Tackle and the Easter Egg Hunt Part 1

Vibe and Ferry will be in this one too and my two bad guys Ramous and Kasha

It's spring time! And Easter! Which means the annual Easter Egg Hunt! Ellie, Peaches and Brooke were working together to prepare the Easter feast "Oh I'm excited! I can't believe it's spring time!" Brooke said excited as she started stirring something in a bowl . "Hey Ellie!" The girls turn to see Shira arriving with a basket of berries "Thanks Shira" "no problem" "Hey why don't you help us with the feast?" Shira's ears fell down as she started stuttering "I-I don't know I mean it's ok for you guys to cook and all but I'm more of a hunting kind of cook" she smiled nervously feeling a little embarrassed from what she just said.

"Come on it will be fun" Ellie told her as she nudged some berries to her. Meanwhile Manny,Diego and the possums were watching the Falcons vs Hornets game at Manny's cave. "Come on Falcons!" "You guys can do it!" Diego and the possums cheered but no on noticed a little saber cub entering the cave looking high and low for something...Tackle.

The game ended with the Falcons losing "Oh come on!" " This was just like with the hawks" Eddie and Crash complained and Crash kicked their food bowl in frustration "Hey!" a voice echoed out from below surprise the guys and they looked under the table to find the bowl on top of Tackle. "Tackle?" Manny grabbed Tackle and placed him on the table and removed the bowl of his head "What are you doing here bud?" "I'm looking for easter eggs!" Tackle told his dad his tail wagged with excitement.

Diego smiled excited himself, it was Tackle's first Easter and he has heard of their Easter adventure with Squint, he and Shira had prepared something special for their cub. "Well enjoy your Easter hunt Tackle" "We're gonna celebrate our own holiday...April Fools! Now we just need to find our new fool for this year" Crash and Eddie stared at Tackle but Diego retracted his claws with a raised eyebrow almost like he was saying 'Don't even think about it' "Buck!" "Yeah! Let's prank Buck" The possums ran off to do their prank.

"Ok kids get your baskets ready! It's almost time for the Easter Egg hunt" Sid announced as the baby animals gathered with their easter baskets, Vibe and Ferry too. Tackle came and his ears fell down that everyone had a basket except him "Aw everyone has basket except me" "Than who's basket is this?" Shira's playful voice came up as she and Diego moved aside to show Tackle his very own Easter basket. He gasped in excitement and rushed inside the basket laughing he notice a flower on the handle and he started swatting it.

"Thanks mom and dad" "The flower was Brooke's idea and Sid painted something special on it" Diego told him as the cub notice on the side of the basket there each smiling face of the Herd was painted on the basket "Cool!" He ran his paw on the side of the paint "Hey guys!" Everyone turn to see Clint the Easter Bunny arrive, the kids got so excited to see him.

"Ok guys all the Easter eggs are hidden so keep a sharp eye and have fun!" Clint told them "So Tackle you ready to find some eggs" "Yeah!" Tackle answered his dad excited as he grabbed the basket with his teeth and ran to join the other kids. "How many eggs you think he find?" Shira asked her mate with a smirk "with his cat sense he'll find them" Diego said confident "Says the saber who didn't even find the first egg with his sense of smell" Diego's confidence turned into embarrassment as Shira laughed and nuzzled her mate.

"You guys ready?" Tackle asked Vibe and Ferry who were on his side and they nodded the three planned to work together. "Ok sweeties! Ready, set....GO!" Brooke told then and the kids ran straight to the forest scattering everywhere, each one of them had a map for each eggs location.

"Come on guys! The egg is this way!" Tackle said with Ferry on his back and Vibe running beside him to the forest but they didn't notice of Ramous and Kasha watching on top of a rock their smiles were evil "Look at that Kasha it's look like the Easter Egg hunt has begun" "and look three unsuspecting little fur balls are joining in...and one of them is our prey" Kasha said as she laid down, her eyes on Tackle.

"Too bad they don't know that we are also part of the Easter Egg hunt...and we'll get more than what we're after" Ramous said evilly as he and Kasha walked away with two things on their mind...Tackle and the eggs.

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