Chapter 7
Chapter 7
(This is what happened between Peggy and Maria while John and Alexander were still on their date!)
Peggy's P.O.V.
I start to finish up the dishes, it was late at night and I was cleaning up for the day. I wasn't asked to, but I'm glad to help. I start to scrub a plate, when I hear someone open the employees only door, making me flinch. I see Maria walk in, wearing her black coat and she had her keys in her hand. "Peggy? I thought your shift ended awhile ago. What're you still doing here?" Maria asked me confused and.. worried..? No.. why would she be worried about me? I mean I've known her since like, the beginning of school, but still. "I should be asking you the same thing." I replied, looking down at the dishes so I don't blush.
"I have to close up shop. You should head home. We have school tomorrow." She tells me in the same tone. I shrug, "I can finish these, it's fine." I tell her, looking at her with a smile. She's so pretty... I can't handle it agghhh! "Well, I'll help you and..." she starts but I cut her off. "No no. I insist I'll do them." I say while putting a dish away. Maria nods, and sits on the counter. Watching over me while I finish up the last of the dishes. "So.. Peggy.." Maria starts, did I do something wrong? Uh oh... I hum in response, halfway nervous. "I saw your friends were here today, and I talked to them and well..." she starts, and I see her bite her lip. What did John and Alex do?? Oh no... this can't be good. "Iwaswonderingifyouwouldliketogoonadatewithmesometime? Youdonthavetobutijustthoughtitmightbenice." She says in a rushed voice. I tilt my head at her and try to figure out what she said in my mind. like to go.. on "Oh... Oh! U-umm.." I say nervously realizing what she asked me. Heat rises to my face. "You don't have to.. I just thought that.."
"I'd love to go on a date with you!" I exclaim, cutting her off once again.
She smiles brightly at me, "R-really??" She asks again. "Yes! I'd love to!" I exclaim again, taking my gloves off, and engulfing her in a hug. She hugs back tightly, and once I pull away, we both have blushing faces. We walk out the door and Maria locks it on the way out. We talk in the way home, and she holds my hand. Making my blush increase. Once we arrive at my dorm, she lets go of my hand. "Well I'll see you this weekend and at work!" She says, rubbing the back of her neck. I nod and smile at her. I see her bite her lip, looking nervous again. I tilt my head, and open my mouth to ask what's wrong, but she pecks my lips quickly and walks off. I'm left in the front of my door in shock, and a blushing mess. After 2 minutes of just standing there in shock, I snap back into reality and open the door to my sisters and I dorm. "Margarita Peggy Schuyler! Where have you been?? We've been worried.." I cut Angie's rant off with a squeal. Eliza and Angie look at me weird.
"Maria asked me out on a date!!" I exclaim while jumping up and down slightly. My sisters gasp, and hug me tightly. All of us squealing like 10 year olds. "I'm so happy for you Peggy!" Eliza exclaims, releasing me. "Alright alright! Yes it's exciting, yes. And I'm happy for you Peggy! But let's go to bed, we have school tomorrow!" Angie exclaims, stretching. I nod and get ready for bed. Before I lay down I shoot some a text to Alex and John.
(To 'GayTurtle' and 'NonStopper')
AndPeggo- YOU GUYS SUCK!!!
GayTurtle-What? Lol
GayTurtle- What are you talking about Pegs?
AndPeggo- I have a date with Maria this weekend....
AndPeggo-THX!! And where's Alex?
GayTurtle- [image sent (Alex leaning on John sleeping.)]
AndPeggo-Awww! Well I gtg to bed. Goodnight!
I sigh in content, and lay down in bed. Falling asleep with the thought of what Maria and I could be in the future.
The next day.
John's P.O.V.
I wake up to the smell of pancakes filling the air. I get up and stretch my arms out. Realizing Alex was no longer cuddled up to me. I walk out of the room, and see him making breakfast for the both of us. I sneak up behind him, and wrap my arms around him, making him flinch. "You scared me!" He exclaims while giggling. "Sorry I'm not sorry." I say with a smirk, resting my chin on his shoulder. He smiles while flipping a pancake. "You could've woken me up. I would've helped." I tell him, still hugging him from behind. "It's fine, I wanted to make you breakfast. Plus, I saw the texts between you and Peggy. You were up for awhile." He states, while turning off the stove. He turns around so he's facing me, and smiles. I can't help but smile back at him, his smile is so contagious. He wraps his arms around my neck and rests his head on my chest. Making me blush intensely. "Let's eat, we have classes soon." Alex says, moving away from me. We both sit down and begin to eat. A comfortable silence as we do. Alexander pauses for a second, then sneezes like a damn kitten. "Oh my lord that was adorable!" I exclaim while jumping up and down in my seat. "Shut up! I-.. I-.. achoo!" He goes to protest but sneezes again, making me squeal. He wipes his nose with a napkin and glares at me. We put out plates in the sink once we are finished, and walk out the door, hand in hand.
Are we dating..?
I ask myself. I mean, I wouldn't mind it at all. I just don't know if he would want to. I got lost in thought, as we head down the elevator. "Ja-I mean.. John, you look distracted, you okay?" Lexi asks me, snapping me out of my trance. "Yeah I'm fine Lexi." I tell him with a smirk on my face because of his new pet name. He blushes and looks away from me, this, making me chuckle. "Your so cute." I tell him as the elevator door opens. We both head to our classes, separating us. I smile contently, as I head to biology.
Alexander's P.O.V.
I head to debate class with a smile plastered on my face. I sit at my seat, and open my notebook to a new page. "Alright class," Mr.Washington walks in. "We will be starting with one on one debates today. Now, does anybody know the founding father Lin-Manmuel Miranda?" He asks the class, and mine and a few other hands shoot up. He chuckles as he sets his coffee down on his desk. "Some people have heard of the musical. And the memorizing cabinet battles in it. Would anyone like to volunteer to do the cabinet battles?" He asks, connecting his phone to a Bluetooth speaker. I raise my hand with a smile. I've always loved this musical, I know all the lines. I notice Thomas raise his hand as well..
Please don't pick Thomas and I
Please don't pick Thomas and I...
Please don't—...
"Alright, Thomas and Alexander. You guys can come up." Mr.Washington states. OF COURSE. JUST MY LUCK! I glare at Thomas and get out of my seat. Thomas does as well and we glare at each other as we walk up in front of the class. Some students take their phones out and start to record the action.
"Ladies and gentlemen, you could've been anywhere in the world tonight, but you're here with us in New York City! Are you ready, for a cabinet meeting huh??" Mr. Washington yells out first, making the students cheer.
"The issue on the table, Secretary Hamilton's plan to assume states debt, and establish a national bank. Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor sir." Washington says, smiling.
Thomas glares at me.
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We fought for these ideals, we shouldn't settle for less.
These are wise words enterprise and men quote em',"
Thomas goes over to face the other students.
"Don't act surprised you guys, cause I wrote em'!" He yells, getting the students worked up.
"Ow! But Hamilton forgets,
His plan would have the government assume states debts.
Now, place your bets on who that benefits.."
Thomas turns to me,
"The very seat of government where Hamilton sits!"
"Not true!"
"Oh! If the shoe fits," he trips me.
"Wear it! If New York's in debt,
Why should Virginia bear it?
Uh, our debts are paid I'm afraid.
Don't tax the south,
Cause we got it made in the shade."
I get up and glare at him.
"In Virginia, we plant seeds in the ground.
We create, you just wanna move our money around.
This financial comand is an outrageous demand,"
He grabs the papers from off my desk, and throws them as he says.
"And it's too many damn pages for any man to understand!"
I gasp and pick up my papers quickly as the class laughs.
"Stand with me!
In the land of the free!
And pray to God we never see Hamilton's candidacy!
Hey, when Britain taxed our tea.
Imagine what gon happen when you try to tax our whiskey..."
Thomas finishes, leaving me enraged.
"Thank you Secretary Jefferson. Secretary Hamilton. Your response."
Washington says looking at me next.
"Thomas, that was a real nice declaration,
Welcome to the present, we're running a real nation.
Would you like to join us?
Or stay Mello,
Doin' whatever the hell it is you do in Monticello!"
Thomas glares at me.
"If we assume the debts,
The union gets,
A new line of credit.
A financial diuretic.
How do you not get it??
If we're competitive and consecutive,
The union gets a boost,
You'd rather give it a sedative?"
Thomas rolls his eyes at me.
"A civics lesson from a slaver, hey neighbor!
Your debts are paid cause you don't pay for labor!
'We plant seeds in the South! We create!'
Yeah keep ranting...
We know who's really doing the planting."
I smirk at Thomas as the students 'ooo'
"And another thing, Mr.Age of Enlightenment,
Don't lecture me about the war
You didn't fight in it!
You think I'm frightened of you man??
We almost died in a trench!
While you were of getting high with the French!"
I think of an idea.. I smirk to myself. Maybe I'll bring Madison into it too. Piss him off a little.
"Thomas Jefferson always hesitant with the President.
Reticent, there isn't a plan he doesn't get us in!
Hey Madison,"
I say pointing to James Madison in the crowd of students.
"You mad as a hatter, son, take your medicine!"
Thomas gasps and the other students laugh as Madison looks down. Madison's not a bad guy, I just wanted to make Jefferson mad. I know Jefferson has a major crush on him.
"Damn you in worse shape, than the national debt is in!
Sittin' there useless as 2 shits!
Hey! Turn around, bend over, I'll show you where my shoe fits!"
I finish and Thomas runs up to me to attack me but Washington stops him. We walk back to our seats and Washington continues the lesson. After an hour the bell rings.
"You're going to pay for that Hamilton." Thomas tells me before he stomps out of the classroom with James at his side. I chuckle and get my stuff and head out of the classroom. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.
Jacky❤️- Hey Lex, How was your class?
NonStopper- I totally pissed off Jefferson in class. It was amazing and hilarious.
Jacky❤️- awh man! I wish I was there!!
NonStopper- It was great. I've got to go to class now, I'll see you after your classes are done.
NonStopper- Bye! ❤️
Jacky❤️- Bye❣️❤️
I sigh happily and get to my next class.
Time skip to after school.
"I told you you would have to pay Hamilton!" Jefferson yells in my face while pinning me against a wall. So, I kinda ran into him while heading back to the dorms, and now we're kinda fighting. Well, he's beating me up. He punches me in the gut and then face and throws me to the ground. Stopping on my hand before leaving.
Good thing that's not my writing hand...
I cough a few times and shakily get up. Wincing in pain as I do. I slowly walk back to my dorm, hissing in pain once in awhile, and whipping my bleeding lip. I felt a bruise forming on my where my ribs lay, and my hand was swelling up. I open the door and see John sitting on his bed with his laptop. He looks at me and smiles. "Hey Lexi! How was... wait is your lip bleeding??" He exclaims, his smiling dropping as he sets down his laptop to get to me. "U-umm.. no..?" I say in more of a question. "C'mon." John says quietly, dragging me to the bathroom. He sets me on the sink, and grabs out a first aid kit. "This is going to sting a lot..." John warns me, before dabbing some peroxide on my lip. I hiss in pain and pull away from him. "Sorry! Sorry.. just let me clean it.." John says worried. I grab his free hand in my good hand and hold onto it tightly. He starts to clean my lip again and I whimper from the sting, squeezing his hand. He squeezes back gently, and pulls the napkin away. "Does anything else hurt?" John asks me. I glance at my hand and shake my head, putting my crushed hand behind my back. John looks at me suspiciously and grabs my wrist, making me yelp. "Lexi..." He says in a quiet and concerned voice. I sigh, I can't say no to that... I show him my hand, and he gasps. "Lexi! I think it's broken.. c'mon.. where getting it checked out." John says in a rushed voice. "No! It's fine Ja-.. I mean.. John!" I tell him, while intense heat rushes to my face. John turns back to me, "Why do you keep cutting yourself off?" He asks me. I shrug and he chuckles, "C'mon Lex." He says while taking my good hand in his. My blush increases somehow, as we walk out the dorm. We run into Lafayette and Herc on the way out. "Hey mes amies! Where are you off to?" Lafayette asks us kindly.
"The hospital." John states. Herc and Lafayette freeze and stare at us. I look down at my feet.
"Um.. why??" Herc asks surprised.
John points to my other hand and the two gasp.
"What happened?" Laf asks concerned. John raises an eyebrow at me, he didn't know what happened either. I keep my gaze to the ground.
"Jefferson..." I state, a little embarrassed.
"That son of a.." Herc mumbles under his breath as his eyebrows knit together in anger.
"Well, you guys go get that checked out. And trust me Alexander, we'll get Jefferson back at some point!" Lafayette says with his signature smile. John and I nod before heading out of the building. I lean my head on John's shoulder as we walk to his car. He doesn't like to use his car, he likes to walk more, but it was too long of a walk to the hospital. He opens the door for me, and I enter. John gets in, and we head out. "What were you going to call me? You cut yourself off again.." John asks me, keeping his eyes on the road. I feel my face heat up once again. I look down in my lap, "I-I was going to call you J-jacky..." I admit to him. I look over at him and see him smile. "Why did you cut yourself off? I like it." He tells me with a chuckle. I shrug and lean my head on the window.
Once we arrived at the hospital, I got extremely nervous. I've never been to an actual hospital before, they didn't have them in the Caribbean. At least not ones I've heard of. John parks the car in an emergency section of the hospital. "Alright, let's go." He says while getting out. I feel my heart rate increase as I got out of the car. John led me to the entrance of the hospital and we head to the receptionist. "Hello! Welcome to New York Hospital (idk XD) How may I help you?" She asks us sweetly. She has bright blonde hair with blue highlights in it. She has bright green eyes and dark red lipstick. "Hi, my boyfriend got into a fight and we think he broke his hand." John tells her, his face flushing.
Did he just...?
My face heats up and my eyes go wide. "Okay, name please?" She says, ready to type on her computer. "Alexander Hamilton." John tells her, seeing I was basically frozen. She types it into the computer. "From Nevis?" She asks, looking confused at the name of the island. I nod, looking down. "Alright, give me your wrist, that's not hurt of course, and take a seat in the waiting area and you will be called back in a minute." She tells us, while putting a white band around my wrist. "Thank you so much." John thanks her, while leading me to the waiting room. We sit down next to each other, and I still feel heat on my face. "They wouldn't have let me go with you if I wasn't some sort of related to you. S-Sorry I called you my boyfriend... I could tell it made you uncomfortable." John apologizes in a whisper, looking down. "N-no! It's fine.. I was just shocked.. I didn't know that's how it worked. I've never been to a hospital before.." I admit while giving him a quick smile.
Not that I would mind having that title...
He smiles back at me and lets out a breath of relief. I feel my phone go off.
NonStopper- I'm fine Eliza.
StoryTeller- Thank the lord. When you get out of the hospital we should hang out sometime. We haven't in awhile :) <3
NonStopper- That would be nice.
StoryTeller- We're having a party soon at my fathers house. John, Laf, You, and Herc should come!
NonStopper- We'll see.
I sigh and put my phone away into my pocket and look at my crushed hand. Purple, yellow, and blue marks all over it and it's very swollen. I try to ball my hand into a fist, only to wince in pain. "Stop that." John tells me, glaring at me. He looks back down at his phone and I try to ball my hand into a fist again. I felt tears brim my eyes from the pain. "Alexander James Hamilton." John snaps at me. I wince at my middle name and turn to him. He glares at me, but he looked worried at the same time. I sigh, and lean my head back in the chair. I already Despise this place. "Alexander Hamilton?" Someone calls from the entry of the doorway to the waiting room. John and I got up and followed the man to a small room. He took my vitals, John laughed at my height and I glared at him. "Alright, so what happened?" He asks me. "I got into a fight and the other dude stomped on my hand." I explain, looking down embarrassed. He writes down something on a piece of paper, then comes over to me. He grabs my injured hand softly, making me wince. I ball my other hand into a fist from the pain, my nails digging into my skin. "Scale of 1-10, when I press down on these areas, give me a number. I bite my lip and he presses on my knuckle, making me flinch away from him. I take a deep breath and try to resist tears from spilling from my eyes. John unballs my fist for the second time on my good hand, and holds it tightly. He sits next to me on the hospital bed, "It's okay Lex... squeeze my hand when you have to." He whispers to me, sending shivers down my spine. The doctor presses down on a few more areas on my hand, and tells us I have to go for an x-ray. He leaves us and I let out a breath of relief I didn't realize I was holding in. John smiles at me, "Good job Lex." He praises me, and kisses my cheek. My cheeks turn a crimson red and I smile back. I lean my head on him once again and sigh.
"I don't like it here." I tell him.
"Too bad, they're helping you." He fires back.
"Screw you."
"You wish."
"Since when did you get good at comebacks?"
"I've always been good at them, you've just been too oblivious to notice." He tells me with a smirk.
"Mr.Hamilton? I'm going to be taking you to get your X-ray done." A girl with brown hair and amber eyes tells me as she walks in. I get up and follow her to where we need to be.
(Trigger warning)
"Is that your brother who's waiting for you?" She asks me politely. I shake my head and sit in the chair.
"He's my b-boyfriend." I tell her, my face probably going as red as a tomato again.
She scoffs, "He'll dump you in a week. Men shouldn't be with men." She states, while positioning my hand in the right pose. I feel anger boil inside me.
"Love is Love. People are People. You can't change that." I glare at her, she rolls her eyes.
"Such a shame faggots like you have to infest the world. Poisoning it." She spits back, then sashays back to take the X-ray.
I roll my eyes as she takes the X-ray, once we were done, she followed me back to my room. She glares at John, then flips her hair, and walks away.
"What was that about?" He asks me confused.
"Homophobic people suck." I tell him, while looking down.
We wait awhile for the results and it turns out I broke a couple bones. I'm going to kill Jefferson one day... I get a red cast and we begin to exit the hospital.
"Was that so bad?" John asks me with a stupid smirk on his face. I roll my eyes, then hear sirens fill the air.
"Get out of the way!" I hear someone yell, and we jump out of the doorway. Someone guy is being rushed in.
"Peter.. please.. it's going to be alright..." I hear a girl next to him cry out. My eyes go wide.
Not again..
Not again...
"Lex? Alexander are you Alright?" John asks me, seeing me freeze. I flinch and nod quickly. We walk out, and for some reason, I keep my distance from him. I see him frown at me as I start shaking. Trying to resist having another flashback. "Lexi? Are you sure you're alright?" He asks me softly, and I nod before he even finishes his sentence. We get to the car and start to head home in silence. I look out the window the entire time.
"Alexander!" John yells at me suddenly, making me flinch. I give him a confused look and he glares at me, but he looks scared and worried at the same time. I didn't even notice I was scratching my arm with my good hand. Scratching where previous scars were left. My eyes goes wide and I yank my hand away. John pulls over into an almost empty parking lot.
"Lexi.. tell me what's wrong." He demands from me.
I stay silent.
"It's going to be alright Alex.." he whispers to me.
That did it...
"Peter.. please.. it's going to be alright." My brother comforted my cousin who was enraged. "ITS NOT OKAY! NOTHING IS OKAY!!" He yells back. I cover my ears to try and prevent myself from hearing the yelling. It didn't work... I heard a door slam and my brother sigh. My brother came back to me and apologized. "I'm sorry we keep fighting.. I have to leave. I love you, make sure to eat." He tells me while getting his coat and leaving. I sat there... in the corner... in the cold... after what seemed like hours, I got up. Pulling down my long sleeves, I went upstairs to check on Peter. I slowly went up the stairs of the old house and knocked on the door.
No answer
"P-Peter..? Are you alright..?" I ask timidly.
Still no answer.
"C-can I come in..?" I ask
No answer...
I started to worry...
"Peter.. I'm coming in.." I tell him. I slowly open the door.
I regret that...
I saw my cousin..
One of the last family members...
From the ceiling..
His head wrapped around a noose.
His tan skin, was drained
His face was terrifying..
Blood dripped from his arms..
From cuts up and down his arms.
I fell to my knees.. I couldn't feel anything.
Except from hot salty tears running down my face.
I couldn't breath
My vision blurry
I didn't want to believe it.
I didn't believe it...
I saw something shiny out of the corner of my eye.
I turned my attention to it.
. . .
The razor he used.
I crawled over to it...
I crawled through my now dead cousin's blood.
I shakily picked it up..
This was my chance.
My chance to die...
"Un, Deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit neuf.." I sing shakily while sobbing, making 9 lines, blood pouring down my arm.
"1, 2, 3, 4..."
4 more cuts.
"Come on Alex, cut some more...
4 more...
"Wait for this to be your fate..
I felt tired... I dropped the bloody blade after adding the last four...
"Time to... to meet your father.. in... hell..."
I faint.
. . .
Someone shakes me.. I see a blurry figure in front of me... my brother...
"It's going to be alright Alex!" He yells.. before I faint again...
Next time I woke up I was in my room...
I screamed...
"Alexander answer me!" I hear John's voice.
"W-What?" I ask him, confused, my cheeks felt hot and wet. I feel tears running down my face..
"I-it ha-happened again..." He tells me, as I see tears going down his face as well.
"S-sorry..." I whisper, wiping my tears.
"Don't you dare say you're sorry!" He slightly yells, making me flinch.
"S-sorry! I just... none of this is your fault..." he explains, his face flushing bright red from embarrassment.
I stay silent.
"Lexi.. What happened?" He asks me. I look into his now puffy eyes. Worry filled them.
"I-I," I take a deep breath. "When that happens... I have a flashback... of my terrible life in the Caribbean. Everything that happened that was terrible... I just relive it..." I admit to him looking down..
"Lexi.. I'm-.." he starts but I cut him off.
"When I was 10, my father left because he only cared about himself. He almost beat me to death, because my mother and brother would always protect me. It was my turn to protect them. I was a mistake and he never wanted or loved me. At least when he hit me he knew I was alive. But after he left and beat me all I wanted to do was die, but I couldn't die. Be a bastard orphan. At 12 years, my mother and I got extremely sick. Deadly sick. We were way too poor to afford any medical assistance. I got so much better and watched my mother die. I listened to her heart stop and watched her breaths come to an end. All I wanted to do was die, I couldn't die. Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf. My brother and I moved in with my cousin, Peter, who had depression. I thought he was getting better. I went into his room and saw him hanging there. His face violently bare and pale. He was bleeding from his arms. I found the razor he used and cut so many times. So many. My brother unfortunately found me and I didn't bleed out. All I wanted to do was die, I couldn't die. 1,2,3,4 come on Alex, cut some more. When things were FINALLY getting better a hurricane came. Destroyed everything when I was 17. I watched my brother, the only family I had left, drown in front of me. I couldn't save him. Will they tell your story? I wrote a refrain as a testament to my pain. The word got around that I was leaving and everyone celebrated because they always saw me as a son of a whore and a bastard orphan. I came to New York to start something new but now I keep looking to the past and I HATE IT!" Everything spilled out of my mouth. Me not even thinking about it.. everything I've always kept it I spilled.
I basically told him my life story...
He stared at me in shock as I sobbed.
He hugs me.
After awhile I wipe my tears, "s-s-sorry..." I apologize.
"Lexi... you're so strong. The strongest person I know. Nobody as perfect as you should have had to go through that..." he coos in my ear. I hold onto him like he would disappear if I didn't. He pulls away, kisses my forehead, then nose, then both of my cheeks, then my chin. I giggle at him and he smiles, then pecks my lips.
"C'mon.. let's get you home." He tells me, while starting the car again. I smile and hold his hand. I whisper underneath my breath...
"This will be enough..."
(I didn't realize how long this was until now... oops.)
Word count- 5,116
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