Chapter Nine
Paris never got any closer. The quick plane to France didn't seem like one, and now the three hour long bus ride to avoid huge crowds at the airport threatened to be the death of him. Phil and Malcolm talking a seat ahead of him expanded the headache that ravaged him, and he closed his eyes. The bus bumped along every rock on the road and swerved every corner, making his hangover worse.
The heat of the bus was no help either. The frigid cold outside would surely be no better, but if only for a moment he could get some fresh air, he would. The schedule they were on required the wheels moving however, and every head accounted for.
Sherrie was there. She returned from the company of her friend hours ago, and now took the company of her boyfriend a seat away. But if you were to ask either of them about it, the word would be tossed from existence.
Hours ago, Angus sat with Hannah a while. It was only natural, the two having spent a whole day ice skating together. He'd be out of his mind to come between their conversations. The girl hadn't played a marvelous role in his chat with Malcolm on the ice, but it was gratifying enough to have a female presence amongst the various men.
Malcolm had gone on to change the subject from his little white lie when Bon noticed the three of them had subtracted one. Looking behind him, Bon saw the girl with the guitarist, being gently pulled away to some other side of the room. His arms enveloped her, resting his chin on her shoulder. Malcolm hadn't noticed until his mouth had closed. "Hey...where'd she go?"
"Off with another prince, I'm afraid," Bon laughed. "One much smoother than you or I."
Malcolm scoffed. "Hannah's too much of a sister, ya' know, more to me than him." He smiled. "He can have her." The conversation stopped there.
Hannah's place of honor had been given to the late woman, and the former disappeared to the back of the bus. A quick nap most likely, before the next show. While it wasn't up to her to make sure the gig ran smoothly, the trip to the previous one had just about wiped her out, taking away some of the enjoyment. Bon had been worn out as well, not from the traveling, but from another guest not so appreciated.
The man in question was snoring like a train all the way up front. Trying to start a conversation with the driver ended up with the man talking himself into a twitchy, apneic slumber. On the ice Travis had kept to himself, watching over everyone as he circled the rink like a vulture. His pink earmuffs sat placidly on his head, making him stick out like a sore thumb. His movements were quick though, and Bon found himself searching the room again when he looked away for one second.
It couldn't have been his imagination, when upon leaving Malcolm's side to rest by the railing, Bon noticed Hannah shrink when Travis turned his head. Bon from his point of view only saw the back of the other man's head, but Hannah's reaction was clear. Her small frame grew smaller, Angus' arms snaking tighter. The girl resisted him for a second until Travis had left their vicinity. Bon saw Angus' mouth move but heard no words, and saw Hannah nod. They were gone a few seconds later.
Angus' laughter woke him from his thoughts, Travis in front giving a snort here and there. Turning his head he saw him and the woman, smiling like idiots. He himself laughed at the thought of Angus bringing along two girls for the tour, while there was none for him to play with. Once in a while he'd meet up with a lady after the show, but they'd been scarce lately. Jealously wasn't the word to describe it, rather, eager.
The bus stopped a few streets away from the gig, a hotel looming in front of them. Putting the vehicle in park, the driver made his announcement. "Bus has stopped, get your things."
Suitcases were taken from the netting after being bunched together for so long, one clattering to the floor of the bus. "Nice move, Cliff," a voice said. One by one his band mates made their way off the bus. The next stop was just as snowy as the first, the English signs all replaced with French. Bon stayed in his seat, waiting for everyone else to leave. Angus followed Sherrie down the aisle, one hand holding her purse, the other holding her hand. As he waited for her to grab the suitcases from the netting, he nudged the singer. "You comin'?"
"I thought I'd sit this one out," Bon replied. "Let you sing this time around." Angus shook his head, taking the suitcase offered to him.
"I appreciate the offer, but I jus' smoked a couple this morning, an' might not have it in me tonight."
"Smokin' makes ya' better, with a drink in between each puff." Sherrie grabbed the remaining baggage and took Angus away. The driver waited in his seat as the men took to their hotel rooms. The wind outside and Travis in the front were the only things left he could hear. Since the man wasn't waking up, Bon decided he would assist.
The straw from his fast food drink was taken from under the seat as was the paper around the cup. Tearing the paper into pieces he stuck some through one end of the straw, putting his lips to the other.
The man stirred once, then twice, but remained stuck in his seat. The cup was gripped instead, flying through the bus, and hitting him on the head, rolling under some other seat. "What was that?" he asked no one in particular.
"A meteor," Bon replied sitting up. "It hit the bus while you were sleepin'." Travis rubbed his head, then his eyes, then yawned. "Looks like you an' I are the only survivors."
"Lovely," Travis mumbled. "Not so great spending the rest of my days with the likes of you...what on earth am I covered in?"
"Ego," Bon answered. Travis picked up a wad from his lap an inspected it. "Oh, those little things? Eh, I got bored."
"Where is everyone?"
"I dunno, they all blasted off when the bus got hit. You'll never find the brothers, they're probably still flyin' to space."
"I'm serious."
"Huh. So am I." Giving him a cheeky grin, Bon continued. "Nah, they all got off for their hotel rooms. Speakin' a which, you ought to get goin' yourself."
"Have you already accepted yours?"
"Nah, I haven't moved. Had to wake your ass up first."
"Bon, I don't think your use of language will attract any ladies to you, it's not like a gentleman to swear on occasion."
"But I don't swear on occasion," Bon said. "I swear all the fuckin' time." Travis rolled his eyes at Bon's vocabulary. "Besides, I know how you just hate to be late, yeah?"
"I do," Travis responded. "But a tap to the shoulder would do just as well."
"I ain't puttin' a finger on you, mate. Not a single digit." Travis picked up his belongings and took to the steps of the bus.
"Aren't you coming?"
"Yes." Bon stayed right in his spot.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm comin' when I'm comin', no need to rush me."
"Just thought the lead singer would be first off the bus, if this rock and roll band is so successful." Bon scoffed, smiled, then closed his eyes.
"Why do you care anyway?"
Travis shrugged and pulled his scarf over his shoulder to straighten it out. "Hmm. I suppose I don't. See you in a while."
Bon felt a weight lift off of him when the other man left.
The driver was still in his spot, holding a granola bar in one hand, a crossword puzzle in the other with a pencil behind his ear. No stirring came from the back of the bus. Being curious, Bon stood up and stretched, with a mind to check on the guest of Young's honor.
In the very back of the bus, curled up on a bed still made, was a small girl, with a sweater much too big for her. One hand was crudely wrapped in a miniature bandage. Her face was covered by her hair, her chest hardly moving. A pillow was resting under her feet with a blanket bunched up behind her head. A second pillow was trapped in her embrace, Bon only wondering who the pillow could be instead. He hated to wake her up, but her suitcase was the only one left aside from his own, and staying on the bus wasn't usually the preferred option if given the choice. He reached a hand to her shoulder. "Hey."
She didn't respond.
"Come on, little lady, we've got hotel rooms to trash." Shaking the hair from her eyes, she looked up with blurry vision to see a man with fluffy hair. She narrowed her eyes and rolled over, taking the blanket and covering herself.
"I'm busy."
"I don't believe it, your friends are already gone." Bon looked to the rest of the bus, deserted as a desert. "Look. Not a soul."
"Wake me up next May..." Hannah mumbled herself back into a light sleep. Her senses were jostled a little when she felt herself being picked up, but she kept her eyes closed. Bon had her on his back, the blanket continuing to cover her. She looked like a sack of laundry. He carried her to the front of the bus, not stopping to grab any luggage.
"Hey, hold the bus a bit longer, we'll come back for our stuff," Bon told the driver. He got an A-OK sign in reply. Each step off the vehicle was taken with care, and his stride to the hotel was slow, taking the ice under him and the girl on top of him into consideration. A woman was exiting the building as he arrived, polite enough to hold the door open for them. "Thank you," he smiled. The old woman blushed and made her way home.
The lobby was empty, save for a man behind a desk. Two keys were displayed on the counter, one for each of the cherry pickers. He picked them up. A loud voice was heard from the staircase, laced with an American accent. Something dropped, then was picked up with a complaint. Bon took each step up with care, the narrow staircase hindering his ability. Angus met him halfway.
"What's goin' on?" he asked seeing the bundle over Bon's shoulders.
"Gettin' your little friend a real bed to sleep in," he answered, staying close to the wall so Angus could squeeze by. Angus pocketed his hands.
"I could have gotten her," he mumbled.
"I'll bet. Hey, how's Sherrie doin', Ang?" Bon's voice echoed through the stairway, the pair gone from his eyes. Angus wasn't given a chance to answer, let alone perceive the question. Gripping the rail, he walked the rest of the way down.
Bon found Malcolm and Cliff in the hallway, their rooms across from each other. Cliff looked up from the conversation once as Bon walked by, only making a face when Bon grinned. Malcolm hadn't noticed until Cliff started laughing. "Helpin' a friend out!" Bon called out to them.
Upon finding Hannah's room, he stuck the key through the door and pushed it open. The room was a copy, smelling of dust and bleach. The curtains were wide open, the last light of day pouring right on the bed. Bon's shoulders relaxed when the girl was set on the bed, Hannah wrapping the blanket around her tighter. The sunlight in the room diminished when the curtain was pulled, allowing the girl to enter a deeper sleep. He'd have stayed with her until she woke up, but Angus' knickers were knotted enough already.
Cliff was alone in the hallway now, seemingly waiting for him. "You got your friend sorted out?"
"Yeah, she's asleep."
"You got all your stuff put away?" The two walked side by side down the hall to the stairs. Bon took notice of an elevator in the corner, mentally slapping himself until he saw the 'Out Of Order' sign.
"Our shit's still on the bus. I'll get it later."
"Get it now," Cliff said. "Not everyone is here yet, you still have time." Malcolm and Angus came into view in the lobby, talking with each other as Travis stood at the counter, rummaging his hand in the candy dish.
Who's bein' a gentleman now, mate? Bon thought. "I guess Hannah would want her stuff..."
"Is Hannah asleep?" Angus asked when they got close enough.
"Yeah, she's pretty out of it. Not sure if she's coming or not, not really time to discuss it." Bon made his way outside while Angus walked the opposite direction. "Where are you goin'?"
"Goin' to check on her," he answered. Bon replied with something he couldn't make out when Sherrie came down the stairs.
"Hey hun," she said smiling when she saw him. "Our room is a small one don't you think?" Angus shrugged, hoping to get by.
"It's no smaller than any of the other rooms, biggest they have." Looping her arm in his she gave him a wet kiss on his cheek. He had to shake his head to clear his mind of any daydreams.
"Big enough for our needs, right, babe?" She flashed her white teeth behind cherry red lips, her words meaning more under the surface. Angus returned the grin, momentarily forgetting his original destination. "See you after the show?"
"I have your number," he answered. "Oh, man, Sherr-Bear, I gotta check on somethin', I'll be right back-"
"Is the bus still waiting?" Sherrie interrupted, seemingly not hearing Angus.
"Yeah, but we gotta wait for Phil," Malcolm answered. Sherrie gave Angus one more kiss and removed her arm.
"Okay, I'll find our spots. See you," she said. Angus took her hand, peppering her knuckles with kisses, then let her go.
"Keep my seat warm," he called after her. Smiling like a fool he watched her leave, getting on the bus after Bon. The man emerged seconds later, rolling two suitcases out with him. Malcolm stared at his brother.
"Sherr-Bear?" he whispered.
"It's a nickname," Angus shrugged. "Ain't nothin' wrong with a nickname."
"You never gave Hannah a nickname," Malcolm noted.
"Never needed to." The two started walking toward the bus when they saw Phil coming down the stairs. "I guess I call her sweetheart," he considered. "But-nothin' too special."
"Sweetheart sounds more sincere than...Sherr-Bear." Malcolm spit the word out of his mouth before laughing. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather be called sweetheart."
"Should I make you a nametag?" Angus asked. "So people know what to call you?"
"Don't be a bugger. Hey, you gonna check on her?" Malcolm thumbed toward the stairs. Angus followed where he pointed.
"Yeah, at least let her know where we're goin'. Bon said she was asleep?"
"Yeah, saw him carryin' her in. Travis! Get your candy, let's go!" Travis turned around with a lollipop stick in his mouth. He pulled it out and smacked his lips.
"Next show?"
"Yeah, we gotta be there in a few minutes, the bus will take us there." Travis followed Malcolm outside, seeing Angus walk away from everyone else.
"Where's your lead guitarist going?"
"To check on Hannah, she fell asleep. If she's not comin', we'll have to go without her." Travis grit his teeth together watching Angus permit himself into her room. He relaxed his tension when he saw an empty spot next to the other woman, much broader and adhering to his liking. Soon enough the spot wasn't empty anymore.
"A lovely evening for a show, isn't it?" he asked. Giving a polite smile, Sherrie answered.
"It is. You're...Travis, right?" He grinned.
"Travis is my name," he said holding his hand out. "Hannah's very great cousin, the younger relative of her mother. I'm her guardian. Hannah's, not her mother's."
Sherrie shook his hand. "Oh, I see. were both invited on this trip?"
"Yeah, me and the Youngs know each other quite well. We're not the best of friends mind you, but maybe this trip will work out the kinks." Travis leaned back in his seat, folding his hands behind his head. He looked around, seeing Malcolm a good distance away. Sherrie stretched to see in front of her. "Hannah of course...has known them longer," he added.
"Has she."
"Yeah, known Angus ever since they were kids. Real close too. Or, so I've heard, I wasn't around to see. Heard they might have even had a relationship. Or something." Sherrie looked at Travis, then back to the hotel.
"I didn't know that," she admitted. "Angus hasn't really talked about her."
"I wouldn't either," Travis said. "But I guess the truth comes out sometime, especially to a beautiful woman such as yourself."
"Do you know where Angus is now?" Sherrie sighed. If taking the aisle seat reduced her chances of unwanted company, she wouldn't have begged Angus to sit by the window again.
"He's checking on the girl now as a matter of fact. Fell asleep I guess." Sherrie put her pinkie to her mouth, chewing on the nail. Her nail polish was chipping, and the nail itself was beginning to break.
"Do you know if they're still friends?" she asked. "I guess so, huh? If she's here?"
"Well really they invited me along," Travis lied. "Hannah had to come along as her job isn't paid enough to keep the house up on her own."
"What's her work?"
Travis stole a glance where Sherrie had been looking. "Don't want to say this in the wrong company," he said. "She's a starving artist. Makes pictures and all that. They're fine, but I think she holds them higher than they really are." Travis closed his eyes, one opening to look at Sherrie, who stared at the back of the seat in front of her. "Plays music too. Not the good kind."
"Oh," Sherrie said. Her eyes lit up when she saw Angus open the hotel door and walk to the bus. Travis saw him too, and quickened his speech.
"I assure you though, Angus doesn't like her anymore. Their relationship was short lived and weak, not like yours I'm sure." Sherrie shifted in her seat, biting her lip when Angus stopped to talk to Bon who ran up beside him. "Just a few days ago, I found out he hurt her."
"Hurt her?"
"A small cut on her hand, nothing too bad. Not like the knock in the face he gave me. But enough to where I wouldn't want him alone with her. Any girl really, should be careful with him." Angus and Bon ran up the steps to the bus and Travis stood up. "Well, it was nice talking to you Miss, I should really get going, let's do it again sometime!" Sherrie watched as Travis made himself scarce and Angus took his place, not having seen the previous man.
"Here we are," he said making himself comfortable. "Miss me?" He leaned in and kissed her lips, cut short when Sherrie pulled away from him. "What is it?" he asked. He breathed into his palm.
"...Nothing," she smiled. "It's nothing, of course I missed you." Angus' smile returned and he leaned in again. The kiss was longer, Angus reaching up to brush her hair out of the way. The bus started up again, neither one having noticed. Angus had to catch his breath when Sherrie pulled away again.
"What is it?" he asked again.
"Nothing, hun, I'm fine. I just..." She looked out the window, then over at Travis who was sucking his lollipop, eyes closed.
"Must be somethin', if you don't want to kiss me," Angus teased. Sherrie brushed her hair away that had fallen.
"Was Hannah asleep?" she finally asked. Angus' eyes narrowed, not expecting the question to come from her.
"Yeah, when I went in. She had moved when I left, I don't know if she woke up or what. Jus' left a note for her on the bed."
"She a good friend of yours?"
"Oh yeah, big time. Not at first I suppose, she got on my nerves, see. But..." Angus' eyes lit up when he thought back to their childhood. He didn't say anything for a while. Sherrie opened her purse and pulled out a tube of lip gloss. Angus looked at it. "You okay now?"
"Yeah, I'm alright." She popped her lips together and looked in the small mirror she also took out.
"Alright enough for action?" Angus grinned. She gave him a look.
"Later, later." The mirror and lip gloss was replaced in her purse. "I just applied." Angus sighed and leaned his head back. Sherrie noticed his hand fidgeting. "She's not coming then?"
"Hmm? Oh, uh, no. Not this time." His eyes darkened. "No, she's staying this time."
"Oh," she murmured. "That's-too bad." Sherrie looked back over at Travis. His eyes opened, and one winked right at her, the lollipop stick moving up and down courtesy of his tongue. She folded her hands across her lap before bringing one to her mouth, biting her nails.
"You're really not the worst man I've ever come across," a feminine voice said, her accent thick. "The last one I had was much shorter than you."
"That's good to hear," Bon smiled, removing his arm from around the woman's shoulders. "This here is mine," he said pulling his keys from his pockets. The door opened and his arm stretched out, letting her step inside first. A glass of whiskey was in his other hand, worthy of a few more sips. Closing the door after him, he sat on the edge of the bed, his date already comfortable.
She took out her big hoop earrings and held them in her palms. "I've seen worse hotels too," she stated. "Real knock offs that don't get a woman any farther than occupied." Bon laughed into his drink, glancing at her.
"I'd hope this got us more than occupied." He leaned in closer, grinning. "Maybe...busy?"
"Hell, we might not even be here, we could be in town instead," the woman met his closeness. "Get me a drink for the trip?"
"Be right back." Bon stood from the bed, setting his own glass down on the dresser, and walking to the door. Upon opening it, he saw a small girl standing in front of it, one hand raised in a fist, ready to knock. "Hannah?"
"Oh! I was just, coming to see you, you uh, sort of left this on my suitcase when you put it in my room." Bon looked down at the object in Hannah's hand, his face turning white when he read the label on the box. "I uh-really don't think I'll be needing them," she said.
The box was quickly taken from her and placed on the dresser next to his drink. "Uh..." Bon shook his head to clear his vision and his mind. "Sorry, I didn't mean to. They...wouldn't fit in my bag."
"I see. Were you going somewhere? I can get out of your way-"
"Just goin' to get a drink."
"Another one?" Hannah covered her mouth in apology. "I mean-"
"No," he waved her off. "Not for me." Hannah looked around him into his room. She nodded.
"Oh I see. Good thing I brought the box then, huh?" Bon choked back a laugh. Hannah smiled as well, a blush creeping up. "Well, I'll get out of your way, I don't need to stick around. But I warn you, they don't keep alcohol in the vending machines."
"I'll uh, keep that in mind."
"Goodnight," Hannah said hurrying off to her room. Bon watched until she closed the door, eventually closing his. The woman with him sat patiently on the bed, fixing her heels and straightening her necklaces. Grabbing his drink off the dresser and placing the box in his coat pocket, he returned to his date.
"Hey," he said taking his place on the bed.
"Hey," she smiled smoothing her skirt. "No drink?"
"Uh, not tonight, babe, I'm a bit tired." He looked away from her to avoid her disappointed face, or her stare of disbelief. "The concert was a long one."
"I see." She pursed her lips and moved herself away from him, primping her hair with her free hand. "Well, that doesn't mean we can't have a few drinks. Right?" Bon stared at the glass in his hand. There were few, but special drinks left. He hadn't planned on giving them up. "I don't believe this."
"Hey, come on, I just started feeling the effects, I didn't know." The woman stood up and went to the mirror on the dresser, hastily putting her earrings back. Bon watched her, swirling the glass in his hand. She saw him through the reflection and rolled her eyes. "If you don't have a place to can always crash here."
"I should really get home then," the woman said turning to face him. She grabbed her purse from the floor and headed for the door. She stopped, Bon raising an eyebrow at her. "I need money for a cab."
"Oh! Uh, sure." Standing from the bed, glass secure in his grip, he headed for his wallet on the table. There was hardly enough for a pack of cigarettes, all of it wrinkled. He took it anyway, not wanting to upset his date even more. The money was handed to her. "Here."
She stared at it. "You're kidding, right?" she laughed. "Have you taken a cab in Paris?"
"I've had plenty of rides in Paris," Bon said under the influence. "But I forget if a cab was among them." She scoffed, Bon still holding the money in his hand. He took another sip. "Either way, the money is yours."
"Keep it," she said. "I'll walk." Opening the door, she stepped out of his room when Bon closed it before she could leave.
"Wait!" He held a hand up, then reaching up to brush his hair back. The woman in front of him crossed her arms, waiting for him to explain. He blinked, unsure of when he agreed to bring two women with him. "You don't have to leave."
"I'm not gonna waste my time," she said. "If I can't have a good time at least in the form of a drink, I can't be bothered to keep my roommate waiting up for me." She grabbed the handle again, Bon stopping her. "Let me out!"
"I'm sorry," Bon mumbled. He steadied himself against the door. "I'm sorry babe, I didn't know this would happen. Look, the money is yours, buy yourself a drink with it or somethin', it's the least I can do."
"It's freezing outside," she said. I'll take your money but not for a drink. I'm hungry too." The money was grabbed from his hand and placed in her purse. The glass in Bon's other hand was taken as well. "This, I'll take for the road." Pushing Bon aside, the woman opened the door and slammed it after her. The bed sank on one corner, the man's hand clasping together. He stared at the door in front of him, wishing he had accepted the extra round offered to him by the bartender. Even if she hadn't stayed for the drink, at least he would still have one.
It really would have helped.
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