Chapter 27

{Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my lovelies! I'm sending all you my absolute best and all of my love! - J}

When Draco woke up, it was to Harry tracing nonsensical patterns on his back. Draco sighed softly, feeling even worse that Harry was being so loving when he didn't deserve it.

"Harry I'm so sorry-"

"We'll talk about it later Draco-"

"No, not even for that Harry, I'm sorry that you were manipulated into spending the night with me just because I had a nightmare. You needed your space and I should have respected that.

I should have been comforting you after my poor actions, not the other way around. You were hurt, and I just further twisted the knife."

"Draco you were frantic and vulnerable. You dreamt that I died again, that wasn't the first time. Even if I didn't sleep in here, I would have at the bare minimum stayed until you fell asleep. I could have said no, I made the decision to stay with you because I love you."

"I still shouldn't have asked. That was wrong of me and I apologize. I think we should spend the first half of the day alone and write out how we're feeling and what we need to say. I want you to take as much space as you need. Even if you need more than a day, that's okay. I want you to put yourself and your feelings first."

Harry pressed a kiss to Draco's head before getting up.

"It hurts, you know. To finally have you to myself and be conflicted as to how much time I want to spend with you."

"I know Harry, and I'm sorry."

Harry went to the guest room, and sat on the bed to reflect. After taking some breaths, he began to write to collect himself. He poured his heart out for quite some time, wiping away some tears in the process. Once all of that was out, he left the parchment on the desk to make some breakfast. He would rewrite everything to give to Draco later.

Stepping into the kitchen, he was surprised to see Draco there, looking extremely concentrated as he meticulously continued to make breakfast. He was so focused on flipping the omelet that he didn't even notice Harry watching in surprise. Leaning against the counter, Harry continued to watch just how carefully Draco was cooking. It was unknown to him where the ingredients came from, but the sight brought a small smile to his face nonetheless.

Harry left back to his room quietly, not wanting to disturb Draco. He then began working on a list of things that needed to be done so that he could feel secure in his relationship once again. Obviously, he wouldn't be breaking up with Draco, even if he had been partially scorned. Harry just didn't know where their communication had gone.

The list was almost done when there was a careful knock on his door.

"Come in."

"I know this doesn't excuse my actions, but I wanted to make you breakfast."

"Thank you Draco."

"Are we exchanging what we're writing to read on our own?"

"That's fine."

"Let me know when you want to exchange", Draco said quietly.


As Draco left to eat breakfast alone, he reflected on how Harry must have felt, and Draco felt horrible. He didn't know how to fix things, all he could do was write and hope. He knew Harry would forgive him because that's how Harry was, but he wanted the forgiveness to be earned.

Once he finished eating, Draco collected his and Harry's dishes, setting off to the kitchen to wash them. Earlier, he had set off to the store to fetch some groceries to take care of himself and Harry. He started preparation on lunch, making a nice stew using the cookbook Harry had gifted him.

"I'm glad you're using that."

Draco jumped in shock, almost dropping the book.

"Merlin Harry!"


"I'm just trying to do more for you."

"When you're ready, so am I."

"Okay. I'll meet you in the bedroom in a few minutes. I want to get lunch set."

Harry sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard with two rolls of parchment as he waited for Draco. Once Draco came in, they wordlessly exchanged the first rolls parchment.

"My Harry,

I'm sorry that my poor actions caused you harm. I know that my explanation does not fix things, but I hope that my words at least bring you some comfort that you did nothing wrong.

You know of my past more than anyone else because I trust, love, and value you as a person. Before you, I've only had people pretend to like me due to my name. You've allowed me to open up, to become more vulnerable and let others in, to an extent. I'm no longer living for my father, I'm living for me, for us.

Once you helped to clear my name, all on your own accord and out of love, people finally started seeing me for me. Who I actually was, not for the faded dark mark on my arm. I've been invited to more things. People genuinely want to spend time with me because they like me. Not because I have money, not because of my name.

You started valuing your alone time, and I kept giving it to you, not even thinking something could be wrong because if there was I thought it would have been brought up. I'm realizing that I didn't leave you much time to even speak to me, if needed. I should have asked, I should have made more time for you.

I was so blinded by the attention others were giving to me that I became fixated on it. I wanted to please everyone because I didn't want them to turn on me. Instead, I turned on you.

I think the worst part of all of this is that I know you'll forgive me, even though I don't deserve it. Not yet. That's just who you are. Even when you're slighted, you still see the best in everyone, and that is one of the most frustratingly amazing things about you that I love so much.

Tell me what I can do to fix things, and I will. I'll do whatever it takes for you to be comfortable around me again. I want to earn your trust back.

I follow schedules better, that's just how my brain works. We can schedule specific times to spend together if that's alright with you? A codeword when you need to get away, the both of us.

Forever yours,

Your Draco x"

When Draco saw that Harry had two rolls of parchment, he felt as if he should have written more. He didn't want Harry to think that he didn't care enough.

"My Draco,    

I think the worst part is watching you slip away, and not knowing how to approach you about it. Without even reading what you have to say yet, I know why you became distant. I know that it wasn't on purpose.

You've always been a social butterfly, and that's just not me. I gave you your space because I know that being around people is something you enjoy, especially when everyone has finally come to their senses about how wonderful you are. I'm not going to demand that you spend all of your time with me. We just need to find a healthy middle, that's all. I'll try to be more open minded about attending your events, while also respecting the boundaries that I put up for myself.

I've been working on being alone again. It's hard for me when I go from one extreme to another. I rather like being alone, but I hate being lonely.

It wasn't just forgetting our anniversary that made me leave, it's the fact that the Ministry keeps hounding me. I don't want to be an Auror. I'm tired of the pressure of being forced to act in a certain manner just to please others. I'm trying to figure out me, and it's hard. I just want to live.

I went to a few places last night, trying to wrap my head around things. I worked out for the first time in a while, and it helped a lot. I think it needs to be a more consistent part of my healing process. I went for a drive, but they're not the same without you in the passenger seat. It's funny how everything always comes back to you my Prince. It feels like no matter what, there's always an invisible string holding us together.

This is a minor setback sweetheart. We just need to communicate more and set better boundaries.

All my love,

Your Harry x"

Draco felt selfish in crying happy tears that he wasn't the only thing that had upset Harry. Once again, he had blown things out of proportion. He needed to relax and use his words. They were still children really, who had grown up way too fast. They needed to catch up emotionally.

"I understand Harry. If you want me to tell the Ministry to sod off I will. I'll do it so eloquently that they won't even realize they've been insulted until I'm gone."

"I may just take you up on that."

"What's this second piece of parchment then?"

"Oh, it was ideas that we could discuss so that I could feel more secure about things. I thought we could talk through them, if you're okay?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I worry about you. I'll do whatever you need me to do. We'll look at the list, together."

Harry cautiously leaned his head on Draco's shoulder, and Draco's arm immediately came around him.

"I think we should write down a new list with what we agree on?", Draco inquired.

"I like that."

By the time their discussion was done, they had a clear list of steps to take to improve the relationship.

"Make a schedule to spend time together and stick to it.

Weekly date night.

Don't go to bed alone if it can be helped.

Write down a schedule when we know we'll be somewhere/with someone.

Codeword: tattoo.

Spend more time together with all of our friends."

"I think this is a good start", Draco agreed.

"Can I talk to you about something else?"


"I want to tell everyone close to us about us."

"Okay, when?", Draco asked slowly.

"For the upcoming holidays."

"I can work with that. There's nothing more that I want than to be able to hold you and kiss you whenever I want. I've been meaning to talk to you about the holidays though."

"Yes my Prince?"

"What do you normally do for the holidays?"

"I'm either alone or with the Wesaleys."

"My mother was hoping that she'd be able to host something? With everyone, all of the Weasleys included."

"We can talk about it with Molly. Maybe one can host Christmas and one can host New Year's?"

"I like the sound of that Draco. We'll all be a big, happy family. And you can finally meet Teddy!"

"I would love that", Draco replied honestly.

"Thank you for breakfast by the way, that was so kind of you."

"You cook for me all of the time. I think it's time I learned how to do more for you my darling. I need to give you more of myself, prove to you that I'm here to stay.

"I enjoy cooking, especially when it's for you. I'd do anything for you."

"Is it okay if I kiss you?"

"Please do", Harry whispered, leaning forward.

Things were far from perfect, but they were okay, and that was what mattered.

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