is okay"I said under my breath

"Hey look over there"emerald little sister said

we all looked to see what she was looking at

"Its Alisa!"Jessica,Emerald older sister said.

"And Lyon"Oliva said.

"Are the laughing?"Brandon said

our face was shocked mine was too,(I know the friends but friends don't hold hands like that!?)(do she like him,has she stopped liking me,and importantly Lyon never laugh when he is with us!)-thought

my face turned a angry red when I saw them laughing

"looks like someone jealous?"Jessica said to me

"I am not I'm gust hot"I said crossing my arm's and looking the other direction

emerald little sister put her hand on my forehead and said "u don't have a fever"

"u can't off one of Alisa's games"said Jessica said

Alisa Pov

I was laughing at the picture I had of Brandon he gave me to burn,Lyon saw the pictures and starting laughing

"Lyon u haven't heard the the best part his hair cut was so bad and I said-"I said before getting cut off by may calling my name

"Alisa u slowpoke"May yelled a mile away

"Oliva,Jessica!!!"I said running towards them

"miss u guys"I said hugging those two.

"May I told u about running"I said to her

"so sorry I'm late"I said getting a group hug from Brandon,and Emerald

"I miss u the most"I said rubbing Gray chest just realising that he was shirtless

"I know u did"gray said pulling me in by my waist looking in my eye's

May saw what we're about to do

"Gray here!"May said giving Gray her hat

Gray caught her hat and put is thump under my chin,I looked into his eye's and i covered the left side of the kiss with my hat "they are so sweet?"Jessica said

Gray throwed our hats towards May and ruby,and I throwed my hat the same way and every one saw our kiss

"wow! look at them"Oliva said

"they love each other so much"Jessica said

"they annoy me"ruby said

Me and gray stopped

"Come buy at 8 and wear something nice"he whispered in my ear

I started to blush and hugged gray. Gray let out a little laugh

"is someone hot"Jessica said

"no I'm blushing" I said in a happy tone

"what did tell her?"Jessica said

"I want to know"Oliva said

"Yeah me too" May and ruby said

"i think they don't want us to know"Lyon said

"I can't tell"Gray said putting his arm around me

"why?!?!"they all said but Lyon

"Its there secret!"Lyon said

"were going to go to the pool u in?"I said walking over to everyone

Gray whispers in my ear" no I'm getting stuff ready"Gray kiss my cheek

"bye Gray see u at 8"I said

Gray walked off

time skip at the pool

Jessica Pov

we were at the pool and Alisa,May,Ruby,Emerald,and Oliva are arguing over who won the vollyball game in the water

Lyon is just walked off and sat next to me

"can they stop arguing?"Lyon asked me

"u are in the argument too!"I said trying to relax and read my book

"what do u mean"Lyon said

I sat back and watch them arguing and said

"in 3,2,1"I said counting down

"Lyon"they all said coming our direction

Emerald Pov

"who won"Alisa said

"we did"Ruby said

"no we did"Oliva said

"you hit the ball and we cought it and it went over the line"I said trying to show

"correction the ball went over the line when we hit it"Alisa said sliding across the floor

"I know one thing I can't read my book"my big sister said

"Well isn't some one mad?"I asked my big sis

"let's play then"I asked her knowing she would say no

"fine"she said closing her book

"what time is it"Alisa said

"it's 7:45"ruby said

"I have to go and get that book for Oliva"I said to everyone

"Yeah"Oliva said

"Bye"we both said

Alisa Pov

I grabbed May spare key

"I have to go and get ready for Gray"I said running back to May house

"We will be back when u come back from that secret"May said

I ran back home and got dress

[the dress and Alisa is in the pic]

hope Gray has plain something nice- Alisa thoughts

Gray Pov

I was almost finish with the supperise when i heard a knock on the door it was Alisa

"Gray im hear"she said knocking the door

I ran to the door but first I had to look in the mirror to make sure i looked right

"alisa your early"i said

"I am?"she said

I can basically tell that's Oliva that transformed into Alisa but I have a way to catch her in the act

"I did say 8 right"I asked her looking confused

"of course"she said

"you're not wearing your favorite perfume"I said

"I'm trying not to wear the same perfume"she said

I spunned her knowing that her transformation would break

"nice try Oliva"I said

"how did you know it was me?"she said

I hear a knock at the door and ran to the door

Alisa Pov

I knocked on the door and I heard foot steps coming my way

"you finally come"Gray said with a smirk

then I saw Oliva

"what are u doing here"

"I was asking Gray some questions"she said

~Oliva walks off~

"I need to talk to u"Gray said walking to the couch

I followed him

"look Alisa,I have a felling that you don't like me"he said

"why do you say that"I said

"You be hanging out with Lyon alot,and plus the way y'all we're holding hands"he said

"we were holding arm's not hands"I said

I hear Gray say something in a low ton

"What"I said

"Don't act like your death"gray said getting smart

"What u say"I said slamming my hands on the table

"U think I'm scared just because you raised your voice"Gray said getting mad

"I know one thing u are over thinking what you saw!"I yelled in a smart way

"I'm not over thinking I'm just saying what I know is write"he yelled

"i know the truth better than you do and what u are saying are

lies"I yelled which made my face red

"u can't tell the truth if it hit u in the face"Gray yelled back

I'm just trying to keep my anger down before I loose it

"just forget it"I said walking in his room and getting some clothes and shoes with my pillows

"where u going"he said getting smart

"I'm going to Lucy's place for the night"I said slamming the door

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