Chapter Thirty Two

Twelve o'clock still felt early to Angus. Perhaps it was the late night chat stamping grogginess across his face, but he didn't regret it a bit. Yawning, he shifted on the bed closing the distance that had formed while the two were asleep. Hannah didn't stir, and he held her still until her eyes would open. 

Ten minutes later and they did. He smiled when they fluttered a few times, then closed again as she yawned. Her hair was a mess, and a dried trail of drool started right under her lip finishing on a wet spot on the pillow. Angus reached a thumb up to wipe it off. "Good mornin'," he mumbled. 

"Good morning," she mumbled back. She yawned again, pushing him back as she stretched, then curled up into his arms again. "How long have you been up?"

"Not long, not long," he whispered. The dried drool finally came off and he rested his hand on her back. "You sleep good?"

"I'm a little tired," she answered truthfully.

"I'm a lottle tired," Angus said. "But that's alright, I always am." Hannah's eyes closed again, the bedspread pulled up to her nose. Having a bed as small as it was didn't bother them a bit, especially as winter was settling in again. It had been months since Angus slept on the couch, the day of change something neither remembered. 

"You're going to the studio tomorrow, right?" Hannah asked into his shirt. "Not today?"

"No, not today," he answered. "I'll be there all day tomorrow, we've got the tour to plan, ya' know." Hannah sighed in content. Leaning in to see her better, he fixed the collar of her (his) sweater when it got tussled in sleep. "Happy anniversary," he whispered.

Hannah's eyes never opened quicker. Angus grinned like a schoolboy at her look of fear and  confusion. "Anniversary?"

"You forget?"

"I'm not sure I quite know what I'm forgetting," Hannah said rubbing her eyes. 

"Movin' in," Angus said playing with her ringless hand. "Been a whole year, ya' know."

"A year? Are you sure?" Hannah asked. 

"I think so," Angus said. "Give or take a few days." Angus could hear the clock in the kitchen ticking away. He finally got himself a new one, but still kept his watch on the nightstand beside him. The old one was given to Mr. Nelson, who took it with utmost gratitude, eager to fix it and hang it up among his collection. 

Along with the new clock, Angus was able to pay off rent several months ahead, making the inconvenience something to forget about for a while. Hannah's oath to her mother had been broken, with the hopeful belief that if her mother ever did find out, she'd understand and want Hannah in the best place possible. Travis' care was nothing compared to this. Hannah's job was going well, eventually being switched to the local paper once they had enough money to afford her starting over from low pay. The band had gotten together earlier that year to record a new album, one that sold out everywhere a week after it was released. A tour was coming, a trip they all could use. The whole journey had been a highway to hell, making the album's debut unforgettable. 

"Time sure flies when you're sleeping," Hannah muttered, snuggling as close as she could. "I think I'll keep sleeping, wake up in time for next year's anniversary."

"You can't sleep today, we've got things to do." Hannah mumbled something he couldn't hear. "What?"

"Aren't there rules about people doing things on days like these? Anniversaries, birthdays, Saturdays..."

"What rules?"

"You aren't allowed to leave bed and everyone serves you food while you watch cartoons?" Angus laughed.

"As tip top as that would be," he said catching his breath. "I've made plans for us, we can't stay in bed."

"Plans? What kind?"

"That's for you to find out, isn't it?" He smiled at her frown. "Come on, it's late enough as it is." Angus willed himself to let Hannah go and move the sheets aside. Hannah sat up, yawning again and pulling the bedspread over her head. Angus walked to his dresser and began pulling clothes out. "Shouldn't have slept in jeans, I'll get tired of 'em. What are you doin'?" he asked turning around.

"How do I look?" 

"Ya' look terrific, you goin' out like that?"

"I would, but you told me no." Hannah moved the sheets away and got out of the bed. "Want me to make it?"

"If you want, or you can leave it," he asked handing her a sweater. "Here, or-you want one of mine?"

"Eh, I'm wearing one now, I'll switch today." She took her sweater, a pair of jeans and shoes, leaving for the bathroom. Angus changed in the bedroom, going as quick as he could. He made sure he had his jacket with him again, feeling around in the pockets. Hannah came back putting the old clothes in the laundry basket in the corner. "I'm ready."

Angus turned around in surprise. "Already?"

"Sooner we go, sooner we go back to sleep," Hannah said. Angus took her by the arm, grabbing his wallet on the way out the door. 

"Aw, you shouldn't have that attitude, today's a big day!" He locked the front door, leading her down the hall to the stairs, keeping an eye out for any friendly neighbors. "I admit, I'm tired too. We'll get food on the way, you hungry?"


After finding a diner to eat lunch at, Angus took a few more turns down the street, Hannah walking quickly behind him, holding his hand. He looked at each sign the building bore, finally finding the one he was looking for. "Alright, close your eyes."

"Angus, what is this?" Hannah asked putting her trust in him. 

"You'll see in a few seconds." Watching for traffic, he led her across the street to a small building with large glass windows. He let her hand go and stood back. "Open."

The first thing Hannah saw was Angus' accomplished grin. The second thing she saw was a large bird. The third was a group of people surrounding a small glass enclosure holding what looked to be a few puppies. With a confused look, Hannah turned to her friend. "What are we doing here?"

"If I remember correctly, an' I think I do..." he said opening the door for her. "I think you said somethin' once upon a time about not wantin' any kids?" 

Hannah stepped inside the warm building. "Yes..."

"Well I thought to myself about gettin' you a pet. You like animals, don't you?"

"I love them! But can you have animals in your apartment?" Angus shrugged.

"Probably not. I mean, I know we can't have a dog or anything ya' know. Not cats 'cause of allergies." The two split apart to let someone else leave. "But a small little guy or somethin' wouldn't hurt. Somethin' they can't find, an' will be easy to hide during inspections." Hannah looked around the store, enthralled by the contents. 

"You're really going to get a pet?" she asked.

"We're gettin' one, any one you think is fit to live with us."

"They all are," she said admiring the puppies. "Can we get them all?"

"That's an awful lot to take care of, ain't it?" Hannah sighed. 

"Alright, we'll get one." Giving him a shy smile, she hugged him. "Thank you, Angus. I love this gift."

"Good," he said letting her go. 

"I wish I had known to get you something!"

"That's alright, I think-by the end of the day, your company will be gift enough." She gave him a pointed look, stepping aside to let a woman greet Angus.

"You don't mind, do you?" she asked handing him a slip of paper and pen. He took it with a smile.

"Not at all." After signing it and handing it back, the woman's notice got the attention of a small group of people, leaving the puppies to sleep. Another paper was handed to him. "Hey, uh, if you want to go look around, I might be here awhile," he muttered to Hannah. "I'll meet up with you as soon as it dwindles."

Hannah agreed and searched the store. The puppies had fallen asleep from the hard work of greeting visitors and most of the animals appeared to be up the small flight of stairs anyway. Hannah took to them, stopping to look at every animal she passed on the way. 

Watching her until she was lost to the second floor, Angus focused on signing the various slips of paper that were handed to him, his handwriting much better than the first few. "You like animals, Angus?" a young man in the crowd asked him.

"Yeah, animals are good," he said. "The Youngs are a bunch of animals, we get along with 'em real good."

"What's your favorite animal?" the same man asked. Angus smiled.

"Any animal with teeth, any animal that can bite." He thought for a moment and handed back one of the slips of paper. "Or any of those real fluffy ones that I can lay my head on or somethin'."

"You have any pets?"

"Mm, not yet. Gettin' one today though." Gradually the amount of people lessened and he was able to sign all the papers that were given to him. Before anyone else could notice his presence he stole away upstairs. 

No one appeared to be up there with him. Row after row he couldn't find the girl he came there with and began to think she had climbed in one of the tanks with them until he found her, huddled by the wall, holding something in her arms. She didn't look up as he sat alongside her, peering at the bundle in her arms. 

A little rabbit of brown fur twitched its nose to look at who had joined their company. Angus reached out to pet its lop ears. "Look at her, she's such a penny sweet!" 

"What kind is she? Did it say?" Hannah looked up to the tank where she found her and squinted to see the writing. 

"Some lop eared rabbit, from Holland I think. Look at her, she likes me."

"Think of a name for her?" Hannah shook her head. "Name her Angus."

"I live with enough Anguses for anybody, and that's the truth," she said. "Besides, it's a she." 

"Name her Hannah then."

"I want to be more creative than that!" Angus held his hands up.

"Hey, my mum's name is Margaret, an' she named my sister the same thing, my dad's name is William, I've got a brother named William. Tradition up there." 

"Doesn't it get confusing?" Hannah asked. "I mean, for your parents? Your mom calls William, who is she talking about? Dad calls for Margaret to get his coffee, two people show up." Angus pet the rabbit's ears again. 

"It helps that they're both older, so they moved out a while ago. When they still lived there, I don't know, I wasn't born or was too young to remember. An' my dad can get his own coffee, thank you very much."

"Hmm. I like the name...Hermione..." Angus made a face.

"Hermione?" He sounded the name out so he wouldn't mess up. "Where on Earth have you heard that name?"

"She's from Greek mythology." She started laughing at the many faces Angus pulled.

"Oh, oh, well then, let me jus' grab my book on Greek whattydo, I have one at home on my shelf." He tickled the back of her neck. "That's a simple name enough then, yeah?"

"You don't like it?" Hannah asked.

"It's fine, but who thinks of a name like that out of thin air?" Hannah grinned. "No one but you it seems."

"If you want to change it you can."

"No, it's your rabbit, you can name it whatever you want." Hannah placed the rabbit in Angus' lap, who held her close, stroking her soft fur. 

"She's our rabbit, I think," Hannah said, smiling as Angus bonded with their new pet. "Look at her." Angus gave her a smile.

"I am," he said. The rabbit sniffed his finger, her nose extra twitchy, and licked him. "I think Her-Her...Hermione,-I'm not gonna remember that-is perfect." 

"You can't remember Travis' name," Hannah pointed out. 

"Point proven." Hermione must have thought Angus' finger was a carrot because she gave him a few nibbles. "Hey, I'm not a snack."

"Thank you, Angus," Hannah said resting her head on Angus' shoulder. "She'll fit right in with us, won't she?"

"Now where are you taking me?" Angus pulled Hannah along the street under the lamps, a sure but crazy location in his mind to spend the rest of their day. Hermione had been dropped off at the apartment, some food bought and water given, and right away she curled into a ball and slept. The two didn't want to leave her alone, but when she refused to wake up, and only sniffed their hands when they stirred her, they decided to go out one more time before the day was over. 

Leaving the restaurant behind them, Angus practically ran down the street taking Hannah with him, finding themselves on the outskirts of town, where gates blocked every road, every road was an alley, and the only sounds heard for miles were sirens. Noticing her discomfort at the change from pleasant scenery, Angus took her under his arm. "Can't be far now," he said. 

"But where is it? What are you-" He pulled her across the street avoiding a car shining its headlights at them as it drove along. Now on the sidewalk there was a cluster of trees and bushes right next to it, separated by a tall gate. Angus searched it up and down looking for a way to get around it. "You're gonna get us lost," Hannah said.

"I'm not takin' us into the woods or nothin', jus' away from the city. Mm, here we go." He found a hole torn into the gate, big enough for them to crawl through. "Here, you first."

"Angus, you're nuts."

"I know, now go before we get caught." She ducked under the sharp, broken chain links, Angus holding her hair out of the way so it wouldn't get stuck. Once she was on the other side he followed her, Hannah holding the sharp edges against her own skin so they wouldn't cut him. "Thanks," he said dusting his jeans off. "Come on."

Trespassing through the trees, they found themselves up at the top of a hill, looking at the city from above. The lights blinked on and off, some glowing brighter than others. A tree or two blocked the view in one area, the rest shining brilliantly in the night. Angus sat down on the grass, bringing Hannah down to sit next to him. When they were both comfortable, they enjoyed the life below them. "What is this place?"

"Dunno, jus' found it," Angus answered truthfully. "I think I did pretty well, don't you?"

"It's a little cold," Hannah admitted. 

"Don't you wish you would have worn one of my warm sweaters?" Angus asked, tugging at her sleeve. 

"Mine is just as warm. And I had to walk through hell and back again to get this before the bank refused to let me in their property." Angus nuzzled into her hair.

"Ya' know you could have told me," he said. "I would have been glad to hear your problem."

"I wanted to but you were part of it, I needed some outside advice." Angus reached up and took the locket around her neck into his hand, brushing his thumb over the pendent. 

"Lovely necklace you have there," he noted. 

"I never take it off." He smiled. 

"Never? You really like it, huh?"

"Reminds me of your mom," she said, picking it up after Angus let it go. "One of the reasons I couldn't get rid of it."

"My mum wanted it gone, you weren't obligated to keep it."

"But I like your mom, she was a mom to me when my real one wasn't." The locket shimmered dully back at her as she examined it. "I'd rather wear this than that silly little ring," she added.

"How're your arms?" he asked as he rubbed them up and down. "They ever hurt?"

"If I press on them," Hannah said rolling a sleeve up. "Or if the water is too hot in the shower." Angus picked her arm up to his eyes to examine the burns. They had turned pink, melting into distorted flesh rather than spots of black. He brought her wrist to his face, pressing his lips against a particularly big one the cigar had struck with decent aim. 

"Did that hurt?" he asked. Hannah waited but nothing came out of it. Nothing unpleasant anyway. 

"No," she said. Angus stared at her for as long as he could before remembering something. 

"Oh, I have somethin' for you." He pulled out from his pocket a square red box with gold letters on the top. "It's a bit of a nuisance to carry around in such a small space, ya' know, I have to take it out." He frowned at Hannah's laughter, then nodded his head. "Hmm...a real comedian you are there."

"You said it!" 

"Where'd you get such dirty humor anyway?" Hannah stuck her tongue out at him.

"I grew up with you and Malcolm as my friends," she said. "You tell me."

"Well, anyway." He handed her the red box and she took it, opening it. Inside was another box, this one also a deep crimson. "I don't know if you wore earrings at all..."

"I don't actually," Hannah said turning to face him. His expression didn't change. 

"You don't..."

"No, I-never have." She looked the box over. "What's this for, Angus? Not that I'm not grateful for it, but I've gotten a rabbit, you gave me this necklace a year ago, now earrings I can't even wear...what's with all the gifts? And how come I haven't given you anything yet?"

"Like I said, your company is my gift," Angus repeated. "This is somethin' I've been savin' for for a long time, ya' know, an' I jus' thought...dunno, this was a good time to give it to you." Hannah cupped the box in her hands. 

"Now I feel bad for not wearing earrings," she said with a sad smile. She reached up to hug him, hiding her face in his neck. "Thank you, Angus."

"Not an ounce of trouble, sweetheart," he said moving her hair aside. They pulled apart, Angus eyeing the red box. "Well...they're nice earrings anyway, thought of you when I saw 'em."

"I'll be the judge of that," Hannah said opening the box. Inside, rather than finding two small diamonds, she found one big one. Rather than decorating her ears, this one seemed to adorn fingers instead. Nevertheless she was confused. "Angus, this isn't-"

Her hand was taken in his, his head down and his leg bouncing in place. She stared at him, finally closing her mouth after realizing how silly she must have looked. Angus mustered a weak smile gesturing toward the little box. "I know-I know it's not," he finally said. "I've been-meanin' to ask you..." Looking directly into her eyes as best as he could, he took a deep breath. "May I...marry you?"

The words were out of his mouth as quick as he could utter them and her arms around his neck even sooner. 

To be continued...

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