Chapter 5

Once Harry had awoken from his nap, he saw that they were about half an hour away from Hogwarts. Draco was awake, reading a book, not seeming to mind the tight grip Harry had on his waist.

"Sorry sweetheart."

"What on earth are you saying sorry for? If anything I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm the reason you had that whole fight with Ron-"

"Draco. You are not the reason for the fight. Our friendship was in bad shape before you came back into my life, remember? I was, however, apologizing for holding you so tightly."

"Oh", Draco said sheepishly. "I don't mind when you hold me like that. It's reassuring that I comfort you in the same way that you comfort me."

"My beautiful boy", Harry whispered, placing a kiss on Draco's forehead.

"We should get changed into our robes now", Draco replied, leaning back into Harry.

"Probably", Harry hummed, leaving a trail of soft kisses down Draco's neck.

"Harry ", Draco sighed, tilting his head back.

"I love you."

"And I love you", Draco replied, allowing Harry to pull back.

They got changed into their robes, and Draco tied Harry's tie for him, caressing his face softly when he was done.

"Do you want me to tie yours?", Harry offered.

"No offense my darling but you're not the best at tying them", Draco teased lightly.

"I had to learn by myself. It gets the job done."

Draco spent the last 10 minutes walking Harry through the process of tying his tie, allowing Harry to practice on him. By the time he was done, Harry had greatly improved.

"What would I do without you, my Prince?"

"Be terribly bored of course. I'm a marvel to be around."

"Damn right you are. Hold onto that confidence, we just got here."

Taking a shaky breath, Draco pushed his shoulders back and held his head high, the Malfoy mask sliding into place.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight", Harry promised.

The two waited for the train to empty out, then Harry slipped out behind Draco, covered by his cloak, and accompanied Draco back to the cabin with their friends.

"Draco, is everything okay?", Pansy asked worriedly, pulling him in for a hug.

"It's okay enough. Ready to face the masses?", he asked bravely.

"I'm walking out with you", Harry decided on a whim.

"Harry-", Neville started.

"No. This starts now. You can head out with Luna and Ginny. I'm going with these three."

"You're sure?"


The original plan had been for Harry to follow them under his cloak to one of the carriages and get in undetected, but he had seen the looks Draco had received while he led him to the cart originally. This was something that needed to be done to keep everyone safe. There was no better time like the present.

Tucking the invisibility cloak into his pocket, Harry grabbed his and Draco's bags so that Draco could help Pansy and Blaise. Moving in early surely had its perks as the men only had one bag each of things they needed daily.

Walking out of the car, Harry came face to face with Theodore Nott.

"McGonagall send you to escort us Potter? Thank fuck for that."

"He's here of his own accord", Draco replied coolly.

"Even better. I stayed neutral during the war but because my tie is green everyone hates me. My father was a death eater so I understand it I guess, but I've seen so many terrified first years worried about being judged for what traits they value. There's nothing wrong with being cunning and ambitious."

"Not at all", Harry agreed.

"Did you sit by yourself Theo?", Blaise asked, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

"Nah, I sat with some of the younger Slytherins. We've got to stick together now more than ever."


"So Potter", Nott continued conversationally, "are the rumours true? Do you really not talk much? I'm not asking to be rude, I just want to know for future reference."

"They're true", Harry confirmed, shrugging his shoulders lightly.

As soon as they stepped out of the train, they realized that they should've waited a few more minutes. There were still plenty of students milling about, and all conversation ceased as Harry Potter himself led the group of four Slytherins to a carriage, head held high.

There were a few yelled hellos sent his way from past DA members, and he smiled softly and waved. First years stared in awe, and Harry felt his skin prickle under all of the attention. He waved shyly at a few of them, petting a thestral on the way as whispers ensued.

"Alright, enough of that! Leave 'arry alone."

"Hagrid!", Harry greeted with a grin, being swept into a tight hug by the groundskeeper.

"I can spare a minute to escort you to a carriage. Are they with you?", Hagrid asked, gesturing to the Slytherins trailing behind Harry.

"Yes, they are", Harry said, loudly enough to send everyone around him gossiping even louder about what exactly Harry Potter had gotten up to on the train ride to Hogwarts.

Many students didn't even know he was on the train, let alone returning to Hogwarts to continue his education. Hagrid continued to shoo everyone away, although not even his looming presence could prevent the spread of gossip that would reach Hogwarts before Harry himself had set foot on the grounds once again.

"It's nice to see you making new friends 'arry. A good show of house unity especially, I know Headmistress McGonagall will be pleased. Now, I expect no more trouble from you lot in my class eh?"

"Of course not", Pansy replied quickly.

"Wonderful, off you go then!", Hagrid replied cheerily, opening the door for them all.

Harry was going in last, making sure that the Slytherins in front of him were safe from hexes. He didn't think anyone would dare attack their fellow classmates, but he had learned to err on the side of caution. Better safe than sorry. Harry knew better than anyone else that rising emotions could lead to strong accidental bursts of magic.

Hagrid stopped both Harry and Draco before they had entered the carriage.

"Malfoy, I received your letter. Let's just have a quiet year eh?"

"Draco please, if you don't mind. I don't wish to be associated with my father anymore than I have to be. A quiet year does sound rather pleasant."

"Alright there Draco. Best be off then. Take care of yourselves, the lot of you."

Bidding Hagrid farewell, Draco and Harry collapsed together into the carriage.

"Hopefully it's just staring that we'll have to put up with", Blaise said cheerily, "we're all used to that due to our devilish good looks."

It was an effective tactic to break the harsh atmosphere, and soon everyone was laughing quietly. The rest of the ride back to Hogwarts was quiet and pensive due to Nott's presence. Ever the loner, it was strange that he had decided to join some of his Slytherin companions. Harry mused that it was because he didn't want to leave himself prone to attacks, which was a smart move indeed. He meant what he said when he told his friends he would advocate for all Slytherins.

Tension was mounting once more, and Nott was beginning to feel rather uncomfortable himself. There was something in the air, and he was once again questioning why he had gone back. He knew that he needed to complete his education to make something of himself, unlike his father. Theo had vowed to make his mother proud. As soon as the carriage stopped, he was the first one out the door.

"I'll see you around Potter, thank you."

After receiving a nod in confirmation, Nott went on his way, head raised bravely. The remaining Slytherins and Harry decided to wait until the crowd dwindled down some more.

"Are we really doing this?", Pansy asked quietly.

"I do believe we are", Draco confirmed, just as quietly.

"Now is a great time for one of those Gryffindor speeches Harry."

Blaise had intended to make the remark in a joking manner, but all humor had been lost.

"I can't say I'm very well versed in those anymore. McGonagall, Draco, and I have worked hard to put measures into place to keep everyone safe. I'll advocate for all Slytherins, and I'll do my best to keep everyone safe. Change starts with us."

"Change starts with us", Blaise repeated. "Yeah, okay. We can do this. True Slytherins are too sexy for failure. That includes you by the way, Potter. You're family."

"Family means no one is left behind", Harry agreed fiercely.

With that last uttered phrase, Harry opened the carriage and jumped out, extending a hand for each Slytherin in turn.

"Get used to the whispers and eyes now", Harry muttered.

Draco, Pansy, and Blaise had linked arms, walking behind Harry like a wall. Everyone stared in amazement as Harry's step faltered, resulting in him walking in line with the silver trio, and he slid his arm through Pansy's. They walked in resolute silence into the corridor in front of the Great Hall, only breathing a sigh of relief when McGonagall approached them, a wide smile on her face.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter. I see you have been taking my advice. Mr. Zabini, Miss Parkinson, welcome back. I hope your journeys were pleasant?"

"For the most part Headmistress", Pansy answered honestly. "Harry made sure of that."

"Wonderful. Please join your fellow eighth years for some announcements before we begin to sort the first years."

Nodding, Harry and the Slytherins joined the rest of the eighth years. There were 16 eighth years in total, comprised of 8 girls and 8 boys. There were students representative of each house, which Harry thought was nice. Gryffindor did however, compose half of the returning students.

"Eighth years", McGonagall began, clasping her hands together in front of her. "I would like to start off by officially welcoming you all back to Hogwarts. I know it was not an easy decision to return, and I commend you all on your bravery and courage. This is proof that these traits are not held and valued by Gryffindors.

On that note, I would like to stress the importance of house unity. As the eldest students, the first years and below will look to you for guidance. I will be blunt. You have all survived a war, and I know that you are no longer the same innocent children who stepped through these doors eight long years ago. Many faces have been lost along the way, but they will all be remembered. Do not let their deaths be in vain.

Now, I'm sure you're all curious about the dorming situation. I have paired each of you, all but two, up with a student who is not from your house. I do not want to hear any complaints. If you find that after one to two weeks you cannot get along, we will discuss the matter further, in private.

I will escort you all to the eighth year tower once the feast ends. There is a separate table I invite you all to use all well, but I will not stop you from sitting at your house tables if that is where you wish to be. I will encourage intermingling between other houses as well, but to give you some peace of mind, very few students who are not in eighth year will be allowed at your table. I want you all to be comfortable during your meal times and not bombarded.

If you have any questions for me, hold them until we are up in the tower. Once again, welcome back. You may take your seats, the sorting will commence shortly."

As everyone headed into the Great Hall, McGonagall called out, "Potter, Malfoy."

At one time, their names spoken together would have been accompanied by snickers. Now, only small reassuring smiles were sent their way. The other eighth years quickly recognized the importance of Harry and Draco being on civil terms. For the Slytherins, it very well could mean life or death.

"I'm proud of the both of you. I've already heard how you, along with Parkinson, Zabini, and Nott, took a carriage here together. You've already begun to show your fellow classmates that there does not need to be a barrier between houses, Slytherin and Gryffindor especially. Keep up the good work. You may take your seats now."

McGonagall walked away, feeling proud of the two men. They had come such a long way, and they proved that everyone was deserving of a second chance.

Draco grabbed Harry's hand, squeezing it lightly, before releasing it and heading into the Great Hall. Harry heard the snickers before the doors closed, and he had to calm himself before he barged in. Baby steps. Harry couldn't make everyone like Draco, no matter how much he wanted to. This was something that Draco had to work through alone, but he had Harry's full support.

After a few minutes, Harry himself walked into the Great Hall, and the volume only increased. Draco watched in awe as everyone's eyes followed Harry, most stares in adoration. He had forgotten how well Harry could command a room.

Walking with purpose, Harry joined the Slytherins at the end of the eighth year table, surprising all who had doubted the gossip that had been spread. Harry sat on the end, directly across from Draco, further shocking the students in the Great Hall.

The rest of the eighth years exchanged looks, most eyes darting towards Ron, who was seated at the other end of the table. Neville made the conscious decision to move into the seat next to Harry, effectively blocking him from view.

"Thanks Nev."

"Of course. Fill me in on what happened."

The group of friends conversed quietly, and soon enough everyone returned back to their own business, only sending the group of eighth years fleeting looks every now and then.

McGonagall then brought the first years in, and the hall became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Students, welcome back to another year here at Hogwarts. I hope that you took the summer to relax, and reconnect with your loved ones. I don't have to remind you of the hardships that we have faced as both a school, and a community. Now more than ever, it is important that we continue to rebuild. While Hogwarts herself is back to her previous physical state, many of us have not returned back to who we once were.

This year, the staff and myself are making it a point to focus on house unity. No one house is better than any of the others, nor is one house worse", she continued, sending a pointed look across the room.

"I ask you to pay special mind to our eighth year students, and respect their boundaries. They have come back to complete the education that they were so brutally robbed of during their seventh year. Do not make them feel uncomfortable, as Hogwarts is their home as much as it is yours.

I will be blunt in regards to the war. We have lost many friends, family members, and loved ones. I implore you that if you must push the blame onto someone, you do so unto Voldemort, and not your fellow classmates. I assure you that every student who has been invited back to Hogwarts is just here to finish their education, same as you.

We have a no tolerance policy for bullying and harassment. I do not want to see anyone pointing a wand at any of their fellow classmates in a negative manner. Your ties and robes may be different colors, but all of our blood is the same."

As McGonagall continued to talk about the war and house unity, Harry was finding it very hard to focus. His breathing had quickened and his leg was shaking. Warm hands on top of his clammy ones caused his head to snap up. Teary eyes met Draco's concerned ones, and Draco's face softened as he began to rub soothing circles on Harry's hands.

"You're okay Harry. She's almost done talking. You're doing so well my darling. Just close your eyes and focus on me okay? After this we'll have some dinner and then we can spend the whole night cuddling alright? We can watch some tv, or we can go for a walk, or even just go to sleep.

Whatever helps you feel better, you just say the word and I'll do it. I don't care what it is Scarhead. You're mine, and I'll do everything in my power to make you feel as close to okay again as I can."

Harry had never been so thankful that he and Draco had shared a mental connection before. Draco always knew what to say to make Harry feel better, and Harry couldn't be more thankful. As Draco continued to send him soft words of encouragement, Harry felt himself calming back down. There was a long road ahead, but he knew Draco would always be there for him, and he for Draco.

Now, it was time for the sorting. Harry couldn't help but smile at all of the first years, eyes bright and shining with excitement. He was brought back to his own first day at Hogwarts. The day now held even more charged emotions, but he focused on the positives of his present. Everyone chattered excitedly as McGonagall called out the first name.

"Ashbluff, Adelaide."

The small girl with a proud face tentatively sat on the stool, a small, nervous smile on her face. It was a few moments before the hat called out "Slytherin!", and she smiled wider, until she noticed that the Great Hall had gone silent.

Harry had watched as the Slytherins looked at each other, unsure what to do. As the girl stood up in the silent hall, Harry watched her contort her features into a faceless mask, much as Draco had done. Pulling his hands out of Draco's from underneath the table, Harry stood up and started clapping for her.

Nervous eyes found his, and he watched the surprise flash on her face, before she smiled widely at him. Harry gave her one of his famous lopsided grins, and she walked confidently to the Slytherin table, where more people joined him in clapping for the first years.

It was on that day that Harry Potter remained standing during the sorting ceremony, clapping for each and every first year, regardless of their house placement. All of the eighth years had begun to join him in his movement, and McGonagall was holding back tears. Meeting his eyes across the hall, she looked upwards, then back to Harry mouthing, "they are so proud of you."

At the teary smile she received in return, McGonagall allowed one tear to fall, wiping it away before anyone else saw. She often saw the mischievous traits of the Marauders in Harry, but today she saw James Potter's heart of gold shining through. It was times like these that truly made her love her job all the more.

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