Chapter 22

The only sounds that could be heard coming from Harry and Draco's room was the sound of relentless pacing. Draco had essentially barricaded himself inside, and was not allowing anyone in.

Oh, Pansy had tried. The combination of Draco's and Harry's magic proved too strong for her, and Ginny took her away in a huff. Harry was in Neville and Blaise's room, relatively calm for the most part. He knew Draco just needed time, but no one believed him.

He placed his focus on working to make up the assignments that he had missed, and time flew by relatively quickly. It was at the two hour mark when he decided it was time to see Draco again.

His knock received no answer, so he quietly called out, "it's Harry."

When there was no answer once again, he turned around to leave in case Draco had fallen asleep. He could just bunk elsewhere-

Harry was then quite literally ripped from his thoughts as the door opened just enough for Draco to pull him inside. It quickly shut and locked afterwards.

"Are you okay my love?", Harry asked quietly.

"Honestly Harry? It's been hours and I still don't know how I'm feeling. I can't decide if I want to punch you for doing this behind my back, or snog you senseless because you did this with very pure intentions."

"We can compromise and I can give you a hug?"

Scoffing, Draco accepted, and allowed Harry to pull him onto the bed to finally put an end to his pacing.

"This was my plan. I know that you didn't want to share a lot of the details, so I tried to keep it as vague as possible. I'm so sick of everyone belittling you when they don't know your story, they don't know what you've been through.

Merlin Draco, I love you so much that it physically hurts me to see people treat you like that. You're the most significant person in my life, and they have no right to be so vile and cruel. It makes my blood boil.

I can't just hide you away to keep you safe, so I figured it was time to end my silence. The only person I trusted to get the story right was Luna. I knew that she would write what's best for everyone with no bias.

I'm sorry if I overstepped Draco. I knew you wouldn't go for it because that's not how you are, not anymore. When you do speak up, you only speak up for me. Now it's my turn to speak on your behalf.

Luna and the Weasleys all love you so much, they wanted to speak up on your behalf as well. I told them that there were limits to what you were comfortable with everyone knowing. I reread the whole story before anything was published.

I hope that what was put out was okay? If not we can run another piece or- mmph."

"I fucking love you Harry Potter", Draco said fiercely, capturing his boyfriend's lips in another kiss.

"And I love you Draco Malfoy", Harry whispered back.

"I don't know what I'm feeling. I've been thinking too much", Draco continued, straddling Harry's hips. "I don't want to think anymore. I want to do."

"Are you sure you don't want to talk anymore? Communication is very important", Harry insisted, his fingers playing with the hem of Draco's shirt but going no further.

"I know that what you did was an act of love", Draco said before kissing from Harry's cheek down to his neck. "I just don't know what the result is, and I suppose I'm worried what the backlash will be."

"There will always be backlash, but I'd do absolutely anything for you my Prince."

"Take off your shirt", Draco commanded.

Harry did as told, and allowed Draco to lightly push his chest so he was laying back on the pillows.

"You're so beautiful, and you're all mine."

"All yours", Harry promised, eyes shining.

"Say it again", Draco demanded, trailing kisses down Harry's chest.

The words "all yours Draco" sounded like a constant prayer coming from Harry's mouth, and Draco loved it.

"You're going to need a turtleneck or a really strong glamour after our anniversary", Draco swore, nipping at the skin on Harry's collarbone.

Both men were in a state of peaceful bliss, Draco's worries forgotten for the most part.

"Let's get some sleep, yeah? Face everyone and everything tomorrow, together", Harry murmured into Draco's ear.

"You better not leave my side even for a second."

"There's no place I'd rather be than next to you", Harry promised.

Harry immediately failed at his task the next morning in the common room. They got up early, trying to beat the rush of people to breakfast. Ron and Hermione were waiting for Harry and Draco and immediately rose to their feet once they entered.

As soon as Ron set his eyes on Draco, he tackled him to the floor. Draco was defenceless, arms pinned to his sides.

No other impact seemed to hit Draco, and that was when he realized that Weasley was... hugging him?

"Ronald! Harry, Draco we'd like to speak with you before breakfast if that's alright?", Hermione asked pointedly.

"Thank you", Ron whispered, confusing the hell out of Draco.

When Ron got up, he offered a hand to a stunned Draco, who didn't know how to do anything else but accept it.

"Can we go to your room?", Hermione asked. "I think Pansy is still upset with you, Draco. That would be easiest."

"When isn't she?", he asked with a snort. "That's fine", he agreed, after a just as confused Harry nodded.

Draco was just thankful that they remembered to separate their beds this morning. He and Harry sat on his bed, while Ron and Hermione sat on Harry's bed.

"Malfoy, I am so sorry. Like you said, I'm not entitled to your forgiveness and I sure as hell don't deserve it, but I hope after I explain we can at least be on okay enough terms. Harry mate, I'm sorry too. I felt betrayed, but I didn't know the whole story."

"I'll hear you out", Draco agreed after a moment of consideration.

When else would he ever get a groveling Weasley literally throwing himself at Draco, begging for forgiveness?

"It was when I read Fred's piece in the article that everything clicked into place. I didn't understand how everyone could forgive you for all that you did, Malfoy. You caused a lot of harm and it seemed like everyone had forgotten that. I was angry, but I was also judging you without knowing all of the facts.

All that I knew was that you were the one who hit Fred during the Final Battle and caused him to go into a coma", Ron paused, struggling with his words as more emotions than Harry had ever seen flickered across his face.

"I... I didn't know that you saved his life. All I had heard was that you were responsible, and that was enough for me. No one bothered to correct me, I guess it never came up in conversation again when I was there.

Harry mate, I treated you horribly. You've become my brother, and I couldn't understand how you could get so close with Malfoy when he almost killed one of our own. Almost losing Fred was right up there with hearing Hermione's screams and not being able to do anything about it. It sent me spiraling."

Ron paused again, this time wiping tears from his eyes.

"I couldn't handle the thought of knowing that I almost lost my brother. Especially after watching Harry die... I just... I don't handle things like this where there are emotions running high very well. I'm trying though.

To the both of you, I truly am sorry. I should have heard you out more, but I was so hurt, so angry, that I was blinded with my own rage and misconceptions. I saw red, and everything was one dimensional.

Not that my opinion matters, but I'm proud of you for having the courage to get the dark mark covered Malfoy. I know you've been dealing with arseholes like me every time you go out and that a reaction like mine is probably what you feared. You had every right to threaten me and make my life a living hell, but you were the better person and didn't involve yourself with the likes of me."

Ron finished what he had to say, and they sat in silence for a few moments.

"I'll go now, but once again, I truly am sorry", he said, standing up. "I know this doesn't excuse my actions in the slightest, but I hope it explains why my reaction was so volatile. You're a good person Malfoy. I'm glad you two have each other", he said with a watery smile.

As Ron turned, hand on the doorknob, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he was surprised to see Draco.

"All is forgiven", Draco said, holding out a hand. "I thought you knew and that there was no point bringing it up. The last thing that I wanted was for you or your family to think that I was holding saving Fred over your heads as a reason why you needed to forgive me. I didn't do it for praise, and I was perfectly fine keeping it a secret", he said, looking over at Harry.

"Thank you, that means a lot", Ron said after shaking Draco's hand.

He then turned to Harry, expression unreadable.

"Oh get over here you big git."

Harry laughed as Ron knocked him down in a bear hug. It was the first time that Ron or Hermione heard Harry laugh in months. Draco watched his boyfriend fondly as Hermione threw an arm over his shoulders, leaning her head against it.

"I told you he'd come around sooner or later", she whispered.

"I'll take later over never", Draco agreed.

"Come on Ronald, let's go get some breakfast."

"Can we sit with you today?", Ron asked sheepishly.

Harry's eyes met Draco's, and Draco nodded.

"Yes, I've missed you", Harry agreed.

The two walked out together, shoulders bumping and laughing quietly, while Hermione and Draco stared at their respective partners lovingly.

"Seems we've been tossed to the side huh?", Draco asked, shaking his head.

"They have a very strong bromance", Hermione agreed. "You think Harry would feel like a third wheel, but it used to always be me", she laughed.

On the contrary, the two men had waited at the door for their partners. Once they got to the hallway, Harry threw one arm over Draco's shoulder, and the other over Ron's. Ron reciprocated, his other arm going around Hermione's waist, who was very happy that things had finally worked out between her best friends.


It is 1:50am right now and I accidentally wrote this whole chapter in an hour. It's daylight savings time so I watched the clock change from 1:59am back to 1am which allowed me to write and not feel guilty about it.

That being said, we are coming upon a time skip soon. Other than the dances which I will be including, and a chapter centered on Halloween, is there anything you'd like to see? Let me know, the rest of this story is very fluid for the most part.

Stay well and be safe my lovelies. All my love,

J 💗}

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