Chapter 32
"You know Harry, it hurts my feelings that you're making my chocolate waffles for everyone else."
"Draco my dearest, that is my recipe."
"My dearest? That one is new, I like it."
"I'm not only going to make them for you. Ron is also quite fond of them."
Harry smiled at his pouting boyfriend who was sitting on the counter and swinging his legs.
"I thought you were going to help me?"
"Is my company not enough Potter?"
"You're always enough, but don't volunteer if you're just going to sit there."
"You think you'd be used to this now wouldn't you? Fine, because it clearly hurts you to have me so far away from you, I will chop up some fruits and toppings."
"It pains me to spend even one moment away from you," Harry sighed dramatically, wrapping his arms around Draco's neck.
"Are you two always like this?," Pansy asked, wrinkling her nose.
"Of course not," Draco replied, only looking at Harry. "Sometimes we snog on the counter."
"I think they're cute Pansy. Besides, they're only like this when they're alone."
"Imagine if anyone else saw what we've seen, Gin."
"Imagine what we haven't seen."
"Did they forget we're here?," Harry murmured, capturing Draco's lips with his own.
"Maybe we should leave them," Draco whispered back.
"I'm gonna finish breakfast."
"You're no fun."
"Oh Draco you know that's not true," Harry retorted, clicking his tongue.
"You may have to remind me," Draco flirted.
"Go pick out our clothes for the day, yeah? You're distracting me."
"It's what I do best my love."
A few minutes after Draco had gone back upstairs, Ron came down and helped Harry finish making breakfast. Neville set the table while Hermione did the dishes so that Harry could go and get changed.
Draco was finishing getting dressed when Harry walked in.
"Hey darling- oh." Harry stopped talking as Draco turned around.
"Hello my love."
"How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself when you look that good?," Harry asked, his hands on Draco's exposed waist.
"You're not. That's the whole point."
"Message received," Harry murmured, his lips attaching to Draco's neck.
"What are you doing?," Draco asked, tilting his head for Harry.
"Marking what's mine."
"I love when you talk like that."
"I get to show you off to everyone but you're only coming home with me. My beautiful boy."
"You need to get ready or there's going to be no breakfast left."
"I'll meet you downstairs."
Smiling to himself, Draco walked downstairs to serve himself and Harry breakfast.
"What took so- oh," Pansy said with a smirk, noticing Draco's neck.
"See? Away from us," Ginny agreed.
"Did you want us snogging on the kitchen table?," Harry asked with a snort.
Blaise let out a low whistle as Harry walked in.
"I don't know if I've ever seen you with contacts in."
"That's the point. It makes it harder to be recognized in public if I keep my glasses on all the time."
"Very cunning Potter," Pansy praised.
"I have my moments."
Breakfast was eaten in relative silence, with only a few comments being made during the meal.
"Alright, are you ready? Pansy you can apparate to the sweets shop right?"
"I can manage, yeah."
Draco and Harry walked a little further in front of their friends to show them around the boardwalk. Harry would chime in whenever he felt necessary, but he was much more comfortable letting his boyfriend take the lead. He didn't need to speak much, and that was perfectly alright to him.
They then began discussing what they wanted to do for the day.
"What in Salazar's name is laser tag?," Blaise asked, wrinkling his nose.
Draco explained what the game was, knowing how best to convey it to their magical friends after having previously played with Harry.
"So we get to battle each other for fun?," Neville asked, slightly confused as to how that could be considered fun.
"It's harmless really. Well, there is an option to feel a slight shock every time you get hit."
"Let me think about it."
"There's always mini-"
"If you finish that sentence I'm breaking up with you. Never again Potter," Draco warned.
"You're a sore loser, honestly."
"The game was rigged!"
"I'm going to see if we can book a private time slot. We can play in teams of two or teams of four."
"I'll come with you," Draco offered.
"I feel like that's code for something," Pansy whispered loudly with a snicker.
"We're on opposite teams for that remark."
"If we do couples teams we're at a disadvantage because you've both played before," Ginny remarked.
"When we were on different teams Draco only hunted me."
"I'm a tad competitive."
"A tad? All of the employees were watching us play over the monitor."
"I think we should play right before lunch," Hermione interrupted.
"That's a good idea. Then we'll have a bigger appetite for lunch. That pizza was amazing," Ron added.
"Noted. Let's go sweetheart," Harry said, wrapping his arm around Draco's waist.
Draco couldn't keep the smirk off his face as they walked. He knew everyone was looking at him, and Harry, but Harry had his arm around Draco protectively as a sign of "you can look but don't touch."
"Are you going to be alright to play in that with the vest?"
"I brought an extra shirt. This one is simply to keep your attention on me, where it should be."
"As if anything else would ever catch my interest. I have the best person in the world next to me, I don't even need to glance."
"Neither do I. Even though those girls behind us are eyeing you up," he finished with a glare behind him.
"You're so dramatic. All you have to do, is this."
Harry kissed Draco sweetly, a few moments longer than necessary.
"I'm only looking at you, I didn't even notice them."
"No offense my love but you don't notice lots of things."
"Hey! You're a right arse sometimes do you know that?"
"Oh I know, Scarhead. I also know that you love this arse."
Rolling his eyes, Harry just pulled Draco forward to the building.
"Hello- oh hey, it's you guys! What can I do for you?"
"Can we book a private time slot for eight?"
The worker told them the available times and they chose the one at 11am.
"Are you doing teams of two or teams of four?"
"Two teams, four each," Draco confirmed.
"Sign this, you can pay with me now if you'd like."
After doing so, the two men strolled out of the building hand in hand, swinging their arms between them as they walked.
"I'm happy that you're here with me," Harry said randomly, kissing the back of Draco's hand.
"I am too Harry. There's no one else I'd rather be with," Draco replied honestly.
Harry was thinking about how happy Draco made him, and he must have been thinking too hard because Draco lightly cleared his throat and was blushing, looking anywhere but at Harry.
"My beautiful boy. Look at you blushing."
"Stop it."
"No, I don't think I will. I love that I can still make you blush."
"You're mean to me," Draco said with a pout, secretly loving the attention.
"I can see right through you, my Prince."
"Carry me."
"Sure sweetheart, whatever you want."
Draco was sitting on Harry's shoulders, perfectly content.
"Do you see them?"
"Not yet, no."
It took a few more minutes for Draco to finally spot their friends.
"To your right my love. I see Weaslette."
"There you are!," she says.
"All set up and paid for, 11 o'clock."
"Perfect. What shall we do until then?," Hermione asked.
"Arcade?," Neville offered.
This clearly had not been thought through as over an hour later Hermione had to drag Ron out of the arcade to go and play laser tag.
"Ron, your love for me is not equal to how many cheap stuffed animals you can win for me."
"Just one more dollar!"
"You said that over 5 dollars ago Weasley, come on," Blaise instructed, helping drag Ron away.
Once they arrived, the worker, whose name they learned was Peter, checked them all in and brought them into the holding area. Peter went over the rules, sorted the group into teams, and helped them gear up.
The blue team was composed of Harry, Draco, Ginny, and Neville, while the red team was Ron, Hermione, Pansy, and Blaise.
If Peter thought watching Harry and Draco play together months beforehand was impressive, watching this group of eight play was even more intense.
"Do you think they're like professional laser tag players?," he asked his coworker as he watched the girl with the short black bob roll across the floor.
"I think we should play a round with them," she replied.
"Is that even allowed?"
"It's pretty dead right now. I'll take the hit."
One hour of laser tag quickly turned into two as the employees joined the group of friends. They had gotten quite the workout in, and the addition of strangers only made the group even more competitive.
The teams had been switched so many times that no one knew who the true winner was.
"We need to do that more often," Ginny said, leaning against the wall to catch her breath.
"It actually was fun. Maybe just not that much at once," Hermione agreed.
Unlike most of her friends who played quidditch, Hermione's only form of exercise was yoga, and she felt very out of shape after the two continuous hours of playing. Adrenaline could only keep a person going for so long. She didn't put up much of a fight when Ron offered to carry her.
After lunch, which was accompanied by way too many straw wrappers being shot across the table, they decided to go into some of the stores and do some shopping. A lot of money was spent on shirts, trinkets, and small mementos from the trip, but the friend group didn't mind. They were having a blast picking up the most outrageous things and buying them secretly for their friends.
"They have a photobooth!," Pansy said with a squeal. "Everyone get your arses inside this instant!"
"Pans, we'll tip the whole thing over."
Pansy winked at Draco, who was looking at her like she was crazy, and she dragged in Blaise and Ginny before he could stop her.
"This is going to end quite poorly."
"Extension charm?," Hermione asked as she walked in.
"Precisely. We need to be quick though or else people will get suspicious."
The whole ordeal was anything but quick, but after what felt like, to Harry, hundreds of pictures later, Ginny kicked everyone out so she and Pansy could take solo photos. Everyone took turns after that, completely taking over the photobooth from anyone else who would want to use it.
"This is why I bring my own camera," Harry whispered to Draco, kissing his neck before he pulled away.
"As if I'm not dragging you back in there with me next. For now, ferris wheel?"
"You don't even have to ask."
The two snuck away, and Hermione watched them leave fondly.
"They're so good together," she remarked with a smile.
"I'll admit that I was a bit surprised when I showed up to Harry's and Draco appeared, but I agree. I've watched their relationship grow and it's been good for the both of them. I thought they were going to clash and fight like crazy like they used to. Nothing's really changed though, they still tease and pick on each other in the exact same way."
"They just snog a lot more in between," Pansy chimed in.
"Do you think it would've worked out for them earlier?," Ginny asked.
"I don't think so," Ron chimed in. "They, we, all needed to go through some things first for this to be okay. Some of us realized it a lot later than others. We all had our prejudiced opinions of each other, even if they were extremely wrong. This is the way things needed to happen. For the most part anyway. I could've been a lot less of a prat."
"I'll say," Blaise agreed. "However, I do have a confession. Weasley, I antagonized you on purpose so that I could move in with Neville instead. I apologize, but I don't regret it. My Nev was worth every minute of it."
"Nott is a better roommate anyway," Ron said with a laugh. "I deserved it though, it's alright. I'm just glad that everyone is happy."
They were still talking about how things had changed when Harry and Draco finally came back.
"What did we miss?," Harry asked.
"Just reminiscing. I didn't think Weasley was a big softie," Blaise teased with a laugh.
"Oh you've no idea," Ginny chimed in.
"Let's talk about something else, yeah? What's for dinner?"
Draco and Harry exchanged a knowing look. They had brought everyone together like this, and it made their hearts feel so full that their friends all got along now. Both men cherished their alone time, but there was something about being together, surrounded by all of the people that they cared about the most, that made their days even more worthwhile.
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