Chapter 25

When Draco woke up the next morning, Harry was completely wrapped around him. His soft smile at how adorable his boyfriend was faded into a frown as he thought back to what was written on the parchment that he had read the night before.

Harry's writing had been messier than usual and completely unstructured.

"Guilty, I'm so guilty. Why did I survive so many times?

I see their faces everywhere. Sometimes I wake up and I forget all of the pain that I inadvertently caused just by being born.

Teddy didn't deserve this. Neither did Ron, Hermione, Draco, or Neville.

Living for those who died doesn't feel healthy. Living for my friends doesn't either, but it's enough. I want to live for me. I really only feel like this around the anniversary of their deaths.

Happiness can be found in a person, and I've found mine.

It's hard to talk to people. They're already worried, I don't want to worry them more. Therapy would help but there's always the risk of what I say not remaining private. It's hard to trust.

It's still a struggle to talk. Some days I just don't have the energy.

Classes are hard to focus on. Every loud noise puts me on alert. I regret coming back some days. I feel like a flight risk. I don't even know if I came back for me. I knew that I needed to so I could 'heal' but that feels ages off.

I'm consoled that I was able to help the Slytherins. They don't deserve the hand they were dealt. I wish I could do more.

I know what it's like to have a poor childhood. I mourn the loss of what could have been. Who I could have been. I never got to live and be loved. Everything was ripped to shreds and torn to pieces.

Going out in public as myself still terrifies me. I don't know what I prefer more: people blaming me, yelling, screaming, throwing insults, or all of the praise that I receive. I wish to be anonymous. Glamours in the wizarding world use up more energy than in the muggle world.

I'm not even tired, I'm drained. I feel like a flame that is slowly being deprived of oxygen. I don't recall ever feeling peaceful in my life, or even in my death.

I just want to exist peacefully. There's a thin line between being alone and being lonely.

I'm worried about codependency. Where is the line? I need to be okay on my own because I want to be, not because of others. That's one of the hardest parts. I put up this front and even I can't see past it sometimes. When I'm happy I question if I truly am, or if I'm responding how it's expected of me.

I just don't know."

Draco knew that the codependency was about him. Were they moving too fast? Were they too reliant? Were they sabotaging their own healing?

"Happiness can be found in a person, and I've found mine."

This was the only positive thing written on the page, and it made his heart soar. He was painfully in love with the man in front of him, and he would give Harry the world if it was asked of him. He would speak to Harry when the time came about some of the things he mentioned, but today would be about remedying some of the loss. Anonymity is one thing that Draco can help provide.

He was itching to get up and start preparing for the day, but he couldn't bear to leave Harry alone. Draco didn't know how Harry would react to that and he wanted to keep him safe. Instead, Draco did what he did best; he solved some of his problems by summoning his wand and using magic.

The magical buzz in the air was enough to eventually wake up Harry.

"Alright?", he mumbled into Draco's chest.

"Yes my darling, everything is alright. I have some plans for us today if you're up for it Scarhead."

"Are there cuddles?", he asked, peeking up at Draco through his eyelashes.

"There are cuddles whenever you want them."

"A few more minutes and then I'll move", Harry mumbled with a yawn.

"Take your time, we have the whole weekend coming up too."

True to his word, Harry stumbled out of bed a few minutes later, even though it was very tempting to stay cuddled up to his Draco. He couldn't believe that he had almost told Draco not to come with him. It was his thoughts on codependency that were worrying him at his low point last night, and he hoped he didn't inadvertently hurt Draco's feelings.

While Draco was in the bathroom, Harry began preparing breakfast as a thank you. They hadn't yet been able to celebrate their anniversary, and Harry felt bad.

To some, it may seem excessive to celebrate every month, but Harry knew just how short and precious life could be. He would celebrate whatever he bloody well felt like. That was something he felt he had earned.

Draco frowned when he saw that Harry wasn't in his room.


"Kitchen Prince!"

"I'm meant to be taking care of you, you know."

"I just wanted to make us breakfast. I love you, I hope nothing that you read last night upset you."

"We don't have to talk about it now-"

"I want you to be okay."

"You just had me thinking about the codependency part, that's all. I don't quite know how to take it. I love being around you, and I miss you when we're apart for a long period of time. I think after all of the trauma we've endured it's normal to want to be with each other all the time. When we're together we don't have to worry about whether or not the other one is okay.

If you ever need to be alone, I promise you that you won't hurt my feelings. We don't have to spend every single waking moment together. I enjoy your company always Harry. Whatever makes you feel better is what we'll work around okay?"

"I want you to be okay too. That is it. I feel like I have more control when we're together. But I also just love being near you. Even if we're across the room from each other, I know that no matter what I have your love and support. You truly are my everything Draco. You make me feel ordinary in the best way possible."

"Come here", Draco said softly, pulling his boyfriend into a hug.  "We're just us, and we're okay", he reassured Harry.

"We're okay", Harry repeated.

"Pack up breakfast. We're going out to get some fresh air. I got fruit yesterday so I'll pack that up."

"Are we going for a drive?"

"Not today, at least not right now. I'm gonna be apparating us somewhere, and then we can go to our house later today, but only if you want?"

"It'll be nice to get away from everything."

They finished packing in silence, with Draco very worried that he may accidentally upset Harry. Taking a deep breath to center himself, he grabbed Harry's arm and they apparated to Godric's Hollow.

Draco had planned this well in advance. The Ministry had set up temporary wards and privacy charms for a specific window of time so that Harry could mourn and visit his family in peace.

"Draco", he said quietly.

"No one else will be able to visit for a few hours, I made sure of that. I'll wait over here and give you some time alone."

Draco watched as Harry squared his shoulders and walked towards the grave. He set the blanket down, placing the basket next to it, and began talking. Turning around, Draco gave his boyfriend the privacy that he deserved.

Harry allowed himself to cry and grieve, finally processing some of the pain that he had endured. He spoke aloud many things he had written on the parchment, feeling a lot lighter once he was done. Drying his eyes, he sat in silence for a few more moments.

"I want to officially introduce you to Draco. He's wonderful and he treats me so well. I really love him, and I know you'd love him too. Thank you for listening to me. I love and miss you all. I hope that I can continue to make you proud."

Once he was fully calmed down, he called out to Draco. Draco carefully made his way over to Harry, and accepted the hand that was offered to help him down onto the blanket.

"Mum, dad. I'd like to officially introduce you to my boyfriend, Draco. You've heard a lot about him, and here he is. He brought me here today, and I don't know if I could have made it here without him."

"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Potter. I love your son very much, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure that he knows he's loved every single day."

Harry smiled, leaning his head onto Draco's shoulder. They ate and spoke quietly, talking about both everything and nothing.

As they said their goodbyes some time later, Harry saw two deer hidden amongst the trees. His heart swelled, and he kissed Draco softly.

"You really are the eighth wonder of the world Draco Malfoy."

"Only when we're together Harry."

After arriving back home, Draco cleaned up from their picnic and allowed Harry to rest on the couch for a bit.

"Did you want to go or stay here Harry?"

"We can go if you'd like. Maybe on Saturday we could go visit your mum?"

"I'd like that a lot."

Grabbing their things and the portkey, they were off once again.

The first words out of Harry's mouth when they arrived were "I need a nap." While Harry slept with his head in Draco's lap, Draco worked on some of his homework, trying to get ahead where he could. Thankfully, the curriculum was a lot easier on the eighth years, especially because there were so few of them. Their missing of classes was a lot more tolerated due to their circumstances. As long as their work was completed by the set due dates each term, they would be fine.

Once he completed all of his work, Draco took a nap himself, for an hour or so just to feel refreshed. After waking up, Draco took Harry out and treated him for lunch. The rest of the time until 5pm was spent outside, admiring the fall season.

"I have one last surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"We're going out again."

"Are we now?"

"Yes. Neither of us had a great childhood, and I think it's time that we started experiencing things that we missed out on. Come on."

On their bed were two matching costumes, and Harry couldn't help but laugh.

"You're making me a knight?"

"I'm the prince, and you my darling, are my knight in shining armor."

Harry laughed, a real laugh, and Draco smiled.

"Next time, you should be a frog."

"Why on earth would I be a frog?"

"I'll tell you a story later."

Harry had a wonderful time trick-or-treating. It felt so good to laugh, go outside, and see all of the costumes. The free candy was also a plus. Draco hadn't had practically any of the sweets, and Harry made sure to limit his sugar intake.

"We should take Teddy out next year. We could put him in a cute little costume."

"You had fun then?"

"I have never been this happy on Halloween before. Thank you for everything Draco. Tomorrow I'm spoiling you. Thank you for taking care of me, my beautiful boy."

"I'd do anything to make you smile and laugh like you did today. I was worried that I overstepped earlier."

"I needed to go back. I feel a lot lighter. Extremely tired, but lighter. I suppose that's what healing feels like. It's strange, but I like it."

{A/N: finals are almost done, I'm sorry for the wait. I'm trying to get my life together ha. Thank you to everyone who reached out. Be well, and stay safe. All of my love, J}

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