Chapter 7

Waking up in his boyfriend's embrace was easily one of the top three best feelings that Draco Malfoy had experienced to date. The feeling of contentment and safety was overwhelming in all of the best ways possible. Draco laid awake for about half an hour until Harry finally woke up.

"Why didn't you wake me up?", Harry asked groggily, blindly reaching for his glasses.

"If you weren't tired anymore you would have woken up. Clearly you needed the sleep my darling", Draco replied, placing his hand over Harry's.

"You're so sweet."

"Only to you."

"Closet softie", Harry whispered, snuggling back into Draco.

"Don't you go tarnishing my reputation now", Draco warned playfully, pulling Harry closer to him.

"Wouldn't dream of it", came the soft reply, as Draco's fingers carding through Harry's hair lulled him back to sleep.

This time when Harry fell back asleep, Draco carefully got out of bed and took a shower. When he returned, he was met with a very pouty Harry with a messy case of bed head.

"You left me", he accused, sulking as he held Draco's pillow close to him.

"I needed to take a shower. Now it's your turn so that we can go get some breakfast. I'm going to visit Blaise and make sure he didn't kill the Weasel."

"Make sure Seamus didn't get Pansy drunk off her arse."

"Maybe we should just go together then. I'll do my hair and get ready. You always take much less time than I do."

"Deal. Just don't forget to move the beds sweetheart."

"Of course my darling."

Harry slid out of bed, and walked over to Draco, pulling him into a tight hug. Draco rested his head on Harry's shoulder, completely relaxing into him. Until Harry decided to be a cheeky git that is.

"Harry!", Draco squealed, clutching his towel to his waist tightly.

Draco had emerged from their bathroom, wearing only a towel. He had fully planned on getting changed immediately, expecting Harry to be asleep. Having Harry's hands slip into his towel to squeeze his arse was the last thing Draco expected.

With a laugh, Harry leaned in, pecking Draco on the lips, and then walked into the bathroom. Draco started to get ready, waiting the appropriate amount of time before enacting his revenge.

Once he was dressed and ready for the day, he quietly slunk into the bathroom where Harry was humming along to some music that was playing. Slowly, he peeled back the curtain, grinning because Harry's back was facing him.

Biting his lip to contain his laugh, he smacked Harry on the arse. Hard. Because he was feeling extra kind today, he then moved his hand to steady his boyfriend's arm so he didn't face plant in the shower.

"Draco Malfoy!", Harry yelled, clutching the shower curtain around himself as he turned around.

"That's Draco Malfoy-Potter to you baby", he flirted, batting his eyelashes at Harry.

It was a null point as Harry couldn't see him too well anyway.

"I can't believe that of all the people in the world, I fell in love with your sorry arse."

"You love this arse, or else you wouldn't have grabbed it. That'll teach you to slide your hands in my towel won't it."

"It won't stop me, but I appreciate the effort. Now, unless you want a second shower, I recommend you leave immediately."

"That's very tempting indeed Potter. You do have such a nice body, I'd love to see more", Draco teased.

Laughing, Draco pulled the curtain shut quickly before Harry could splash him. As he walked to the door, he paused as the curtain opened and Harry poked his head out.

"You okay?", Draco asked, a frown tugging at the ends of his mouth.

"I just love you, that's all."

"And I love you. Your firm arse is included in the sentiment."

This time Draco let Harry playfully flick water at him. Once he perfected his hair, he pushed the beds apart, rolling his eyes at the increased distance.

As soon as he sat down, there was a knock at his door.

"Of course", he muttered to himself.

Getting up, he was prepared to complain to Pansy and Blaise about their poor timing, but he was surprised to see Lavender instead.

"Hello", he said, working to mask his surprise.

"Hi Draco, may I come in?"

"Yes, of course. Let me just tell Potter you're here, he's in the shower. My bed is the one on the left."

Draco knocked a pattern into the door, one of their agreed upon signals, and waited for Harry's yell of acknowledgement before opening the door.

"Lavender is here, just letting you know Potter so that you don't come out in a towel."

"Thanks. She here for me?"

"No, me."

"I'll tell you later", Draco mouthed, and at Harry's nod, he closed the door.

"What can I do for you?", he then asked, sitting against his headboard.

"I wanted to apologize if I came off too forward yesterday. I'm not handling being back very well. I don't have many friends here, and I wasn't expecting anyone to approach me, least of all you. I'm sorry that wasn't meant to be offensive Draco I-"

Draco cut her off with a laugh and a shake of his head.

"Honestly, it's fine. I'm not offended either. I think it's very refreshing that you don't feel the need to walk on eggshells around me. I will admit that I was surprised at how forward you were about the mark, but you didn't mean it in an offensive way."

"Okay good, I just didn't want you to be upset with me."

"I don't really like addressing it, but I suppose you had good reason to ask."

"My scars, yes. I wear a glamour most of the time, but it can be very tiring to keep up. I spent the whole summer looking for cures, but I suppose I should just be thankful that I was only scratched, and not turned. I know it could always be worse, but I was quite fond of my face the way it was."

Draco had figured that was what had most likely caused her to ask. It was interesting that she viewed it as a scar, much in the same way Harry did.

"Now was not the time to be thinking about Harry", he chastised himself.

Getting up, he went into one of his drawers and pulled out his mother's scar removal cream.

"May !?", he asked, sitting carefully next to her.

Draco watched as multiple emotions flickered across her face.

"I have scars too, from dark magic, and this helped. It won't completely remove everything, but it may help them fade some."

As a sign of trust, Draco showed her the faint scar that went down the side of his neck.

"They cover my chest too, but you only really see them when the light hits just right. I can't promise anything, especially when I haven't seen your scars."

"Yeah, okay", she said, bracing herself as she dropped the glamour.

For his part, Draco didn't even blink. He had most certainly seen way worse, so it wasn't too hard to school his emotions.

"Let me wash my hands so I can take a better look."

"Alright", she said softly, turning away and fiddling with her hair.

Draco barely remembered to knock on the door before walking into the bathroom. He was so lost in thought he didn't even notice Harry had turned off the shower and was peeking his head through the curtain.

"Alright there my Prince?"


"Are you okay Draco?"

"Just thinking, that's all. I'll be fine."

"If you say so. I'm going to finish getting ready in here."

"Okay Harry."

Harry frowned, watching Draco's blurry shape walk away. He was worried for his Draco. Not only his mental health, but his emotional health as well. With a sigh, Harry grabbed a towel and began to dry off. They would talk before breakfast if they could.

"My hands are clean. I must warn you that much like other beauty products, if it burns, that means it's working. It will have to soak in before you wash it off."

They sat in silence, Draco carefully applying the salve to her face as she looked anywhere but him.

"The scars are nothing to be ashamed of Lavender. They just show that you survived, which is a lot better than the alternative."

"You think I shouldn't wear the glamour."

"I think that you should do whatever is best for you. It's not my place to say, that would make me a hypocrite. I myself am barely just comfortable enough with the mark to wear short sleeves when I'm alone. It's a lot harder to wear short sleeves when others are around, because I know that every time I walk into a room, that is where their eyes are going to travel. I suppose I should just suck it up, but I know that I need to be more comfortable with it myself first."

"I think I'll start by dropping the glamour more when I'm alone. To try to get used to things."

"You can always come and find me if you'd like. Even if I'm with Potter, I know he won't mind."

"Thank you Draco, really. This means a lot to me. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. Even if it's just someone to walk to class with."

"Of course, thank you. This should be applied about once or twice a week. I'll write to my mother and ask her to make some for you. She won't mind."

"That would be wonderful. Tell her I said thank you."

"I will."

"Can I put my glamour up to get back to my room?"

"I would be quick about it. I don't think it would have a negative effect, but I'm not quite sure."

"You know what? I think I'll just make a break for it. I'll see you later."

With that Lavender raced out of the room, and Draco sat at his desk to write a letter to his mother.

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