Chapter Seven

Heat engulfed the bus driving down the English road, roughing through the English weather. It was sunny, which made it colder outside. Block after block of buildings and parks, pedestrians strolling by the few. Most carried an umbrella with them, and wore boots to tread through the chance of snow. It wouldn't be until later that night, but no one was chancing with the English forecast. Hannah watched out her window, her chin resting on her hand. She counted two green umbrellas, one blue, too many to number black coats, and a red hat. She had taken her own black hat out of her travel bag and held it to her chest, deciding whether or not to put it on. The bus was getting toasty, but it wouldn't last long. Nothing seemed to ever stay warm.

She sat alone in her row that early afternoon. Bon had taken a nap in the back, snoring in his bunk, a few pills nearby for his incoming hangover. Phil and Malcolm took up a conversation in the front, Cliff joining in once in a while. She had listened for a bit, but eventually their voices were drowned by the tires on dry road below them. The topics hadn't interested her anyway. To the left of the bus, in a cluster of seats in the back, sat Sherrie and Angus. Sherrie had bought a bag of candy earlier in a shop and sat down to share them with him. It crinkled every few seconds, the candy never seeming to run out. Hannah turned her head to look at them when she saw three fingers, each adorned with a red nail, place a candy between his lips. Angus had a newspaper in his hands, reading a few columns here and there, casually chewing the sweet. Hannah turned back around, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

She was never the romantic type.

The wool hat was finally placed on her head, freeing her hands to grab a book from her travel bag. Standing on a moving bus was like walking on stilts, and she was glad the baggage net was low above her head, where she could reach. Tossing the bag back where it was, she collapsed into her seat holding a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo. The pages were yellow, and a few had been creased for bookmarks, a couple tears in the cover. Lately a piece of paper had been used for a bookmark, and she pulled it out to find her place. Before she started reading, her eyes caught the paper, just once more. Two names scribbled at the bottom underneath crude stick figures, one with stick hair. It made her smile.

"What's that?" a voice asked behind her. She quickly turned around to see Bon looking at the card over her shoulder, his hair a wild mess. His eyes were groggy and didn't open all the way, his voice a tad scratchy. Hannah quickly hid the card back in her book and set it on her lap.

"Nothing," she said shaking her head. "Just-a present I got, a long time ago, that's all."

"From him?" Hannah followed Bon's gaze towards the man in the back, still eating that annoyingly loud candy. Sherrie was laughing about something, her hair flipping over her shoulder. The view was blocked when Bon walked around to sit next to her, holding his hand out. "May I?" The book changed hands. "Count of Monte Cristo," he said examining the cover. He bounced the book in his hands. "You're reading this?"

"For the third time," she stated proudly. His eyes opened a fraction wider.

"No shittin'? Oops, pardon the language, little lady, I jus' woke up. I have a right to curse," he grinned sticking his tongue between his teeth. A few pages were opened, skimmed over, and flipped. "Doesn't look too bad..." He found the bookmarked section, removing the card. "How long have you had this?"

"Since I was eight," she answered, gazing at it with him. She smiled at Malcolm's handwriting and artistic ability. "Angus made it for me, or-it was at least his idea."

"That's cute. He an' you are real peas in a pod, ain't ya'? Two rabbits in a hat." He started laughing at the look on her face after the second comment. "What? That's a real thing."

"No it isn't. It can't be."

"I think I heard it from somewhere...certainly not from my mother, that's for sure," he giggled. "Maybe I was walkin' somewhere, an' I heard your mum say it."

"Certainly not my mom," Hannah said shaking her head. "She'd be appalled you'd even think of such a thing."

"How 'bout you, eh?" he asked looking directly in her eyes. She blinked at him, searching for an explanation.

"What about me?"

"Does it bother you?" She stayed silent. "Does what I say bother you at all? You think I'm appalling?"

"What you said was gross, yes," she admitted. "Funny all the same, but I don't think you're appalling. At least not yet." Bon grinned and placed the bookmark back, sticking the book in her lap, her hands sitting atop it.

"Good. I don't take it back though, you're a real pair. Malcolm said so," he added. Brushing his hair away, he leaned back in the seat and folded his hands over his chest. "Malcolm's been sayin' a lot of things lately, he's usually the quiet one. Now me, I'm a real chatter box. You a chatter box?"

"Not by a long shot."

"Eh, that's alright. Quiet is good sometimes, ya' know? My mum would have liked it if I was more quiet I'm sure." He narrowed his eyes. "That bugger yappin' on earlier could have shut his mouth too."

"Sorry about him," Hannah said, brushing over the pages with her thumb. "He doesn't know when to quit sometimes."

"Don't be sorry 'bout him, it's his actions, not yours. Who is that fella anyway?"

"My mom's cousin," was the reply.

"Is this...'take some random relative on a trip 'week, or..." Hannah sighed and shook her head, brushing the pages a bit rougher now. "Sorry, I'm jus' curious."

"Don't be sorry, I'm just not ecstatic that he's coming with us." Her eyes stared at the back of the seat in front of her. "That he's coming with me."

"Why is he?" With a groan, the book was punched with the side of her fist and she leaned back in her seat, running her fingers over her forehead. Bon, with a guilty look, shifted in his seat. "Sorry I asked."

"Don't be," she repeated. "It's nothing, okay? It's fine. I'm fine," she whispered the last part, scratching at her arms, her nails digging into the sleeves. Bon took note of her attire.

"You're sure dressed better than him, that's for sure," he said. "Like the hat."

"Oh? Oh, thank you," she mumbled. The two were quiet for a while, the conversation up front having ended minutes ago. The bag had stopped crinkling, but a worse noise took its place. Bon looked over his shoulder to see the two in a tight embrace, kissing heavily, hands wandering. Hannah chose not to follow his gaze this time, instead running her thumb over a paper cut she received on the opposing thumb.

"You ain't a thing, are ya'?" Bon called out behind him. "On a fuckin' public bus?" For a reply, Bon only received a finger from Angus, his other hand making Sherrie giggle. Scoffing, Bon turned back around, eyeing the girl next to him. Specifically, the card poking out of the top of the book. "Fuckin' gross, even I don't do that. And I'm the nastiest one here."

"Doesn't surprise me," Hannah muttered. Bon sat up.


"Oh..." She sat back in her seat, giving him a light grin. "Nothing."

"Better have been," he chuckled crossing his arms. "This hangover is killin' me, shockingly enough not my worst one." He thought back years, months, and weeks before. "Actually I wasn't too drunk, it's really not too bad."

"You take anything for it?"

"Hmm? Oh sure, yeah I took somethin'. Took 'em with my old mate Jack D. A real pal, that one." Hannah didn't answer, instead looking out her window. Bon didn't pursue the topic and instead looked at his shoes, knocking his thumbs together. Sunlight bounced off the window latching on to something sparkly, and stabbing his eyes. "Oh, man..." he mumbled rubbing his eyes. His headache sharpened and he looked away until the bus turned left. His eyes caught Hannah's hands drumming on her book she still hadn't opened. "Hey now, what's this? Engaged?"

Hannah's hand was lifted off the book and examined. "Huh?"

"Gettin' married?"

She saw the ring under his thumb. "Oh, no that's just a promise ring," she explained again. Bon lifted her hand closer to his face, searching every inch of the ring. "To my mom, it's...actually why Travis is here with us."

"Huh." He set her hand down, still glancing at the ring. After a few seconds he looked away, replacing his hands on his chest. "Pretty." A door opened and closed in the very back of the bus, grabbing the two's attention. A man with a hand towel around his neck came sauntering out, water dripping a trail behind him from his hair. His face was red from the hot water.

Passing the couple in the heated pash, he grimaced, shaking his head and continuing to the front of the bus. He stopped next to Hannah and Bon, shaking his hair like a dog, the water peppering the two. "Love that bathroom," he said rubbing his face in the towel. "Sink's no real shower, but it's the perfect size."

"Hey mate," Bon said hitting his arm with the back of his hand. "Sorry 'bout earlier ya' know, I was jus' tired." Travis smiled.

"And drunk."

"And drunk," Bon returned the look. He held his hand out to him. "No dispute?" It took Travis a moment to decide, but he finally smiled and took Bon's hand.

"Sure. Maybe next time you'll watch what you say, before you get tangled with the wrong guy." Travis continued toward the front of the bus, wrapping the towel around his neck again. Bon's smile disappeared, a finger rising where Travis couldn't see it.

"Fucker, he is," he muttered. "Ya' know I was kiddin'?" he asked Hannah. "Wasn't sorry a bit."

"He just loves to be right," Hannah sighed, scratching behind her ear. "He does no wrong but God help the man who raises a hand against him."

"I'd hate livin' with him," Bon said. "Cheers to you for puttin' up with his bollocks." They heard a sigh behind them, Bon turning around and seeing the two had finally separated. "'Bout time," he mumbled facing front again.

Angus blinked, adjusting to the light. Sherrie fixed her hair as best as she could without her hand mirror, and smoothed out her shirt while Angus stretched his arms out in front of him. "I'm gonna go fix my hair in the bathroom," Sherrie said, her hand squeezing Angus' shoulder. "I want to see what I'm doing."

"Oh, here, I'll get out of your way then," Angus said standing up. He scooted out of the row and backed up allowing Sherrie to ease her way out. She reached up to the baggage net and zipped her purse open. Angus stayed standing, watching her, keeping an eye on the pair a few seats ahead. "Should do that again sometime," he smiled.

Sherrie flashed one in return, pulling out a plastic case and a hairbrush before zipping her purse back up. "Anytime you want," she said. "Call me later tonight?"

"It's a deal," Angus said looking at the pair again. He felt something in his chest when he saw Bon's arm over Hannah's seat. It wasn't touching her, in fact his hand was only flexing behind her head. The way he leaned in closer to see something, Angus didn't know what, rubbed a nerve the wrong way. Hannah laughed. He smiled anyway.

"Be right back," Sherrie said taking her toiletries with her to the back of the bus. Angus returned to his spot, still keeping one eye on the pair. His newspaper had been crumpled and pushed onto the floor. He picked it up and smoothed it out on his knee. He smacked his lips, the taste of candy and lipstick still there. Cherry lipstick. Sherrie the sweet, sweet cherry...

"Hey, little lady." Angus raised his head from his reading at the sound of Bon's voice. "I didn't quite get to introduce myself to ya' earlier, did I?" He held his hand out to the young woman, grinning like a boy. "I'm Bon."

Hannah grinned in return, taking his hand in hers. He shook it much more gently than last time, her arm perfectly fine when she pulled away. "Hannah."

Angus straightened out his paper with a cough and continued reading.

Late at night after the show, Angus lay in his bed in his hotel room, hands behind his head, eyes closed. His shirt was lying on a chair next to him, him having no idea where his pants ended up. A light was on in the hallway, Sherrie in the bathroom taking her makeup off. The hum of the heater whirred beside him, nearly putting him to sleep. "You alright in there, babe?" Sherrie called, jarring him awake.

"Mmmm...jus' fine," he answered, stretching his arms behind him. "You?"

"I'd be better if my mascara would come off as easily as it did last time," she said. Angus smiled to himself. "It's like it's not..."

"Need any help?"

", I've got it," she said. "It's just makeup, I can handle it." Several hand wipes littered the counter, a few in the trash. Each one was dotted with a different color; red, black, and opal. Finally wiping the last bit of mascara off she turned the sink on, grabbing some soap to wash her face with. "I could use some help with the shower though," she said after a while.

"I showed you last week, you've forgotten already?"

"New hotel, new shower."

"Be right over." Angus flipped the bed sheets off of him, tripping over one in his hurry to the bathroom. Unsurprisingly, he didn't feel cold. Upon reaching the bathroom, he saw Sherrie putting her hair up in a pony tail.

"Not right this minute, I was kidding!" she exclaimed. "I showered this morning, go on!"

"Sending me away jus' like that?" Angus asked stepping out of the bathroom. Sherrie flicked a towel at him.

"I'm absolutely exhausted, I'll be in bed in a minute." Angus rolled his eyes and went back to the bed, burying himself under the covers. He was exhausted too, but a shower didn't seem too bad. He had accumulated a lot of sweat during his solos, and the whole bus complained of his scent. Not Hannah though. She simply sat at a distance, making funny faces at him or covering her nose when he looked at her. It made him smile to think about it.

The bed's weight shifted. He turned to his left and saw Sherrie sitting down, fixing the straps on her lilac nightgown. Angus stared at her, the stupidest grin on his face. Her hair was out of its ponytail, hanging over her shoulders. The red of her nails went fine with the black lace on her pajamas, and her long legs were smooth as silk. Even without her makeup on she was beautiful. She turned and saw him, a small smile creeping up. "What?" she giggled.

"Nothin'," he smiled, shaking his head. "'M just happy is all."

"Happy you've got the greatest band in the world as your job?" she asked getting under the covers with him.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "That too." With another giggle, Sherrie leaned in to kiss him, their lips like puzzle pieces. After several seconds they separated. "I really like you, you know that?" he asked.

"Good, 'cause the feeling's mutual," she answered, adjusting the bed sheets so that she was closer to him. She laid her head on his chest, one hand of his running his fingers through her hair. It was soft.

"You ready for London, love?" Angus whispered.

"We're already here," Sherrie replied.

"I meant the town! What, you think we're gonna go to London an' not look around a bit?"

"Um," Sherrie began, running a hand over Angus' chest. "That's something I've been meaning to talk to you about." Angus sat up, Sherrie moving her head away.

"What do you mean?"

"Me and my friend, you know, the one who couldn't drive me?" He nodded. "We've been meaning to catch up for a while so I...can't go out with you guys tomorrow," she said, a guilty look on her face. Angus just stared at her, making the look worse.

"And how long were you gonna go without tellin' me?" he asked annoyed. "The night of, when we're plannin' everything?"

"I was gonna tell you, Angus, but I never got the chance! We only just planned it today when she called in busy."

"You do this every time, Sher," he whispered. He brushed the hair out of her face, his thumb running over her lips. "God forbid I want to spend one second with you, an' you're gone."

"I do not do this every time," she denied, her voice rising.

"I wake up alone every morning, Sherrie," he said. "You jus' get up an' leave, I'm never even sure where you are. I don't mind,'d be nice to know, ya' know?" Sherrie sighed and moved away from him, crossing her arms like a child. "Before the show a few days ago, you couldn't be there. You hardly ever travel with us anymore on the road. I miss you," he added.

"Grow up, Angus," she spat at him. "I miss you too, which is why I'm in bed with you now. You wanna spend time together, let's talk. We're both here, there's no bedtime, let's talk." Angus sighed, rubbing his eyes from the late hour.

"We are," he said. "I'm just tellin' you I want to spend a little time with you, that's all. Outside of a bedroom," he finished before she could answer. "I want a real relationship, not just the benefits." Her annoyance disappeared in place of surprise, and she uncrossed her arms.

"Like...boyfriend and girlfriend?" Sherrie asked slowly. Angus cracked a half smile, and nodded his head. She bit her lip, her hand grabbing his. "I-I don't know, babe, I just...don't know if I'm ready for that." His smile shrank and he nodded his head again. "I like you, I like you. It's just-"

"I see, I understand," he said, stopping her from breaking his heart. "That's alright, I'll..." He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek. "I'll miss you," he whispered into her soft hair. She kissed his lips in return.

"I'll miss you too," she said grinning into the kiss. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he dismissed. "Yeah, I'll be fine." With one more long kiss goodnight, Sherrie rolled over in the bed, and shut her eyes. The room was illuminated by a lamp on his nightstand, and he reached over to shut it off. Placing his hands behind his head again, he stared up in the darkness. His heart, despite hurting like hell, was racing. The heater whirred beside him, nearly putting himself to sleep.

But for some reason, it wouldn't.

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