Chapter 23

Breakfast was chaos to say the least. Draco, no longer Malfoy (for the most part) was the name heard most often, with the occasional mention of Harry of course.

"My boyfriend the celebrity", Harry whispered in Draco's ear.

"I could say the same about you", Draco retorted.

The old him thrived under attention, but now, he really wished people would stop looking at him. He couldn't imagine how Harry has felt all of these years, and his heart went out for his boyfriend.

"I think we'd win the hottest couple of the year award, if only they knew."

"Would you like to share with the class?", Hermione asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Harry is giving me tips on how to best avoid... this", Draco said, waving a hand around. "It won't be very beneficial if everyone could hear."

"Hopefully you'll be old news soon enough. I can see why everyone would be... surprised though. There were things that even I didn't know written in that article."

"It wasn't something I asked for", Draco retorted, with a pointed look at Harry. "His heart was in the right place though, so I can't be mad. The reaction doesn't seem to be too drastic in here, but I suppose that's because everyone here is used to me. I shudder at the thought of venturing out into the Wizarding World anytime soon."

"You're photogenic, you'll be alright. Unlike when they took that one horrible photo of me and reused it for a whole year", Ron grumbled.

"That's in my scrapbook", Harry teased.

"It better not be", Ron warned, fork pointed at Harry.

Harry just winked, and began to put some food on his plate.

"Do you both have any plans this weekend?", Hermione asked. "I was thinking we could all hang out sometime soon."

"We're going away this weekend, but how about the one after? I need to get away from all of this, and I'm sure by next weekend they'll have something better to talk about", Draco offered.

"Fine by me", Harry agreed.

"Maybe we can study together tonight then? We do have that Charms exam coming up..."

It was now the weekend, and Harry and Draco were laying on the beach, snuggled up together on a blanket.

"I still can't believe people actually like me", Draco said with a snort, his hand lazily drawing patterns on Harry's arm.

"It surprises me too sometimes", Harry teased, kissing Draco before he could protest.

"That's because you love me. Quite embarrassing for you, really Potter."

"About as embarrassing as you loving me back Malfoy. I'm a right mess."

"My beautiful mess", Draco cooed, pinching Harry's cheeks.

"Oh sod off!", Harry said with a laugh, playfully swatting Draco's hands away.

They laid in silence for a while, watching the waves crash onto the shore.

"Tell me what you're thinking?", Draco asked.

"You could easily find out you know. You don't even have to ask."

"It feels very intrusive sometimes. I'd rather ask you."

"I'm just happy that everything seems to be falling into place. Ron is finally starting to seem like his old self. Blaise and Neville look quite happy. I'm spending my second month anniversary with the man I love. What else do I need?"

"A very expensive gift obviously", Draco surmised.

"Ah, but you're my expensive gift."

"Oh please Potter, I'm not as high maintenance as I used to be."

"Whatever you say my Prince."

"I'm not!", Draco objected. "I love that paper ring you made me at the diner. I love it because you put thought and effort into it. Money makes life a hell of a lot more convenient, but it doesn't buy happiness."

"It can buy a blue and a red slushie though", Harry said wisely.

"Are you ready to make some purple my darling?"

"It would be my pleasure."

After getting slushies and spending way too much money in the arcade, they went back to their second home, giggling to each other about how poorly they had done at some of the games.

"You can't aim for shit!", Draco laughed, referencing Harry's lack of skill at ring toss.

"Me?! You should have seen yourself at the frog bog game!"

"And how would you remember? Your eyes were on my arse that whole time!"

"I was simply admiring the art presented in front of me. You can't lean on a counter in front of me and not expect me to look!"

"Tell me again why we couldn't buy pizza for dinner?"

"Because we're making it!", Harry announced excitedly.


"It wasn't a question. I'll deal with the flour this time, thank you very much. You can borrow one of my shirts if you'd like. I even bought all of these different toppings I knew you'd enjoy. We can make a bunch of tiny little pizzas in different flavor combinations!"

When his Harry looked that endearing, who on earth could say no?

Draco swore to himself that he would take this seriously. He earnestly listened to Harry giving him the instructions and was very proud that he hadn't spilled a single drop of anything anywhere.

"My beautiful boy is becoming a chef."

"Hey, I'm already a chef! I made all of those beautiful ravioli remember?"

"I do, and I was very proud of you."

"We should make them again. Your pasta was to die for."

"Tomorrow then."

Draco just smiled at Harry, committing the sight to memory.

"I've missed this."

"This is our future Draco", Harry promised.

"Any future with you in it is one worth living."

"I think we should bring everyone here one day. Not here specifically because I like this being our place alone, but we could all play laser tag and ride the bumper cars. I think it could be nice, you know? Normal even."

"As long as this remains our place, then yes. Normal sounds nice for a change."

"You know what isn't normal? You insisting on trying that monstrosity that is pineapple on pizza."

"Hey, the muggles do it! I just want to try it. You eat broccoli and tomatoes of all things on your pizza!"

"Because I have taste."

Harry cut Draco off before he could respond.

"Remember that you're included in reference to my taste", Harry teased. "If you say I have bad taste that reflects poorly onto you."

"Sometimes you're too cunning for me", Draco muttered.

"You're rubbing off on me."

"I could rub-"

"Draco!", Harry chastised.

"You don't even know what I was going to say", Draco huffed.

"I can guess. Help me chop the vegetables will you?"

"I suppose so. But there's a price."

"I'll rub an area of your choosing later, I'm hungry."

Draco laughed loudly, surprised at Harry's comment.

"I just wanted a kiss, but I like your idea better."

"Oh", Harry responded, fighting back a laugh of his own. "Come here then."

Draco soon got carried away, lost in the sensation of his boyfriend.

"You're so stunning", Harry whispered when he pulled away, trailing his fingers down Draco's face, who leaned into his touch.

"I hope it's always like this", Draco admitted, pulling Harry into a hug.

"So do I", Harry replied, nuzzling his face into the crook of Draco's neck.

Harry's stomach chose that moment to growl, sending Draco into a fit of giggles.

"Come on my darling, let's get that pizza made shall we? Unless you have an appetite for something else?", Draco asked innocently.

"Oh I do", Harry said with a smirk.

Leaning in, his lips trailed across Draco's face to his ear, where he whispered, "I'm hungry for some of your salad. Go make one."

Draco pushed Harry back, who fell into a fit of giggles. He was bent over laughing, tears in his eyes.

"You're lucky I love you, you prick."

"Oh, I count my blessings every day and you're at the top of the list, my everything", Harry responded, sobering up very quickly.

"Can you stop being charming for one minute?"

"Would you like me to trip over my feet?"

"It may make me feel better, yes."

Harry did as instructed, falling at Draco's feet. After rolling his eyes, he extended a hand to help Harry up.

"Oh look, I've fallen for you again."

"Oh for Merlin's sake, Potter!"

"This is all for your sake", Harry replied with a grin, kissing Draco on the nose.

"I'm in love with a comedian", Draco muttered, unable to remove the stupid smile from his face.

On the Sunday morning where it was time to venture back to Hogwarts, Harry seemed preoccupied.

"Are you okay Harry?"

"I think it's time", Harry announced.

"Time for what?"

"Time to tell Neville."

"If you're not ready-"

"Draco I'm in love with you. I'm tired of hiding it from everyone. You said we should probably wait a bit before we tell Blaise in case he lets it slip, but Neville won't tell a soul. I want to tell him. We'll see how he takes it and go from there.

I just want someone to know. I feel like I'm hiding the most important part of myself from everyone."

"I support your decision, and I have no issue in telling Neville. That being said, I can only imagine him threatening me."

"You'll be fine", Harry promised, kissing Draco sweetly.

"Shower before we go?", Draco asked innocently.

"I'm going to miss this shower."

"I'm going to miss the lack of silencing charms", Draco teased, letting his shirt drop to the floor.

"Hmm, that is a plus", Harry hummed, snaking his arms around Draco's waist.

One very long shower later, they arrived at Hogwarts just as lunch was finishing up. Harry left a note on Neville's bed asking him to meet Draco and Harry in their room, alone. They had just finished unpacking when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!", Draco called.

"Harry, Draco", Neville greeted. "How was your trip?"

"A relaxing getaway from all of my adoring fans", Draco answered with a snort.

"Better you than me", Neville replied, shaking his head. "That was a horrifying experience that I never want to relive. Anyway, you wanted to see me?"

"Have a seat, we need to talk to you about something", Draco directed.

"It's not about Blaise is it?", Neville asked worriedly.

"No, no, nothing like that", Draco said assuringly.

"It's about us", Harry said, grabbing Draco's hand. "Draco and I are together."

Neville stared unblinkingly at Harry, then Draco, and finally his gaze rested on their conjoined hands.

"It happened earlier than this weekend didn't it?", Neville asked, realization dawning on his face.

"We just celebrated our two month anniversary", Draco replied with a soft smile, pressing a kiss to Harry's hand.

"Well I'll be damned. Congratulations!"

"Thank you", Harry said softly. "You're the first one we've officially told."

"Only my mother and Luna know", Draco continued. "We spent a lot of time at The Manor so my mother assumed, and Luna is well... Luna."

"I'm honored to be the first one you've officially told. I can't believe you kept it quiet for so long though Merlin!"

"Harry doesn't like labels so we haven't officially been boyfriends for very long, but we established our relationship two months ago. We've been through a lot of things together and taking it slow."

"Ah, so now I know some of what happened on your birthday weekend", Neville teased.

"Oh sod off, we only kissed", Harry interrupted before the extreme teasing began.

"I'm happy for you both, I really am. Obligatory I'll kill you if you hurt Harry threat, but I don't think you need it. You've survived two months already and I haven't gotten any word from Harry that you'd done something horrible. You guys are good together. We should go out for dinner to celebrate!"

"I don't know about that, what with the papers and everything", Draco said uneasily.

"No matter when you go out they'll report on it. It's up to you of course, but it's my treat."

"You know what? Let's do it. If you're comfortable of course Harry."

"As long as I'm not left alone I'm perfectly fine."

"I'll come back here in a few hours then?"

The men agreed, and spent the time in between cuddling and doing homework.

"I can't wait until I never have to do homework again", Harry lamented.

"I hear being an Auror is 25% glory, 75% paperwork."

"Then thank Merlin I won't be one of those."

"No?", Draco asked curiously.

"For once in my life, I want to determine my own future. I don't care what they want me to do. I'll follow wherever you want to go for your career. I'll figure something out along the way."

"That's me determining your future then", Draco commented.

"It's my choice to support the love of my life in all of his endeavors. Besides, I'm a wizard. If I need to go somewhere I can get there and back quickly. What do you want to do?", Harry asked curiously.

"Maybe something with potions? I haven't given it too much thought. The future still seems so far away. I really don't know. I just want you to be with me."

"Then let's not know together", Harry decided, leaning in to capture Draco's lips with his own.

A knock on the door a few minutes later pulled them apart.

"Yes?", Draco called, after clearing his throat.

"Are you two ready?"

"Yes!", Harry called back.

Ruffling his hair back into place, he helped Draco up. With one last peck on the lips, they met Neville at the door and snuck out of the common room so that no one would join them.

Harry and Draco answered a lot of questions that Neville had (speaking with a silencing charm present of course), assuring him that it was nice to be open to someone about their adventures together. Harry couldn't stop smiling, though it wavered once they got into Hogsmeade.

"We're going to the Hog's Head if that's alright? Aberforth said we can just sneak in through the back anytime. There's a table reserved he keeps for us in the back, completely warded with privacy charms."


They went inside with no issue, and had a wonderful dinner. Harry felt like himself, pre-war, but only better. With his arm around Draco the whole time, he felt on top of the world. As they left, they walked slowly, enjoying the night air.

"Oi!", they heard a familiar voice yell.

Turning around, Harry waved to the twins. They waved the three men over, ushering them into their shop. As soon as the door was closed, Draco pulled Fred into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you Fred. I don't even know what to say. You didn't have to do what you did for me, I-"

"And you didn't have to save my life. I couldn't stand how you were being treated. When I heard mum talking about it with Harry, I knew that I wanted to help. It was emotional to say the least, but I feel a lot lighter getting some things off of my chest."

"How's the reaction been?", George asked.

"Everyone in the castle is pretty used to me at this point. I've heard more 'Dracos' as opposed to 'Malfoys' which is refreshing and a bit odd, but nothing else has really happened."

"We've been hiding more or less", Harry added.

"That seems to be the way to live these days", Fred agreed.

"How's our brother dearest? Is he playing nice?", George inquired. 

"Everything is as it should be for the most part", Harry replied with a grin.

"Oh it's so much nicer living in the tower", Neville agreed. "I always felt so anxious walking around. I think we have more bonding time with our yearmates coming up soon. Then that dance next month."

"Dance you say?", George asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Please tell us more", Fred replied, his expression mirroring his twin's.

October would surely be a month to remember.

{A/N: hello, I wrote this trying to keep people's comments in mind! I hope this was enjoyable and didn't fall flat as I may have feared. It's kind of filler in my opinion and I feel like it's not my best work, but it's cute I suppose.

I've been going through it lately so I'm just trying to take things day by day, especially with this story. I don't want to ruin the flow because I'm not doing too hot. So, I decided to pull some things together to publish this chapter in hopes of making you all smile.

Stay well and be safe. All my love as always,

J 🧡}

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