Three days.
That's how long Louis has been on this forsaken island and he is getting tired of it. He has taken inspiration from movies and written the word 'Help' on the sandy beach with leaves, rocks, and seaweed but nobody has come to rescue him. Where is your knight in shining armor when you need him?
He has also looked around for any semblance of something he can use as a boat or raft. Nothing is more important to him than getting back home.
Sadly, his whole body aches from restless nights in the jungle. The constant rustling of leaves, chirping of birds, and growling of animals have prohibited the time that he always enjoyed best -sleeping.
Slowly but surely, Louis is being driven closer to insanity. He bites his lip, looking out at the ocean. What he knows is that he is stranded on a seemingly uninhabited island that might be close to home since it took him about a day to get here. Yet again, he isn't sure for how long he was passed out for so he isn't too keen on relying solely on that information.
But because insanity is something he wants to get really far from, set in his makeshift home back in the jungle is a pouch he created by knitting leaves together -he lived with many sisters okay- filled with edible fruits. Louis plans on using these to supplement his journey deeper into the jungle in hopes of finding some source of human life.
The thought that he might not be the only one here has crossed his thoughts many times. Even if he isn't able to find someone, he can get to the highest point of the island and possibly catch sight of something useful to him or be high enough to see what expanse of ocean is preventing his journey back home. It should be a winning situation either way. Shouldn't it?
Right before leaving his makeshift house, he reaches for the sharp knife he created from rocks. The jungle can be filled with dangerous creatures and Louis plans to live.
Not more than ten minutes in the dense jungle has Louis wiping his sweat stained forehead with his tan arms. Louis' hair is slightly lower than his ear and he begins to wish he had the brains to at least bring something to tie his hair with. His swimming shoes don't provide much protection to his blistering feet and he grimaces as he steps on jagged rocks and other harsh items that litter the jungle floor. The only sense of comfort that dawns on him is that his clothes are lightweight; therefore he is not too bothered by the actual heat of the burning star in the sky. Even so, he knows that when he gets back to his campsite he is sure to be met with his arms, legs, back, and face stained with red from the inevitable sunburn.
The Doncaster native takes this as an opportunity to take in more of the mysterious jungle he is in. None, absolutely none of the animals here are ones he has ever seen and the same goes for the plant species. It is as if this is a world of it's own and maybe he was sent here to discover it. He glories silently in the fact that scientists from all over the world would surely die for a chance to encounter such a magnificent place. If he wasn't so frightened and alone, he might be able to appreciate the island a bit more. Sadly, that is not the case and he often finds himself shivering in fear when he meets or hears new animals; namely one that he has dubbed The Beast. He hasn't actually seen The Beast, but solely by hearing it he can imagine its horrendous figure, its sharp teeth, and its beady red eyes.
After about an hour of trekking through the humid jungle, he comes across a natural barrier and sighs. In front of him is a wall of earth around ten feet tall which he must overcome in order to reach the highest peak of the mountain.
"What to do..." He taps his chin tentatively and moves his body towards the right in order to find another way up, but that would mean having to travel a few more miles and he is much too drained to do that. It is moments like these where he is glad that he took that one climbing lesson. Admittedly, he has never had to use this skill before, but there is a first time for everything.
He grunts as he lifts his leg to a crease in the wall and grabs onto a thick purple vine with his other hand. He uses both his upper body weight and legs to shimmy along the vine as beads of sweat trickle down his perfectly trimmed eyebrow.
Almost at the top, his body gives out and he falls the ten feet with a thud on the dirty jungle ground. Luckily, the ground has a multitude of flora and soil which soften his landing slightly but it doesn't prevent the sharp pain shooting into his ankle.
"Ahhh!" He yells as he lands and shrivels up to hold his ankle. He closes his eyes and bites his lip harshly, feeling a bit of blood drawn. He groans and gets teary eyed for about five minutes before he attempts to stand up.
"Well isn't this great," he mutters sarcastically and practices walking. This is going to make climbing again very hard and he is not the least bit excited. He has half a mind to just go back and try healing himself but he has already come so far that he feels it would be a complete waste. So he tries again and holds onto the vine with more vigor. His left foot proving useless for support, he has to rely mainly on his right foot and both of his thick thighs. He thanks years of football for helping him in those departments.
He uses all his strength and grunts, his face red from the excess effort. Finally he reaches the top and places his firm but scratched hands on the earth above him. It is difficult to get a good grip, but once he does he hoists himself up and lays stomach-up in the grass. Louis takes deep breaths and waits a few moments before getting back up.
The pain in his ankle is almost unbearable but he searches through the endless plants for some kind of support system. Surveying the landscape, he notices a tree with a purple trunk and yellow leaves, very similar in color to the vine he hung from previously.
A stick is on the ground and he picks it up, the perfect height for someone of his stature. Which according to Louis, is quite tall. His newfound walking stick does improve his physical performance and so once again he sets on to explore the unknown.
He finds himself in a part of the jungle that is significantly more organized. What does this mean? Louis himself is not so sure. The fruitful trees seem to have more of a pattern and are arranged in a circle. He notices that the current trees surrounding him are those that he has discovered as edible. As soon as he realizes this, he dives for the nearest tree.
He ate all the food that he had packed earlier and is more than happy to eat the new discoveries. He picks a fresh coconut from a tree and takes a bite, it is unnecessary to take the skin off, it is soft anyway. He then finds a leaf with a small amount of water and happily takes a sip.
Louis looks around slowly. This place is an utter fairy tale. He can't even begin to describe all the fluorescent colors and exotic species.
It suddenly hits him that he is stranded, alone, and in one of the most bizarre places ever. Time to make the best of it.
He squints into the far distance, wipes his sweat once again, and walks along what resembles a path. In fact, it looks too much like path to be accidental. With a spark of hope in his chest, he runs, or more so gallops because of his injured foot and follows the path. At the end of the path he finds a clearing with absolutely no life present. Louis is getting really tired of this.
"Hello! Island! Jungle! Whatever you are! I'm getting real tired of your shiz!" He throws his one free arm up in the air and hollers into the empty sky. Maybe the message will carry all the way back to his homeland and they will find him. Maybe. "It would sure be great if someone could pop out of the jungle right about now!"
That's when he hears the most fierce breaking of leaves and growling he has ever heard; the noises blare in his ears. Frightened beyond belief, he attempts hobbling away. It almost sounds like bears, but there is an unmistakable hint of something more dangerous, and he knows there are no ordinary bears on this island.
Louis' parched throat hurts more with each thundering step he takes and he silently curses himself for being so loud; he might be attracting the animal closer to him.
His worst fears are soon realized when he hears the growling and leaves crackling closer to him. This is it. He's going to die. He should've told his sisters he loved them more. He hasn't even fully lived his life! He's never had his own pet, his own house, a boyfriend, much less his first kiss!
"Oh God, please I beg you. Give me chance," he gasps out as his ankle begins to feel tired beyond belief. He knows he has little time left and that there is little to no chance he can outrun whatever beast is following him.
If this is how he is going to die, he is going to go down with bravery. Putting on a brave face, Louis turns around. Just in the distance he can see a figure. His poor vision prohibits him from seeing too far and all he sees is it covered in brown and some green. What a strange animal and what a strange way to die. He takes out the knife-like-rock from his ripped up shorts and prepares for battle. He takes a quick step back and to his dismay, trips over a large rock, which stabs his ankle with a fury of pain. Of course, he is definitely going to die.
He braces himself for imminent death. He will see his mom soon, it's okay. He pokes the knife weakly in front of him in hopes that it will help him and shuts his eyes so tight that he begins seeing stars. Goodbye world.
"Oops! I'm so sorry, did I scare you?"
Louis opens his eyes wide,"Hi.... yes?"
/ I wonder who that is \(^.^)/
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