Chapter Twenty Eight
"Angus...Angus mate, wake up...Angus!"
The pillow that smacked Angus in the face fell on the floor, the man sitting up with a groan. He blinked making the room come into focus, seeing a pair of two smiling brown eyes staring awfully close to his own. Grimacing, he fell back on the couch pulling the blanket over his face.
"C'mon, is that how you treat a guest in your home?" Bon asked taking a seat on the coffee table. He shifted uncomfortably, his legs bent at a higher position than he was used to. "Got anything better to sit on?"
"Take a chair from the table," Angus muttered, too hot to keep the blanket over his head. Bon stood up and set the chair across the couch, sitting down with much more comfort. Angus fluttered his eyes, staring at the man. "How'd you get in here?"
"Forgot to lock the door, bein' so eager to get inside an' all," Bon snickered to himself. "Mal called us last night, well, me anyway. Said Hannah came back with you?" Angus nodded and yawned. Bon grinned. "Ohhhh, I see how it is."
"I'm glad I don't," Angus said keeping his eyes closed. Bon wasn't one to leave friends in the dark.
"After hearin' you got back I decided to join in on the fun. You marry her yet?" His eyes were open in a millisecond. Getting the reaction he wanted, Bon continued. "Ya' know..." Angus frowned, waiting for his explanation. "you don't have to use a condom when you're married."
"Oh, shut up!" Angus yelled, his expression a complete foil of his band mate's. Bon rocked back in his chair laughing, Angus hoping it'd tip backwards sending Bon into the fireplace behind him. "Rotten little bugger..."
"It's the truth, ain't it?" Angus rolled over on the couch pulling the blanket over his shoulder, not caring how warm it was. Remembering that night on the hotel couch made him sick, he hated to think about it. But with friends like Bon making jokes the way he liked, he couldn't help having it crawl back to him, grinning like a demon. Hannah herself never brought it up again, but he couldn't help but feel a little distance between them ever since that night. Upon closing that distance the night previous he was pulled away again; circumstances like this bringing out the 'little devil' to commit acts of daring idiocy the night after. It no less haunted him the next morning and with Bon next to him, it'd haunt him for years to come.
"Piss off, leave her alone."
"I ain't bein' mean to her, am I?" Bon asked with innocence. "C'mon, what'd I do?"
His foot kicked Angus' blanketed back and the man rolled over to face the ceiling. "Jus' leave her alone, alright, Bon? Can you do that? Refrain from makin' jokes like that when she's here, don't ask any questions an' jus'..." Angus shook his head and rolled over again. "Jus' leave her alone."
Bon stopped laughing and folded his hands together. "Gee, Ang, I-sorry if I said the wrong thing...somethin' botherin' you?" He heard Angus sigh and mumble something. "Can't hear ya' a reason you're sleepin' on the couch?"
"I let her take the bed," Angus answered. "Bein' a gentleman like Mal always says." Bon scoffed.
"I think Mal ought to take his own advice sometimes, ya' know. But really, what's up your drawers?"
"I...don't want to talk about it. Neither does Hannah," he added knowing Bon would certainly play Sherlock and investigate some other way. Bon held his hands up.
"Okay, okay. No more sex jokes. I'm sure gonna miss 'em." Angus sighed. "Where's your shirt?"
"Lost it in the wash," Angus lied.
"Huh." Bon stood from the chair and wandered toward the hallway, peering down. "Is Hannah here?"
At that moment Hannah came from Angus' bedroom, rubbing her eyes. She didn't see Bon smiling down at her until she took her hands away, and quickly rolled her sleeves down before he could catch the burns, pulling her hair over the bruise on her neck. "Bon!"
"There's the little lady," Bon said catching her when she jumped into his arms making her laugh. She wasn't sure why, perhaps the sight of another friend, another man who hadn't turned her arms to dust was enough to bring her joy, a joy that could only be expressed with a hug. Angus sat up on the couch, a sleepy expression glued to his face as he watched the two. Bon gave her an exaggerated kiss on the head before separating. "Hey, Ang, does Mr. Nut know you have a lady over?"
Angus nodded. "Found out last night. But he didn't know about Sherrie, an' she'd been here a year."
Bon let Hannah stand on her own and looked at Angus. "Does Sherrie know you have a lady over?" Here was another topic Angus hoped to avoid. But he could at least give an answer, even if it was short.
"Sherrie's gone, Bon."
"Gone," he repeated.
"We're not seein' each other anymore." Hannah stood aside, avoiding the look Bon gave her.
"I uh, won't ask," Bon said going back over to his chair to sit. Angus had dropped his feet from the couch giving Hannah a place to sit. Clasping his hands together and giving the two residents a smile, Bon waited for Angus to ask what the hell he was still doing there.
"What are ya' here for, Bon?"
"Glad you asked. See, you've all been gone such a long time an' Phil an' Cliff aren't my first choices of goin' to pubs, ya' see. Ya' know, Phil will order a drink or two then want to go home, an' Cliff jus' stands by the phone an' talks to his girlfriend."
"That's sweet," Hannah said. Angus looked at her then looked down at his hands. Bon continued.
"Yeah," he said rolling his eyes. "Since we're the bachelors of the bunch I thought you an' your brother would care to join me for a mornin' drink. Of course, Ang over here will have a tea instead."
Angus made a noise acknowledging Bon's humor and blinked his eyes sleepily. It must have been three in the morning. "You invite Mal?" he asked.
"Not yet, but I'm sure he'll go. Hannah'll go, won't ya'?"
"If you all are, but I won't drink," she answered.
"Eh, too early for ya', eh?"
"No, I don't drink." Bon gave Angus a look.
"Huh. Tell me why Sherrie's been sittin' on that couch Ang," he blurted out. He gestured to the two on the couch. "You two are identical." Angus was quick to respond.
"'Cause she turned you down, remember?" Instead of getting upset, Bon smiled.
"So. We gotta couple of shys here, eh? Alright, me an' Mal will drink." He stood from the chair and opened the front door. Angus and Hannah stayed put. "Isn't anyone coming?"
"Not so sure I want to anymore," Angus mumbled. Bon heard him and held his hand to his ear.
"What was that, Ang?"
"Nothin', nothin'. We're comin', let us get dressed."
"Why, you look jus' fine." Bon laughed as Angus wrinkled his nose mimicking an upset boy. He was pushed out the door, the door closing after him. With his back to the door Angus looked at Hannah who had stood from the couch, wringing her hands.
"You want to shower first, or..."
"Nah, go ahead. I'll jus' fall back asleep," he said waving his hand.
"If you're having trouble sleeping, I have no problem giving you back your bed-"
"It's your bed now, I have no problem sleepin' out here, okay?" he said going over to her. She backed away, holding her arms to her chest. Angus stopped, coming up with all the ways to ask her what was wrong. Her eyes were distant, never quite reaching his, and this wasn't the first he'd noticed it. All that left his mouth was, "Save me some hot water, yeah?"
It was fifteen minutes until he saw her again. During that time he smoked a cigarette on the couch, knowing good and well he wasn't getting any more sleep.
Bon had left to invite Malcolm to their-his-little reunion party. If Malcolm was going, then Angus was going, knowing good and well Malcolm couldn't sit there hour after hour and not get thirsty for something strong. Angus had never worried for himself when it came to drinking until recently, when the noxious fumes due to the presence of such hypocritical gluttons and gamblers filled his head and put a drink in his hands. No, as long as he had his tea he'd be fine. It had been a game, that's all it was.
Maybe her neck still hurt. Maybe whenever she turned her head she felt the pain he inflicted on her and was constantly reminded of what he did, of what Travis did. She never said anything, but why would she want to? The bruise seemed to hurt Angus more than her every time she pulled away from him or didn't verbally respond. He was glad Bon didn't notice it.
Or perhaps it was last night. Being interrupted was surely a sign that whatever it was that Angus wanted couldn't happen, and maybe Hannah had known that for a while. She's distancing herself, just like I distracted myself, Angus thought. Look how well that went.
Fifteen minutes were up. He heard his name being called from the bathroom, muffled behind the door. Knowing Hannah only had her shirt and the one she borrowed, he made his way to his suitcase and pulled out another one for her to wear, long sleeved of course, in case she still wasn't ready to tell. Rounding the corner and finding the bathroom he knocked.
"Is it you, Angus?"
"All three inches of me." Laughter exploded from the inside of the bathroom and he couldn't for the life of him figure out what was so damn- "Funny, real funny, Hannah." He smiled to himself. It took a minute for the young woman to calm down. "I brought you a shirt," he said holding it out to a closed door.
"Thank you, but, that's not exactly what I called you over here for," Hannah answered, sounding slightly embarrassed. Angus grabbed the knob and twisted it, knowing already it was locked.
"Then what is it?"
"Do you remember that, the morning after? When we both had hangovers?"
He sighed. Don't remind me. "Yeah?"
"And how...I had something else coming on as well?" He remembered that too.
"Yeah. Ohhhh, uh, do you-have-do you need somethin' for it? I mean-"
"Having something for it would be nice yes, but unfortunately I haven't packed anything," Hannah replied keeping the door closed. Angus knew that, and he knew what he had to do.
"Alright, I'll-I'll be right back. Here, you still want this shirt?"
"Yes, please."
The shirt was passed through a small opening when Hannah unlocked the door, swiftly closing it again. "Thank you."
It was the beginning of a long day for Angus.
The man at the register was quick. The customer in front of him was in and out in a minute and thank goodness it was his turn. Not knowing what on Earth he was supposed to buy, he grabbed the biggest and the softest looking of the bunch, making sure there were plenty. How many did they wear? It didn't matter, it was too late now.
Hoping to get out of there as quickly as possible not just for his sake but for Hannah's, he tapped his fingers on the desk. The man at the register smiled. Angus half smiled back. Thinking he would just ring them up, take his money, and wish him luck, he was disappointed when the man just stood there, smiling at him. Angus frowned, about to ask what the heck he was staring at, only using a much stronger word, when the man pointed down, indicating the other side of the counter. Angus looked down and saw a small rack holding up different bars of candy.
Without a word, Angus grabbed one and slowly placed on top of the box. The man at the register nodded, and rung them up, getting his total.
"Lucky you, the candy is on sale today," he said.
"Whoo hoo, lucky me," Angus said grabbing his wallet. After paying, the man pushed the purchases forward.
"Would you like a bag for these?"
Angus closed his eyes and sighed. "Yes, please."
Taking the bag concealing the items he made straight for the door. "Be good to her," the man at the register smiled. Angus smiled back, a full one this time.
The kiss on the cheek was worth it.
It was eleven before the two made it to the pub Bon told them about, calling to inform that Malcolm would indeed be having a few drinks with him and having a great time. Knowing how many it took to have a great time, Angus didn't hesitate to leave the apartment straightaway. Phil and Cliff were invited to come along, but Cliff had spent the night at his girlfriend's and couldn't just leave and Phil wanted to come, but was simply too tired and apologized for denying. Bon scoffed. "He's lazy."
The pub wasn't at all busy. Angus was glad. Right away he ordered a tea and brought it back along with Hannah's cup to their table near a window. Hannah seemed to really enjoy looking out that window. She didn't notice her tea being set down before her until Angus cleared his throat from the morning as he sat down. "Oh, thank you, Angus," she said.
"No problem. Want a napkin?" he asked seeing her guzzle the drink down, some running down her chin.
She smiled sheepishly, and took one from him.
Bon came back to the table with a glass full of his favorite drink. Malcolm came up behind him with, to Angus' surprise and hidden relief, a glass of water. They sat down, Bon immediately taking a drink. "That's the good stuff, not whatever the hell Travis drinks," he said. "Wine is good, but whiskey is great."
"His wine was a little dodgy," Malcolm said swirling the water in his glass. "Not anything good, but expensive as hell."
"Huh, don't think I'd ever get along with him. In fact, I know I wouldn't, I haven't. He's a complete bugger. Pushes the envelope a bit." Bon took another drink as if to erase Travis from his thoughts. "Mm. To hell with Travis," he said raising his glass.
"To hell." Angus and Malcolm raised their cup and glass, Angus looking at Hannah who had begun to stare out the window again.
"Hey, you alright?" he whispered. She didn't hear him, only felt his small hand gently rest on top of hers. Pulling away slightly, she looked at him, almost a little shocked. "What's wrong?"
"...Nothing, nothing, I'm fine."
Malcolm also took notice of her distant thoughts. He knew Travis was still a sore subject for her, and she wasn't the only one hoping to forget him for now. "Nice day out, ain't it?" he asked. "Wouldn't you say, Ang?"
Malcolm indicated for his brother to continue. "Yeah, yeah a good day, yeah. Might go rock climbin' or somethin'."
"Fly fishin'," Malcolm suggested.
"Bank robbin'," Bon laughed.
"Goat herdin'," Malcolm said. Bon let out a high pitched yodel of sorts turning the heads of everyone around them and making the entire table, Hannah included, fall to hysterics. A little whiskey splashed over the rim of the glass landing on Bon's jeans, which only increased his volume. Malcolm continued to laugh as well, keeping his eyes away from Bon's rogue drink. He took a few more drinks of water.
Angus leaned back in his seat, wiping an eye. Every few seconds another giggle would let loose from one of them, threatening another round. Finally regular conversation resumed, control over cups returned, and thirsts were quenched.
"Ah, that's a good laugh," Bon said. "Too bad Cliff couldn't bring Georgeanne with him, or Ruddy or someone."
"You got us!" Mal thumbed at himself and his companions.
"Of course, Mal, of course. Mum, Tea-totaler, an' Little Lady, eh? Circle of fools breakin' the rules."
Bon's voice became an echo, just another sound in the pub. Passers by glanced through the window, making eye contact, then looking away. Some double checked to see if it really was that famous band the girl was sitting with. The wind began to blow, trees began to bend. Returning from winter on one side of the world only to find it again on the other. Almost like starting over, promising to be a better one.
Then why didn't it feel like it? Why did this winter feel icy, dead...despite the new warmth of her greatest friends?
"Huh?" Hannah turned her head at the hand waving in front of it.
"You alright?" Hannah relaxed a bit knowing only Malcolm was staring at her. "Worryin' me a bit."
She sipped her tea, stalling for time. "I'm alright."
"I've known you since you were eight," Malcolm said cutting to the quick. "I know that look in your eyes, that childlike expression." He cocked his head. "It's not there, an' it's a little concernin'."
"I can't be happy all the time."
"No," he agreed. "But...if you're not happy, I want to help. Talk, or..." He shrugged.
"I'm okay," she assured.
Malcolm opened his mouth when Bon did it for him. "Tea too cold, there?"
"Hmm? No, no it's fine, I'm fine." A smile appeared to ward off any attention. She pivoted her body to face away from the window should she get lost in the scenery outside. Bon finished his glass and stood up.
"I can get you another one, I'm headin' over there." Hannah shook her head.
"My tea is perfect, Bon, let me show you." Giving all her attention to prove her point she brought the cup to her chin instead. Angus had another napkin ready. Getting her laughter to a minimum, she handed Bon her cup. "Another one would be great."
Bon smiled and took her cup with him back to the bar. The smile on her face must have convinced Malcolm as he didn't bring up the subject again. One look from Angus and the stained napkin in his hand was enough to bring her to another fit. "Walnut," he muttered with a smile. "Anyway, Mal, Hannah an' I are goin' out to get her some things to wear while she's here so she doesn't have to wear all mine. As great as she looks I'd like my laundry back." Hannah lightly punched him. "Would you want to come with us?"
"It's tempting," he answered. "But I think I'll stay here a little while longer, ya' know. Haven't been to a real pub in ages, ya' know?"
"Haven't been women's shoppin' in a while," Angus said. "Should be fun, eh, Hannah?"
"Ten out of ten," she answered.
"See?" Malcolm smiled and shook his head.
"Thanks for the invite, but I'm stayin'." The glass of water was directed to his lips, Angus hoping that was all it'd be. "Bon's here, we'll keep each other safe. Right, Bon?"
The man came back up to the table balancing a full glass and cup, walking as if he was on a tight rope, one foot in front of the other. "Comin' through, comin' through!" With a topple or two, the drinks were placed on the table, Bon rejoining the group. "Ah, here we go, there you are." Hannah accepted her cup and took a drink right away, declining Angus' napkin. "You were sayin', Mal?"
"These two are leavin' soon, so we'll have to run the bar tonight," Malcolm explained. Bon made a pout face.
"You're leavin', Hannah? Ya' just got back!"
"I didn't bring anything with me, I have to buy more." The pout turned to a confused frown.
"You brought nothin'? No clothes, no panties..."
"None." He raised an eyebrow, recalling their attire that morning.
"You've been wearin' Ang's all this time?"
"Shirts maybe, not his panties."
"No," Angus grinned. "No, Bon, not my panties."
Bon laughed in a boyish way. "You guys leavin' now?"
"No, we still have our tea to finish," Angus said taking his time to drink his. Hannah also settled for a slow pace, both finishing at the same time. Hannah made sure not to lose the smile in her eyes while she was there, no matter how tough it was becoming.
"You ever been to this store?" Angus asked with a hint of hope in his voice. The building was small, just a thrift store on the way to the library.
"No, my mom wouldn't take me here because..." Hannah realized how wrong what her mother said was, and thought it best not to repeat it.
"Because...because the air conditioner never worked," she lied. Upon entering the store, a gust of warm air met their faces. "See?" Hannah asked.
"We'll try comin' here in the summer then," Angus said taking his jacket off.
Not everything on the racks was met with a smile, yet not everything was met with a scowl either. Some clothes were taken, others were left behind, and Angus somehow managed to find the hygiene products again. Hannah turned her head to see him, face red. "What did you do?"
"Took a wrong turn," he coughed. "What-what did you find?"
She held up a sweater, Angus' look she gave her making her laugh. "What?"
"We got plenty of those at home."
"Not my own, and yours stink." He made a face.
"Well I'll have them back then, thank you." He looked the store over, up and down the aisles. "Take anythin' you want, ya' know, I'll pay for ya'."
"I can't ask you to do that-"
"I'm volunteerin', an' until you can get back on your feet I want to help you." Hannah looked away from him. "Can't a man help his friend?" Something in what he said must have set something off inside her because she couldn't look him in the eye the rest of the afternoon.
As soon as they got home Hannah took her new belongings down to Angus' room and shut the door. Angus almost followed her, but knew better than to rain questions down on her head making her feel worse. He'd told her before, if she had anything to talk about, to tell him. If she didn't, he wouldn't pester. Scenes of their last night together flooded his mind again, how he never got to tell her how he felt, and how they were both too scared to see the other one before Hannah left for America. He didn't want that to happen again.
Fuzzy imagery also came to mind, some he didn't know he remembered. Maybe it was from a dream, after all, Malcolm said he had passed out a few times. But this didn't seem dream like, and he tried to tune in, like a staticky radio with an antenna needing adjustment. He saw Hannah in front of him, and she was talking...but nothing she was saying was making any sense.
Angus made dinner that night. He let Hannah keep herself company after she didn't answer the door when he knocked, and put some soup on the stove. It wasn't much but he had yet to go grocery shopping. When it cooked at a low heat, he figured he could spare a few minutes to talk to her, invite her to join him. He knocked twice just like he did the first time and waited.
How long should he wait before knocking again?
"Hannah?" he called. "Dinner is on the stove, if you want any..." Still no answer. "It's not quite done but if you want to come down..." Knowing it was rude to barge in, but also knowing it was his room to begin with, he opened the door a crack, staying outside. "Hannah?" he sang. The door jumped from his hand and swung open, allowing him to step inside.
Huddled in the corner, was a small figure, knees pulled to her chest, head ducked in her crossed arms. The bags of their shopping trip were stored on the bed, nothing taken out or put away, nothing even tried on. "Hannah?" He set the door almost closed behind him and went over to crouch next to her. "What's wrong?"
Hannah only shook her head.
"Did somethin' happen, did I say somethin'?" Another head shake. "Did Mal, or Bon..." Nothing this time. "Is this about last night?" Angus too had been feeling a bit odd about the previous night. Distancing herself was one thing he was afraid of, but hiding in the corner really worried him. "If it is, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinkin'-"
"It's not last night," she mumbled. Angus sighed, happy just to hear her say something.
"Then, what is it?"
She raised her head but didn't answer. Angus could see dried tears on her face one fresh one right under her nose. His thumb wiped it off. When she did answer, her voice was no louder than the mumble in her arms. "Susan was right."
Hannah sniffed. "Susan was right." It took Angus a minute to figure out what Susan she was talking about.
"What about her?"
"She warned me...warned me not to end up-end up like her."
"What do you mean?"
"Ending up with a man like she Travis."
That's where Angus had seen it all before. The marks on Susan's arms...the way Johnny treated her, the way Travis treated Hannah...
History was repeating itself, and this time he had a front row.
"And look what I did." Angus closed his eyes.
"It wasn't your fault-"
"I didn't have to leave my mom, I didn't have to drop out of school..." Angus' legs got tired and he succumbed to the floor below him, wrapping an arm around his friend. "Maybe my mom would still love me if I hadn't."
"Of course your mum still loves you," Angus said, not having any of this. "She certainly wouldn't have let you stay with Travis if she knew how awful he is..." Hannah's tears poured afresh, Angus' heart beating much too fast. Seeing her cry was just like the first time, the second time, the hundredth time. Heartbreaking. He took her hand in his, lightly tapping her knuckles with his thumb. "She...jus' doesn't know how to express her love."
"I hate that response," Hannah said, yet unsure how many times she had received it.
"Look, leavin' school was a great thing you did, you took control of your life, you showed your mum your independence, which I know you have more than enough," Angus said. "Maybe-that scared her a bit, an' she jus' wanted someone to look after you an' make sure you were okay." Still waiting for her smile, he let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her again. "And I'm going to do jus' that."
Angus lost his own smile when his arm was pushed away. "Why?" Hannah asked. "You don't need to do all this for me, you should be looking after yourself."
"I can look out for both of us." There was that independence shining through. "We look out for each other, it's a shared protection." Hannah's volume increased.
"I don't want to bring a burden on your household simply because I get myself into these messes, Angus," Hannah said, wiping her eye on the back of her (Angus') sleeve.
"You're never a burden to me," Angus said, debating whether or not raising his voice was a good idea. She was just so damn frustrating! "I want to help you, I want to."
"Why? Why do you care so much, why do you try so hard?"
"I don't know, maybe I love you for Chrissake!"
When Hannah didn't respond right away, Angus began to wonder if he made a mistake. She dropped her gaze, face turning a deep shade of pink, holding herself closer. "...what?"
Angus opened his mouth but the sentence wouldn't form again. He hadn't planned on telling her this way, even debating whether to tell her at all. The room temperature rose, the wall against his back began to toughen. " know what I said."
Sitting there minute after minute took its toll on his heart and mind, and even his lower back. Laying a hand on her shoulder he stood up, stopping when Hannah spoke up. "Not a day went by...that I didn't love you."
He sat back down. Gently he replaced his arm around her shoulder, not as close as before. What day had this started? When they found each other again after nine years of separation, or the day of the dance? "I..." Angus coughed. "I didn't know that."
"Why do you think I messed your name up?" Hannah asked, her voice cracking. Angus looked at his lap, knowing exactly what day it started from. "Twice?"
With Angus looking at her with a hint of disbelief, Hannah laughed through her new tears. "You beat me up," he said.
"You stole my cookie," Hannah reasoned. Angus grinned, and pulled her closer, resting his head on hers. Her sleeves were soaked, the tears finally slowing down, turning into small bouts of laughter in reminiscence. The silence between them was comfortable, something they both had been needing. It would take a lifetime to come to a complete harmony, but sitting together against the wall of an apartment was a start.
"I'm not sorry," Angus muttered.
"I'm not sorry for beating you up," Hannah said. "I will say, as great as I thought you were, I always thought..." Angus leaned forward to hear her.
"I thought you were kind of...kind of ugly."
"Ugly?" Angus' voice rose, this time out of surprise. "Ugly, what do you mean ugly?"
"I don't know, just a little-"
"You don't know?" Hannah buried her face in her hand hiding her fit of humor. "Well, Jesus, I thought you were kinda cute, but I'm not so sure anymore."
"Hated ya', but I admit you were cute. Guess we were always opposite, huh? Ugly," he muttered. "I mean I know that, but I didn't know you felt the same."
"You're not ugly, Angus, not a bit."
"There's no buts about it! It was a childish thought, I didn't know what I was thinking. You're fine," she assured.
"Ya' know," Angus said, turning to face her, wiping a stray tear sitting in the middle of her cheek. "Not a day goes by that I don't love you." Hannah looked at him, this time her turn for disbelief. "Not one." A kiss so familiar yet so new from the ice it was thawed from graced his cheek, turning it hot crimson. "I've actually-" He cleared his throat from the sudden nervous crack. "Actually been meanin' to tell you. For a long time, actually. An' I'll have you know, messin' up Travis' name is not outta love."
After dinner, Angus took a drag from his cigarette. The wind was blowing through the window, blowing his lighter out twice before he could get a decent smoke going. Despite the calmness the tobacco was giving him, it couldn't control his heart that had just spilled his feelings like a glass of milk. In his bedroom, in his bed, Hannah had fallen asleep while he took to the living room window, smiling like a schoolgirl.
The knock on the door scared the wits out of him. He was sure it had woken Hannah up, and he hurried off the couch to answer it before it woke up Mr. Nelson too, preventing him from getting his eight hours. "What the hell happened?"
Malcolm was on the other side, not looking at all well. Aside from his frail shaking frame, his eyes were glassy and his posture slouched. Angus grabbed him and pulled him inside as quick as he could. The door slammed a little louder than he wanted, but Malcolm was more important. "I'm sorry, Angus," he said, leaning on his brother as he was brought to the couch. "I'm s-sorry."
"Shh, hey, sit down, sit down." Malcolm collapsed on the couch, shaking so bad that really scared Angus. He pinned his arms to his sides to keep him from reaching for anything. "Mal, what happened?"
"Bon-Bon dropped me here," Malcolm said, his words slurring at the ends. "From bar to here, he let me off."
"You were there all day?" Angus whispered. "You didn't drink..."
Malcolm gave his brother a bloodshot look, Angus sighing in response.
"Bon didn't take the glasses out of your hands?"
"I didn't lettim," he mumbled leaning his head on Angus' shoulder. Angus wasted no time wrapping his arm around him, keeping his head slightly forward in case the alcohol should upset him. "I only took two..."
"Sometimes two turns into two more," Angus reminded him. He immediately regretted it, knowing his brother knew more about this than he did, and certainly didn't need a lecture right now. "You sick at all?"
"No. Bon o-offered me to go with him."
"Go with him...back to his place?" Malcolm nodded. "He wouldn't take you home?"
"Wanted someone with me..."
"Good," Angus said quietly, crushing his cigarette in his fingers accidentally burning himself, but keeping the swear word in. "Did he go home?"
"Mal!" Angus caught him just in time, Malcolm scooting back on the cushion.
"I'm alright," he said, his voice structured for a second. "I'm...alright."
"No you're not." Malcolm's eyes fluttered shut again and again. Angus knew better than to send him home this time of night in the state he was in. Even if it meant sharing the couch. "You're stayin' here tonight, Mal," Angus said. "You can sleep on the couch, I'll find somethin' else."
"Angus?" He turned around and saw Hannah, freshly woken up and rubbing her sleepless eyes.
"Hannah..." She didn't miss a beat meeting the two on the couch, examining Malcolm's face.
"What happened?"
"Bon an' Mal didn't want to leave the pub jus' yet an' Mal had more than a few drinks." Hannah closed her eyes as if in pain, knowing what Malcolm told her by the fountain. "This isn't good for him, an' I'm lettin' him stay here tonight."
"I'll get you some water, Mal, yeah?" He didn't respond, looking half asleep. Hannah hurried to the kitchen as Angus leaned back, letting his brother rest against him. Malcolm began to mumble, nothing making sense.
"Was Bon drunk too?" Angus asked.
"No, he didn't-didn't look it."
"Did he say he would call or anythin'?"
"Called Phil, called Cliff, called you."
The phone hadn't rung at all that night. "He must be plannin' to then." Hannah returned with a glass of water and brought it to Malcolm's lips, his hands still too unsteady. A bit was taken, a bit more was spit out and the glass was set on the coffee table. She smoothed his hair back, then took to the other side of Angus. "Hannah, if the phone rings will you pick it up? It should be Bon callin' about Mal, tell him he's here an' he's fine."
"Of course."
"Mal? Mal, try goin' to sleep, alright? Go to sleep, sleep it off." Malcolm didn't need to hear him before taking his advice.
"I'm sorry..."
"'re alright, you're alright, we're gettin' through this, we're spendin' this night together, alright? You'd do the same for me, I'm sure."
Malcolm nodded off, huddled up next to his brother. Hannah leaned on Angus' other side, keeping an eye on her friend. Her brother. Sure enough the phone rang and Hannah stood to answer it. A few words were exchanged before she replaced the phone on the hook and returned to her spot. "Bon made it back okay, but he drove over to Phil's to spend the night."
"Alright," Angus said feeling ten times better. Malcolm's shaking had also stopped, leaving the young man in a calm state, surely to feel better in the morning after a few hours. "You're sleepin' out here too?"
Hannah had pulled a blanket from the bedroom and draped it over Malcolm, pulling a second one over her and Angus. She nestled into him, both her and Malcolm taking a place of refuge for the night in a good friend. "I guess so," she yawned. "Unless, you want to be alone."
"Nah, it's alright, I could use some sober company too. Damn, I just wish Mal would quit lying to himself, we both know he can't just take this on himself, I want to help him."
"I want to help him too," Hannah said. "But it's Malcolm's choice." She sighed, looking at him fondly. "I hope this is the worst it gets before he finally accepts it."
Angus blanched at the thought of worse. A hospital, some dark street corner, six feet under. As annoying as a brother could be, having him right there on the couch with him, safe in his blanket was more than he could ask for. Knowing good and well Malcolm wasn't the only one needing help, Angus wrapped his other arm around Hannah, hugging the two closest to him. Malcolm started snoring making him smile, Hannah's breathing turning heavy. His own eyes fluttered, finally pulling him in the tides of sleep.
"Mummy, will you read this to me?"
"Not now, sweetheart, I've got to finish dinner before your father comes home," Mrs. Young replied, sprinkling salt in a large pot on the stove. Angus watched her, not feeling hungry at all. Why his father couldn't wait for dinner like the rest of them he would never figure out. He took his book with him back upstairs where he found it. In Malcolm's room actually. Unfortunately for him, Malcolm made it back before he could.
"What do you want?" he asked, playing with his paddle ball. Angus hid the book behind his back, startled to see Malcolm there.
"Nothin'," he lied.
Malcolm set the paddle ball down. "What's that behind your back?"
"Nothin'," he lied again.
"Come on, let's see!"
"Nothin'! It's nothin! Get off me!" Angus was tackled to the floor while Malcolm grabbed the fallen book, realizing it wasn't a book at all. It was a comic book...his comic book.
"Where did you get this?" Ignoring Angus' struggling on the ground, Malcolm waved the comic book at him. Angus did his best to shove his heavy brother off of him.
"Mum, Malcolm's crushing me!"
"Pipe down, Ang, it's what you get for takin' my stuff!"
"Alright!" Malcolm gave into his little brother's whines knowing good and well he'd get in trouble should Mrs. Young come marching up the stairs. Angus rubbed his arm, his lips in a perfect pout like he was about to cry. Malcolm rolled his eyes at the show Angus decided to put on. "You're fine, I barely got you!"
"You scraped my elbow, you big meanie!"
"No I did not!" Angus didn't listen and sniffed, pretending to cry. Not one tear was shed, and not one minute did Malcolm believe him. He did however, start to feel an ounce of guilt after seeing Angus' elbow, a small scratch forming under a red circle. The carpet was scratchy, and Malcolm knew that from all the wrestling matches he and other various brothers had gotten themselves into. "You shouldn't touch my stuff."
"I only wanted to read it," Angus mumbled.
"Ask next time." Before Malcolm could place it back on his shelf, Angus stood up, the pain in his elbow completely gone.
"Will you read it to me?" he asked.
"I'm busy."
"No you're not!"
"Don't you have comic books of your own?"
"I read all those, I haven't seen this one. Who's...Zahrro?"
"Zorro?" Malcolm corrected.
"Yeah, him. I haven't read those ones yet." Malcolm sighed and pulled a couple pillows off his bed setting them on the floor, Angus eagerly taking the fluffiest as his seat. Malcolm sat next to him and opened the little booklet.
"Boys, I said dinner's ready-" Mrs. Young gasped when she pushed Malcolm's door open, the two youngest boys on the pillows on the floor, asleep. Angus had taken to resting his head on Malcolm's shoulder while Malcolm leaned his head on top of him, the comic book splayed out in front of them, a page getting bent in the position. Mrs. Young picked it up and placed it back on Malcolm's shelf, grabbing a blanket from the bed. After the two were covered, she kissed them both on the head and smiled. "My boys..."
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