Chapter 6
Dinner passed by in a blur for Harry. All Draco could do was mask his concern for Harry, not wanting to look overly worried for those who didn't know the extent of their relationship. When he thought he could get away with it, Draco would briefly take Harry's hand in his own to continuously send him words of encouragement.
He was always surprised at how open Harry's thoughts were with him. Each time they touched, Harry was thinking about different things. The war, everyone who had lost their lives, how he didn't feel like eating, and one breathtaking moment where he was thinking about how in love with Draco he was.
Draco just continued to coax Harry to eat, reminding him that it would be time to go back to their room soon enough. Harry perked up a little bit at the mention of "their room", and it was enough to get him through dinner.
"8th years, remain here please. Houses, follow your prefects to your dorms please. Miss Weasley, Miss Lovegood, please remain here as well. Remember students, there are no classes tomorrow. I encourage all of you to take part in activities with your houses and make the first years feel welcome. We will have school wide activities soon. Goodnight."
It took a few minutes for everyone to leave, still sneaking looks at the group of students. One pointed look from McGonagall had them quickly on their way.
"I've asked Miss Weasley and Miss Lovegood to remain as I know they're close with a majority of you all. The eighth year tower is only accessible to the 18 of you, myself, and the staff. If there are any other younger classmates you wish to have access granted to, please let me know.
Now if you'll follow me, I'll show you up so you can get settled in for the night."
As they walked out of the Great Hall, all of their friends seemed to form a protective wall around Harry and Draco. The group knew that any lingering students would remain focused on the two, unbeknownst to them, former enemies.
The walk to the tower was quiet. The portrait guarding the entrance was a depiction of the deathly hallows, and Harry had to refrain from letting out a snort.
"Chocolate frogs", McGonagall declared, and the door opened.
"The password can be changed, I just thought that would be nice, for old times sake."
Everyone took in the common room in awe. McGonagall had focused on neutral colors so as not to show any preference to one house in particular. Harry and Draco had assisted in this too, as the original design was a horrific clash of red, green, gold, and blue. They had placed the banners for each house in the different corners of the room as a nod to their classmates, but that is where it ended.
"I'll give you your roommate assignments and then continue on with the rules. You'll find all of your things in your rooms already. I'll start with the girls. Your rooms are through the door on the right. Boys, you're on the left.
As you're all adults, you're allowed in each other's rooms. I must, however, stress that you use your best judgement in all of your interactions. This is still a place of learning. Now, as I said earlier, you're all rooming with someone from a different house, except for two of you, as there are more Gryffindors than other returning houses."
Clearing her throat and pulling a piece of parchment out of robe, she began to call out room assignments.
"Granger and Parkinson,
Abbott and Brown,
Bones and Greengrass.
I have put the two Patil sisters together, unless there are any issues with that?"
Everyone shook their heads, understanding that as twins they may want the chance to room together. Padma was a Ravenclaw, and Parvati was a Gryffindor anyway.
Potter and Malfoy
Nott and Longbottom
Weasley and Zabini
Finnigan and Thomas."
"Why do Dean and Seamus get to room together?", Ron asked, trying to keep his voice calm.
"If you wish to room with Mr. Thomas instead and have Mr. Finnigan continuously sneak into your room, be my guest Mr. Weasley. I presumed it to be in everyone's best interest if I allowed them to room together."
Snickers were heard across the room, and Ron turned red, shutting up immediately.
"Now, as for the rules. As you're all adults, you have no curfew. I expect this privilege not to be exploited to the point where it interferes with your school work. I also extend the invitation to leave the grounds whenever you wish. However, I stress that you inform me first. Send a patronus if you're able, see me in my office, send me a note. I also strongly encourage you to let another classmate know of your location if you're not comfortable telling me.
I'll leave all of you to unpack and get settled. The password to my office is lemon drops. I'm so very proud of you all. If there are any problems at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. If it is something of lesser importance, I recommend you speak with Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter. They have both been a great deal of help to me.
I must also stress that you look out for each other. No one knows better than you all the effects that the war has had on everyone. Take care of each other. Above all else, respect each other. Sleep well. Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, I'll drop you off at the Gryffindor tower on the way back to my office."
With that, the three of them headed out, and the eighth years stood around awkwardly, looking at each other.
"I'll be the one to break the awkward silence then. I'd like to apologize to all of you for my previous actions. I know that a simple I'm sorry doesn't equal forgiveness, but I'm willing to work for it. I'll apologize to all of you more personally later who I haven't already spoken to, but once again, I'm sorry. I've been trying to do better and unlearn everything that I've been taught", Draco said, voice strong, hands shaking so faintly that you had to stare at them to notice the subtle anomaly.
"I'm proud of you Draco. It takes a lot to address a crowd like this", Luna said airily, pulling him into a hug that he immediately returned.
The rest of the eighth years exchanged looks, not knowing where this unlikely friendship came from.
"Draco took care of me when I was a prisoner in Malfoy Manor. He gave all of us food and water, and pretended to torture us to keep us safe. All we had to do was pretend to scream and writhe in pain. I've gotten quite good at it."
"He saved Fred's life", Ginny chimed in.
"You don't have to-"
Ginny cut Draco off once again.
"No, we don't have to be your character witnesses, but we want to be. We've seen firsthand how you've changed Malfoy. You're not the same spoiled, obnoxious prat you were. You can still be an obnoxious prat, but it's mostly tolerable now."
Draco let out a laugh, a real laugh, and that was enough to break the tense atmosphere.
"We'll take tomorrow to get to know everyone then. Really know everyone", Dean offered.
"I've got the alcohol", Seamus chimed in, a giant grin on his face.
"I can mix drinks", Pansy offered, testing the air.
"Bloody brilliant that is. My dearest over here tries, but I could use someone who knows their alcohol."
"Let me see what you have."
Seamus Finnigan and Pansy Parkinson, one of the most unlikely duos of Hogwarts, headed down the hall to find his room, a confused but smiling Dean Thomas following along.
"Gonna turn in. Good night everyone", Harry said, a barely there smile on his face.
"Is he okay?", Hannah asked, frowning as she watched Harry's retreating form.
"I don't think any of us really are", Neville said with a sigh. "It's not my business to tell though."
All Neville really wanted to do was go to bed. He had been hoping to share a room with Blaise, but he supposed Nott wouldn't be so bad. It wasn't like they couldn't hang out in other places, it would just be a bit weird for all of the onlookers. Maybe Ron would want to switch after a week, but Neville didn't want to count on him for any favors.
One by one, everyone began to retire for bed. Draco was about to head in himself, stopping only to grab a glass of water for Harry, when he saw Lavender sitting on the couch, facing the fireplace.
"Can I get you something?", he asked tentatively.
"You're not going to ask me if I'm alright?"
"I don't think any of us are alright, it seemed like a trivial question to ask. If you need something, at least then I can be of some kind of help."
"How do you deal with having the dark mark, knowing that when it's uncovered that's all anybody stares at?"
Draco was taken aback by the question, not expecting those to be the words that left Lavender's mouth. Placing the glass down, he tentatively took a seat next to her, sensing this wouldn't be a simple conversation.
"I've come to realize that this is a part of who I am, whether I like it or not. I absolutely hate it, and every time I set my eyes on it, I want to claw it out of my skin to be completely honest with you. Everyone knows it's there, so I don't see a point in covering it with a glamour or makeup. It's just pushing off the inevitable.
Some days it's easier than others. I always felt so alone because of this, but I've come to realize that I have some truly wonderful friends who are there for me no matter what. I know I'm a handful, hell, I'm at least two handfuls, but they support me anyways.
I've tried to remove it, but it's simply not possible. I've been toying with the notion of getting it covered, but I don't want people to see me as more cowardly than I am. One day I will get it covered, with something meaningful, but I think for now I just need to deal with. I can't change the past, but I can change the present and work towards a better future."
They sat there in silence for a few moments, and Draco was mulling over how much his life had truly changed in the span of a few short months, when Lavender spoke again.
"May I?", she asked, eyes on his left forearm.
"If it will help", Draco agreed, allowing her to roll up his sleeve.
She traced the dark mark, much in the same way that Harry did, but less tenderly than his boyfriend.
"I don't think it makes you a coward to cover it up", she decided, standing up and heading towards the girl's dorms. "Thank you M- Draco. You helped me a lot."
"Anytime Lavender."
Searching his face for a moment, if she was surprised to find that he actually meant it, she didn't show it.
"Good night", he said, grabbing the glass of water for Harry, and heading to his room.
Harry was curled up on his bed, wearing one of Draco's shirts, staring out the window. He didn't look up when Draco entered the room.
"Scarhead?", Draco whispered quietly, not proceeding until he heard the faint hum of acknowledgement coming from Harry.
"I brought you some water."
A glassy eyed Harry sat up, tiredly leaning against the headboard. Handing him the glass of water, Draco got ready for bed in silence, feeling Harry's eyes resting on him the whole time.
"1, 2, or 3? Sleeping in your bed, sleeping in my bed, or combining our beds together?"
"3", Harry responded quietly.
"Brilliant answer."
Draco did all of the work, but he didn't mind. There were days that Harry was the only thing keeping Draco going, and he had absolutely no qualms about returning the favor when he could. He wanted to encourage Harry to be truthful and honest about his feelings, and would most certainly not penalize him for having a bad day.
After turning the lights off and locking the door, Draco crawled into bed, and Harry immediately curled up next to him.
"Big spoon or little spoon my darling?"
Wrapping his arms tightly around his Harry, Draco began covering his face with small kisses.
"Shh. I know that you don't feel like talking, so you don't have to. You didn't have a very good day, but I am so proud of you Harry. What you did in the Great Hall completely changes everything. That little Slytherin needed somebody to support her, and you were there. You supported every single first year, and that is something that they will remember for the rest of their lives.
You are so remarkable Harry that I don't think there's even a word to describe you. I know how kind, caring, and genuine you are, yet you still surprise me every single day at the length you will go to for others. Every day I find myself falling more and more in love with you. You truly are my special boy and I am the luckiest man in the world, solely because I have you by my side."
Draco's words surrounded Harry as if he was in a protective bubble. Safe was the only word constantly going through his mind as Draco held him and carded his fingers through Harry's hair. He wiggled out of Draco's embrace, cutting off the other man's words.
"What's wro- mmph."
Harry had experienced the overwhelming urge to kiss Draco, so he did. Breathlessly, Draco pulled away, pleased but confused.
"I know we talked about a snogging session once we got back to our room, but you weren't feeling like this then. I meant what I said Harry, every single word. I didn't say it because I wanted you to kiss me, I want you to try to understand how I feel about you. While kisses are very much appreciated, I just want you to feel better", Draco said earnestly, brushing a few stray strands of hair off of Harry's forehead.
"I always feel better when I'm with you. You make me feel euphoric Draco. Like I can do anything."
"I feel the same way when I'm with you Harry. Together, we can do anything. Change starts with us", Draco promised, kissing Harry one last time.
The two men didn't realize just to what extent they would bring change on.
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