Chapter 21

When Draco said he wouldn't let Harry out of his sight, he meant it. He was sticking to his boyfriend closer than his own shadow. 

"We have to head back for class, my Prince."

"If I was still mad at you, I'll have you know I would've let you go to class all by yourself."

"I really am sorry Draco."

"I know you are Harry", he replied with a sigh. "You still have some explaining to do."

"In regards to?"

"Whatever your 'plan' was, and where and what your third tattoo was. Unless it was the star?", he pressed.

"You'll find out soon my love, just don't be too mad at me."

Draco snorted and lightly hit Harry on the shoulder.

"As long as my face isn't tattooed on your body."

At Harry's silence he raised an eyebrow in concern.

"Potter. What did you do?"

"Obviously to commemorate how you can be a pain in my arse sometimes, I got your face tattooed there", Harry said seriously.

"Oh please, as if you would subject Luna to that."

Draco prayed he called the bluff right, because this seemed like something Harry would do as a joke.

"You got me there ", Harry admitted. "Merlin that would be funny though."

"Grab your things you prat, let's go."

After collecting their things, Draco turned to Harry with a feral grin.

"You know, it would be my pleasure to be a true pain in your arse Harry. You just say the word and I'm yours", Draco said with a wink, apparating back to Hogwarts before Harry could do anything about the effect of his words.

"I probably deserved that", Harry muttered, shaking his head.

As soon as they arrived back, McGonagall was waiting for Harry and Draco.

"Mr. Potter. The Minister is in my office looking for you. Apparently it's urgent enough to interrupt my learning environment."

"Sorry Headmistress. I'll catch up with you later Draco?"

"I expect chocolates for taking notes for you for two days", Draco replied with an eye roll as he walked away.

"I'll buy you a whole chocolate shop!", Harry yelled at his retreating figure.

Draco turned back to flip him off before remembering McGonagall was there.

"I love you", Harry mouthed to him.

The smile on Draco's face said it all., even as he shook his head and walked away.

"Care to tell me what this is all about Harry? You're not in trouble are you?"

"Damage control, that's all. I'm working to set things right as I should have done months ago."

"It's okay to move things at your own pace Harry. Remember that."

"I know Headmistress. I just want everything to stop sometimes."

Walking into the common room, Draco felt he was back on trial, and tensed up immediately.

"Move, give him some space!", Blaise yelled.

"He's with McGonagall", is all Draco said before retreating to the safety of his room.

He had forgiven Harry, but the emotional turmoil was still present. Especially if Harry's so-called "plan" meant he had to meet with the Minister of Magic. If this was the case, Draco could understand why Harry hadn't wanted to upset him. He just wanted to laze about in his boyfriend's arms again, and forget that everyone else existed.

Sadly, that was not to be, especially when Harry didn't show up for meals, or for any of his classes that day. At dinner, Draco found himself getting anxious once more. He barely ate, wondering what his idiot boyfriend had gotten himself into this time.

Draco was getting ready for bed when the door seemingly opened and closed on its own.

"Ugh!", Harry grunted, leaning back against the door. "I hate paperwork."

"Everything alright my darling?", Draco asked.

"By tomorrow hopefully. I'm sorry for being gone so often. I've missed you."

"Merlin we're so clingy", Draco teased, scrunching up his nose that Harry was then obligated to kiss.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Whether I would or not depends as to if you acquired me this promised chocolate shop?"

"I'm still in the market for one. However, I did pick these up for you."

Draco was delighted to receive a bag of chocolate frogs.

"I love you."

"You better. I was so in my own head that I didn't use a glamour."


"You're my everything, it's fine. They'll leave me alone after some guy grabbed my arm and I smashed his camera. Either that or say I'm deranged, I don't care."

"Fuck him", Draco agreed, munching on a chocolate frog.

"I thought you volunteered to do that for me?", Harry asked innocently.

As Draco's arms came up to playfully hit him, Harry grabbed them and pinned Draco to the bed.

"Hi", Harry whispered, smiling at his boyfriend.

"You're an idiot", Draco giggled, staring up at his Harry.

"I don't care what you call me as long as I'm yours Draco. I can't wait until we go away this weekend for our anniversary."

"Do you have anything planned?", Draco asked, eyes shining.

"I can give you a preview", Harry teased, closing the distance between them.

They continued on, kissing languidly and sharing chocolates, simply enjoying each other's company. For Draco especially, this was the calm before the storm.

The next day started out like any other. The first issue occurred when they were in the common room before lunch and Hermione accidentally spilled ink onto Draco's hoodie, that he had stolen from Harry of course.

Cursing quietly, he removed it without thinking. Wearing a short-sleeved shirt underneath it had quickly become a mistake as Ron was the first to notice the tattoo. He had been very quiet lately, but this struck a nerve with him.

"You think you can just cover up the dark mark and pretend like you weren't on the wrong side of the war?", he sneered.

"Ron! You cannot police someone else's body! He is free to do what he pleases."

"He's trying to erase all of his actions!"

"Will you shut up?", Harry asked, fed up with all of the conflict.

"He's turning you against me!"

"You're doing a very good job of that yourself Ron."


"Ron enough. I'm done", Harry warned, grabbing Draco's arm and pulling him into their room, away from prying eyes.

"I'll clean up the ink stain, take whatever hoodie you want in the meantime."

Sighing, Draco just collapsed on their bed. It was times like these where the thought that he would never be good enough for Harry resurfaced once more. Especially when he caused conflict just by existing.

"Stop it."


"Whatever negative thought is running through that pretty head of yours. I love you, and nothing is going to make my feelings for you change. They get stronger every day, and I find myself falling in love with new aspects of you all of the time."

Stopping the cleaning of the hoodie, Harry took his shirt off, and walked towards Draco. Grabbing Draco's hand, Harry placed it over his heart.

"Whose name is permanently tattooed on here?"

"Mine", Draco admitted.

"Whose first initial is tattooed on here?", Harry then asked, holding out his arm.


"Whose face may or may not be tattooed on my arse?"

Finally, Draco cracked a smile and laughed.

"Ah, there's my beautiful boy. There are more unknowns than anything else in my life, but you, Draco Malfoy, are the one thing that I'm sure about. I may be stupid and impulsive sometimes sweetheart, but I promise you this was planned for awhile now. I know what I want, what I need, and that's you."

"How do you always know what to say?"

"I'm just speaking from the heart. I meant every word."

Draco hugged Harry tightly, face buried in his neck.

"I have to miss class after lunch. You should skip too."

"Someone has to attend and make sure you don't need a year 9."

"Ouch. Tell me how you really feel, Malfoy."

"I feel like it's a good thing you're pretty, Potter."

A surprised laugh left Harry's mouth, and he went back to cleaning the hoodie, happy when the stain was finally removed. The lunch table was tense, but no one else understood why. Harry and Draco left early, taking a quick stroll outside before Harry had to leave to... wherever secretive place he had been going.

Draco hoped it would be over with soon. He missed brushing his hand against Harry's to send him thoughts throughout their classes. Harry was still only primarily speaking with Draco and writing with a lot of other people. Hopefully the added on stress of whatever Harry was doing was worth this small setback, and it was a barrier they could once again break. Draco would be supportive either way.

Dinnertime was the next occasion where Harry was seen, looking a little too smug for Draco's liking.

"Harry-", he had tried to ask.

"You'll see soon enough", Harry promised.

Whatever Draco had expected, it was certainly not what was delivered. The onslaught of owls had him terrified, but Harry didn't look worried. Instead, there was mischief sparkling his eyes.

"What did you do?"

"What I had to do."

Instead of The Prophet like everyone had expected, everyone was delivered a copy of The Quibbler.

The paper was titled, "Exclusive Interview With Harry Potter: The Real Story."

Draco skimmed the article briefly, and was so overwhelmed that he needed a moment alone to collect himself. He slipped out in the chaos before anyone had gotten to the part written about him, and Harry understood this was something that Draco needed to deal with in private. He just prayed he hadn't overstepped.

"In his first interview given after the war, Harry Potter has trusted us here at The Quibbler to share the story of what really happened that fateful night. He has been working with us on this authorized story for weeks, but we have had to expedite publication due to the Daily Prophet continuing to commit defamation.

This article features interviews with Harry Potter, Mrs. Molly Weasley, Fred Weasley, and myself, Luna Lovegood. The four of us have chosen now to speak out for fear of safety to not only our friends and family, but the Wizarding World as a whole."

The Great Hall, as well as the rest of the Wizarding World, were on the edge of their seats as they continued to pour over the pages.

"Luna: Hello Harry, thank you for allowing me to interview you today.

Harry: Of course Luna.

Luna: You're a busy man, let's just jump right in. What is it you wish to share with everyone?

Harry: I'd like to clear up some nasty rumours that have been spread about myself, my friend Draco Malfoy, his mother Narcissa Malfoy, and the House of Slytherin as a whole.

Luna: Begin wherever you'd like Harry. Take your time.

Harry: I'll state the obvious that Draco and I are not engaged, not that my private affairs need to be announced to the public anyway.

I am not being forced in any way to push the "house unity" agenda at Hogwarts. Headmistress McGonagall has never, and will never push me to do anything that I don't want to do, unlike others in my past have. I stand behind her and her ideals 100%, and I am helping in any capacity that I can to make Hogwarts safe for all students, no matter their house, blood status, or family history. She is an excellent leader and has my utmost respect.

The only thing I need "saving" from is the constant crowding around myself when I show my face in public, the cameras being shoved in my face, and the names of my friends being dragged through the mud, all because they are associated with myself.

Luna: Thank you for clearing this up Harry, not that you should have to. Was there anything else you wanted to add?

Harry: I want to clear the names of Draco and Narcissa Malfoy once and for all. The records of their trial amongst others have been sealed, but I have received permission from the Minister of Magic to discuss some of the basics.

Both Draco and Narcissa have saved my life, as well as many other members of Hogwarts, as well as those serving in The Order. No matter their ties with Voldemort, they fought for good in the end. It is not my place to fully disclose the details as this is more their story to tell than my own, and I will not betray their trust. They fought to stay alive, and used their position to keep others safe. I'll end it here as I know this will transition into stories that the others have to share.

I'll conclude my statement by saying that I am no longer blinded by house color. Slytherins are not inherently evil. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and cunning. For some, it is the only way they were able to survive, and I relate to that.

Bravery is associated with Gryffindor, and Peter Pettigrew was a coward who betrayed all of his best friends. Their blood is on his hands. Professor Quirrell was a Ravenclaw who allowed Voldemort to live off of him as a parasite. Good and evil do not equate to what traits you value, it is equated to how you decide to use them, whether it be for the benefit or harm of others.

These are the words of my Godfather that I have lived by, ever since I heard them. "The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on" - Sirius Black.

Thank you for your time Luna.

Luna: It's always a pleasure to see you, Harry.

I'll transition into my own story now."

Luna then went on to explain how Draco had cared for her as well as the rest of the prisoners in Malfoy Manor by sneaking them food, medical care, and not actually casting Unforgiveables on them. She then volunteered to show anyone her fake scream, as she was very proud of it.

The next interview was with Fred Weasley, and there was not a dry eye in the castle.

"Luna: Hello Fred, it's wonderful to see you again.

Fred: You as well, Luna.

Luna: How are you feeling? Are you well?

Fred: I'm thankful to say that I have no lasting injuries from those I sustained while fighting in the Final Battle.

Luna: We're all very thankful to hear that. You can share your story when you're ready.

Fred: I was fighting alongside my brother Percy. We had just reconciled, and he had told me a joke that I was commenting on, when I got blasted in the chest by Draco with a powerful Expelliarmus charm that is a close second to Harry's may I add.

I was hit so hard that I flew a good few meters backwards, hitting the ground. As soon as I landed, an explosion went off right where I had been standing. I- I'm sorry, it makes me emotional to talk about. I was then hit in the head with some rubble from the blast. If Draco had just continued going past me, I would be dead right now.

When I came to from the coma, I didn't understand it at first. I'd replayed that scene hundreds of times in my head to the point where I extracted the memory and would spend hours analyzing it, trying to see what I had subconsciously picked up on.

I didn't understand it at first, but it made sense once Percy volunteered his memory. It looked like I had been blasted by the rubble and I was dead. Gave Percy quite the scare, living through his memory where he began to mourn me was... It- it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.

I was covered in blood, dust, and rubble without a wand, which really added to the effect. No one would bother me if they thought I was... I was dead... They were going after moving targets. I was no longer a threat.

Draco and I have spoken many times since, even lending his ideas to some of our (Fred and George's) new products at the shop. If you don't respect my choice of company, take your business elsewhere.

Draco Malfoy saved my life. He kept my family whole, and for that I am forever grateful. I'm proud to call him a friend of mine.

Luna: I know that wasn't easy Fred. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me."

Mrs. Weasley's story was touching as well, speaking about how kind and helpful Draco was, nothing like she had believed him to be. She briefly commented on how nice it was that he and Harry had become friends because they're both a lot happier.

The only sound that could be heard in the Great Hall was the rustling of tissues, sniffles, and Ron Weasley dropping his glass on the floor. As the glass shattered into hundreds of pieces, so did the world that he had once known. 

{A/N: hello my lovelies, my apologies if this made you emotional. I've been trying to fit this chapter in for ages and I'm hoping this was the right time for it. Next chapter should also be fun when I get to writing it.

Thank you all for your kind words. Stay safe, be well. All my love, 


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