Chapter 20

All Draco could do was anxiously pace for hours. He would constantly get up and recheck all of his and Harry's meetup places. After taking it upon himself to search the whole grounds for his idiot boyfriend and his savior complex, he came to the conclusion that Harry was no longer on school grounds.

Draco was no longer sad. It was far worse than that; he was hurt and getting angrier by the minute. Who was Harry to disappear on him like that talking about some kind of plan that Draco had no knowledge of? Their communication had been so good up to now, and Draco didn't understand what he could have done to make Harry not trust him with something.

On the other hand, he was thoughtful enough to send Draco a note assuring him that Harry was okay. He told him to stay safe twice in his short letter. So many thoughts were going through Draco's head that he had to write them down on paper.

"Reasons As to Why My Stupid Boyfriend Would Abandon Me:

1. He's doing something stupid and knows I'll tell him it's a bad idea.
2. He's mad or upset with me for some reason?
3. This is his way of breaking up with me. (No, he promised he would come back for me)
4. Whatever he's doing is going to create a big mess and he doesn't want me caught up in it.
5. Trying to protect me with that savior complex of his.
- This is most likely, he would never want to put me into any sort of danger.
- If he did something irrational the attention would be off of me and onto solely him.
- I'm probably safer here, especially after the article.
- A lot of people don't like me and could try to hurt me. If he has to save me again the rumours will get worse. (Probably what Skeeter wants)
- Not everyone knows the truth."

Writing everything out helped the anger to slowly dissipate, until Draco just felt empty. He crossed number 3 out so harshly that he tore a long tear into the parchment. After hiding the paper away, he cuddled up in Harry's bed, clinging to the dragon Harry had won him. He slept maybe two hours total, nightmares plaguing him constantly when he did manage to get some sleep.

The worst part of everything is that when he woke up on Monday morning for what he deemed the final time, he had to pretend like Harry's absence wasn't affecting him. They were just friends to everyone else after all, he had no reason to sulk. He didn't think so anyway, until he received notice from McGonagall to meet her in her office.

Casting a glamour to make him look well-rested and getting dressed with the utmost care, the Malfoy mask slipped back into place. It was terrifying really to all who knew the real Draco how easy it was for him to once again become empty and impassive. All Pansy wanted to do was wrap him up in blankets and protect him, but no one dared bother him after he left the Great Hall yesterday knowing he needed time to figure things out on his own terms.

Sighing, he said the password and quickly made his way up to her office,

"Mr. Malfoy, have a biscuit", she greeted.

Knowing it wasn't a question, Draco accepted and began to nibble on it.

"Are you inquiring about Harry?"

"Do you know where he is?"

"I don't. He sent a note saying he had something to do and would be back 'soon', whatever that means", Draco scoffed.

"You're the only one who's heard from him then. I primarily called you here to ask how you are?"


"Yes Draco, you", Minerva said with a sigh. "I can't imagine what this has been like for you, especially with the constant lies being taken as truth. It was very kind of you to speak up for Harry last night. I'd like to let you know that a 5th year Ravenclaw spoke up on your behalf, as did Lavender Brown.

You have more support than you think you do. With that being said, you and Harry mean a great deal to each other. If you wish to be excused from classes until he returns, I can make that happen."

"No need, Headmistress. While I am thankful to have the option extended to me, I think I'd be better off in class with something to do as opposed to wondering what Potter is up to. I can confirm that after years of harassing each other", Draco concluded with a snort.

"If you change your mind, let me know Mr. Malfoy. If you wish to miss class to visit your mother, that can also be arranged. I'm willing to work with you for anything you need."

"Thank you for your support, Headmistress."

"Are you heading to breakfast now?"

"I was planning to, yes."

"I'll walk with you."

And that is how Draco Malfoy found himself thanking every god in existence that it was early and practically no one was in the Great Hall to see him get escorted in by their Headmistress. He ate slowly, daydreaming about where Harry could be and what he was doing. Finishing his breakfast early before his friends had even come down, Draco made his way to double potions alone, reminiscent of how he had been back in 6th year.

Nothing could prepare him for the wrath of Pansy Parkinson, with an irritated Ginny Weasley in tow. After being scolded by the both of them for how he should have waited for someone before going out alone, and didn't he know they were all worried for him, he was only able to get a moment of peace when he reminded Ginny that she had a different class to get to this morning.

"Really Pans, McGonagall called me to her office at like 6:30 this morning. She then proceeded to escort me to breakfast, then I came right here."

"I just want to make sure you're safe Draco."

"Well apparently so does Potter and that resulted in him leaving", Draco said bitterly.

"Don't be too hard on loverboy, I'm sure in his convoluted ways he thinks he's protecting you by keeping you in the dark. You're so insanely smart Draco, but when it comes to him you become impulsive and irrational in true Gryffindor fashion. Tell me honestly that if he had given you his location and asked you not to go that you would have stayed behind."

Draco opened his mouth to say of course he wouldn't, but he shut it because he knew he would rather be helping with Harry.

"Exactly. I'm not making excuses for him or saying you have no right to be upset, but this is what he thought was best for you darling. I'm sure it'll be okay."

"Be my potions partner today?", is all he had left to say.

The rest of Draco's classes passed by quickly as he threw himself into whatever they were doing that day. It was just before dinner when he had received another note from Scarhead Jr. All it said was, "Come home."

Draco scribbled a quick "Going to Harry" note under Pansy's door and ran as quickly as he could to the apparition point so that he could go back to Harry, his home.

Draco arrived panting and out of breath from how much energy he had put into getting to Harry as quickly as magically possible. He paused, surprised to find Luna there with Harry. His anger began to resurface from there.

"Give us a moment will you?", Harry asks her.

As soon as Luna left, Draco tackled Harry to the ground in a hug, then pulled away and smacked him in the chest.

"How could you do this to me?", he yelled. "I went to find and comfort you and you were gone Harry! I checked every single one of our meeting places twice before the note, and once again afterwards! I thought you might have been breaking up with me, or dropping out!

Now I find out that you don't trust me enough to help you with whatever your 'plan' was, but you called Luna? I thought you loved me-"

"Now hold on right there Draco. You have every right to be angry and upset with me, to yell at me, but you don't get to question whether or not I love you. You're my everything, and I needed to keep you safe. I knew if I told you I was leaving you would follow me.

I was angry that people would spread those lies about you and Narcissa, and I did not want to take that anger out on you Sweetheart. I love you too much for that. I failed to keep you safe when we were out, and I'm so sorry for that Draco. I swear to you that if this was something I could have brought you to do Draco I would have. I didn't bring Luna, she brought me somewhere to get something done, and I needed her here when I sent for you back.

If you want to keep yelling at me you can, but please don't think that for one second I don't love you. Everything I do is for you, my love."

This broke Draco, and he collapsed into Harry's chest and began sobbing.

"Don't leave me again, please", he choked out.

"I've got you my beautiful boy. Everything is going to be okay. I'm going to fix it all", Harry whispered, holding Draco tightly to his chest.

"You can't fix everything Harry". Draco whispered.

"I'll be damned if I don't try for the ones I love", Harry replied fiercely. "You're the one I want by my side forever Draco. I trust you from the very depths of my soul. You're the only one who gets to literally see inside my head. You know what's in my heart and that it only beats for you. You have to trust me that leaving you behind hurt me more than what was written in that article did. I didn't even sleep last night."

"I barely slept either. You could have come back to sleep."

"I had a lot of things to finish planning and work out. I promise you that it will all make sense in a few days."

"Then you'll tell me everything?"

"I'll answer every single question in that pretty little head of yours."

Satisfied, Draco just snuggled closer to Harry.

"Do you want to move to the couch perhaps? Or even your counter?", Harry teased.

"I just need to be with you right now. The counter can wait."

"I cooked us some dinner. Your favorite."

"You knew I would be upset with you, but you left anyway... It must have been important", Draco relented, pulling away to look at Harry.

"Anything concerning my boyfriend's safety and overall well-being is my top priority."

Draco froze, unsure as to whether or not he had heard that right.

"You did", Harry said softly, reaching up to trail the back of his hand against Draco's cheek. "It'll take some getting used to, and I still think 'my everything' sounds better, but this means a lot to you, I know. So, will you, Draco Malfoy, be my boyfriend?"

Draco responded with a passionate kiss, claiming Harry as his boyfriend again, once and for all. His hands slipped under Harry's hoodie, and Harry put a stop to it by placing his hands on top of Draco's.

"Luna is still upstairs. Come on."

Harry got up, helping Draco, and called Luna as they walked into the dining room to eat.

"White, yellow, and pink tulips?", Draco asked.

"They signify a sincere apology. Normally a person will stick with only the white, or a combination of yellow and pink. Harry is extremely sorry, so he chose all three", Luna explained airily.

"Merlin I can't be mad when you're like this", Draco grumbled.

"You can be mad all you want", Harry said honestly. "I made you cry and that was not my intention. I need to keep working on how impulsive I am. You ground me, I make you act erratically when emotions are high. This was just what had to be done. I missed you as soon as I left."

"Well now you're going to be sick of me because I'm not letting you out of my sight any time soon", Draco declared, sitting on Harry's lap.

"I'd never get sick of you", Harry swore, kissing Draco on the cheek.

They ate in relative silence with Luna's chatter a comforting break in the quiet.

"Have you told him yet Harry?"

"Not yet. I'll bring him up in a minute."

"What's going on?", Draco asked with more confidence than he felt.

"If you're comfortable, we are going to cover up the dark mark."


"No, Draco. That is not who you are, and it certainly was not who you were. Luna knows how to create magic tattoos. I know you think covering it up will make you seem like a coward or that you're covering what you did, but it doesn't. It shows that you've accepted your past and you're moving forward despite all that happened."

"Are you going to get a tattoo as well?"

"I was thinking of three actually. And I need your help with two of them. Come on up."

Draco allowed himself to be dragged upstairs, wondering what he had managed to get himself into for the upteenth time in this relationship.

"What do you need my help with?"

"I simply want you to sign this piece of paper."

"You are not tattooing my name on your body!"

"I'm getting a snitch tattooed over my heart that says 'I Open at the Close', but I want your name in your handwriting hidden in the wings."


"That's what I want, and you're not talking me out of it."

"Then I want a snitch in the same place with your name too. It's only fair."

"You're sure?"


Harry must have written his name out at least 20 times, trying to make it perfect. Despite all of that, Draco chose Harry's first attempt as it was the most natural. He adored his boyfriend's messy scrawl because it was oh-so Harry.

"What's the second thing?"

"I just want you to write the letter 'D', right next to my 'H'."

"Odd request, but alright."

"I'm also getting the deathly hallows symbol tattooed, and I want 'DH' written vertically in the middle of the elder wand. It stands for deathly hallows, as well as Draco and Harry. I'm quite pleased with that honestly."

"You're so whipped", Draco said with a snicker, but he couldn't hide how pleased he was with Harry's decision to have his whole name, and then his last initial on top of that tattooed onto his body permanently.

"Is it going to hurt?", Draco asked Luna.

"It's painless. I also do muggle stick and pokes. Ginny and I have matching stars on our ankles. Those you do feel the poke for, but it's not too painful."

"Okay, I trust you Luna. But Harry can go first."

"Alright", Harry agreed, tugging off his shirt and sitting on the table.

Luna worked in silence which was surprising to both men. Draco figured if she was distracted, then it might hurt, so he kept his mouth shut. Once the snitch was done, she held the paper with Draco's signature over Harry's chest, and with a quiet incantation and wave of her wand, you could see Draco's elegant handwriting sprawl across each of the wings, the formation of the letters blending in with the fluttering of the feathers.

The deathly hallows symbol was on Harry's left forearm, much in the same location that the dark mark was for Draco.

"Are you ready Draco?"

"Yes, I am", he decided after a deep breath.

"Do you know what you want to cover it?"

"If I show you a photo, could you replicate that?"

"Yes, I could."

"Harry, do you have the photo of our tree?"

"Yes, I do. I'll go and get it."

Harry left to retrieve the photo while Draco gave details as to what exactly he wanted, right down to the carved heart with "Scarhead + Prince'' being included in the flower. Surrounding the base of the tree he wanted a field of Narcissus flowers for his mother.

Draco was brought to tears once the dark mark was covered by reminders of people he loved.

"This is beautiful Luna. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

"Of course. If you decide you want a matching stick and poke tattoo let me know."

"I think our whole friend group should get them", Harry decided.

"Why the hell not?", Draco asked.

"What color ink?", Luna asked, rifling through her bag.

"Green", Draco answered immediately.

"I take it you want silver, Harry?", she asked, eyes shining bright.

"You would be correct."

"Draco could you get me a glass of water please? This can be quite draining on my magic."

"Of course Luna. I'll be right back."

"Okay Harry let's do your last tattoo while he's gone. Do you have what I need?"

"Yes, I do."


Luna made quick work of this tattoo as it was so much smaller. She hoped Draco would love it when he finally noticed it. Harry had tugged his shirt back on and was cuffing his pant leg when Draco came back with water for the three of them.

"Thank you Sweetheart."

"Of course my darling", Draco replied, giving Harry a quick kiss.

"The tattoo is going here, is that alright?"

"Perfectly fine Luna."

"Okay, I'm starting now."

Draco held Harry's hand like a good boyfriend, but Harry didn't even flinch. Draco didn't know if it was because it didn't hurt, or if it was because Harry was desensitized to the pain. When it was his turn, he found out it was a combination of both. It was a minor inconvenience at most, which was refreshing.

"I just need to wipe off the ink that didn't get absorbed by the skin, and then I'll apply a quick healing salve and you're good to go."

"Thank you Luna, for everything", Harry said, giving her a hug.

"It was an honor to be able to tattoo my friends. It's very nice that four of us have matching tattoos as well. I'll be off now. I'll let McGonagall know that everyone is alright. Have a wonderful night you two, be sure to get some rest."

With that, Luna was gone, and so was the rest of Draco's energy.

"Do you want to go to bed, my Prince?"

"Please. I need sleep."

"Let's just spend the night here then yeah?"

"Works for me. You can carry me upstairs though."

"I'll carry you wherever I go now", Harry said with a soft smile, eyes bright with emotion.

"And I, you", Draco promised in return.

{A/N: hello my lovelies, you're all getting spoiled with updates this week. Sadly, this will not be the norm as it was with Ghosts, but I find myself managing my time a bit better. I've been working harder to take time for myself, and I took the night off to write all 3179 words in a little less than 3 hours.

I wanted to take a moment to let you all know how much I truly appreciate you. Whether you're a silent reader, someone who votes, someone who comments occasionally, or someone who spams my comments (which I love to see on the daily please continue, you lot know who you are) I love you all dearly and am so thankful for each one of you for sharing your time with me. Everyone single comment makes my days so much brighter, and it pushes me to improve my writing.

Things have not been easy for me as of late, and I've taken solace in my writing. Nothing brings me greater joy than to hear about how my writing gives you all something to look forward to, how it makes you smile, how it makes you feel emotions, and how it allows you to escape for a short time.

With that being said, writing all of that angst gave me inspiration, hence why I've been cranking out chapters at such a quick pace again. (I have also been going through it a bit so that helped lol.) To everyone who requested angst, I hope you enjoyed it! To those who prefer my fluff, I welcome you back with open arms.

Be safe and stay well. All my love as always,

J 💗 }

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