Chapter Four
Thank you, @Day_Tripping_Citrus for the help in this chapter, you've made it a real treat for me to write! Sorry about how long it is, though.
"Is this enough?"
"You look fine."
"But do I look okay?"
"Dashing," he said rolling his eyes.
"Alright," Angus said standing in front of his brother, spreading his arms out. "How do I look?" Malcolm sighed.
"You're gonna look real ugly if you don't hurry your ass up, Hannah's waitin'." Angus nodded as he grabbed his watch off the side table and latched it on. It didn't quite fit with the rest of his attire, but he'd lose track of reality without it. Malcolm almost suggested against wearing something so unorthodox around the town, but he humored himself and let his brother dress himself. "You've certainly out dressed me," he noted.
Angus looked down at himself. "It's too much?"
"No, I'm just sayin'. Looks sharp." Angus smiled in secret.
"Hannah's gonna ask what the fuck is wrong with me," he mumbled. Malcolm laughed and grabbed his wallet from his jacket. The weather had warmed up allowing the young men to leave the weight of their jackets behind. Angus declined the kind offer, believing his outfit to appear better with one.
"Angus, you could go stark out there, an' I guarantee she'll ask the same thing," Malcolm replied leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets. Angus walked to the couch, removing the throw pillows. "Outfit doesn't matter."
"A lack of one would send me to jail before she could see me..." He trailed off, the floor now a mess. "Mal, you see my hat anywhere?"
"You don't need a hat, it's much warmer today." Angus ignored him and continued his fruitless search. "Come on, she's waitin' for us."
"I had it right here..."
"When'd you last see it?"
"Just before I dried my hair and got dressed. I threw it right on the couch." Malcolm sighed and ran a hand through his hair, knowing good and well his things were never easily found when Angus 'threw' them. "The fuck did it go?"
"Grab a different one, or go without." The pillows were replaced on the couch in a sloppy manner, the perimeter checked next. After building up his frustration when neither the table nor the floor held his hat, he checked his bedroom again. "Did you see where it landed when you threw it?" Malcolm called to him.
"No, I-fuck," he mumbled, a loud crashing sound coming from the room. Dressers rolled open and slammed closed, the bed, having not been made yet, was sullied up even more, and his suitcase may as well have exploded by the way his room looked now. "Fuck!"
"Jesus, Ang, jus' go without it!" Malcolm made his way to Angus' room, stepping over a sock discarded on the floor.
"No, Mal..." Angus sighed, running a hand through his hair and across his face. Malcolm stepped further into the room, sitting on the disheveled bed while Angus stared at the mess in front of him. "I was gonna give it to her, an' now I can't fuckin' find it."
"You sure it was on the couch?" Malcolm watched Angus move his clothes to one big pile of the room and sit on the bed. "I can check my room if ya' want...don't suppose it's there but..."
The bed shifted when Angus got up and left the room. Malcolm sighed, taking his own advice, and checking around his room before deciding the hat was lost. His bed was made up as best as the morning allowed him, and only the clothes from last night were strewn about the carpet. Surely it hadn't swept itself under their beds, but perhaps under the couch...
"Found it!" Angus called from the living room. Malcolm found him standing proudly, fixing the hat so it looked nice upon his head. "Eh? How 'bout that, huh?"
Malcolm only smiled and shook his head. "Let's get goin', Ang, she's waitin'."
The walk wasn't as disquieting today, and the sunshine slowed their pace, unlike the rain which sped them up. The house around the corner looked exactly the same, aside from the open garage door neither one had noticed the other day. Walking closer, they saw a man inside, a red tank in his hand. Angus couldn't help notice the suit he was wearing. Black and new, while including pants instead of shorts. He suddenly felt self conscious of the color he chose to wear.
"Oh, hello boys. I didn't know you were coming today," Travis said, giving each of them a cheerful smile. "Can't talk, got a brunch to get to. Cola's in the fridge here, chips in the pantry, help yourselves." Angus stepped forward. "Nice look you got there, Angus."
"Listen, Travis. We were hopin' Hannah was home, we told her we were takin' her out today. Can-may we see her? Please?" The tank nozzle was removed from the back of a car, a recently painted Hearse, and set among three others just like it. The lid was closed and a hand pat against it.
"That ought to do it, just enough for brunch and back. Got some extra money comin' in, was tempting to spoil myself when I bought the gasoline. But, I can spoil myself at the buffet table."
"I don't think you heard me, Travis," Angus started, following the man as he walked to the small, stained refrigerator on the other side of the car. Two bottles of soda were pulled out and handed to the shorter men in front of him, one taken, the other ignored. Travis eyed Angus as he accepted the drink for himself, taking a sip. "Look, is Hannah home?"
"We want to spend at least a minute with her before we have to leave again," Malcolm spoke up, twisting the cap on the bottle. "But a day would be even better."
"I see, and what did you boys have in mind?" Travis asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Maybe a walk," Malcolm shrugged. "Lunch, theme park, dinner...maybe a movie somewhere in there."
"An adult movie," Angus chimed in. "But-but not like a porno or anything."
"Yeah, definitely not a porno," Malcolm agreed.
"Just ones with lots of blood an' guts," Angus finished. Malcolm gave him a stone cold look over his shoulder. Travis took another drink, wishing the soda was alcohol.
"Well, I'm terribly sorry for the string of inconvenient timings but Hannah will be accompanying me in-" The garage door behind them opened, with Hannah closing it behind her. Her hair was pulled up in a black bow, a grey dress to match. Over it was a black turtleneck sweater. Malcolm and Angus nearly bowled Travis down to get to her.
"Hey, Hannah! We were jus' comin' to ask ya' somethin', that is, if you're available," Malcolm said.
"You're available, right?" Angus just about pleaded with those eyes of his, drooping like a dog's. Hannah's smile vanished.
"Oh gee, I'm sorry guys, I have this brunch thing with Travis I have to go to, it's for his newest business meeting they're planning." Angus noticed the way her eyes stared at the ground. He noticed her hands scratching at each other, hoping to take her mind of the stress in the black suit. He noticed the genuine disappointment lacing her tone.
And he hated it.
"You don't sound impressed," Malcolm noted. Angus rolled his eyes. "Any way you can back out?"
"This was a last minute get together, I already said I would go, we're late enough as it is."
"You tell him to fuck off yet?" Angus hardly whispered.
"Angus!" Malcolm mumbled. Shaking him off, the younger man continued.
"It's a bit hot for a sweater, don't ya' think?" His voice was much quieter, suited for the girl's shy posture and red cheeks. The back of his hand brushed against her sleeve, appreciating how soft the material was. She turned her head away from him, her bangs falling in front of her eyes.
"Travis made me," she mumbled. Angus ground his teeth together, keeping his hand still on her shoulder. "I'll be alright. Not even sixty today." Angus searched both of her eyes thoroughly.
"...alright then." Looking up from the ground, Hannah's eyes widened when they saw the sky blue fabric coating Angus' body.
"What's going on with you, you just get back from school or something?" Reaching a hand to the back of his neck, he grinned.
"You like it, huh?"
"I haven't seen you dress like that since high school." Hannah searched him up and down and smiled. "Looks very nice."
"Thanks. Oh hey, I've got something for you-"
"Alright, Hannah, we'd better get going. Car's filled up, brunch is at ten, and the buffet table is calling my name." Angus sighed and placed his hat back on his head. Malcolm stepped out of Travis' way as he headed for the driver's seat. "Come on, say goodbye to your friends, we gotta go."
"I've changed my mind," Hannah said, backing away from the group. "I've barely seen Mal and Ang while they've been here, and if you don't mind I'd like to spend the day with them."
"We've been getting ready all morning, I've broken a record for shaving in under five minutes. I've cut myself three times for this!" The girl squared her shoulders giving the towering man a glare. His face was in disbelief. "Come on, you can see them tomorrow."
"I've been waiting to see them tomorrow for days now, they'll be leaving soon." Angus stepped up to plate, hoping to knock some sense into Travis' big empty head. Malcolm grabbed his shoulder from behind and yanked him away from the pair.
"So what's one more day?"
"It's not my celebration, just go without me."
"Your mom wants me to look after you. I can't look after you when you're not with me."
"I'm an adult! I can look after myself once in a while."
"Hey," Travis said spreading his arms out. "I'm just doing what your mom asked me to do, you didn't have to leave you know."
"She kicked me out."
"Yeah? You dropped out, you kicked yourself out. I don't make the rules, sweetheart." Angus dug his nails into his palm. For one second he hoped maybe Malcolm had turned his back. The words of affection had turned to venom once they left his mouth. He'd give anything to stand between the girl and him, and let the venom impale his own heart instead. That hand on his shoulder may as well have been a whole army keeping him at bay. Malcolm was very persuasive.
Hannah still hadn't responded. The words pushed her head down, hiding behind her bangs again. Her arms were crossed, the left arm rubbing the right. Travis opened the driver door. "Get in, let's go." Not a word in response. Malcolm's hand tensed. "I'm not missing this on account of you, get in."
"Let them come too," she finally answered. Her eyes met Angus' which had widened upon their change of plans. Looking at Malcolm, he saw his face mimicked his own.
"It's really not a plus three event," Travis sighed.
"Let. Them. Come." Her voice had cracked, but not broken. A hand gestured to the young men at her side. "If they want, that is."
"Hannah, I really don't think-"
"I'll pay," she interrupted. Looking the two men over and raising an eyebrow at the blue one, he finally gave in.
"Well, I guess a little classy event never hurt anyone. Would you boys like to come with us? Have you eaten?" Angus rolled his eyes at the sudden manner of a gentleman spouting from this guy. Whether or not they ate was no skin off his nose. The brothers exchanged a look.
"A lovely day out, yet again," Travis smiled as he sat behind the wheel. Every few yards the Hearse jumped and burped, the driver having trouble with the brakes. Hannah sat on the passenger side, her hands on the dashboard in front of her. In the backseat sat Angus, one hand gripping the door, the other tightening around his brother's arm. Malcolm dug his fingers in the seat, tearing it up worse than before. Every jump the car made, the tighter Angus gripped.
"Hey, knock it off," Malcolm whispered, his arm pale.
"You knock it off."
"You're cuttin' off blood flow, let me go!" Angus was shoved to the side just as the car hit a pothole that should have been out of their way. With Travis' driving, anything was a target. Angus hit the door on his right, the handle giving in. The door opened in the face of the wind, the young man gripping on for dear life, halfway out of the car. He never saw the same road twice as they drove along, every corner a sharp one. Pressing his feet firmly on the floor, he pushed back, hoping the door wouldn't fly off. "The fuck are you doin'?"
"Help! The door's off!" Malcolm reached over, taking a chance by removing his fingers from the seat and grabbing the door with his brother. The front seat took no notice of the fiasco behind them, and for that they were grateful. Fighting against the wind, they were able to pull the door towards them. Malcolm's arms hovered over Angus' face. "Did you shower this mornin'?"
"Shut your cake hole, Ang, an' pull!" With one last heave, the men were able to close the door and keep it shut. Malcolm returned to his seat, Angus panting. Sweat covered both of their faces, their hearts going faster than the car. His hand ran over his face, hiding it from the look Malcolm gave him. "Why don't you wear a seat belt?"
"There isn't any!" Malcolm sighed and leaned back in his seat. "Piece of shit this is."
"If this man is gonna drive anything, it ought to be an ambulance, not a damn Hearse. If that's not a look into our day, I don't know what is. Man, if we get sent home 'cause we don't look the part, I'm stealin' all their bread sticks."
"What do you mean?"
"You might not even make it in," Malcolm observed under his breath.
"The fuck are you talkin' about?"
"Places like these make you dress nice. We aren't exactly the most elegant this town has to offer."
"Fuck all that," Angus said, grabbing onto the seat instead. "Besides, this is a suit."
"For Ashfield, not for some crummy brunch fest starring Travis, Chester, Brad, an' all his other fancy friends."
"You sayin' I should take it off?" Malcolm released the seat to run his hands over his head.
"For all our sakes', Ang, no. Jus'...keep quiet until we get there." Angus crossed his arms and pouted again, taking a peek at the passengers up front. Neither one seemed to hear their conversation, but he felt his face heat up when he saw Hannah cracking a grin through the rear view mirror.
A good fifteen minutes later Travis parked the Hearse on a hill, the edges guarded by elegant rails. Angus and Malcolm both looked out their windows. Lines of expensive cars filled the lots, each with ornaments on the bonnets. All four exited the car and stood away from any incoming vehicles. "Well, this is it. The guys are all inside, I'll take you in."
"This a brunch or a beauty pageant?" Malcolm mumbled at which both men snickered. Angus stood on his toes and scanned the area.
"Where's all the women?"
"Oh, they're not a part of the meetings we go to. They can be, of course. But so far none have joined. Just us gents," Travis explained walking ahead of the group. His eyes lit up when he saw a grey suited man with a glass in his hand. "Oh, Jerry!" he waved.
The two men stood talking, laughing at the snobbiest of subjects while the other three watched. "Ain't this just a Popsicle stand," Angus scoffed. "All men an' no women."
"Hannah's here," Malcolm reminded. His brother narrowed his eyes.
"Eh, I was thinkin' of a real looker, ya' know."
"Shut up, Ang, I know how you really feel."
"Can't a man fish around a bit? Is that such a crime?" Malcolm ignored his brother's childish fantasies and watched Travis pull Hannah towards him, seemingly introducing her to Jerry. The young woman held her hand out, that which was grabbed and shook with great effort. She seemed shyer than normal, as if she never grew out of it from their schooldays. Malcolm didn't mind, he thought it was sweet. Though he knew she hated being showed off like some kind of horse to Travis' colleagues. There had to be a way to get her away from the scene, and bring her someplace fun. Turning his head around he saw Angus sneaking his way inside the building, his path leading directly to the dessert table.
"Oh, come on-Ang!" Malcolm ran towards the front doors, watching for any cars. By the time he got there, his little brother had already reached the table and had his hands covered in chocolate.
"Mal, this plashe ish loaded, they've got browniesh with three different kindsh of shocolate in 'em." Malcolm grimaced at him, his mouth full and spitting everywhere.
"Angus you're such a child. You're gonna get us kicked out with this." Angus swallowed, another brownie in hand.
"Mal, do you really care that we make a good impression, an' stay for three hours?" He thought for a second.
"Not a pinch." With that, both men had grabbed a few brownies, cookies, and whatever it was that was swimming in the chocolate fountain and chugged them down. The men attending the event were sickened by the scene in front of them, and whispered amongst each other. Angus didn't love every pair of eyes in the room on him, but he knew Malcolm was sharing the blame and continued to enjoy himself. A tall greying man who looked to be the host approached them, clearing his throat.
"Excuse me."
"Oh, hello," Malcolm said turning around. Angus also turned around. The man sneered at him; chocolate covering his lips and cheeks, a truffle in his hand. Presenting himself with a respectable posture, the host spoke.
"I'm glad you're happy to indulge yourselves in our array of fine desserts but we normally tend to wait until after the meal is served before we do." His eyes trailed down Angus' attire, sneering again. "Oh dear, it seems school is out early this year," he mumbled.
"There you guys are!" Hannah came running up to them, Travis nowhere to be seen. She frowned when her eyes saw the whole picture. "What happened?"
"Oh, just a few ruffians sneaking in for a free dessert, I'll have them removed at once."
"No wait! We're with her," Malcolm explained before the two were escorted out of the building. Angus almost wished he had kept quiet, but he couldn't leave Hannah by herself. With a look at the young woman, the host raised an eyebrow.
"They're with me, they're my guests. I'll pay for it, it's fine." It seemed absurd to think these two were invited to an event like this. The host's gaze was redirected at his prisoners. Angus grinned widely at him, chocolate staining all his teeth. Disgusted, the host let them go.
"I weep for the future," he muttered walking off. Hannah covered her face with her hands, shaking. Angus frowned and walked over to her.
"Hey, you alright?" She lifted her head, showing him a huge grin, tears forming in her eyes. Her laughter increased seeing the man's food smeared face and more attention was drawn to them. Malcolm began laughing too at the sight, and eventually Angus gave in to the fun. It would have lasted an hour had Travis not shown up, hands in his pockets, and a smile on his face.
"Hannah, there you are. Isn't this place a gem? Here, let's all take a seat over there, by the window." Still giggling like fools, the three kids were led to a booth near the corner of the main room, right next to a bay window. Angus managed to snag a few cookies into his fist before being taken away. The cushions were plush, purple, but hardly pretty. The table was sprayed clean and the silverware polished. Other men were already seated at the booth but Travis had no trouble making friends with them. Malcolm leaned back in his seat placing his hands behind his head while Angus removed his hat. The cookies were stashed inside and it was carefully placed back on his head.
"And who's this lovely lady?" a man at the booth asked, smiling at the woman.
"This is my cousin's daughter and housemate, Hannah." Hannah's hand was grabbed by a gentleman to whom Angus would never associate that title with. A kiss was placed upon it, a few more to follow. Angus watched his actions while he licked his chocolate coated fingers.
"She's a great addition to the meal, Travis," another man said. "Who needs the dessert table?"
"I heard two scoundrels raided it already. God knows if they've left anything for us." Angus frowned at them, angered at what they said, annoyed that his plans were canceled for this charade, and while he'd debate admitting it, a tad jealous for his friend that was treated like an apple in a pigpen. A menu was shoved in his face and dropped on the table. Malcolm got one too, and soon everyone around the booth had something to order off of.
The menu was encased in a clear plastic, the writing a very practiced cursive. Nothing on it he recognized. "You said there was a buffet table," Malcolm noted. "Why are we ordering?"
"They only take our orders for the drinks," Travis explained. "We can get our own food."
"Great, I could use a drink." Malcolm took a look at the menu himself and frowned. He looked at his brother. "Hey, you understand what these say?"
"Not so sure it's even in English." A tall waiter came up to their booth with a pencil and notepad. His suit matched just about everyone else's there.
"Can I help you gentlemen?"
"We'll all take the Sauvignon Blanc with a small plate of crackers and cheddar," Travis answered for the table. A mutual nod was shared around the men, thanking him for making a good choice. They each handed their menus back, all except the three guests.
"Actually, can I jus' get a chocolate milk? I'm sorta already in a dessert mood," Angus said handing his menu back. Malcolm folded his up and tossed it on the pile.
"I'm sorry, sir, we don't serve whiskey here," the waiter informed. Malcolm shrugged.
"You got beer?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Then what's a man supposed to drink around here?"
"I recommend you try our selection of white or red wines. They're quite popular seeing as this is wine country. Beverages like whiskey and beer are not offered here, and I would suggest you try a local bar for those." With a sigh, Malcolm complied to try the wine, though he vowed the first chance he got he was chugging an entire cold one on his own. The waiter turned to Angus next, who had been laughing at his brother's disappointment. "All the chocolate we use is taken to the dessert table, and I'm afraid there isn't enough syrup to mix it in drinks. Even if the desserts hadn't been taken early." It was Malcolm's turn to break out a laugh. "Would regular milk be decent for you?"
"Uh, surrrre," he accepted slowly. He picked up his fork and tapped it on the plate in front of him. The waiter turned to Hannah, who also kept her menu.
"Black tea is fine."
"Anything with it?"
"Milk if you have it." Her menu was graciously taken and the waiter was off with his notes. Angus' eyes were fixated on the plate in front of him, then slowly turning his head to look to his left. Travis and the other men were watching, staring at him. He tugged at the ends of his sleeves, feeling their eyes bore into his soul. The shorts he wore compared to the pants everyone else wore was one thing, but the color difference was a sight to behold. He looked like a lollipop surrounded by sticks of licorice. But Hannah had liked it, and that was enough for him. Ignoring his gawkers, he offered his thumb in the middle of the table. Hannah noticed and smiled, offering her thumb on the opposing hand.
"I'll have you know I was champion of the annual thumb war contest in Melbourne," Angus bragged as their thumbs strategized their next moves.
"Were you now? How come I've never heard about that?"
"Well, you've been gone," Angus dismissed. "Livin' here, you couldn't have known what was goin' on down in Australia. Besides. Hopefully I'm better known for the band than that." Hannah's thumb pressed down on Angus', but only for a second.
"I'll have you know I was champion too, here in America."
"Yep. Only one difference..."
"And what's that?"
"Everyone knows it." With that, Hannah pressed her thumb on Angus' again, capturing it completely. Three seconds passed without his escape and she grinned like a bobcat in victory. Pulling his thumb away he smiled.
"Not half bad, Mal? You wanna give it a go?"
"Your thumb sore?" Malcolm asked.
"Not yet."
"Sure." Malcolm offered his thumb to Hannah, making sure to dodge when Angus didn't. He put up a bit more of a challenge than Angus did, obviously learning from his brother's mistakes. Eventually he pinned Hannah's thumb down for five seconds, neglecting to let her go as he boasted. "You're jus' mad," he said, seeing her cross her arms after her release.
"You're just lucky," she retaliated. A crystal platter was carefully set in the middle of the table, carrying a bottle and five glasses. They were distributed among Travis, his three companions and Malcolm, while the remaining drinks had to wait.
"I'll be back shortly with the rest," the waiter smiled as he left.
"Aha, the festivities can begin!" Travis handed out the glasses and accepted one himself. The bottle was grabbed along with the opener and wine splashed out, quickly wiped up with a napkin. The glasses were filled and toasted among the men. Malcolm took his glass and sniffed it, not loving how delicate he had to be with his dishes. "Wonderful taste, eh lads?" The group agreed, and continued to drink.
"How is it?" Angus asked.
"I haven't tried it yet, ya' bug." Holding the glass to his lips he took a sip. He made a face, but not one necessarily out of disgust. "Hmm. Hmm...mmm...hmm."
"Hmm. It's not whiskey," Malcolm said setting his glass down. "Nothin' Bon would want, but nothin' he wouldn't drink."
"He'd be out back findin' his own whiskey," Angus answered. "An' he'd certainly not be dressed like any of these blokes."
"Who's Bon?" Hannah asked.
"Oh, he's our singer," Angus said. Malcolm nodded.
"You'd love him. A real treat. He's a bit older than us an' has more women than hairs on his chest, but he's a man to be respected."
"A damn man," Angus said.
"I'll drink to that." Malcolm took another drink, though smaller this time. The waiter finally returned with a small glass of a white liquid, a bendy straw floating on top. Malcolm gave Angus a smirk when he saw it. Angus knew that smirk wasn't leaving anytime soon, unless he knocked it off. A mug with steam on the surface was placed in front of the girl and she offered her thanks. "Lucky you, Ang. Quite the experience."
"It's just a straw."
"A bendy one too. How's the tea, Hannah?"
The girl took one sip and coughed up a storm. Malcolm reached across the table and patted her back. "Hot," she croaked.
"How 'bout you slow down a notch?" he smiled.
"How about you choke down your grape juice, huh?" she replied wiping her face with a napkin. "It's fine, just a bit steamy."
"The best kind," Angus grinned, sticking his tongue out. Malcolm punched his shoulder with a grin of his own while Hannah tossed her napkin on the table and crossed her arms again. The young men's laughter was drowned out by Travis and his men cheering.
"Alright, gents. Let's get to the food. Come on, Hannah." Hannah slid out of the booth, Malcolm and Angus getting out from the other side. Their plates were taken with them, three of the seven of them simply following the leader.
The buffet table was huge. Platters of danish and pyramids of scones were only a third of what was promised. Aluminum tubs were filled with eggs of all kinds and still more had different assortments of meats. A carrot cake stood in the corner, a few pieces taken away. An orderly line trained around the table, reminding Angus about his days in school in the cafeteria. No one had ever been this patient though, even when the man a few feet up had trouble deciding between a cinnamon roll or an apple strudel, and finally claiming both. Travis, with the biggest grin any of his guests had ever seen, rushed past them to the biscuits, taking three, and waiting in line for the gravy. "Better get in line, boys. The food's going fast! Oh Hannah," he said taking her aside. "Save my place, Vinnie!" Hannah pulled her arm away once he stopped walking. "Remember, don't take too much. You may be paying for your friends, but I'm paying for you. You know how expensive the food here is?"
"You didn't have to bring me. I told you I could have stayed home-"
"And let you run off with Jack and Jill over there to the circus?" His gaze fell on the brothers still in line, Angus attempting to balance the spoon on his upper lip. Malcolm was behind him, trying to drop food down Angus' shirt without anyone noticing. Finally he snagged a tea sandwich and broke it, dropping one half in his pocket, the other half down his jacket. Angus dropped the spoon and fetched for the sandwich, throwing it behind him. Hannah smiled, until she saw Travis' stare pointed directly at her.
"They're better company than you."
"Maybe so. Maybe so. Maybe I'm too uptight, maybe I'm too strict, and maybe I'm too boring for the wild minds of the youth. But an order is an order. Your mom's...and mine." Hannah didn't respond. With a pat on the arm, Travis took her back to the line. "Oh, the uh, the scones are only five dollars each. Take a few of those then, huh?"
"I'm not too hungry anymore," Hannah said taking her plate with her back to the table. Without looking back, she sat down and gripped the mug of tea in her hands, the warmth burning. But she didn't care. It brought real comfort. Travis shook his head and struck up a conversation with Vinnie ahead of him, laughing every other sentence.
Finally the group had resettled themselves at the booth, each with a plate piled high. Angus had been lucky enough to grab the last few waffles and drowned them in maple syrup. Malcolm settled with eggs and a sandwich, eventually joining the two together. Travis' plate was brimming; every food offered at that table was going in his mouth. Seeing Hannah nurse her cup of tea, Angus frowned. "Where's your food?" There seemed to be more waffle than words in his mouth.
"Uh, I'm not really hungry," she dismissed, taking another sip of tea. Forgetting his manners Angus reached across the table and placed his hand to her forehead.
"You feel alright?" Hannah gently brushed him away, but smiled all the same. "Hey, I'm all for takin' you home, an' gettin' outta here."
"You eat a big breakfast?" Malcolm asked. "I mean, this bein' last minute, I can imagine you ate before you came." The tea in front of her seemed to be the only thing she cared about at the minute.
"Yeah, I had a bit. But-I really don't mind not eating anything, then you guys can have all you want."
"This ain't exactly our kind of meal either ya' know," Malcolm said with a smirk.
"I mean, these waffles are good, but this whole atmosphere is kinda upsettin' my stomach a bit," Angus agreed. "Maybe it was all that chocolate I had before but-" He swallowed his food and continued. "the view at ten o' clock ain't exactly helpin' either." Hannah turned to see Travis bragging about the meeting of '73, where he made a hundred dollars in the end; a feat that didn't happen often. His wine was sipped and his tea sandwich nibbled. His napkin was tucked in his shirt like a bib, the white painted with a rainbow of stains. Angus raised his eyebrows when she turned back around.
"I'd love to leave, but he'd have a cow if I did."
"Let him have a cow then," Malcolm said. "Your happiness means more to us than his, and we can see you're not happy here."
"So what, we just wag?" Angus asked.
"We don't exactly blend in," Hannah noted, smiling at Angus' face of crimson. Malcolm took a sip of his wine and winced.
"Damn," he muttered. "Well, it doesn't look like Travis cares too much where you are at the moment. I say we leave." Angus frowned in thought. The gears in his mind were turning, a sensation he hadn't felt in a long time. It was more than simple thinking, it was scheming. A wide smile spread his face after a moment to himself.
"And leave we shall."
One by one, three heads popped up from behind a station wagon. Exiting the building wasn't too difficult, seeing as all the men were occupied in discussing the next meeting. As he stepped outside Angus heard mention of the word 'hounds', and pursed his lips. He was glad to get out of there.
Sneaking through the cars parked on the hill was a challenge, however. Each was so close to the next that one wrong move could set the alarm on two at once. Eventually they reached the Hearse, sticking out like a sore thumb. A dented bumper rested in the grass, waiting for someone to trip.
"Hey!" Angus was pushed from behind, his body crashing right into the window. The glass snapped out of place hitting the seat, luckily for him in one piece. His arms reached out for the seat, his back legs just short enough to rise off the ground.
"Well done, Ang," Malcolm muttered.
"I'm sorry, Angus, I tripped!"
"No kiddin'."
"Is the window broken?"
"The window Malcolm, no. My wrist from knockin' it out, maybe a bit. Now quit fuckin' around out there an' pull me out."
"Alright. C'mon Hannah, grab his other leg." With one leg each embraced by his companions, he was pulled up over the window slot and and through the hole. Nothing more than a scrape here and there, Angus brushed his clothes, giving Hannah a slight glare.
"I tripped!"
"Mm-hmm." Malcolm opened the door to the passenger seat of the car easily, laughing to himself that Travis would leave it so unprotected. "What are you doing?"
"Gettin' in the car."
"Why should you sit up front?"
"'Cause Hannah's drivin' an' I can't have you neckin' her up over here makin' us crash. That, an' I'm navigating." Without apology, Malcolm claimed the front seat and closed the door. With a scoff Angus took to the back, keeping his fingers crossed that no bugs were sly enough to fly through the window.
"Wanker," he muttered.
The driver's door opened and Hannah weasled her way in, careful not to scratch the Cadillac next to her. Finally all three were safe and sound in the Hearse. "Alright," Malcolm clapped his hands together. "We're in. Now, you know your way around town?"
"Or does Travis ever let you leave the house?"
"Angus," Malcolm warned. The man pouted again. "Any theme parks round here?"
"There's one up the road a ways, but I'm not sure this car has enough gas to make it," she replied.
"I'm not sure it has a long enough lifespan," Angus remarked again. Ignoring him, Malcolm placed his hand on the back of the driver's seat.
"Alright, well, put it in reverse for now." Starting the car up with the keys Travis hid under the gas pedal, the car lurched forward and stopped, an atom's length away from the mirroring row of cars. "I said reverse."
"I heard ya'." The gear changed and the car slowly backed out of the lot, its trademark burp coming along for the ride.
"That Trenton is a real bloke, I tell ya'," Angus said in the back lighting up a cigarette. Seeing the window was gone he took advantage of his accidental luck. "Too busy talkin' 'bout the seams in his suit to even notice you're gone!"
"We're lucky he was, Ang. Are you smoking back there?" Hannah asked, eyeing him through the mirror. He shrugged with a smile.
"An' havin' the time of my life." Clear of any more cars, Hannah changed gears again.
"Alright, now take it nice an' slow down the hill."
"She knows how to drive, Mal."
"I know, I trust her," Malcolm responded. "I just don't trust this car."
"Actually..." Hannah started. Malcolm's eyes shot in her direction.
"I never really got my license...but, how hard can it be, right?" Angus started coughing on the excess smoke and Malcolm gripped the handle on the door.
"Um..." Angus choked. "Trenton did remember to buy life insurance, didn't he?" With that said, the car rolled down the hill, steered by the twenty three year old. Her foot was barely touching the gas pedal, but she made sure the brake worked, stopping every few feet. The glass window was removed from Angus' reach to reduce the danger he was in. Every bump and brake along the hill shook them, eventually making it to the bottom. Hannah exhaled loudly, gripping the wheel.
"Can I open my eyes now?"
"Fuck, you closed them?" Malcolm asked. A giggle erupted from her lips and she covered her mouth.
"Kidding." Angus made a face and leaned back, cigarette between his teeth.
"Put a sock in it, Ang. Now let's see..." The wheel was gripped firmly in her hands, the gas pedal lightly pressed on. Oncoming traffic was pouring down the road, the Hearse's blinker flashing.
"Remember to watch for cars," Malcolm reminded.
"What's it look like I'm doing?"
"Just tellin' ya'. Now when you're on the road you need to watch the speed limits. An' signal when you pass."
"I'm not clueless on the road, Mal, I know what I'm doin'." Enough space between the passing car and the one yet to come allowed Hannah to drive forward, albeit a little too quickly. The car lurched forward and sped down the road finally slowing once it got in the rhythm. Angus flew forward and hit his nose on the seat in front of him.
"Are you sure about that?" he asked holding his nose.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine," he shrugged, grabbing his cigarette instead. "Jus' peachy."
Malcolm slammed the car door shut behind him and walked as quick as he could away from it. Hannah followed, Angus catching up with her. He grabbed the railing on the dock, overlooking the small lagoon. Hannah stopped short of him, a look of concern forming. "Malcolm, I'm sorry. I should have let you drive, you're much better than I am."
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up, but I'm fine." His face had quite a pallor, and his hands couldn't keep steady no matter how tight they gripped the rail. Angus stuck his hands in his pockets, frowning when he felt half a sandwich, and tossed it out.
"If it makes you feel any better Mal, the bird got back up again a few seconds later." Malcolm closed his eyes tighter, taking a deep breath.
" did. And I will too. In about two minutes." Hannah rubbed her wrist, looking at the boardwalk below them. A hand reached out and grabbed hers, brushing his thumb over her fingers. Brushing over the ring. Her cheeks heated up and she looked away. "Maybe three."
"Malcolm, I'm really sorry. I should have listened to you, I should have stayed in the lane I was in." Catching his breath, the older man let go of the rail and stepped up to her, tilting her chin up.
"But you'll never learn then, will ya'?" he smiled. His face held some color again and his breathing had slowed. "It's alright, I ain't mad."
"Just scared shitless," Angus laughed. Malcolm ran up and wrapped his arms around him.
"And what're you, huh? Can't remember from smackin' your head?"
"Mal, let go!" Angus laughed again.
"Or how 'bout stoned, from all that smokin' you were doin'?" The brothers stumbled around the boardwalk laughing like two brothers should, drawing attention from all corners. Hannah came up behind them and pressed down between Angus' shoulder and neck, making his laugh louder.
Malcolm released him, allowing him to adjust his jacket and shirt. "Come on, we're wasting daylight. What do you guys wanna do first?" A roaring behind them answered that question.
"First, I think we all ought to get some real food," Malcolm said, all eyes on Hannah. "And drinks I can read the names of."
A small stand in the middle of the park hosted a decent group of people. Hannah had ordered herself a large plate of pancakes, and a cup of popcorn. Angus had taken his food last, and reached into his pocket. There wasn't any sandwich, but there wasn't any wallet either. "Angus," Malcolm said behind him. Turning around, Angus saw Malcolm holding his wallet between his fingers. He frowned to himself watching Malcolm pay the guy behind the counter. "You're real lucky I brought mine, ain't ya'?" he smiled.
"Oh, that's alright, Mal, I could have paid for my own."
"Nah, I can do it. You paid for our food, now we're payin' for your food. By the way," he said whispering in Angus' ear. "You owe me ten bucks." Angus grabbed his food and sat down at the table, a pout on his face. Malcolm stuck a bottle in his mouth, the contents disappearing quickly. "Ah, now that's what I like to see," he said reading the label. "Somethin' I'm well acquainted with."
"So tell me more about this band of yours," Hannah said cutting her pancakes. "Who else is there?"
"Well, there's Bon, our rowdy singer," Angus said. "There's Cliff the tall one. He plays bass. And Phil, whose real name is a day long event to say."
"He's the drummer," Malcolm finished for him. "We had more of 'em, but they all kept disappearin' on us."
"Can't imagine why." Hannah rolled her eyes. Angus chewed on his french fry.
"It's their own faults, they couldn't handle us. Weren't too good either."
"Now Phil, he's a machine," Malcolm said. "The man keeps a beat better than he keeps a secret, I should know."
"We had a guy before Cliff too, but...he's just too nice," Angus said. "I mean you meet the guy, and he's jus' so...nice."
"What's wrong with being nice?"
"Nothin', if you're a cute girl," he answered smiling at her. "Or a birthday card without any money in it. It's jus' nice ya' know, but bein' in a rock an' roll band, nice ain't gonna get you anything."
"Face the truth, Ang, you didn't like him gettin' every girl you had your eyes on," Malcolm said taking another drink.
"That's hardly it, an' you know I told him I wanted those girls, you saw me every time. But, doesn't matter much now, I've got one back in Europe." A sly grin formed on his face. "This one wants me too."
"How's Sherrie doing by the way?" Hannah asked, any sign of a smile vanishing. Angus' only grew.
"She's fine. Very fine. Prolly lonely." Malcolm shook his head and ignored him. "I mean, she really could go out an' find another guy, we're not tangled or anything. But...she chooses me every time."
"Pass me a napkin, Ang," Malcolm said holding his hand out, changing the subject. Snapping out of his trance Angus did as requested, eyes widening when he saw Hannah's plate. "Jesus, you're really hungry, aren't ya'?"
"I guess breakfast is long gone," Angus agreed. Hannah wiped her mouth letting a small burp loose and grabbing her water.
"Guess so..." she mumbled. "Malcolm, you're not gonna eat anything?"
"I've got this, I'll be alright." He held the bottle up in the air, swishing the liquid around. "Those cupcakes are enough for me anyway. What are we doin' after this?"
"Gee, Mal, I don't know. I mean, here? At a theme park? Whatever shall we do?" Angus asked, putting his head on his hand. Malcolm waved the bottle over his brother's head, threatening to tip it.
"That's enough outta you," he said taking his bottle back, and another drink. "Well Miss Hannah. We haven't asked your opinion. What would you like to do?"
"Taking a look around may not be so bad. We don't have to ride anything, just walking through it...that would be enough." Hannah stood up to throw her garbage away, Angus quickly following her.
"Hannah, hey. Uh, listen," he whispered, looking back to see his brother drinking. "Uh, I've been waitin' all day to give this to you. I lost it this mornin' an' don't have to take it you know, but I thought it might suit you." In one swift motion he pulled off his hat, stumbling when an avalanche of cookies tumbled down his head, crumbs scattered in his hair.
A honey laugh took advantage of the scene, making Angus drop the hat. A black bird perched atop it, cocking its head as if deciding which part of the cookie to eat first. Waving his hands in front of him, the bird left the hat, but took down once again to the scattered sweets. The hat was picked up and dusted off, crumbs flying in all directions. His face was crimson yet again, shaking any crumbs nestled on the inside to the ground. Suddenly it was taken from him, any remaining scraps tossed out by Hannah. She placed it on her head and smiled back at him. "Thank you, Angus."
"Hey it-looks real good on ya'." The bow was taken out of her hair, the hat fitting better. Lightly placed in her pocket, the two headed back to the table.
"Like the hat, Hannah," Malcolm said. "Looks better on you."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Angus asked.
"You know damn well," his brother laughed. "Alright, let's go."
A light wind pushed the three through the park, a new sight to greet them around every turn. One corner of the park was where all the games were. The difficult ones giving stuffed animals away as prizes. A large portion was taken up by a just as large tent, quantities of oddities hidden inside. The lagoon was closed off from swimming in for the winter, much to the disappointment of the little ones taking the day off from school. A gift shop was on the far end from where they were, and a selection of rides took up the rest of the park. "As long as I've got my wallet here, anyone want a ride?" Malcolm asked as they reached the most crowded area.
"No fast ones, eh Mal?" Angus asked. "You'll be wearin' my waffles."
"We'll sit somewhere else then, have you sit next to some old man. Look, that one ain't too bad." Their gazes landed on a bouncy house, about six kids inside. One unfortunate child fell on his back while the other kids kept jumping, making it impossible for the boy to get up. Two other kids jumped in his direction, their feet claiming their target. He started crying, and his mother had to come save him from further injury. Angus pursed his lips and shot Malcolm a look. "So one kid picked up a penny tails up, big deal."
"I'm with Angus, I hate the fast rides. I get..."
"Hmm?" Angus asked. Hannah tilted her head and rolled her eyes.
"I get motion sick," she mumbled.
"Hey, join the club. I get dizzy sometimes myself. You hear that, Mal? No fast rides, lady says so."
"When did I prefer one ride over another?" Malcolm asked walking ahead of them. He stopped short when the largest ride loomed just a few yards in the distance. The sun hung over it, casting a shadow that covered half the park. The line for it was short, and there were several carriages left until it was full. Malcolm smirked and turned to face the two behind him. "Found one."
"Great, which one?" Angus asked. Malcolm faced the colossal structure, soon all three standing in a line. "The Ferris wheel, Mal? Don't ya' think that's a little cheesy?"
"Come on, everyone does it. An' it's slow enough for the both of you. What do ya' say?" Angus turned to Hannah who shrugged.
"Could be fun. How high is it?"
"Let me jus' grab my measurin' tape, an' check for you," Malcolm laughed. Hannah grinned and shoved him. "I don't fuckin' know, now are we goin' or not?"
"We're goin', we're goin'," Angus answered. He wrapped his arm around Hannah's shoulders as Malcolm led them towards the line, quickly diminishing. When they reached the front Malcolm stood to the side.
"Ladies first," he grinned.
"Very fuckin' funny, Mal," Angus said. He let Hannah step up first, joining her soon after. "You comfortable?"
"Yeah, as soft as a bench can get." He smiled but it left when he heard the door close and lock behind him with a loud clang. The spot next to him was empty. He and Hannah looked down at the man operating the ride, standing next to Malcolm. After paying the man, he stepped a yard away, waving with a grin when he saw them.
"Malcolm! What are you doin'?" Angus yelled. The bottle in his hand waved in the air as a goodbye.
"I'm doin' you a favor!" he yelled back. "Have fun!" Their carriage rose and stopped twice before coming to a complete stop. The operator pulled down a few levers and the ride began with a creak, soon spinning smoothly.
Angus' knuckles turned white as he gripped the bar in front of them, locking them to their seat. Hannah leaned back, her fingers also wrapped tightly around the bar. The young man caught a glimpse of the ring sparkling in the sunlight as they neared the top, secretly hoping it might slip off her finger and land in some kid's ice cream. "What's so funny?" Hannah asked.
"Oh uh, nothin'," he coughed. "How high do you think we are?"
"I don't know, didn't bring Mal's tape measure," Hannah smiled.
"I think he was bluffing anyway. He can't count that high." After the wheel cycled once, Angus spared a glance at the hand next to his. Making sure her eyes were somewhere else, he inched his hand over, slipping it over her own. Suddenly their eyes met. "I-I..." he started, stuttering. "I, I'm afraid of heights." She gripped his hand in hers.
"Not a fan myself. Right now, I'm not a fan of Malcolm either."
"Why not? Not that I'm missin' him right now."
"For ditching us."
"What, you don't like being here with me?"
"Don't be dumb, I like it. But this was his idea you know."
"True, but hey. More room up here. More privacy to talk. Things like that, ya' know." Angus leaned back in the seat, taking advantage of the extra space. He recoiled when the carriage shook, startling them both. "Those brownies are startin' to take their toll," he laughed.
Malcolm sat at a table overlooking a merry-go-round, bottle in his mouth. He had bought another one, making it his third that morning. The ride in front of him seemed to be moving faster than normal, the colors of the horses all blending together. He blinked hard, pulling himself out of his trance. "Hey, Mal."
He turned around to see his two companions walking towards him, hand in hand. Or was it four? He smiled all the same as he greeted them. "Hey."
"Have fun on your own?" His thumb tapped the label slowly.
"Sure did. How was your time?" Another sip taken as the two joined him at the table. "Spent well?"
"I'd say so, wouldn't you agree?"
"Certainly would," Hannah nodded. "Too bad you weren't there."
"Glad I wasn't, my plan worked jus' fine."
"What plan?" Angus asked. Malcolm shook his head.
"Don't worry about it. What's next?" A moment of silence passed among them as they decided what to do.
"Well, we thought about a movie," Angus reminded. "If we had time."
"There's still plenty of daylight left. Let's go see a movie." Malcolm made a move to stand up, almost falling, but catching himself. Hannah was at his side at an instant, Angus following suit.
"You okay?" she asked. He stood himself up and set the bottle down, one deep breath after another.
"Yeah, I'm alright. C'mon, let's go."
"Mal, it's alright, we can go home if you're not up to it," Angus agreed.
"It's Hannah's day today, an' we're takin' her out. We're goin' to see a movie now, so come on." Malcolm walked as best as he could to the car, showing off for the two behind him. They shared concerned looks but followed anyway, leaving the Ferris wheel, the park, and the half-drunk bottle all behind them.
The theater was dark. The only films playing were a low-budget kid's film, a romance, and a documentary. Neither one of the men were willing to sit through the documentary and Hannah wasn't too thrilled about a romance film with them. She had known them for years and could swear on her grave they would laugh, point, mimic, and be the loudest members of the audience. Not to mention she was never fond of the romance genre.
The kid's film was alright. A simple story about a dog whose owners wished he could talk to them. One night while the boy is in bed he wishes on a star that his dog could talk, and of course, it comes true the next morning. The wish however, doesn't turn out like everyone planned; it never does. The dog eventually tells on the kid for breaking the lamp the day before with his baseball, and learns to swear from the parents whenever they get angry. It was funny at times, but Angus couldn't help but think it was all filmed in some high school kid's backyard as a final project for his film class.
The evening sun exploded behind the trees, burning into their eyes as they left the theater. The Hearse was parked a few blocks away on a shady looking street, inciting them to quicken their pace lest they wanted to walk home. "No they didn't, Ang," Malcolm said reaching the car first.
"Of course they did! They wouldn't strap a camera onto a dog and have him chase a guy, they had some guy crawlin'."
"I hope that guy got paid well then, God knows I'd never take that job." He reached a hand toward the passenger seat before Hannah ran up and stopped him. "What?"
"Are you sure you don't wanna drive, Mal? I've been driving poorly all night, I know you can do better than me." He stood for a minute, then let out a small laugh.
"Thanks for the compliment, but I think it's for the best if you do."
"But, I'm still-"
"Learnin'," he finished for her. "You'll never learn if you don't try, an' I gotta be honest. You're gettin' better. That's not flattery, it's the truth. Besides. I don't think I ought to drive right now."
"What's wrong?" He ran a hand through his hair.
"Nothin', jus' tired. Movies make me tired, ya' know. Shouldn't drive while drowsy."
"You need a nap, Mal?" Angus teased opening the backdoor.
"Mmmm...maybe." Angus' smile shrank.
"...Well, if you wanna take the backseat I'm fine sittin' up front." He shot a wink in Hannah's direction, but a second too late as she hadn't seen it. Malcolm closed his eyes and nodded.
"You know the way back to the building?"
"I can take a few guesses, we're late enough as it is. Trenton's probably pissed off his high horse, huh?" he grinned.
"Probably. I don't want him takin' it out on her, if what you said is true. Alright, I'm gonna sit in back." With a pat on his shoulder Angus took to the front seat while Malcolm headed for the back. All three were safe and sound from the darkness outside, the Hearse seemingly colder than the air.
"Travis is gonna kill me."
"Don't worry about it, if he gives you a hard time, we'll be there to stop him," Angus said, thankful he finally had a seat belt. "We can tell him to fuck off if you don't wanna."
"No, please." Her eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowing. Angus was speechless for a minute, only staring at her. Finally she looked away.
"Hey, you know what? That's alright. I-I won't run my mouth off on him. Even though he deserves it," he mumbled at the last bit. Putting the car in gear, Hannah drove down the street, Angus doing his best to navigate. Only three curbs were driven over that night.
It was completely dark by the time they found the building. Angus checked his watch. "It's nine thirty," he sighed. Hannah killed the engine. Movement stirred in the back.
"Mmm...are we home?"
"No, we're at the brunch place," Angus answered. "You okay back there, Mal?"
"I don't see Travis," Hannah said searching the lot.
"I don't see anything in the dark," Angus smirked. He frowned when Hannah opened the door.
"I'll look around a bit." Soon enough he was undoing his seat belt, scrambling to open the door.
"I'll come with you." His cheeks were hot as she stared at him again, waiting for his next words. "It's dark out, cold. Here." Standing by her side the two headed up to the front doors of the building. Both of them gave it their best, but the doors wouldn't budge. "So. That's great."
"This is just perfect," Hannah said, crossing her arms. The innocent door dutifully accepted her anger in the form of a foot. A harsher wind crept up on the two, combing through their hair like a wire brush. The place was deserted, not another car for miles. Angus popped his lips together, eyeing his watch again.
"You think he went home?"
"Dunno, he would have had to walk. He's gonna kill me!"
"Hey, no one's killing anyone tonight, alright? You're an adult, you do what you want."
"But I stole his car, he had to walk twenty miles! He doesn't take matters lightly!"
"He won't go off on ya' if we're there, alright? I won't let him." Stepping closer to her, he moved her fallen bangs out of her face. "I promise," he whispered.
He jumped, startled when her back abruptly faced him, after minutes of staring at each other. Space between them decreased at a steady pace, the final few inches spared at the last second. He could have sworn an hour had passed with the stars running through her eyes. Her footsteps crunched along the road for the car, eager to get the night over with. Hands in his pockets, he followed.
More movement shook the Hearse from the back, a man sitting up. "He out there?"
", we're going home. Go back to sleep, we'll be there soon."
"I'm fine, I've been asleep long enough. Damn, wake up with a's that for ending the night?" Angus' door opened, the man sitting himself down as quickly as he could. "Okay, Angus?"
"Yeah." He pulled his seat belt over himself and straightened out his shirt. "Would you get in the car, I'm fine." With a mutual shrug, the three made the trip back to Hannah's place, the car a lot quieter than their minds.
Headlights exposed the street, every house on the block asleep. With the commotion the Hearse made one might think otherwise. Hannah's house glowed at the end of the light, the car stopping in the driveway. The garage door was closed. Killing the engine, Hannah sighed and leaned back in her seat. Angus watched her, unable to mold together a sentence. His hands folded over his lap, his thumbs knocking together. "Guess I'd better get going," she mumbled.
"Hannah wait," Angus started then caught himself. His habit of a hindering stutter sat on his lap, playing with his lips like a puppet. "I've-I've been meaning to-to ask you somethin'. We've been meanin' to ask you."
"Both of you?" Malcolm nodded in approval. "What is it?"
"Who's tellin' her?"
"It was your plan," Angus said.
"You were already startin', you go." The man pursed his lips. Hannah looked back and forth between the two, a complicated tension heating the car.
"Alright. Since this is our last full day here, an' we leave tomorrow night, we were wonderin'-"
"Really hopin'," Malcolm joined.
"That maybe you would-" A door slammed shut, knocking the three into reality. A tall man wearing a bathrobe wrapped over pinstripe pajamas stormed across the porch to the driveway.
"Oh, fuck," Malcolm breathed. Hannah began to shake a little, almost dodging Angus' eyes.
"Hey, come on, we're right here with ya'," he said helping her out of the car. Malcolm slammed his door shut, rubbing the sleep grit from his eyes. His gait still had remains of a stumble and his sight was blurred, but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to. Despite any feelings of nausea or the hammering hangover he was always able to hide it. He wished to God he had another bottle waiting for him at the hotel.
Hannah meandered toward the fence, the gate swinging open like a hurricane was behind it. "Travis, I-"
"Quiet. Come inside, now."
"Travis I was just-"
"Shut up!" She winced and lowered her head, hair falling from the hat into her face. Angus stepped forward, Malcolm's hand on his shoulder pulling him back. "Get. Inside. The house."
"Travis, you can't talk to her like that," Malcolm said. "She's an adult who happens to live in the same house, you need to grow up-"
"I am grown," Travis interrupted. "Look, this doesn't concern either one of you. You had your little fun, you can go now."
"You can't talk like that to him either," Hannah said lifting her head. Her eyes glistened under the moon. "None of this was their fault."
"You're right, it's all your fault," he said. "Stealing my car, leaving without telling me, running around town with your friends at your heels. I waited all afternoon for you! Finally Vinnie gave me a ride home. And what about brunch, huh? You volunteer to pay, then what? I paid your bills! That you left me!" His voice rose every word like a staircase. Angus' hands were clenched together, knuckles stained white. He had never wanted to hit anyone more since Johnny walked into his life. Thinking he had left him alone for good, he came back. As a different person. Once again picking on a girl he cared about. "How is any of that being an adult?"
"I'm sorry," she whispered. Travis laughed. He fucking laughed.
"Sorry," he mumbled. "Sorry isn't gonna pay for all you did. I mean-you must all be magicians from the way you kept that car going all night. I filled it with just enough gas for one small trip."
"We refilled it," Malcolm explained. "Tank's full now." Without any means of a thank you, Travis continued.
"You left me to pay for the food you volunteered to pay for. I barely brought enough money with me, thinking I had only us to pay for! When you copped out on eating, I splurged a bit more on myself. It's humiliating!"
"That wasn't my fault," she spat at him. "Even I know to bring more than enough money when I go somewhere just in case."
"Oh really? You have what you need to pay me back? You have every last cent? Where is it?"
"Leave her alone!" Angus shouted. He had pulled himself away from Malcolm's grasp, the older man letting him go as a final decision. His arm moved in between the two, guarding Hannah from the taller man. Hitting him crossed his mind, but he fought against it, for Hannah's sake.
Travis' eyes blazed like fire, then were simply extinguished. He stood up straight, taking a step back from Hannah. Angus and Malcolm eyed him carefully. With an unpleasant smile, he held his hands up.
"Sorry, Angus. I should know better than to touch your girl. You seem like a guy that can keep order around a house." His smile widened. "At least, you did. Still dressed very sharply I see. Didn't get one ounce of chocolate on your suit. Like a real man. And Malcolm." Travis took a step towards him, bending down to see his face better. Malcolm was suddenly glad he wore his hair long. "Malcolm, isn't it?" He nodded. "Of course, the oldest and wisest of you all. Must have had a real good time tonight. I can smell all the fun on your breath." It was Malcolm's turn to clench his hands. "Look at the stars," Travis said his eyes up at the night sky only to return to their target. "Tonight's a great night for a smoke, wouldn't you agree, Mal?"
His breath was hot on his face, though Malcolm would bet it smelled better than his own. That smile would follow him home, nagging at the back of his mind all night. Angus' words to him last night came to mind. "Um, I guess..."
"A nice, fat cigar maybe?" Out of the corner of his vision he saw Hannah shiver, just once, Angus wrapping an arm around her. Back on Travis they saw a smile wider than his face could hold. Finally he stepped away, retreating through the gate behind the fence. He made sure it was wide open. "Let's get you inside, Hannah. You look cold."
"Wait, we have to tell her somethin'." Angus took her aside and brushed her hair away. He made sure Travis stayed in his line of sight, Malcolm joining them. "We were wonderin', since we're leavin' tomorrow, that you might want to see us. In Europe."
"I would love to, but you guys know I can't afford that."
"Nah nah nah, you messed it up, Ang. He means if you wanted to come with us. While we tour," Malcolm offered. Hannah's face seemed to spark back to life.
"R-really? But, how would I pay for it?"
"We've got it covered. You can stay in a hotel, meet the band, see a few great shows, Europe. What do ya' say?" Hannah's words seemed to come out in laughs of disbelief.
"I, I would love to! But-"
"Travis won't want me to go, he'll never allow it."
"Aw, come on! What the hell is he so worried about? You'd think he'd be glad to have the house to himself for a few weeks." The girl shook her head with a sad smile.
"I would love to, but I just don't think he'll let me." Angus stood still a moment.
"Wait here." Taking his hands off her cheeks he walked up to Travis. Travis just looked at him. "Hey, I know you don't like Hannah doin' her own thing around here, but truth is she's not a little kid anymore. She can come and go as she pleases."
"I'm just doing what her mom told me to do. She made a promise after all."
"I know, I've seen the ring," he spat. "But Mal and I...we're her best friends. Okay? We're deeply sorry for all we put you through tonight, and we're not looking to do it again. So, we're tellin' you this time. We are takin' her to Europe with us to see the band and spend more time together. No tricks, nothin' dodgy. Just Mal, me, and the band." He didn't forget Sherrie.
Travis crossed his arms and swayed back and forth. Angus decided his appearance was sillier than his own. The bathrobe was much too big and the pajamas were much too red and white. He looked like a candy cane for crying out loud. Still, he kept his mouth shut waiting for a reply. "What did she say when you asked her?"
"She said you wouldn't be too thrilled," he said. Nodding, Travis smiled.
"I'll let her go."
"You will?"
"I will. On one condition." Angus' smile left. "I'm coming with her."
"She needs me to look after her. I can't break the promise I made my cousin, and neither can she. She'd never admit it, but truth is she can't stand being away. The guilt would eat her alive if she flew to Europe by herself," Travis whispered.
"She doesn't need you." He turned and walked away.
"And you don't need her." Angus stopped. "Either she goes with me, or she doesn't go at all." Hannah stood in front of him talking to Malcolm. She was leaning her head on his shoulder while he leaned up against the car. He remembered the hospital room, when they sat on his bed. He remembered why he was in that hospital, and who gave it to him. He remembered the man standing behind him. Leaving Hannah alone with him was not an option anymore. She was coming with him, even if it meant they had a pet to keep an eye on.
"We'll pay, but you will have your own room, you will do your own thing, you will follow our schedule. If that's too much for you to handle, we have no problem leaving you behind, got that?" Angus asked pointing a finger at him.
"Relax, I can tell the moon from the sun. Unlike some people." He sauntered back up the porch to the front door. Angus shook his head and reached his companions.
"What did he say?" Hannah asked.
"A lot of shit. But, you better be ready to go by seven, 'cause you're comin' with us." Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck nearly knocking him over.
"That's great, what'd you say to him?" Malcolm asked.
"Uh, that's the thing," he started. "He might be joining us on the tour, said he wants to keep an eye on Hannah."
"What? He can't glue himself to me."
"Relax, relax. I told him he's gettin' a different room than you, and that we have no trouble whatsoever leavin' his ass behind if he screws up. So, are you up for it?"
"Of course I am," she beamed.
"Hannah, better come inside now, it's freezing and I've got a fire to start." His words jarred her.
"Just-just a minute!" Gazing slightly down at Angus, she tightened her hold and buried her face in his neck, savoring his warmth. He gladly reciprocated the hug. While his eyes were closed he could have sworn the sun was coming up. He could promise that winter was over, and spring was right around the corner. They were standing in their own little corner of Heaven.
"Any minute now!"
They separated. The hat was removed from Hannah's head and held out in front of her. "You keep it," Angus said. With a kiss on his cheek goodbye, Hannah gave Malcolm one last hug and entered her house. The brothers shared a look then started for the journey back to their hotel; the path they had come to know so well.
It must have been three in the morning. His hand combed through his hair, grasping and pulling at the ends. The light had burned right through his eyes, but he couldn't waste time getting used to it. Leaning against the wall, breath heavy, he held his matchbox and cigarette with a shaky grip. No matter how he held them, the match wouldn't strike, and his cigarette fell between his fingers more than once. He left the bathroom light on, not making any effort to hide anything. A door behind him opened, his head snapping around to see.
Malcolm rubbed his eyes as he left his bedroom, slowing his walk when he saw Angus standing in the hallway, staring back at him. He poked his head in the bathroom then came out again. "...What happened?"
His little brother shrugged. "Had a dream." Malcolm looked in the bathroom again, nodding his head as he made the connection.
"I see. Was-was it Sherrie?"
"Dunno, couldn't see her face." Malcolm nodded again.
"Well, I gotta piss, would you mind cleanin' up after yourself?" Angus entered the bathroom and came out with a crumpled ball of fabric in his fist. Malcolm lifted the seat and did his business, keeping the door open. Angus returned from his room and leaned back against the wall. A miniature waterfall filled his ears making him grimace. "Don't sweat it, Ang," Malcolm called. "I had one last week. A long one."
"That's not it." There was a pause, then the toilet flushed, the running sink washing him up.
"Then what is?"
"Nothin'." Malcolm turned the sink off and left the bathroom, keeping the light on.
"You sure?"
"Yeah." Angus took up trying to light his cigarette again, finally getting a strike, and taking a long drag. Malcolm scoffed.
"Was the dream that good, Ang?" He grinned cheekily.
"Piss off."
"Hmm. Goodnight."
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