Chapter 17
Draco regretted inviting Hermione to join them for tea with his mother once he remembered he wouldn't be able to be Harry's boyfriend around her.
"Friendzoned in my own childhood home", he muttered to himself, running his hand through Harry's hair, whose head was on his lap.
"We don't have to head right back to Hogwarts, you know. We can just show up for dinner if you'd like. Truthfully, I don't want to go back myself."
"We can just drop out and continue to save the environment", Draco replied, leaning his head against the headboard.
"That is very enticing", Harry replied, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Hermione will be here soon, we should get ready."
"A few more minutes?"
"I'll let you pick out my outfit?", Harry pleaded.
"You'll wear it the whole day? Even back to Hogwarts?"
"If you'll cuddle with me for a few more minutes."
Draco could tell Harry just needed some support right now, so he wouldn't give his boyfriend anything too outrageous. This time at least.
"If you get uncomfortable whether here or at Hogwarts, we'll leave immediately okay? We have all of our meeting spots so if I'm not with you and it gets too much, I'll go looking for you."
Harry just nodded, repositioning himself to bury his face in Draco's neck. Draco had feared this would happen, and he held Harry a little bit tighter than he needed to. He didn't want his boyfriend slipping away again, but he understood that Harry was doing his best and that he couldn't control these feelings that he was experiencing.
"Okay, let's go before Mione shows up. She wouldn't say anything, at least not now."
"I don't mind if she knows, my only issue is that she wouldn't want to keep things from the Weasel."
"We'll figure this all out another day, okay sweetheart? I'd just like to see how this goes alright?"
"Of course. Let's go pick out your outfit."
Harry allowed Draco to get up, keeping his eyes closed as Draco looked through all of their belongings.
"Okay, I think this will look good. Go get ready."
Swinging his feet over the edge of his bed, Harry tugged off his shirt, tossing it to the other side of the bed, before standing up and walking over to Draco. He wrapped his arms around Draco's waist, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Thank you my Prince."
"Of course Scarhead."
Harry barely looked at what Draco had chosen for him, immediately finishing removing his clothing so he could change.
"You're just going to get changed right in front of me like that?", Draco asked, leaning back against the dresser, enjoying the view.
"You've already seen everything, I don't see a point, unless you want me to leave?"
"Oh no, do continue, I'm enjoying the show."
Draco noticed the exaggerated wiggle of Harry's hips as he pulled up the jeans he had picked out, and he couldn't help but smile. His boyfriend was adorable.
"You should change too, you know."
"Choose a shirt for me. That isn't red", Draco added quickly.
"Don't you have this shirt you chose for me in another color?"
"I do, in pink."
"You should wear that so that we can match."
"Aww, you want to match me?", Draco cooed.
"Yeah, I do. We have actual matching shirts that we should wear soon, but this will do for now."
"You're such a sap. My sap", Draco teased.
They finished getting ready in silence, and soon enough Hermione was due to arrive. Harry was taking some calming breaths, alone in the bathroom pretending to fix his hair when she arrived. After splashing water on his face, he was ready to go.
"Harry, should I let Scarhead Jr go back to Hogwarts now then?"
"Scarhead Jr?", Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Draco got me a new owl."
"Oh, that was very kind of you Draco."
"Oh wait until you see him. The resemblance is uncanny."
After laughing with Draco over how both Scarhead Sr and Scarhead Jr had some of the same mannerisms, Draco walked them all over to the floo.
"Remember to annunciate please Harry", she warned.
"Course Mione."
He had gone through first, just in case, clearly saying "Malfoy Manor." There would be no more diagonelly on his part. Harry would never live that one down for the rest of his life, which was further confirmed when Draco stepped through after Hermione, laughing.
"Scarhead you said what?"
"Oh shut up Malfoy", Harry huffed, rolling his eyes.
Draco was lucky Narcissa entered the room when she did, cutting off his retort of "make me."
"Boys, arguing as ever I see", she spoke goodnaturedly, opening her arms so they could each hug her.
Hermione came forward to shake her hand once Draco and Harry had stepped away. Before she could properly introduce herself, Narcissa spoke again.
"Ah, you're the one who punched my Draco in the face. I can tell by your firm handshake."
"I'm Hermione Granger Mrs. Malfoy", she introduced, holding onto her courage.
"Mother, please. I deserved more than a punch and you know it. I was a right prat."
"Was?", Harry teased, bumping his shoulder lightly into Draco's.
"Why in Merlin's name do I put up with you?"
"Draco dear, why don't you show Hermione around properly?", Narcissa interrupted "Harry, help me in the kitchen?"
"Of course Narcissa."
Hermione raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, choosing to follow Draco. She had questions, and she wanted answers.
"I feel like there's a whole side to Harry's life that I know nothing about now."
"It's not my business to share Hermione."
"What can you tell me?", she pressed.
"He, Pansy, Blaise, and myself have had a few sleepovers together", he relented. "Pansy has taken quite a liking to him, they get on surprisingly well. Harry actually has very good taste in music, who knew?"
"He paints his nails now, is that your doing?"
"I've painted them a few times for him, with his consent of course. I think it suits him, and he likes the texture of it. It's helped him stop biting his nails, a horrible habit that you also seem to have picked up."
Draco kept his smirk to himself as he watched Hermione's face change to one of surprise.
"How did you..."
"I'm very observant. I can paint yours too if you'd like? I don't mind, I find it to be very calming."
"Something neutral perhaps? I haven't had them done since the Yule Ball."
"Speaking of, what are the plans for that? Do we have a decided day yet?
Hermione filled Draco in as he led her upstairs to his private bathroom. She continued to speak as she chose a color, settling in on a rose gold color.
"So, are you going to the dance with Harry?"
"I don't know if he'll want to go with me", Draco replied honestly. "I need to use these face masks, I didn't realize I had some left."
"I'm sure he'd want to go with you", she hinted, looking around Draco's room as he rummaged through his things.
Her eyes fell on a photo of Draco and Harry on his bedside table. Curious, she stepped closer for a better look.
"That was on my birthday. We had just watched Tangled not too long beforehand, and I fell in love with the movie. He recreated the lantern scene for me, and it was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me."
"You two really do get along well."
"Don't act so surprised. Trauma aside, we have a lot in common."
"I just never thought I'd see the day."
"I didn't either. He's too good for me honestly, but he chooses to stick around anyway. He's wonderful company, don't tell him I said that he may get a big head, but it's true. We don't even have to do anything. Ironically he keeps me level headed."
"You both get the same look on your face when you talk about each other. I'm just glad that you really mean what you're saying."
"Shall we head back down?", Draco asked.
He loved talking about his Harry, but only when he was free to gush about him without consequence. The last thing they needed was Hermione having a breakdown as she grappled with being right and having to hide the information from Ron.
As this conversation was taking place, Narcissa was questioning Harry as to how things were going. She could tell he was struggling with his words, so she wordlessly slid him some parchment.
"It's okay to have bad days Harry. Just because you've regressed does not make you a failure. You're allowed to recognize and act on your limits. Do not make yourself uncomfortable to appease those around you. In this case, being selfish is perfectly justifiable. I trust my son is taking good care of you?"
"Draco is wonderful", he responded immediately, before moving to write down what had transpired since they had last spoken.
"Hermione is dating the 'Weasel' as Draco calls him?"
"Pity. The girl seems to be so smart, but who am I to judge with my taste in men? Not that I had many options of course, but I digress. The rest of the Weasleys have been treating you well?"
"Oh of course. They're my family."
"Good. Remember that I am here for anything you may need. Please do not hesitate to write to me."
"Thank you Narcissa."
"Anytime dear. Thank you for letting me know what's been going on. If this Weasel is as wonderful as you insist, and you really do insist with how much you underlined things, then I'm sure he'll come around."
Harry just nodded, absentmindedly tapping his quill on the table.
"We're back", Draco said, slipping into the seat next to Harry.
The small frown on his face at the sight of the parchment was not lost, and even Hermione looked concerned.
"Ron will come around once he sees how much you and Draco mean to each other, I know it, Harry. He's just being a right arse again. I'm not excusing his behavior, but in a weird way he feels like he's protecting you."
"I don't know how he could apologize to me and then basically take back everything he said to me", Draco commented, trying to remove the attention from Harry.
"He thinks that everyone has forgiven and forgotten everything you've done", Hermione responded with a sigh. "Not everyone is as forgiving as Harry, but I'm trying. Seeing everyone act like you've never caused them any kind of harm set him off because of how easily you were welcomed into the Burrow. That's his home, and he feels like some kind of boundary has been crossed. I'm not defending him, I'm just sharing what he told me."
"I can see how that could be upsetting, but I said I wouldn't go."
"He wanted to try for Harry, but clearly he isn't ready yet. It's stressful for me to endure as his girlfriend, I cannot even imagine what the two of you are going through", she finished softly, shaking her head. "It isn't even just with Ron, but the whole school. All of the looks and whispers are hard to deal with personally, I'm imagining it's worse for you both."
"Nothing new", Harry replied with a shrug.
She frowned, and Narcissa took that moment to go and get the tea.
"I like your nails Harry, Draco offered to do mine as well."
"I also have some face masks that need to be used up."
Harry just hummed lightly in response. They had tea in relative silence, Narcissa addressing most of her questions to Hermione to give her boys a break. Hermione loved to talk, she soon found out, but she supposed it was nice that Draco was making other friends. Narcissa prayed for the walls of Hogwarts that had to deal with Pansy and Hermione in one room. She could only imagine there was consistent talking there.
After tea, Draco did Hermione's nails at the table as promised, continuing to keep his mother company. Only when her nails were dry did they move back upstairs to apply the face masks.
"So Hermione, what kind of music do you like to listen to?"
"Classical for studying and concentration", she answered immediately. "But other than that, I don't really have a preferred genre I suppose. I just like something that tells a story. That or whatever the latest hits are."
"You can choose a vinyl if you'd like. Or just turn on the radio."
"The radio is fine for me."
Harry let them do most of the talking, keeping to himself and responding with one to two word answers or hurried scribbles on parchment. Draco's frown continued to grow, and Hermione could tell she was adding some unneeded strain to Harry's mental state. It wasn't long after when she excused herself back to the Burrow, telling the boys she would see them back at Hogwarts for dinner.
"Come here my darling", Draco said quietly, opening his arms for Harry to cuddle into. "We'll just spend some time like this, and then I'll give you your last present okay?"
"I love you", Harry whispered.
"And I love you. We're going to be okay Harry. You're worth anything that we may have to go through okay? Don't beat yourself up over things that you cannot control. I know that it's hard because you think you can fix everything, but you can't. Not everyone is accepting, I know that, so we can move at whatever pace you need.
We'll start small, okay? Maybe a double date with Luna and her boyfriend hmm? Or Blaise and Neville? We'll have to work our way up to Pansy and Weaslette because they have some very strong personalities. That's really saying something coming from me. I've been told I have a slight flair for the dramatics, can you believe it?"
Harry laughed quietly, and Draco cherished the sound.
"Ah, there's my special boy. Let's try to focus on the things that we can change, yeah? You have my full trust and I know that in the end we'll be alright. A cliche love conquers all kind of thing", Draco mused.
"You're right."
The look in Harry's eyes when he was looking at Draco said all that he needed to know. He wondered if this was what Hermione was talking about.
"Now, are you ready for your last gift?"
"Must be amazing to get you out of cuddling."
"I'm actually terrified that you won't like it, but I already suggested it and I'll be damned if I go back on my word. If all goes downhill, an altered version of Obliviate may do the trick."
"I'm sure I'll love it."
"You better. Come on Scarhead before I regret this."
Draco led Harry down the hall, and his eyes brightened at the sight of the piano.
"Yes, I am going to play something for you. You can sit over there. You mentioned a few months ago that you loved this song, so I've been practicing to perfect it for you. I already knew how to play it, but you deserve the very best. Hopefully I can deliver my darling."
With a deep breath, Draco began to play.
Harry let all of his worries wash away as he watched his boyfriend's fingers delicately dance over the piano keys. When his voice was added to the mix, Harry was afraid to blink and miss even a moment. This way a memory that would be preserved and watched many times to come.
"I'm in my bed, and you're not here."
Draco didn't think he had ever been so nervous around Harry before. He refused to look at him, focusing only on the task at hand. When he finally looked up at the end of his serenade, Harry had tears streaming down his face. Draco was immediately alarmed and rushed to Harry's side, where Harry then pulled Draco into his lap before kissing him passionately.
With Harry's guard down to due to his heightened emotions, combined with their prolonged contact, Draco was overwhelmed by Harry's thoughts. They weren't quite coherent, but Draco's heart was overflowing with love for his Harry.
"My wonderful Draco", Harry whispered, softly tracing Draco's jawline with his fingertips.
"All yours", Draco agreed, loving the possessiveness Harry was displaying.
"Thank you."
What Harry couldn't verbally put into words translated perfectly to Draco when their lips connected again.
The two men spent a few more hours at The Manor, keeping Narcissa company, before heading back to Grimmauld Place and collecting their things. Neither man was too enthralled when they returned back to Hogwarts. It would be dinner time soon, and they both just wanted to escape to their dorm room, politely dodging all of the questions asked of them.
"Harry mate!"
"Hey Nev, how are you?"
Harry didn't stop walking, knowing that Neville could take the hint and would follow him to the safety of his dorm. It wasn't until the door closed behind Neville that Harry realized he had lost Draco.
"He's with Blaise", Nevillle clarified. "We wanted to catch up with our respective best mates."
Pushing all of his thoughts and feelings aside, Harry sat on his bed, patting the spot next to him for Neville to sit down.
"What's up?"
"I think... I think I like Blaise", Neville said carefully.
"He's a good guy."
"You think so? I haven't been with a bloke before, and I'm a little worried. He keeps hinting that he wants to go out on a real date, and I don't know how I'm feeling about it.
We've hung out tons of times, we even share a room now, so it's not like I can avoid him. I just don't know."
"What are you worried about?", Harry asked, sensing there was an underlying issue.
"That I'm not who he thinks I am. I'm not some suave snake killer. I like sweaters and plants and horror movies. He's so smooth talking, I'm sure he has a lot more experience than I do, and it worries me. We share a room, so what happens when things go wrong?"
"It's inevitable things go wrong Neville. You just need to be mature enough to talk through it."
"Do you and Draco fight?"
"We're different than you and Blaise, but we do sometimes. We're both hot headed, but we make it work. We've spent years fighting, we don't fancy doing it anymore."
"That's healthy coming from the both of you", Neville replied with a snort. "What do you think I should do?"
"We survived a war, asking a bloke on a date should be nothing compared to that. Would it make you feel better if we did a double?"
"You'd do that for me?"
"Of course I would."
"Great! What day works for you?"
"Well, Draco and I were going to Hogsmeade next weekend-"
Neville had cut off the end of Harry's sentence, which would have ended by saying "but I'm free any time after that."
"How should I ask him?"
"Just ask if he'd like to accompany you to Hogsmeade. Then the four of us can meet for dinner, but I have to run that by Draco first", Harry said pointedly.
"Oh, right, sorry", Neville said sheepishly. "I shouldn't have assumed I could crash your... outing", he ended, unsure as to how to finish that sentence.
"It's probably better if we have a group to stunt some rumors", Harry said with an eye roll.
"I suppose so. But if it isn't alright, you'd tell me? I can tell something is bothering you."
"Ron. Hermione is coming around though."
At his raised eyebrow, Harry grabbed some parchment and started scribbling.
"I've missed a lot in the few days we haven't caught up, Merlin's beard. If Ron wasn't the straightest bloke I knew I would start to think he was jealous and harboring some secret feelings for you."
"Jealousy may be it, but I don't know. It's stressful and I'm tired."
"Let's skip the Great Hall today. We can have dinner either in here or mine and Blaise's room. You don't need to deal with all of that until tomorrow."
"Sounds brilliant", Harry agreed, exhaling a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
"Let's go get them", Neville decided.
Harry watched as Neville shook his head, squared his shoulders, and walked purposefully next door. He knocked out of courtesy, and as soon as Blaise opened the door he blurted, "go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?", immediately cringing at how it came out.
Blaise was a blushing, stuttering mess, and it was a sight to see. Harry immediately caught Draco's eye behind Blaise, and winked at him. Draco couldn't help but smile back.
"I- I would love to", Blaise mustered, a genuine smile taking over his face.
Neville then nudged Harry, giving him a pointed look.
"Oh, erm, right. Draco, would you accompany me to dinner after our Hogsmeade outing?"
Blaise squeaked, and Harry realized it sounded like he was asking Draco out, in a roundabout sort of way. Not completely incorrect, but still awkward nonetheless.
"I'd love to", Draco said softly. "Blaise, Neville, care to join us for dinner?"
Neville nodded, eyes on Blaise.
"It would be my pleasure", Blaise agreed.
"Brilliant. Dinner and a film in our room?", Harry asked.
"Sounds perfect, but a real shame no one will see the outfit I picked out for you."
"Pick another for Hogsmeade", Harry responded immediately.
"You just messed up big time, good luck mate", Blaise said, patting Harry on the shoulder.
"Neville, care to get food from the kitchens with me?", Draco asked instead.
"Wonderful, Harry and I will pick out a film."
As Draco walked past Harry, their hands brushed, and Draco couldn't help but send Harry an "I love you" message, that he knew Harry could use right now. The small smile on Harry's face made Draco feel slightly better. He didn't want to leave Harry, but after speaking with Blaise he wanted Neville's point of view of events.
"So, I take it you're interested in my best mate then?", Draco inquired after casting a silencing charm around the both of them.
"And you're interested in mine", Neville challenged.
"Harry Potter is an interesting man", Draco said offhandedly. "I'm kind enough to allow you to talk about yourself instead of listening to everything about me. Use this time wisely."
"I haven't known Blaise very long, but from what I've seen I'm interested. How did you know?"
"That I was gay?"
At Neville's nod, Draco continued.
"I haven't really discussed this with Harry, just so you know, but honestly? I tried not to be. There's a reason as to why everyone thought Pansy and I were together and that we didn't bother correcting them.
I wasn't attracted to women. I can tell Pansy is beautiful but I felt no sexual attraction to her. Girls constantly threw themselves at me and I felt nothing. I'd flirt back because it was expected.
I've lived my life cold and calculating. I did what I had to do. I didn't think I'd be alive this long, Harry and I have spoken about that, but I'm still semi in the closet. My father I'm sure suspected it, but we never discussed it.
You do have a cunning side to you Longbottom. You got me talking about myself when I said I wouldn't. I caught that, but I allowed it because I feel you need to hear what I had to say."
"So you and Harry..."
"Longbottom is that all you care about?", Draco snapped.
He took a deep, calming breath before choosing his words very carefully.
"Look, Potter and I have a complicated relationship. We deeply care for each other, but we haven't been seen together in public yet in the wizarding world. The reaction will not be positive surrounding myself I assure you. You'll be fine enough with Blaise because he remained neutral in the war. All they'll care about is that you're a Gryffindor and he's a Slytherin, aside from the whole not being a heterosexual thing.
I'm not trying to put any extra stress on Harry. He doesn't deserve that, certainly not from me. As his friend I'm trying to make things easier, but I've royally fucked up the dynamic of his life.
I appreciate what you're all trying to do for us, but we'll figure things out on our time, I promise you. Now, do you need help asking Blaise to the dance? I know how to make him blush."
Harry was facing similar questioning from Blaise. Normally he would be heavily interrogated, but Blaise took pity on him when he saw the state of the parchment.
"So, my best mate?"
"Dinner", Harry confirmed, all of the energy seeming to have left his body.
"Thank you. For helping Neville through whatever kept him from giving me a chance. I didn't want to push him into anything he wasn't ready for."
"It's not you. He doesn't want to mess anything up. That's all I'm at liberty to say."
"I would be the one to mess something up. I don't want to be flirty with him just to be flirty. I want him to know I'm looking for something meaningful."
"Talk to him. You just need to talk things through."
"You and Draco talk? Like this?"
"Every day", Harry responded with a small smile.
"Hold onto that. You're good for each other. I didn't know you well before this, but you seem to be doing better. Minus whatever small setback you've come to today."
"I'll be fine", Harry said, waving Blaise off. "Movie?"
To be honest, Harry had no clue what movie they had chosen to watch. He ate his dinner under the watchful eye of Draco, leaning against him for the majority of the night. His body had seemingly given up the fight, and Draco had no issue allowing Harry to use his strength.
Normally ones to stick around and joke for hours, Blaise and Neville excused themselves once the movie was over. They knew that whatever was affecting Harry in such a manner could not be fixed by them. After bidding Draco and Harry goodnight, they retired to their rooms for the night.
"Let's go to bed my darling."
"It's only 9", Harry weakly protested.
"You're out of it Scarhead. Let me take care of you."
Draco knew the issue was even bigger than he had realized when Harry agreed after a moment of hesitation. Using magic, Draco changed them both into pajamas, then crawled into bed next to his Harry.
"You're the best", Harry whispered, snuggling into Draco.
"Remember that the next time you complain that my feet are too cold."
Harry laughed in surprise, a real laugh, and Draco turned to face him with a smile. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead, right over his scar. Sighing in contentment, Harry let his eyes close.
"I love you Harry."
"I love you Draco, so much."
"This isn't a competition, Scarhead", he warned.
As Harry opened his mouth to protest, Draco silenced him with a teasing kiss. He'd let Draco have the last word, this one time.
{A/N: 4553 words, I'm sorry once again for the long wait. I'm trying to put out longer chapters to make up for it. I miss updating every day and I miss all of you. Welcome to all of my new readers as there are a few of you who just finished Ghosts. Thank you for continuing to read! Stay well, and be safe. Sending all my love as always}
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