Chapter 37

With the amount of pacing going on in the castle, you'd think that Hogwarts would be swaying from the efforts. None of the eighth years were quite ready to leave their tower behind.

"Potter, our fearless leader. Will you do the honors and lead us out of here?," Pansy asked.

"Sure Parkinson. Let's go."

With his head held high and a determined glimmer in his eyes, Harry led everyone out of the common room, down the stairs to where they were supposed to line up.

"Well, this is it," McGonagall said, blinking away tears. "I'm truly sorry that you're such a small graduating class. I wish there were more of you, but I'm so incredibly proud of you all for making it this far. You are a testament to how strong your generation is. Remember that Hogwarts will always be your home. Please come visit me, and remember that there is still good in the world."

Squeezing Draco's hand, Harry let their hands detach, but kept their pinkies looped together, even when they were in their respective seats.

"The graduating class, students, faculty, staff, friends, and family. Thank you all for joining us as we bid farewell to our eighth years, as well as some of our seventh years. From here on out, Hogwarts will extend an extra year of education to those who feel as if they need it. All students will have the option to attend an eighth year.

I will admit, this is the hardest speech that I have ever had to give. I am so proud of all of you, but especially my eighth year students. You have all proven that your house does not determine what kind of person you are. You have set an even better example for your younger classmates than I ever could have dreamed. Let this be a lesson to you all that it is never too late to change.

To the Slytherin house especially, you have fought your hardest battles yet. You have come through adversity with your heads held high, and you've somehow managed to keep the Gryffindor house in check, which is no small feat" McGonagall joked.

She observed everyone laughing together, with a small smile on her face.

"It is at this point that I would like to take a few moments of silence to remember everyone that we have lost. While they have fallen, they are not forgotten. Please join me in sending sparks into the sky one last time."

No one said anything as everyone quietly remembered everyone that they had lost, wiping tears from their eyes.

"Remember that Hogwarts will always be your home. May you always keep the friends that you have made here, and hold these lessons that you have learned close to your hearts. I'd like to invite Hermione Granger up to the podium to deliver her speech."

"Hello everyone. In true fashion, I've revised my speech probably hundreds of times, but I feel it may just be best to speak from the heart. When I was 11 and I received my letter, Hogwarts seemed too good to be true. I received my letter almost a full year before it was my time to attend Hogwarts, and in that time I read as many books as possible to be prepared.

For almost the first two months I was here, I had no friends. A lot of people have trouble separating Harry, Ron, and myself from each other, but this wasn't always the case. We didn't become friends until Halloween of our first year when Harry and Ron saved me from the troll in the girl's bathroom.

Throughout my first year with Harry and Ron, I learned many things, but one thing that I told Harry has stuck with me all this time. Books and cleverness, there are more important things — friendship and bravery. I wouldn't be half the witch that I am today without their support.

This past year has brought many unexpected changes upon all of us. I never thought that I'd be studying and battling wits with Draco Malfoy in a positive manner. I'm proud to call him and the rest of the eighth year Slytherins my friends. There is more to all of us than meets the eye, and we all have the ability to change when given the chance."

Draco listened to the rest of Hermione's speech, a small smile on his face, with his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"I now open the floor to anyone else who would like to share some words with their fellow graduates. I will continue my remarks at the end," McGonagall said.

Harry stood up before his mind could catch up to his body, but he was determined to face his anxiety, and say what he needed to say. He could rest later, and he was quite certain he would sit silently for a good while after finishing his impromptu speech.

"Hi everyone, I'm Harry. You're probably wondering why 'Harry Potter' of all people would introduce himself. It's because I'm just like all of you, and I don't need to be referred to by my full name. Just Harry will do.

It's taken a lot out of me to get up here, and this is probably the most the majority of you have heard me speak all year. That's because just like you, I have scars. Not all of them are visible. A lot of them are mental and emotional scars that I don't think will ever fully heal. Looking around this room, not only do I see all of you that are present, but I see those who should be here with us right now but never will be again.

I almost didn't come back to Hogwarts, because I was selfish. Because the prophecy was about me, I took everything personally, when this was all and remains to be bigger than me. What the war actually was, was the start of change. I've seen Hogwarts change for the better, and I've seen it change for the worse. I hope you remember that we are not our family members, and that we are not our houses once you leave these grounds.

Our past actions also do not define us. A lot of you have been dying to know how Draco and I became friends. It's simple really. Throughout all of our fights and taunts, there has always been a certain level of understanding between us. That understanding only grew when we put aside our pride and talked things out as adults. Professor Lupin once said that fear makes people do terrible things, and I can say that we've all been there.

When I came back this year, I felt lost. My life had been determined before my birth, and I felt like I had fulfilled my purpose, and there was nothing left. Headmistress McGonagall entrusted Draco and myself to bring everyone back together, and repair what Voldemort, and the war itself had torn apart.

One of the first things that I said to the eighth year Slytherins when we arrived at Hogwarts was 'change starts with us.' A wise man then responded with, 'true Slytherins are too sexy for failure.'" 

Blaise wolf whistled and cheered, while everyone laughed.

"Gryffindor is known for courage, bravery, and determination, which is a nice way of saying that we jump into everything feet first without thinking of the consequences. Slytherin is known for pride, cunning, and ambition. After being friends with the Slytherins for a year now, they have every right to be prideful. I'm proud to be considered an honorary Slytherin. There are some Slytherin traits in all of us, and it's something to be viewed in a positive light. The sorting hat tells us that perhaps in Slytherin, you'll make your real friends, and I know that they'll be in my life forever," Harry continued, looking at Draco while he said 'forever.'

"Headmistress McGonagall and I have had many conversations over the years. Going back to Hermione's story about the troll, and remembering my wand covered in troll bogey's at just 11 years old, I remember McGonagall awarding 5 points to each of us for 'sheer dumb luck' as she called it. While it may have been dumb luck then, it isn't anymore. McGonagall is one of the only people who throughout my life has always had my best intentions at heart. She stood up for me when others didn't, and saw me for who I was. She is severely under-appreciated for all that she does, so please join me in showing her appreciation now."

Harry looked around the great hall, committing this moment to memory. The laughter, tears, and cheering for one of the last times from the place he will always consider to be home. The look of love and adoration on Draco's face. This was how he will remember Hogwarts, as a united front.

"If there is one other thing that I can leave all of you with, it's this. Live for yourself. I'm not going to be an Auror. I don't know what I want to be, but when I do choose, I know that it's going to be a choice that I myself have made because I want to, not because I have to or it's something that is expected of me. I'm living my life for me.

I wish all of you luck with your future endeavors. Thank you."

Harry walked back to his seat with a red face to a standing ovation and lots of cheering.

"That's my Harry! I'm so proud of you my darling, you did so well. I'd kiss you right here if I could."

"What's stopping you?," Harry asked breathlessly.

"You're sure?"


Draco pulled Harry in for a passionate kiss, and Harry had never felt so free.

"I love you."

"And I love you more. Forever," Harry swore.

A few more eighth years took the stage, telling stories and reminiscing about their time at Hogwarts. Neville practically had the crowd in stitches.

"While we're sharing first year stories, I have one that I have yet to tell. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione were off on another rule breaking journey, I tried to stop them from leaving the common room because they're notorious for losing house points. I threatened to fight them like a true Gryffindor; in a matching teddy bear pyjama set.

It was when Hermione petrified me that I had a lot of time to think. I'll never forget that night at the feast where Dumbledore said that there are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. These were words that I have always carried with me since then."

"I can accept losing the house cup over thinking about Hermione petrifying Neville at 11 years old," Draco snickered in Harry's ear.

"You're still not over that?," Harry whispered back.

"You can help me get over it later."

"Graduates, please rise and come onto the stage when your name is called to be recognized."

Harry let his eyes wander when waiting for his turn, and locked eyes with Narcissa who he grinned and waved at, happy that her time on house arrest was almost up. He nodded his head to the Aurors next to her, and cheered as obnoxiously as he could for his boyfriend when it was his turn.

After their individual recognition, a group picture of all of the graduates was taken before they returned to their seats.

"I officially declare that you have met all of the requirements necessary to graduate. May you carry Hogwarts in your heart with you wherever you go. Congratulations to you all."

As everyone threw their hats in the air and cheered, Harry grabbed Draco around the waist, dipped him, and kissed him.

"Thank you for saving me Draco."

"We saved each other, Harry."

Their friends surrounded them in a group hug, and soon enough they were whisked off for more pictures than they could count, even getting McGonagall to appear in some of them. With promises to write being made, the eighth years and their families slowly began leaving Hogwarts for the last time, at least for now.

"Gentlemen, a word?," McGonagall asked.

"Of course Headmistress."

"I just wanted to tell you both how proud I am of you. You've come so far and grown so much. You are what makes teaching so rewarding for me. I wish both of you luck in your future endeavors. I am hoping that one day, perhaps you'll return as staff. The both of you have done so much good together in one year, I cannot imagine what you'll do for multiple."

"Professors?," Draco inquired slowly.

"You'd make a fine potions professor Draco. And Harry, I know that you would do Remus proud if you taught defense against the dark arts. The choice is yours, you have years to think it over. For now, go and live your lives. Together," she added with a raised eyebrow.

"Thank you for everything," Harry said, pulling her into a fierce hug. "I can't even begin to-"

"Your speech was enough. It's nice to feel seen, even if it isn't needed. We'll be in touch, Harry."

"Of course."

She heard him whisper "Professor Potter" to himself as he walked to meet Narcissa.



"Continue to take care of Harry. You're the only one to make him see reason."

"Gryffindors are quite stubborn, but sometimes that's put to good use."

"And you'd do well to remember that. But I do hope you'll consider the potions position here. You've shown much promise over the years, and I know that Severus wouldn't choose anyone else to fill his shoes. I look forward to seeing great things from you Draco."

"Thank you Headmistress. Can- can I hug you? Is that appropriate?"

"I'll allow it," she replied with a small quirk of her lips.

"Take care."

"You as well Draco."

When looking for his mother, Draco noticed that she and Harry had moved to a secluded area behind a wall, with the Auror positioned on the other side to give them some privacy.

"Hello Mother. Who is this?"

"Draco," the voice said smoothly.

"Father? But how?"

Lucius dropped the glamour, and smiled tiredly at his son.

"Your... boyfriend... can be very persuasive it seems. They allowed me to come and watch you graduate. I haven't much longer before I have to go back."


"We'll talk later. Mr. Malfoy."

"Mr. Potter?"


"Thank you for taking care of my family. I am grateful to you."

Harry accepted his handshake, and kept a straight face as something was slid into his palm. He then walked to speak with the Auror for Draco's sake.

"Father... I don't even know what to say."

"Then listen. I cannot express to you how sorry I am for what my choices have put you through. You didn't deserve that. I've seen The Prophet, and what I saw earlier just confirmed what I've known for years.

All I truly want is for you to be happy Draco. If he makes you happy, then even though I'm sure it's unwanted, you have my blessing. The both of you do.

I'm so proud of you, my son. You are doing this family more of a service than generations of Malfoys have. You deserve everything that the world has to offer, and I know that Potter can give it to you."

Draco didn't notice Harry walk up to him as Lucius continued to talk.

"It makes my days easier in there knowing that both you and your mother are well taken care of. I do hope that one day you may find it in your heart to forgive me, the both of you. I know what I've done is inexcusable, but I'm trying to do better, to be better."

"Mr. Malfoy, you've done many things that I don't agree with. In a twisted sort of way, I understand it. I would do anything in my power to keep Draco safe, and you tried to do the same in a roundabout way. I don't think I can quite forgive you, at least not at this point, but I've accepted what's happened, and I hope you can do the same."

"Thank you Mr. Potter, that is all I ask. It's time for me to leave now. Draco, I hope that someday, when you're ready, you'll come and pay me a visit. I love you, even if I don't have the best way of showing it."

"I love you too father," Draco whispered as he hugged Lucius, holding back tears.

"Harry dear, are you almost ready- Lucius," came the surprised tone of Molly Weasley.

"Molly. Thank you and Arthur for caring for my son when I could not do so, and not holding the behaviors that I have so wrongly taught him against him. You truly are good people, and I sincerely apologize for not seeing it sooner."

"I- you- you're welcome?"

"One last picture," Narcissa said airily, gathering her family together. "Harry?"

"Of course I'll take it."

"We'd like one with you in it as well dear."

"Oh, erm, alright."

Soon enough, last goodbyes were said, and Draco looked utterly exhausted.

"Tell me what you need sweetheart," Harry implored.

"I need to go home with you. To our home."

"To our home," Harry agreed.

{A/N: I've decided that this is the last "official" chapter of the sequel. There will be one more "bonus chapter" of sorts after this, and then this Drarry story will come to an end, which is very bittersweet for me, but I don't want to ruin it by prolonging it any further}

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