final chapter: Glaceiate!
Alisa pov
I'm tried,weak,almost out of magic and Justin and his worker still have magic I have to something fast
"music blast"diamond said hitting me with her magic i fell to the ground hard
"Justin why are u doing this"I said
he didn't answer he just kept attacking me then I heard foot steps behind me and looked
"alisa!"everyone said running towards me
"well it looks like we have some guest"Justin said looking at them
Justin pov
who are these people? they must be friend's? Alisa should know that no matter how many people she bring to try to help her she will fail
"do u want us to finish them for u"shelly said but then I walked up
"Everyone get ready"alisa said and they got ready to attack but I smiled
alisa pov
"why is he smiling?"Gray said looking at him confused
"I don't know but I got a bad felling about this"ruby said looking at him. I can tell that he has a trick up his sleeve he looked at us and smiles then he spoke
"u guys seem so stress why don't you rest"Justin said putting his hand up using sand magic and knocking everybody but me over. I looked at them and I gasped to see them all passed out.
"oh no ruby"I said looking at him passed out
"may!"I said looking at her knocked out as well
"emerald"I said looking at him he was still hurt from the first battle with them
"Jessica"I said looking at her
"Olivia"I said looking at her she was the only one that really helped us I think she came up with the idea of hand cuffing me and Gray
"Gray!!!"I said looking at him passed out he was cold. He really cares about me,even after us hated each other and then made up he still love me
"now that this uneven battle is even. let's get back to business"Justin said looking at me
"sand storm"Justin said making sand hit me and making me fall
a few minutes later gray pov-
I woke up to the sound of screaming it was alisa she was in pain badly
"now moon blast"May said using her magic
"May your up!"I said looking at her
"we all are okay"emerald said looking at me
"where is alisa?"I said looking at may
"Over their-Shelly and diamond are left"ruby said
"now for all of your guest I have a surprise"Justin said
"sand tomb"he said and we all were trap the sand was so tight on us we couldn't move
"can't breath"May said trying to find a way out
"alisa are u ok?"I said looking at her but she had her eyes close not speaking
"is she dead?"ruby said and we all looked at him
"I don't know but if this sand crushes us we won't find out"i said and we all were trying to find a way out
then we all called alisa name one more then we started to see the sand freeze in to ice
"what is she doing" May said looking at her and suddenly the sand turned in to ice and she was free
"how did u do that!?"we all said looking at her then she smiled
alisa Pov
"Gray try to freeze your way out"i said and that's what he did he started to freeze the sand and a few minutes later he was free
"now let us out"everyone that was trap said and a few minutes later they were free
"let's get back to the fight"I said looking at them
"Yeah"they all said
-a few minutes later-
"crushing fang!!!"I hear alisa say and look her but she didn't say it she fighting Justin then I looked at shelly and Jessica but Jessica wasn't fighting alisa was
"wait so which one is alisa?"I said looking confused
"Jessica is fighting shelly"May said and I was shocked
"but she hate to transform"I said helping her fight
"Yeah I know"she said and we both attacked max and he was out
Alisa pov
ice dragons roar"I said aiming at Justin and he ate the ice
"u forgot haven't you"Justin said "we both use the same element"he said and I heard Jessica I could tell she was behind me
then me and Jessica got back to back
"u know this is fun"Jessica said
"let's switch"I said and she nodded so now I'm fighting Shelley and she fighting Justin
"ice dragon pursuit"we both said and both of them fell then we looked at them and then Jessica transformation broke and she was in pain
"they won't give up?"I said
"sand bind!!"Justin said and I was hit pretty badly-so badly, i hit my back against a tree blacking out
Gray Pov
"alisa!"We all said looking at her
"that's it it's time for you guys to get what you deserved!"Ruby said tuning towards them with his magic in his hand but then he was frozen in ice
"that's enough!"Alisa said getting up
"but he does have a point"she said and she unfroze him
"his is!!"every one put ruby said
Alisa pov
"Yeah, and I want to tell you this Justin. Iccris loved us and maybe she left because it was time for her too leave. Maybe she though we had enough power to live by our self!! I'm sure you have heard of glaciate?"i said walking towards him now only a few feet away
"yes I have but I know that you are too scared to do that"he said and I felt my body turning to ice
"ice dragons diamond fist" I said turning my hand into ice trying to hit him but he got me in my stomach one good time and I fell
I felt like my body was about to give out so I had to use it now
"Ice dragons final call: ice dragons glaciate"I said looking at the ground on my knees and hands letting all of the ice come out of me making ice stone pillars around all of my attackers
"this is bad!"Oliva said
"If this spell goes wrong she will die!"May said.
I couldn't move my body was stuck in that position then I let out a gasp and my right arm starts to crack as if I was ice.
Gray Pov
"I think I know what we should do to try to stop her!" Jessica said and we all started to look at her.
"we have to combined our magic and maybe it will break" may said and we all attacked her.
~Shelly pov~
"Ice make gungnir" the dark haired boy said
"heat wave"ruby said
"star blade"one girl with brown hair said
"star heaven"the same girl with brown hair said but all of the magic didn't connect with her it was like a shield was their
they didn't know it but i used my magic to make sure that even if she die or she stay alive something will happened. i wanted them to think i was on their side so i pretended to help them out
"dark reminded"i said making my magic try to touch alisa
~Jessica pov~
"it doesn't have any affect on her"may said
"well since that's not working lets try this!"Olivia said running towards her and try to break the ice that's around her and she try to break the force field around alisa and end up hurting her self
"Olivia!"i said getting her as she screamed in pain. I pulled her arm out of the force field that was around alisa and then i put one of my gloves on her hand and wrapped the end of the glove with tape. if i didn't she would die with alisa if we don't stop her.
"this isn't working" she said
"why don't we all try to combined our magic but this time with me and Jessica help"shelly said and we didn't do nothing but agree i could tell that she wanted to help
"are you really going to help them. their our enemies"Max said and i used my magic to make him and Justin power less and then hypnosis so they wouldn't wake up.
"ice make: lance"gray said
"radiant heat"ruby said
"key of the stars unbound"may said
me emerald and shelly grab hands and started to focus our energy
"twist of time"we all said using our magic to combined all of our attacks so it might go through and stop her
"enchanted voice"diamond said helping us out but then out magic was bounced back but me and shelly blocked it and we saw alisa body cracked her face was like shattered glass
~Gray pov ~
we started to see ice stone pillars appearing around her and justin
"i guess we have only a few minutes left!" diamond and shelly said and we all felt a harsh blizzard
"her skin is cracked real bad"diamond said and we try to look at her and her whole body was cracked her face was like a broken mirror.
Alisa pov
'Gray....May..ruby jess....Emerald...Oliva and everyone else i guess my time is up' i said in my life was flashing before my eyes. I almost completed Glaciate. All of the things that happened to me-Justin wasn't their when i needed a brother so their fore when i die he will die with me.
i eventually started to fell my body giving out on me and i gave it everything i had. eventually the pillars spin faster and then all came together and Justin was gone.
Gray pov
Justin was gone and Glaciate was completed. We all looked at alisa and she collapsed
"alisa!"I said as i ran towards her and got down so i would reach her level then i put my hand under her head and and opened her eyes slowly
I'm sorry I couldn't put the song I wanted to use so look up: I was here by beyonce
"gray"she said in a low voice
"it didn't work- i think its time for me to leave you"she said and a tear rolled down her cheek and her body started to disappear
"alisa you cant leave not yet"i said as tears started to fall from my as well.
"Alisa no matter what happens-"Olivia said
"Your still with us"Emerald finished the sentence that Olivia
was saying. She smiled at him then a
we all looked at alisa and half of her body was gone."Well you know your going to be with drew-"Jessica said and she started to cry "It look like your wish will come true"She said crying even harder
"are you crying?"Olivia asked her brother and ruby both of them nodded
"You guys don't cry I'm always with you no matter what"Alisa said smiling while her upper body started to disappear.
"Gray, I love you"alisa said and i smiled at her
"I love you too"I said and her arms started to disappear
"Alisa..." Jessica eyes were full of sadness she started crying. The last part of alisa body started to disappear and everyone was crying for her. Alisa disappeared in to thin air she was gone. we heard come one fall on the ground.
Emerald pov
"Alisa she's gone?"Shelly started to cry
"The only thing I wanted to do was just try to save her, before this happened I tried to alarm her that's why I send her that warning in her dream."Shelly cried and we all was looking at her even if with tears in our eyes.
"Justin said he was going to give us what we wished"Shelly said looking at the ground. Diamond looked at her.
"he lied to us"Diamond said.
"I don't even know what to do with my life anymore"Shelly cried
"I'm just a sad and confused girl!"she yelled crying. I looked at Jessica and she nodded
"the time is right"she said
I went to Shelly and hold my hand out to her to help her off the ground. she took my hand and got up. she looked in my eyes and I hugged her.
"Daimyo"she said hugging me. I'm shocked she remembered my real name
"Did she just say diamyo?"May said
"That's his real name"Olivia and Jessica said and the others were shocked.
"he rarely use his real name."Jessica said
"Shelly, you left us when we were little because with out drew. It didn't fell the same. You thought that everything was gone. Am I correct?"I said and she nodded
"That's exactly why I did."Shelly said
"I know what you been through... It look like were gonna be sad and confused together"I said and she didn't say a word.
"uh? Guys"Olivia said and we broke the hug looking at her hand it was starting to turn into ice.
Gray pov
"She's been effected!"Shelly and Jessica said.
Jessica grabbed Olivia arm and put a glove on her hand that was turning into ice.
"That's what happens when you try to run to alisa"Jessica said and her right hand started to become more like ice.
"let's go back to my house"may said and then we heard a crack we looked at Olivia and her whole right side of her face was ice.We all ran to may house while we were running alisa voice popped in my head
"Be safe"I heard the voice and I stopped
"alisa"I whispered and a tear came down my cheek and hit the ground.
"you heard it too"May said and I nodded "so did we"Ruby said.
"we need to get back home"Jessica said and Olivia her whole right body was ice. We ran this time with out stopping.
Shelly POV
I watch them running and I got up.
"I'm going my own way"I said and the two looked shocked
"why?"they both said
"it doesn't make any since, we all wanted to hurt alisa. Justin did too, but deep down I know he loved her."I said and diamond looked at me
"Why are you acting like this!? Just because your little
time skip gray pov
"Hold still! Quit Moving!" Jessica said putting Olivia hand in hot water.
"This hurt" Olivia whined like a kid saying. I walked passed them. When I went back down stairs. Diamyo, Ruby, May were sitting down. I sat down just looking depressed.
"Alisa-"I whispered
"out of all the people-" Diamyo said
"why you"Ruby said finishing the sentence
"ouch!"we hear Olivia say
"I'll be upstairs"I said going up stairs I couldn't let them see me crying.
I went to alisa room and just sat on the top of the bed. I lay down on her pillow I turned to the left and saw a picture of alisa."I'll miss you"I said and tears were forming in my eyes.
"I should of did something to stop you... I promised you. I let you down"I said sobbed and started to cry even harder as images of me and alisa went through my brain.
I just cried and cried until eventually I fell asleep in her room.
poor alisa their will be a A/N. This is the final chapter of ice love
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