Chapter 19
As soon as Harry woke up, he knew that something was going to happen. His gut feelings were almost always right. He stayed in their room the whole day, intending to shut out the world before classes began again tomorrow. After failing to get him to at least go for a walk, Draco kissed Harry goodbye and went to go and spend time with Pansy and Blaise.
Harry was wrapped up in blankets staring listlessly at the wall for what could have been hours when there was a knock at the door. He didn't bother responding, hoping the person would believe he was either sleeping or out.
"Hello Harry. Are you in a stage of transition? I always create a physical cocoon myself before making a big decision."
"Something like that Luna", he said with a sigh.
"I brought you a jar of sand. Sometimes it helps to reconnect your energy."
"Thank you."
"You can run your fingers through it. There are some surprises in there for you to help with what you're going through."
"I appreciate you Luna."
"I know Harry. This is what friends are for", she said cheerily.
"Would you like to stay for a little bit?"
"I have to write to my father. He's expecting me to visit. I'll meet you after dinner though."
As quickly as she came, she was gone. Harry was trying to find some sort of way to work through and process his emotions, but he was coming up short.
With a huff, he locked the door before grabbing his camera. He could at least choose pictures he wanted to print out for his scrapbook.
Looking through all of the pictures he had taken with and of Draco brought a teary smile to his face. Merlin, he was so in love. Placing a hand over his ring, he continued to sort through their memories.
This was how Draco found him, a few hours later, tear stains drying on his face.
"Oh Harry love are you alright? Of course you're not, you've been crying. You should have sent a patronus for me! I would have come straight away!", Draco said worriedly, rushing over to pull Harry into his chest.
"I'm fine", Harry said with a sniffle.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me that", Draco dared.
Pulling away, Harry looked up at Draco, far more intensely than Draco had suspected. He leaned forward, catching Draco's lips in a soft kiss.
"I just love you", he whispered when he pulled away.
"You started crying because you love me?", Draco asked doubtfully.
"Come here."
"I should be the one holding you, you know."
"Oh sod off and get into my arms so I can show you."
Proudly, Harry began to show Draco the work he had done on their scrapbook so far. Draco was in awe at how his face lit up whenever Harry was nearby, even before they were dating. He was shocked to see how early on Harry had looked at him like that too.
"We look so happy", Draco whispered.
"I never thought I would be happy again, but here you are, right here in my arms. My everything."
"I love you Harry", Draco responded, tilting his head up to capture Harry's lips with his own. "Let's go and head down for dinner, yeah?"
Draco could feel the exact moment where the dread set back in for Harry as his whole body seized up.
"You need to eat, Harry", he instructed softly.
"And I will. I'll just go to the kitchens. I owe the house elves a visit this week anyway."
"People need to see you, they're getting worried."
"I have such a bad feeling about today that I can feel it in my bones. I'd rather sulk in bed and let it pass than have something happen while I'm around people."
Draco had finally been able to coax a very on edge Harry down to the Great Hall for some food.
"Honestly Potter if you don't show your face at least once people are going to say that I've killed you", he has argued.
Harry snorted, but it wasn't funny.
"Fine. I'll make a plate and bring it to our room. Happy?"
"That's better, I'll take it. Come on Scarhead."
A very disgruntled Harry begrudgingly followed Draco down the halls, a frown present on his face the whole while. Hermione's face lit up when she saw him, her call of, "Harry!", just a tad too loud as everyone turned to look at him. Visibly flinching, he walked quickly to the table, grabbing a plate and throwing some of this and that on it so he could leave.
As soon as he was about to turn and leave, Hermione's hand was on his back, lowering him down onto the bench as she followed suit.
"Harry, are you sick? You look like absolute death."
"Thanks Mione", he replied cheerfully.
She gave him a pointed look and he sighed.
"I just have a very bad feeling about today, so I'd rather just go back to my room until it passes."
Her face paled considerably.
"How bad?"
"Sirius level bad."
"I'll stay with you then, and if something does happen I'll help you through it."
Still unsure but not wanting to upset Hermione, Harry stayed, seemingly against his own will. It was as he was grabbing dessert that all hell broke loose.
Hundreds of owls clustered into the Great Hall, and Harry knew exactly what they were carrying as Scarhead Jr approached him with a bundle of newsprint. As the rest of the owls flew away, Harry's bird stayed perched on his shoulder, nestling his face into Harry's neck in a show of support.
The photo on the front cover fit the wretched headline as it was taken completely out of context in the first place. It was a photo of when Harry had bent down on one knee to tie his shoe, and Draco had extended a hand out to help Harry back up as they laughed over something trivial.
"Does Our Savior Need Saving?", it screamed out in bold letters.
"Harry Potter, the Chosen One, was seen in what appears to be a proposal to former death eater Draco Malfoy in the middle of Hogsmeade yesterday. There had been previous reports to The Daily Prophet that the Boy Who Lived was fraternizing with Slytherins, and this confirms it.
Is our Savior being forced against his will to push the so-called 'house unity' agenda at Hogwarts? Or are there more... sinister reasons as to why he's so complacent around his enemy Draco Malfoy? Are we at risk of needing saving from Harry in the future? The next dark lord may be on the rise."
Anger and sheer hatred was radiating off of Harry in waves, and the Great Hall seemed to vibrate with the energy. Nobody dared to speak, choosing instead to watch Harry as his face contorted into various negative expressions.
When the article started attacking Draco, his character, and Narcissa as well as her parenting skills, Harry had had enough. He rose angrily, ignoring all of the calls of his name, and turned so quickly that his robes billowed out behind him in a way that would have made Snape proud of him.
Draco moved to rush out of his seat to follow Harry, but Blaise stopped him by placing a hand on his own.
"It will look worse if you storm out after him", he whispered.
"I don't fucking care what it looks like Harry needs me!", he snapped. "I'm the one who made him come to dinner in the first place when he didn't want to. I should have respected his boundaries", Draco ended in a whisper, feeling defeated as he dropped his head in his hands.
"As much as I hate to say this Draco, you need to finish reading it so you know what they're saying about you."
"Other than Potter and I are engaged?", he asked loudly, accompanied by an incredulous laugh as everyone turned to look at him.
He turned to address the whole Great Hall as they were listening anyway.
"If anyone proposed to me in such a manner that would be the end of the relationship. It's not personal. There are no family or friends present. There's also no ring obviously.
On top of all of that, Potter is a private person, so why the hell would he propose to anyone, especially me of all people in public? Practically all of you dislike me in some sort of way, so why would he be so careless as to draw more attention to the both of us? The Daily Prophet is absolute rubbish, and anyone who gives it any merit is just as bad as Rita Skeeter is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and check on my friend who saved all of our sorry arses may I remind you, yet still has his name slandered on the daily. Harry didn't have to save any of us, but he did it quietly and with grace. He deserves better from all of you.
He can't even tie his shoe and get helped up by a friend without the story being twisted into something it's not. Shame on everyone for not allowing him to live peacefully for once in his life."
It was then Draco's turn to make a dramatic exit. His Harry needed him.
"He's right you know", said a 5th year Ravenclaw.
"How so?", questioned a Hufflepuff.
"Potter hasn't used his name for any type of advantage. He is better than all of us, that's just a fact, but he doesn't flaunt it. He somehow befriended Draco sodding Malfoy of all people, and they have each other's backs.
Malfoy could have played the victim card when the paper dragged his name through the mud again, but instead he went to make sure Potter was okay. He said nothing about himself. It can't be easy to have your family's past mistakes brought up multiple times a day."
"Just because Harry forgave Malfoy doesn't mean we have to", chimed in a Gryffindor.
Before McGonagall could reply, Lavender had a retort prepared.
"Besides maybe making a few quips to you about your house, what else has he done to you? What has he done to anyone this year, really? He's kept his head down and allowed people to taunt him. His issue was with Harry for the most part. I'm sorry you're too narrow minded to accept that this was how Draco was raised to be. I'm not defending his choices, but you couldn't pay me enough galleons to spend any small amount of time with Lucius Malfoy. Imagine him and the Dark Lord both living in your home? I empathize that he was just trying to survive."
This was the most Lavender Brown had spoken since after the war, and everyone was in shock that she had jumped in so readily to defend Draco.
"That is enough from all of you. Mr. Malfoy is not who any of you think he is. If he was a danger I would not allow him, or any students from any house seen as a threat, back into the school. Is that clear?"
After receiving murmurs of agreement, McGonagall silenced the Great Hall, and dinner resumed.
Harry was nowhere to be found. Draco was borderline hysterical, checking many of their meeting spots. Under the invisibility cloak, Harry could be anywhere, and Draco was terrified for his boyfriend's well-being. It had been a heartbreaking hour of searching when Scarhead Jr tapped on their dorm room window. Draco practically tripped over his feet racing to open the window. The cold breeze hitting his tear stricken face sent chills down his spine.
"My Prince,
I am so sorry that I wasn't able to keep you safe. I thought that we would be okay and that I could protect you, but I was wrong. I'm leaving for a short while to make things right. I was waiting for the right time to enact my plan, and I fear I may be too late.
Do not forget that you're my everything. It's time to put my "good name" to use. Stay safe and be careful. I'll write you soon Sweetheart, I promise. Stay safe. I love you Draco.
Forever Yours,
This time, when Draco fell, there was no one to catch him.
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