Chapter Six


"Oi, keep it down, will ya'?" a man shouted from the living room. "Program's on an' you're ruinin' the experience."

Another man entered the room from the kitchen. His hands were covered in a gold liquid, the front of his shirt soaking wet. He looked at the lazy man with disdain. "You want to waste your beer, Bon?" he asked holding his hands out. The liquid dripped onto the floor, staining the tiles. "Come here, I can make you look jus' like me."

"No thank you, Phil. I'm good." Phil nodded, giving the singer one last glance before turning back to the kitchen. Not only had the beer coated himself, but the entire surface of the counter and the floor beneath it as well. Bon watched him from the living room. "What happened anyway?"

"Someone decided to put the beer on edge in the fridge," he explained grabbing a paper towel and turning the sink on. "Went in to grab one..."

"And it grabbed you instead?" Bon laughed. Phil crumpled up the paper towel and threw it at Bon's head, missing by a mile.

"Threw itself at me. An' since it's your hotel room..."

"Aw shucks, Rudd, you don't think I did it," Bon said. "Been sittin' here all day."

"Cliff's out shopping for more cigarettes an' the two tree stumps ain't here yet." Bon closed his eyes and stretched himself out on the couch, smiling.

"I may have had somethin' to do with it," he admitted. "But I promise it wasn't on purpose."

"Sure," Phil scoffed walking back to the kitchen. "Jus' like driving the car through the gate wasn't on purpose? In Amsterdam?"

Bon waved him off, turning his attention back to the television. Phil continued to clean the mess off the floor, the trash can full of paper towels.

"If there's no way to get in, ya' make a way. Besides, it's what you get for takin' all my beer!"

"I bought it," he called over his shoulder.

"An' I drove you, an' now it's in my room. So." Phil didn't respond this time, leaving Bon happy to give all his attention to his show, despite his growing loss of interest. He tapped each finger on the cushion under him, staring at the pile of cords snaking out from under the television stand. "Say, Phil, when are Thing One an' Thing Two comin' back?"

"I dunno, Mal said afternoon." A second beer can was taken from the fridge and cracked open. Bon raised his arm up, a can flying through the rooms, landing right in his palm. "Of course flights can be delayed. Or canceled."

"They still bringin' their friend along?"

"I think so. A bit of a waste to go an' come back with nothin', don't ya' think?" Phil grinned through his drinking. "Should bring back a souvenir, or somethin'."

"You shook my beer up, Phil," Bon said opening the can and taking a sip, sucking his fingers.

"Get one yourself next time-" Both men turned their heads to the door, a large knocking on the other side. "That the cops comin' to get you?" Phil asked setting his drink down.

"Might be Mal an' the gang," Bon suggested softly. Phil walked up to the door, looking through the peephole. A man stood on the other side, head down searching for something in his coat pockets. Phil turned to the couch, smiling widely as he grabbed a broom from the closet a few feet away. Bon laughed to himself as Phil held the broom in one hand, opening the door with the other.

"The fuck are you doin'?" Cliff asked as the head of the broom smacked his face. He frowned, rubbing his bristle scratched nose while Phil and Bon laughed their asses off. "I go buy you guys a couple fags an' this is what you do? This is my thank you?"

"I had no say in this, Cliff," Bon snorted. "I'm jus' a witness to his stupidity."

"It wasn't stupid," Phil said leaning the broom against the wall and shutting the door. Cliff laid a brown paper bag on the table and removed his jacket. "It was funny, an' you know it."

"Shut your traps, an' take your cigs. Whew, Phil you reek," Cliff said, offering the bag to Phil. He took a pack out, and went back to the fridge. A pack was offered to Bon as well, a third taken for himself.

"Blame the bum on the couch," he answered.

"You get enough for Angus when he comes back?" Bon asked. "You know how he feels about commercial flights."

"He can wait a few hours, it's not gonna kill him," Cliff answered pulling out three packs. "I've got him covered."

"An' now, Cliff," Phil said coming up behind him. "For all your troubles, a beer." Cliff took the can, his fingers touching the top, but he refrained from opening it now. "Warmin' us up from the frigid outside."

"It wasn't that bad. Goin' to the store, the little corner shop down the road? Wasn't so bad," Cliff informed them. "Not warm, I'll tell you."

"You get any lights for these, Cliff?" Bon asked feeling around his pockets. When nothing came up, he searched between the couch cushions earning a grimace from Phil. "I seemed to have misplaced mine."

"No, I'm not made of money. Angus cost me damn near fifteen bucks alone, he can go fetch his own lights." Bon sighed, tossing the pack on the armrest behind him.

"Useless then." Cliff shook his head, finally accepting a taste of the alcohol.

"None of us are made of money," Phil said. He sat down next to Bon, pushing his feet off the cushion out of his way. "You see my place? I had to take the T.V. out so it'd stop racking me out whenever I sat on the remote. Haven't had this luxery in months." He patted the box Bon had glued his eyes to again when the picture grew fuzzy.

"Hey Rudd, you're screwin' the picture," he said waving him off.

"Like you're even watchin."

"Well, like I said, Ang can get his own lights, an' you all owe me like, six bucks each." Cliff set his beer on the table and searched the fridge for any lunch he could eat before they left for the concert. Nothing but bags of ice, somehow kept frozen by the temperature of the hotel room alone. "We leavin' here soon? It's colder in here than it is outside!"

"We're waitin' for the tree stumps!" Phil yelled out. "They're bringin' that girl an' then Ang has to find that other girl an' then we're outta here."

"Ang's girl got a ride from someone, she's already there at the show," Bon informed everyone. He stood up from the couch and placed his drink on the table next to Cliff's. "Ang told me that's what she'd be doing."

"She ain't ridin' with him?"

"Maybe later tonight, but not for the gig. She knows someone here an' they gave her a ride." The table was soon crowded with beers and Marlboro packs, every chair sat on. Cliff had brought over an apple he found from a drawer and added it to the collection. Bon eyed the man, his chewing and chomping giving him a headache. "Ang doesn't love her doin' this, but he understands."

"Why, she do it often?" Cliff asked.

"Lately." Phil reached toward the middle of the table, three cans at his fingertips. His hand moved from one to the other, not paying attention when he set his down. With a shrug, he made a grab and took a sip.

"How come Ang's been tellin' you all this info?" he asked. "You two special little gossip buddies?"

"Mal told me, thank you," Bon retaliated. "Sure Ang's mentioned a few things here, but Mal's the one spillin' the beans."

"Oh, you're Mal's special buddy then."

"He wouldn't tell you vultures that kind of shit, you'd take it as a joke."

"We wouldn't, right, Phil?" Cliff asked, his apple spraying in the drummer's face when he bit it. Phil palmed his nose and wiped it on his shirt, still damp with beer.

"Swear on it," he hissed, glaring at him. Bon snickered into his drink, choking a bit as a fraction went down the wrong pipe. "If Ang isn't telling you, is he jus' telling Mal?"

"An' Mal's jus' telling you?" Cliff added.

"I asked him, an' you asked me." His eyes smiled, slowly closing as he leaned back in his chair. "He who asks will be answered, yeah?"

"Uh oh, someone's had a bit much," Cliff said watching the singer laugh to himself, the can of beer dangling on the tips of his fingers. "Let's take a breather, eh, Bon?"

"Handsies off, Clifford, I'm jus' fine." A knock of thunder sounded on the other side of the hotel door. Bon touched his temple with his middle and forefinger, the can gripped tightly now. "Someone get that, my fuckin' head's hurtin'."

"Must be Gumby and friends," Cliff said standing up. "Watch this, Phil, I'll show you how to welcome a guest." Approaching the door he opened it a crack, someone on the other side with a mind to enter, but stopped short. "Who is it?" Cliff asked in the best high pitched voice he could muster.

"Housekeeping," Angus answered in the same way, his tone of voice curious. He attempted to push the door open but was halted by the other man. "Housekeeping!"

"Leave the mints by the door, and we'll pick them up later," Cliff said. "Now beat it."

"Cliff, is that any way to talk to your mother?" Angus' feminine voice broke from his laughter, his sentences becoming harder to understand. "It's my first day-it's my first day of my new job-an', an' my own son..."

Cliff started laughing too, opening the door all the way. Four people walked through the door, all with a piece of luggage. Malcolm and Angus they recognized, but the other half of the company was new. The girl could be assumed as the friend they were bringing back. The man however, wearing the most unsuitable garb he could, was a puzzle. Phil left the table, Bon reluctantly getting up to join the group at the reunion. His eyes landed on the girl, who was just as small as his band mates. "Sorry if we're a bit late, the plane had a rough landin'," Malcolm said.

"Longest flight of my life," Angus groaned, rolling his eyes. He tossed his bag on the floor, everyone else's following suit. "Need the biggest smoke I can find."

"On the table," said Cliff motioning his head.

"This your famous friend, Ang?" Bon asked, a hand still holding his head. "A bit smaller than your usual, ain't she?" Hannah had never seen Angus turn a darker red than those few seconds. She was sure her face matched it. Cliff placed his hand on Bon's shoulder, an apologetic look on his face.

"He's gotten himself a tad pissed before the show, Ang, he didn't mean it," he said hoping to take some of the vibrancy of his cheeks away.

"I'm real sure," he spat, glaring at him. Bon pulled his shoulder away and gave his hand to the young woman, who took it firmly.

"I mean every word, I'm in a right state o' mind. So what's the little lady's name?" He shook her hand roughly, her whole arm swinging up and down. She never let go, though she'd be lying if she said her arm wasn't sore. She was careful to roll her sleeves down when they separated.

"Fellas, this is Hannah. Our good an' long friend since forever ago," Malcolm said putting his hand on her back, leading her to the middle of the group. "Hannah...the boys."

"Nice to meet you all," she smiled, hands on her hips. "I hope these two haven't spread bad rumors about me?"

"Sorry to say, they haven't said much about you," Cliff admitted. Hannah nodded. "They've jus' said you're their friend, goin' to see you, take you here." He held his hand out with a smile. "Hi, I'm Cliff."

"Bassist, fisher, hair stylist, you name it," Phil said. "Name's Phil. Uh, don't mind the smell, there was a bit of an accident." Bon snorted.

"Phil...the one with the long name?" He smiled and nodded.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, a first, two middles and two lasts. Bit of a mouthful, so you can jus' call me Phil. Everyone else does."

"Phil it is then," she agreed. Her gaze landed on the singer who smiled at her, waving at her with his beer can.

"This is Bon," Malcolm said pointing at him. "It takes a while to get used to him, he's like a fly in the room. Incredibly small, everywhere at once, and is real annoying at first but soon enough you get used to him. We all did."

"He's even buzzed like one too," Hannah noted. Angus smiled at her. It quickly faltered when a pale hand gently pushed past him, making his own path to the middle where Hannah stood. His arms wrapped around her shoulders, a wide grin on his face, showing off those horribly white teeth.

"It's a pleasure to meet you gentlemen, I'm Travis." No one took the hand he held out to them. Instead, they exchanged glances. Realizing his words meant nothing to them, he expanded. "Hannah's roommate."

"Oh!" Bon said, blinking his eyes rapidly. He rubbed a finger under his nose, sniffing. "Oh, we haven't heard shit about you."

"Mal, you guys never mentioned bringing along a second guy," Cliff said, taking the shorter man aside. Malcolm's face was the paragon of exasperation. "We jus' babysittin' now?"

"We barely knew he was comin' with us," Malcolm said. "He's with us, don't worry. Ang an' I are handlin' him."

"So, he's gonna share with Hannah?"

"No, no. He's...he's gettin' his own room," Malcolm said, hands in his pockets. Cliff didn't appreciate Malcolm's humor at the minute. He liked it even less when he realized the punchline was real.

"An' jus' who is payin' for him, Mal? Us, Sherrie, Hannah, an' now this guy?"

"We bring people along for the ride all the time," Malcolm reasoned.

"Malcolm, we can't afford this right now. We have our own places, our own things now, we have to pay for those too. This ain't the house we shared in Aussie, our money is split."

"Will you relax? We've got this, what do you want me to do? Send them back?" Cliff sighed.

"Or jus' say all who's coming. Didn't even tell Bon this time," he mumbled. Malcolm raised an eyebrow, then turned back to the group. Travis was mouthing away, laughing every other sentence. Phil stood with a tired look in his eyes, nodding along to the story. Angus had his arms crossed, body turned at an angle. Once in a while he looked at Hannah; her eyes, her arms, her shoes. She returned the look every now and then, a smile shared. And Bon...he might as well have been asleep. "Sure is a card, huh?" Cliff observed.

Malcolm eyed the beer all crowded on the table. If there was a God in Heaven, there would be one in the fridge for him too. His hands started fidgeting. "Yeah, he's not a great mate to keep around."

"Then why are we bringin' him?"

"It's a long-" Travis' laughter broke sound barriers he didn't know existed. "It's a long story, he's Hannah's mum's cousin, she made a promise to live with him, he's comin' with us to look out for her."

"What is she, five?" Cliff asked. Malcolm shook his head. "Wouldn't it be easier to watch her from the same room?"

Malcolm opened his mouth to answer when Angus came up. "How long are we gonna stand here listenin' to this bloke preach?" he asked thumbing over his shoulder. "I'm gettin' a rash from him."

"He always like this?" Cliff asked. Angus and Malcolm shared a glance, neither one wanting to answer.

"He's worse," Malcolm admitted. "Much worse." Travis continued to tell the story of how long he waited in line at his own work to call a few months' vacation off, when a rustle came from the side of the room. Bon had sat up in the chair he fell asleep in, raising the can in his hand as if he were making a toast.

"Sir, you're not makin' a damn lick of sense, ya' know that?" he mumbled eyeing him. The arm Travis kept around Hannah dropped to his side, allowing Hannah to step away and find Angus, who substituted his arm around her, squeezing her shoulder. All eyes were on Bon now, the man having found a way to block out any unwanted sounds. Even Angus was the picture of envy. "I gotta say, you're story is downright...dull."

Keeping his demeanor calm and collected, Travis picked up a smile again. "That's because you're quite drunk. I'm sure, if you were like Angus here, a young boy like him who surely doesn't drink, you'd find my story to be much more riveting." Angus gritted his teeth at the words, 'young boy'.

"I really don't agree," Bon said, giving a sad smile along with a shrug. The hundredth drink he took from the can made Travis' eye twitch. "I know for a facty fact that I'd be bored to death if I was sober." Hannah shrunk into Angus when she saw Travis' face, but stood slightly in front of him when she saw his hand clenched in a fist. Angus looked from her back to the scene in front of him. Bon took another drink. "I'm soooo glad I'm not."

Surprised how Bon had gotten this drunk off of one beer, Phil wondered if he really had been sitting at the couch all day. Bon would have blamed it on his silly aim when he threw him the can. The tall man closed his eyes, his tongue resting inside his cheek. "You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying."

"I've been drunk before, this is nothin'. I know exactly what I'm sayin', an' what you're sayin' is givin' us all a headache." He stood up to talk man to man with him, but Phil put his hands on Bon's shoulders, pulling him away, stifling a laugh.

"Alright, Bon, that's enough. Sorry mate, he mouths off when he's like this, ya' know." Bon lightly pushed Phil away, smiling at his playful glare. "An' jus' because he means what he says doesn't make it alright to say right now. Especially to a guest."

"You're right, Rudd," Bon said. He sat back down in his chair. "I'm sorry mate, I ought to shut up huh?" He winked at Cliff who left Malcolm's side a while ago.

"That's not quite what I said," Travis muttered, his teeth clenched. If he had known he'd be traveling with a circus he wouldn't have gotten his hopes up for relaxation. He exhaled, calming himself down. "But-I suppose I accept your apology. Shall I go on, Mister Phil, or are we supposed to be somewhere..." Another knock sounded at the door, taking everyone's attention, even Phil's who frowned at Travis' title for him.

"Who's that?" Cliff whispered, eyeing Malcolm in case he had another visitor.

"The real housekeeping?" Angus suggested with a grin. Phil left Bon's side, giving Travis another look before looking through the peephole. Turning the knob, a woman came waltzing in.

"Hello!" she greeted with a smile. Phil closed the door after her, the woman making her way to the group. She was tall, her long brown hair swaying when she walked, a large purse on her right arm. When he saw her, Travis forgot all about any anger he might have stored. "How's everyone doing?"

"Hey, we heard you were catchin' a ride with a friend," Phil said repeating Bon's words from earlier.

"She couldn't make it, I had to come back here," she explained. "I tried everyone else's rooms before this one, I'm exhausted." Her eyes scanned the group, landing on Angus' eyes, which widened when they saw her. "Angus! There you are, come here." Angus reluctantly dropped his arm around Hannah's shoulders and gave her a side hug, her lips pressed against his cheek. Hannah shrank away again, giving them room. "How are you, hun?"

"Fine, fine," he answered smiling at her. He put his hands in his pockets, lowering his head, taking in her strong, sweet perfume. "Mm, this is my friend, Hannah." Sherrie grabbed her hand and shook it, much more gentle than Bon had.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Sherrie," she said. Hannah gave Angus a side glance, a smile forming. "Don't suppose this little guy has mentioned me at all?"

"He did, a little bit ago," she answered truthfully. "I'll bet my name never once came up though, am I right?"

Sherrie searched the air, recollecting any mention from him. Angus and Malcolm shared glances, Malcolm's a smirk, Angus' a slight frown. 'I didn't know she was comin',' he mouthed. Malcolm simply patted his back, hiding a slight laugh.

"You know what, a few times," Sherrie answered. "I remember last week he said something about a Hannah. But he's always going on about something, he probably doesn't even remember what he said," she teased. Angus rolled his eyes with a playful grin, Sherrie's arm snaking around his waist, claiming him. Hannah stood across from them, arms crossed, a grin of her own, staring at the man. Knowing good and well Angus' surprise at the arrival of his unofficial girlfriend, and ignoring the slight pull in her chest, she took advantage of it. Angus drew his mouth in a straight line, shifting his weight to each foot.

"Don't I know it," she agreed.

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