Chapter 30
{Art credit to @/UpTheHillArt This photo is mentioned later in the chapter.}
It was now Valentine's Day, and Harry and Draco seemed to be more in love than ever. They found themselves increasingly relaxed as the days went by. Classes were cancelled in an effort to promote love, whether it be friendly inter-house love, or romantic love. There was a Valentine's Day dance that night, and everyone was in high spirits.
Harry had decided to help the rest of the 8th years with their Valentine's Day candy grams, and Draco was snickering quietly every time he came in contact with one that was filled out for Harry.
Not being one to just take it, Harry had devised a clever plan of his own. He filled out more candy grams than he could count for Draco, pretending that he was snickering with Draco's exaggerated reading of his notes. For privacy reasons, they would all be delivered to the dorms after breakfast.
The flames of the candles in the Great Hall were charmed in shades of red and pink, with hearts falling from the ceiling, in a manner similar to the snow that fell for Christmastime. It even put a small smile on Harry's face, who held hands with Draco underneath the table, their feet interlocked. Harry took pleasure in thinking incredibly cheesy things to Draco, just to watch his boyfriend try not to react.
Once breakfast was over, the group split up to send off their candy grams.
Draco was surprised to see that he had received so many candy grams himself. With a swish of his wand, he sorted them by sender, and rolled his eyes as he saw how many were from Harry alone. Sitting down on his bed, he decided to read those first. As he began reading, a fond smile appeared on his face.
"Are you the moon? Because even when it's dark you still seem to shine."
I never liked astronomy, but now I want to memorize all of the constellations in your eyes.
I think you might be a star, because I can't stop orbiting around you.
If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand.
You must be the North Star, because the light around you guided me here.
You must be blue, because you're the hottest star around right now.
Your smile must be a black hole, nothing can escape its pull.
If a star fell for every time I thought of you, the sky would be empty.
I think we may have been transported to the surface of Mercury, because things became unbelievably hot when you walked into the room.
Are you a black hole? Because you keep pulling me in.
If an asteroid hit earth right now, you are the last thing I would ever want to see."
Draco teared up as these were all of the pickup lines that Harry had written down for him for his birthday. The mood however quickly changed, and Draco's face began to redden.
"Are you wearing space pants? Because your arse is out of this world."
This is what Harry had said to Draco when he was wearing his favorite pants.
"You're a black hole I'd willingly lose myself in.
Mind if my comet enters your solar system?"
As Draco continued to read, the pickup lines got raunchier and raunchier, and his face was hot by the time Harry appeared from where he had been watching him under the invisibility cloak.
"Is this your version of payback?", Draco asked huskily.
"Of course not, I just want to appreciate my beautiful boy."
"Come here", Draco demanded.
With a raised eyebrow, Harry complied. As soon as he was on the bed, Draco pushed him down and straddled Harry, immediately attaching their lips.
"Getting me all worked up before I have to set the party up."
"Oops?," Harry teased, nipping at Draco's neck.
"So good," he whispered, pressing himself into Harry.
"When do you have to go?," Harry asked, trailing a hand slowly down Draco's chest.
"Too soon. You put your hand back right now Potter or- mhmm yes."
"We'll make it quick."
As soon as he was cleaned up, Draco was off, promising to make it up to Harry later at Harry's insistence that he go lest he be late.
Harry however had a trick up his sleeve. After receiving permission from McGonagall, he apparated home to pick up a few things, and then made his way to the mall.
"Evan! It's been so long. How are you?," Zoe gushed. "How's your boyfriend? Still together I hope."
"Luke and I are better than ever! I'm here shopping for him again actually. We're back at, erm, uni, so I had to sneak away while he's at a committee meeting for a while."
"Aww, isn't that sweet. I have an hour before my girlfriend picks me up, so let's make the most of it shall we?"
Now that Harry was more comfortable with himself, he found it a lot easier to be out in public, even when under the Evan glamour. He was talking and laughing and having a great time.
"So you're shopping for him, anything for you? He did like those jeans, and we have some even tighter ones in stock," she teased.
"I would like to be able to breathe," Harry replied with a snort.
"Not a problem. I have just the thing. You guys are the cutest honestly, still going out of your way to impress each other."
"He's easily impressed by the cinnamon pretzels from here. I know they make the heart shaped ones so I'll pick some up on my way out."
"See if there's anything else you want, I'll start ringing you up."
With a grin, Zoe started putting some extra things into his bag that she had grabbed, just in case.
"Have a good one Evan! I hope to see you back here soon."
"You too Zoe, enjoy your date with your girlfriend."
"Enjoy yours with Luke," she replied mischievously.
After picking up a few more things, Harry finally arrived back at Hogwarts winded and exhausted, but grinning. He had just enough time to set up everything for Draco, snickering when he saw the extra things Zoe had thrown into the bag. He was waiting outside of their door when Draco arrived, flocked by Pansy and Blaise.
"Everything go well?," Harry asked.
"The final touches need to go up after dinner. The charms and enchantments will kick in as soon as the food is cleared from the Great Hall."
"We're still on for lunch together right?," Blaise clarified.
"How could we miss our first group date?", Draco asked with a grin.
"I need to get ready. I'll see you in an hour."
With that, Pansy and Blaise headed off to their own rooms, and Draco and Harry were alone.
"I have a surprise for you," Harry teased.
"Oh is it a round two from earlier?"
"Not quite. Close your eyes."
"Potter, there better not be another Gryffindor tie going around my eyes."
"Just my hands this time, I'm only bringing you into our room."
Harry carefully led Draco inside, and sat him on their bed.
"Okay, open them."
Draco gasped quietly, his eyes taking in the sight of their room. Harry bought his favorite flowers, and had made his favorite dessert.
"You remade me the apple cake with the little icing hearts. You went home again?"
"I went lots of places today for you. There are also chocolate covered strawberries for later."
"Where else did you go?"
With a grin, Harry presented the pretzels to Draco, and then pulled out the Hot Topic bag.
"Zoe says hello."
"Well, you had a busy day."
"Only the best for my everything you know."
"Do you want your gifts now or after the dance?"
"Afterwards is fine. Right now is all about you."
Draco slowly picked his way through the bag of things, either laughing or hitting Harry playfully at each item.
"I see you've learned that I have a soft spot for pink."
"You also look beautiful in the color."
"I assume this nail polish is for us both? Glitter?"
"I know you like to do things like this for me, so I'm open to it."
"Oh Merlin, I love this shirt! It's so soft and I adore the color."
It was a velvety pink button down that Harry knew Draco would look perfect in, especially with a few buttons undone.
"I thought you could wear it tonight?"
"Of course I will. My good tastes have been rubbing off on you."
"This one is a gift from Zoe. She snuck some things into the bag."
The glittering look in Draco's eyes probably should have worried Harry, but he was curious to see what exactly Draco could do with a makeup palette.
"Oh my darling we are going to have some fun tonight."
"I was hoping you'd say that," Harry teased.
"Hands. Let me do your nails."
"Eat your pretzel first before the nail polish fumes make you lose your appetite."
"I'm going to spoil my lunch but I simply don't care."
While Draco ate, Harry began setting out his own things for later that night. Once his outfit was planned out, he sat on Draco's bed and allowed his boyfriend to paint his nails a bright red, with a pink glittery accent. They soon switched positions and Harry carefully painted Draco's nails in return.
"Perfect. I'm very pleased with this."
Harry knew that Draco loved matching in some way. He was very possessive and would subtly show that in any way that he possibly could. As a result, their nails were painted oppositely, and the shirt Harry had picked out for tonight matched Draco's in a red color, which he had yet to notice.
"I got you something else."
"Harry, you already got me so much."
"I love to spoil my Prince."
Pulling out a box from his pocket, Harry grinned.
"I know it's very cheesy, but I thought it was fitting."
Opening the box, Draco smiled to find a heart shaped locket.
"Oh that is so incredibly cheesy but I love it."
"It gets even cheesier."
The back of the locket was inscribed as "To My Everything, I Am Forever Yours." Upon opening it, Draco was met with the photo of he and Harry kissing on New Year's with the fireworks in the background on the right side, and the first photo they had taken as friends on the left.
"I love you so much Harry. I'll cherish this forever. Put it on for me?"
"And I love you Draco. Happy Valentine's Day. I'm glad that you like it."
"I love it", he said earnestly.
They kissed softly for some time until there was a knock at their door.
"As ready as I'll ever be sweetheart."
The group of eight walked with their arms linked together to Hogsmeade, causing quite a stir. Photos were taken, but no one approached based off of the threat of receiving a bat bogey hex amongst other things from Ginny herself.
As soon as they were seated, multiple privacy wards and charms were cast so that they could all spend time with their significant others without having to worry about being outed. It was quite refreshing for the group, and they were soon planning out another group event with muggles so that they didn't have to worry so much about those around them.
After lunch, they all went their separate ways, promising to meet up before the party. Draco had big plans and insisted on him and Harry getting ready hours before the party started. Once they finished their shower, Harry understood why.
They got changed in separate rooms knowing that they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of each other. Walking out of the bathroom, Draco dropped the hair supplies he had grabbed for Harry.
"I'm the luckiest man alive that you're in love with."
"Don't you forget it," Harry teased with a wink. "I knew that color would suit you well."
"I think we need to talk about you for a minute because this outfit is sinful."
"Zoe really knows how to pick out jeans."
"For my birthday we'll get you some more," Draco said appreciatively. "Let me fix you up."
Harry closed his eyes as Draco worked through all of the tangles in his hair extremely slowly. Once he was satisfied, he told Harry to sit on the bathroom sink.
"Would you be so kind as to allow me to test out my palette?"
"I would be."
Draco was excited to be able to use Harry as his canvas. Any excuse to get this close to his Harry's face was good enough for him. He had to restrain himself and remain focused. Eyeliner was applied, and then a soft dusting of pink hearts across his nose and cheeks.
"What do you think?"
Harry smiled at himself in the mirror.
"It's different, but it's fun."
"I'm glad you think so. You look very pretty."
Smiling, Harry kissed Draco tenderly.
"Are you wearing eyeliner too?," he asked.
"Of course I am."
"The return of my cute little raccoon," Harry cooed.
"You'll never let me live that down will you?"
"Nope. That was the night you accidentally gave me a hickey."
"And it still took forever for you to confess your feelings for me."
"Me?! Why couldn't you do it?!"
"Because you were not in a very good place and I didn't want to take advantage of you."
"Draco you became my good place."
"Still. I wanted to make sure you weren't projecting your feelings onto me and that they were actually real."
"It took some time to figure out, but I've never been this happy."
"At least we chose the right holiday to be sappy. Let me finish getting ready."
When it came time for the dance, Draco entered on Harry's arm, and everyone started whispering. So as not to cause such a big scene, Draco had done some quick makeup for Blaise and the girls as well.
It took awhile for the focus to move away from Draco and Harry who clearly only had eyes for each other. They didn't care as much about hiding their relationship anymore. All they did was dance though, knowing anything else would cause too big of a stir, and Harry didn't want to do damage control again. He was content spinning Draco around as the music played softly.
Once they were back up their room, Draco carefully removed the makeup from his and Harry's faces. They had taken more pictures than they knew what to do with, and Harry couldn't wait to update his scrapbook again.
"Did you have a good day my darling?"
"I had the best day."
They were sitting in their bed feeding each other the desserts Harry had made, exchanging soft touches.
"Are you ready for your gifts now?"
"Are you going to come out with a bow on your head?," Harry teased.
"You'd love that wouldn't you."
"Believe me I would."
Draco came back with a few things for Harry, and watched tentatively until he got to the last thing.
"I see that you've been waiting for me to open this one."
"I just hope you like it. I don't know if this is your style or not. I'm still learning how to shop for you if I'm honest because I know you don't want or need flashy things, and I'm used to that being how I show my affection."
Opening the box, Harry pulled out a beautifully crafted bracelet.
"You got the crown symbol I designed put into it."
"I did. I have one too, they're connected and charmed. I know you still get anxious sometimes. It rests over the pulse point on your wrist and helps you to calm down. It can also alert me in a state of emergency and vice versa."
"I love how your gifts are beautiful and also have practical purposes. Thank you Draco."
"I'd do anything for my special boy."
Sealing the promise with a kiss, both men fell into a state of peaceful bliss as they were wrapped in the other's arms. It was the perfect ending to a seemingly perfect day.
{I'm thinking about 4 chapters left and then this story is complete. I just finished a Drarry AU book called Paint You Wings if you're looking for something of mine to read in the meantime! I'm wishing you all the absolute best.
Stay safe, happy, and healthy. All of my love, J.
P.S. I hope you enjoyed all of the Ghosts references in this chapter!}
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