Chapter 36

{Chapter 35 was uploaded 2 days ago, make sure you read that first!}

In between exam preparations, all anyone could talk about was the ball. The eighth years were all offering advice and answering any questions the younger years may have had about what to wear and what to expect. Pansy was ecstatic that so many students were coming to her to book appointments.

Hermione was absolutely in her element helping with the combination of planning and studying. She carried at least four different ink colors on her at all times, and Ron found it to be quite endearing. Her tasks kept her so occupied that she didn't notice he was slightly standoffish.

So distracted was Hermione, that she quite literally almost lit the Great Hall on fire.

"Bloody hell Mione!"

"What? Oh!"

She had knocked over one of the candles on their table and hadn't even batted an eye.

"I'm so sorry! Why are there candles on our table?," she asked suspiciously.

Ron flashed her a sheepish grin, before standing up.


"Hermione Granger, would you do me the greatest honor of accompanying me to the graduation ball?"

Smiling, he unfurled parchment containing very detailed plans for the ball if Hermione were to come with him.

"You made me lists, charts, and diagrams?," she asked, her mouth falling open in surprise as she stood up. "And it's color coded! Oh Ron, of course I'll go with you!"

Little did Ron Weasley know what he had started. In true muggle fashion, "ballposals" were popping up daily, each one seemingly more elaborate than the next. The fifth time that Draco had been covered in a mixture of glitter and confetti, he was absolutely fuming.

"If one more person does a stupid proposal for you I swear I'm going to tear them to shreds," he muttered through gritted teeth.

As soon as Harry walked into the Great Hall, all eyes were on him.

"Oh fuck this," Draco growled, turning around to leave the room, when Harry stopped him with a gentle hand placed on his shoulder.

"Come on."

Harry was no fool, he had cast a protective charm around them so they wouldn't be hit with anymore... well, anything. He was paranoid enough that he wouldn't eat or drink anything without testing it multiple times for traces of any magical substances. Even then, he preferred to grab something from the kitchens in between study sessions.

"I swear to Salazar Potter- oh."

With a grin, Harry got down on one knee holding a bouquet of Draco's favorite flowers.

"Draco Malfoy, will you accompany me to the ball?"

"Of course I will," he answered with a grin, his laughter drowning out the groans of irritation from everyone who had hoped to go with Harry to the ball.

"Then this is for you."

Harry had gotten a corsage made up of calla lilies and spray roses for Draco, and happily slid it onto his wrist.

"Oh I absolutely love this."

Draco didn't stop smiling the whole meal, and as soon as they got back to their room, he had Harry pinned against the door.

"Well aren't you sweet?"

"I wanted everyone to know we were going together. I would've done something grander, but it defeats the purpose of not confirming that we're together."

"I do love leaving them all in various states of confusion."

"And I love you, my beautiful boy."

"I'm so happy to hear you say that, because it's time to get our dress robes fitted."

"Next ball I want to see you in a muggle tuxedo," Harry replied, licking his lips.

"What next ball would there be?"

"I'm sure I can think of something before our engagement party."

"You're very confident that I would say yes."

"Essentially you already have," Harry replied, kissing the ring on Draco's finger. "Besides, you're the one who bought and designed our rings, so that means technically, you proposed to me."

"I did say the rings could mean whatever you wanted them to."

"Let's go get our robes then yeah?"

Diagon Alley was an absolute nightmare. Harry was prepared to hex anyone who even breathed wrong in Draco's direction. Thankfully, anyone who noticed them quickly kept to themselves after seeing the look on Harry's face.

"Have I ever told you how hot I find you being so protective is?," Draco whispered into his ear.

"Then I must be ethereal right now."

"Very shag worthy."

"I will take us right back to the castle, don't tempt me."

"Oh but where's the fun in that darling?"

"Two can play at this game," Harry thought once they arrived at the shop.

The shopkeeper was fawning over Harry, and his assistant wasn't much better. Harry thought if he told them to completely redo the design of his robes they would do it right then and there.

"Do these trousers look right Draco? What do you think? This is your area of expertise after all."

Draco was quietly fuming the whole time, but he would show that assistant whose man Harry was.

"Turn around, let me see."

Draco took absolute delight in running his hands down Harry's waist and over his hips.

"I think it can be taken in a bit more over here, what do you think?"

"Whatever you say, I trust your judgement."

The shopkeeper was quick to do just that, and Draco was pleased. They couldn't get out of the shop soon enough.

"I want to take you against this wall," Draco murmured into his ear.

"Oh but I need to visit the twins, thank them for that box you know."

Draco was immediately looking for revenge once they got into the shop.

"Alright there Draco?," George questioned while Fred and Harry were talking.

"He's absolutely insufferable, did you know that?"

"Our Harry? Never! What did he do?"

"We picked up our dress robes."

"Ah, so it's what he didn't do."

"His chances lower every minute. Are you both coming to the ball?"

"We weren't quite invited you see."

"Consider this your invitation."

"You hear that Freddie? We've just been invited to the ball."

"Well, who are we to say no to that?"

"Are you gonna be alright going back Fred?," Harry asked in concern.

"I have to at some point don't I? Wouldn't want to freak out at graduation now would I?"

"Do you want to close up shop for lunch and come back with us?," Draco offered.

"I don't-"

"Come on Freddie," George said softly. "We can't face the music if we don't... face the music."

"Leave the jokes to me will you? Bloody hell that was awful," he replied with a laugh. "Alright."

The walk back to Hogwarts was mostly quiet, until the stream of students disappeared.

"So, are you two going together then?," Fred asked.

"We are."

"Bloody hell you've never seen so much glitter and confetti as what your brother started. Do you know how many people tried asking Harry to the ball?"

"Like six?," Harry asked, wrinkling his nose.

"Try twelve! And those were the ones that I couldn't stop!"

"I don't even want to ask."

"Good. It's better if you don't know."

"I'm surprised you didn't do something elaborate to stop it Draco."

"I thought about it, but it wouldn't have been very kind. Besides, Harry did something for me this morning."

"I guess we know who wears the pants in this relationship," Fred joked.

"There's nothing wrong with donning a skirt once in a while."

"Oh I like the sound of that. Easy-"

"Oh look we're here!"

"I think I'd like to go in alone," Fred said.

"Are you sure Freddie?"

"I am. Give me a few minutes."

And so they watched Fred slowly walk back up to the castle. Once he was inside, they waited at the doors for him to let them know it was alright to join.

After a while, George had to be physically restrained from going in after him.

"I've been there George, I really have. But sometimes you need to let the people you love do the hard things on their own," Draco said gently.

"I just want to make sure he's okay."

"Okay is a strong word, but I'm alive, and that's what matters."

Harry and Draco let them have their moment, and Harry kissed the top of Draco's head.

"Thank you."

"Whatever for?"

"For being you. Let's go hang up these robes before they get wrinkled."

The rest of their exams passed by in a blur, and the eighth years were glad that they gave themselves a day off to rest and relax before the ball. Well, except for Pansy who was absolutely swamped in appointments.

Draco made sure that Harry was absolutely pampered before the ball to help calm down his nerves. Currently, they were lounging together in the bathtub, enjoying each other's company.

"These are my favorite days."

"Being squished in a bathtub?," Draco asked with a snort from where he was sprawled on top of Harry.

"No, the ones that I get to spend alone with you."

"I told you that you would love being taken care of. You don't listen to me."

"Maybe I'll let you do it more often."

"I'll need that in writing. It is time to get out though, I need to paint our nails, and Salazar knows how long your hair is going to take to fix."

"I love you."

"You're feeling extra loving lately aren't you?"

"I am. I just want you to know how much I love you."

"I know, but I'll never get tired of hearing you say it."

"I can't wait until we have a home together," Harry sighed happily, kissing Draco's neck.

"I feel like I'm home whenever I'm with you."

"That's all I've ever wanted. Let's go before I decide to skip the ball."

"Oh no, you look too good in those robes to skip the dance. You're my date and I can't wait to show you off to everyone. You're gonna be good for me aren't you?"

"Draco," Harry warned, getting out of the bath and toweling himself off.

"Let me take care of that," Draco drawled, gently drying Harry off. "That's my special boy."

Harry was arching into Draco's touch, sighing softly.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me?"

"Oh I have an idea," Draco replied teasingly, drying Harry off very thoroughly.

"You're such a tease."

"You're so perfectly reactive for me."

"I'm going to start getting ready or else you're never getting out of here," Harry huffed, walking back into their room.

"Let's tackle your hair first or else I'll mess up my nails."

Harry practically fell asleep while Draco untangled his hair, their previous banter forgotten.

"Did you sleep alright my darling?"

"On and off."

"We'll leave the ball as soon as you want to, okay?"

"I want you to have a good time. I'll be fine for one night, I promise. I know my limits."

"If it ever becomes too much, just let me know and we'll leave."

"I promise."

"Perfect. Now give me your hand."

"In marriage? I thought you'd never ask," Harry teased.

"Whatever shall I do with my husband?," Draco tsked.

"You haven't called me your husband in awhile, I've missed hearing it."

"It's always had a nice ring to it, Mr. Malfoy-Potter."

Harry grabbed Draco by the cheek, pulling him in for a rough kiss. He took control, his tongue harshly meeting Draco's, leaving the other man breathless when he pulled away bewildered.

"Harry," he whined, licking his swollen lips.

"We're going to have a great night," Harry promised, gently cupping Draco's face.

The two finished getting ready with minimal teasing, thankful that they had prepared everything the night before.

"How do I look?," Draco asked, spinning in a circle.

"Breathtaking as always," Harry praised. "Just missing one thing. I'll be right back."

Draco half expected Harry to be the one thing he was missing, so when Harry came back with a small box he was shocked.

"For you my love."

"You got me a boutonniere?"

"I know flowers are traditional but I thought you'd prefer the kind that you could actually wear."

"You know me so well. Thank you Harry, I love it. Help me put it on?"

"Of course. I also got one for myself so that we could match."

"You should've told me and I would've gotten you flowers."

"You're my date tonight, that's all I need."

"Prepare to be spoiled absolutely rotten."

Harry's retort was cut off by a knock on their door.

"Are you two ready?"

"Yes Mione, we're coming."

"Oh Harry, you look wonderful! Draco you have excellent taste."

"Thank you Hermione."

"Ron look they both match! Isn't that sweet?"

"Erm, yeah. Very sweet."

Once pictures were taken care of, everyone proceeded down to the Great Hall, where they made their grand entrance. Draco was preening under all of the whispers and attention they were being given, and Harry wondered if he would ever be able to get used to that. When Draco lightly squeezed his arm, he thought he could, as long as Draco was by his side.

It did, however, take a while for Harry to get comfortable enough to meet Draco on the dancefloor. When Draco had noticed a group of girls encouraging each other to approach Harry, he knew it was time to step in. Harry could dance with other people if he wanted to, just not the first or last dance. Those were reserved for Draco only.

"Come and dance with me, Scarhead?"

"I'm not at fault if I step on your toes."

"You're the only one I would let step on my toes."

"That's what you have to look forward to for the rest of our lives."

"Oh you're getting dance lessons before the wedding," Draco murmured. "But for now, I'll continue to lead."

Harry was actually enjoying himself, dancing in a group with his friends. It helped take a lot of the pressure off, and soon enough he was laughing and spinning lots of people around.

Everyone in attendance loved the fact that they could request any song (within reason) that they wanted to hear played, and there were only a few minor incidents that quickly needed to be remedied. The Weasley Twins had just rickrolled everyone, and the energy had increased tenfold after that.

When the Cha Cha Slide came on next, all of those familiar with the muggle tradition absolutely lost their minds. The purebloods were stunned as everyone fell into step in sync, as if they were under a spell.

"What kind of magic is this?," Theo asked in shock.

"I have no idea what's going on," Blaise replied.

"Oh no, they've got Harry," Draco added worriedly.

Harry grabbed both Draco and Blaise, who then grabbed Neville, and pulled them into the dance floor.

"Harry what is this?"

"The Cha Cha Slide! Just follow the instructions, it's easy!"

"Are we being hypnotized?"

"No Draco, this is just a popular muggle song. Everyone loves it because they tell you what to do."

"Muggles like being controlled then?," Blaise asked.

"Nope, some of us are just bad dancers."

"You're getting better though mate!," Neville complimented.

"That's all Draco."

After the Cha Cha Slide, everyone decided to break for dinner. The song had played five times in a row as all of the purebloods and half-bloods wanted to learn the dance, and it was quite exhausting.

Harry was quite content to just sit and observe everything that was going on around him.

"Are you having a good time?," Draco asked, putting some more food on Harry's plate.

"I always am when I'm with you. It was fun knowing something that you don't though," Harry teased.

"Muggles have such interesting culture."

"I'll teach you whatever you want to know."

Having overheard this conversation, Hermione started listing multiple things she thought the other witches and wizards at the table should be exposed to in the future. Ron just smiled at her lovingly, asking questions in all of the right places.

"Care to dance again Scarhead? The next song was my request."

"Lead the way."

Harry smiled softly when I Swear This Time I Mean It started playing, and Draco pulled him close for a slow dance.

"You're such a sap. This is the perfect pick."

"You've clearly made an impact on me. I don't ever think I've been so open emotionally."

"I guess I'm good for something."

"Maybe one thing," Draco teased back.

There was only one time that night when McGonagall had to step in. George and Fred had taken over dj-ing, and chaos ensued. Ginny and Pansy had gotten the bright idea to crowd surf, jumping off the stage into the crowd. The twins quickly followed suit, and Seamus was also able to jump before McGonagall cut the music and began to lecture about safety.

The party began to wind down soon after that, with students getting in a few more dances with those they were too scared to ask earlier in the night. Pansy and Blaise were excitedly playing matchmaker for the last hour of the dance, hugging each other when almost all of their pairings left together by the end of the night.

Once everyone was gone, the eighth years cleaned up most of the ball before they continued on with their own celebration after receiving a stern warning from McGonagall to behave themselves and a reminder that she has eyes and ears everywhere.

"Who's up for some karaoke?," Pansy yelled as soon as the door closed behind McGonagall.

"Oh Merlin not again," Neville groaned. "Absolutely not."

"But you did so good, baby," Blaise reassured him.

"I feel like we missed something," Ron commented to Hermione.

"I'm sure we did."

"Neville has a great voice and Harry plays the guitar wonderfully," Luna replied, spinning around airily.

"It happened at Harry's birthday party," Ginny clarified.

"George and I need to be heading back now, but it was wonderful to see you all."

"Get excited for graduation," George warned, and with a wink the twins were gone.

"Should we be worried?," Lavender asked.

"Probably," Theo replied, "but I know it'll be fun."

As the night wore on, the eighth years slowly started retiring back to the eighth year tower.

"Are you lot ready to go?," Ron asked. "I can't sit in these dress robes any longer."

"Pyjamas and then meet back in the common room?," Pansy asked.


"My feet hurt," Draco said with a pout, dropping his chin onto Harry's shoulders.

"Get on my back and I'll carry you."

"You'll wrinkle your robes!"

"You sound a little bit too concerned about that for it to be healthy. I gave you a solution. Enjoy the walk sweetheart."

"No wait! Take off the outer robe at least?"

"Fine, but you're carrying it."


"Here. Get on my shoulders."

Draco happily ran his hands through Harry's hair, humming as Harry carried him back to the tower.

"This feels very familiar," Harry said with a snort as he began climbing up the stairs.

"I did warn you early on that I wasn't a nature person, and you took me on a hike."

"I asked, you said yes."

"I was a lovesick puppy of course I said yes. You could've invited me over to reupholster your couch and I would've said yes."

"That'll be your job when you move in then."

"Pause. You're moving in together?!," Pansy asked with a squeal.

"We are," Draco replied happily.

"You don't tell me anything anymore!," she accused. "What kind of best friend are you?"

"I'll catch you up on everything later."

"Everything?," Harry inquired.

"Only the important things," Draco clarified, but winked at Pansy over Harry's head.

"You owe me a massage after this," Harry muttered, low enough that only Draco could hear.

"It'll be a good one I promise."

Once everyone was in their pyjamas, the smaller group dragged pillows and blankets into the middle of the common room floor.

"So, I'll ask the hard question. What's everyone doing after graduation? I already told you all I want to be a beautician."

"Professional quidditch," Ginny replied proudly.

"I want to teach Herbology I think," Neville offered. "Definitely something with plants."

"Maybe something with fashion, I don't know. I want to travel first," Blaise answered next.

"The Aurors," Ron replied.

"Wizarding law is just so fascinating. My goal is to become Minister of Magic of course, but I have to start somewhere. I'm going to keep fighting for the house elves, and see what I find next."

"The Quibbler of course, and then helping Rolf look for magical creatures. It's nice to have someone to do that with."

"Either something with potions or healing," Draco answered quietly. "Whoever will take me as an apprentice."

"I don't know," Harry answered honestly. "I want to live for myself, and I haven't learned how to do that yet. I can't see myself becoming an Auror though, I'm sorry Ron."

"You could definitely open a bakery mate," Ron offered kindly. "There's no pressure. It's about time you do something because you want to do it, not because there's some kind of weird prophecy about it."

"Thanks Ron."

"We need to take a trip together after graduation," Blaise said suddenly. "One last big get together before we go our separate ways."

"Oh as if. If any of you skip my monthly parties you're dead to me," Pansy threatened. "But yes, what's everyone's dream vacation?"

"I have an idea," Hermione volunteered.

That was one of the last things Harry heard, before falling asleep with his head in Draco's lap.

{This story should end at chapter 40! Shout out to bel_luv  for giving me the idea of using the Cha Cha Slide for the dance}

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