Chapter 14

Potter would not let Draco have one thing that he could be better at. He had specifically told Harry that today was his day to treat him, but oh no, once again his boyfriend had to be sensitive and caring.

Draco had woken up to Harry softly covering his face in kisses, and the whole ordeal only got disgustingly sweeter as the morning progressed. Harry had then presented Draco with breakfast in bed, his favorite chocolate waffles of all things, bacon, and a wonderful fruit salad. Then, he had the nerve to give Draco a bouquet of calla lilies!

Harry couldn't stop laughing as Draco was silently fuming over being outdone, when nothing had even happened yet.

"Honestly my Prince, I thought you would have enjoyed being fussed over. Besides, I had all of this planned before you declared today as your day."

"I do enjoy being fussed over, but not when I feel insubstantial."

"Draco, you could give me a rock because you think it reminded you of me and I would cherish that rock forever", Harry promised, refraining from rolling his eyes at his lover's dramatics.

"You seem as if you would enjoy rocks", Draco retorted with a snort.

"If you're going to be insufferable today then I'll go spend my time with someone else."

"I'm insufferable everyday. I think that's what attracted you to me really. You're a masochist."

"Only for you baby", Harry replied with a wink.

"I detest being called baby. Never do that again unless you want to be single."

"Did you not sleep well or something? You're very on edge."

"I miss when you were oblivious."

"If you're uncomfortable at any point during dinner, then we'll come straight home, I promise. You'll get lots of cuddles and lots of kisses. We can even go for a drive later. You can pick the destination of course since it is your day, but I love to drive and you love being driven, so it's a win-win scenario."

"We can go for a drive?", Draco asked, immediately perking up.

"Anything you want sweetheart."

"Anything?", Draco asked with a sly grin.

"Within reason. Now, what do I wear for today?"

"I'll set out your clothes. Go clean up breakfast. It was wonderful by the way."

"I know", Harry replied, stealing a kiss from Draco before heading on his way.

Draco had spent hours trying to figure out what to do for his boyfriend. He wanted to spoil Harry endlessly, but he knew that wasn't something that Harry would particularly enjoy. Harry liked the simple things, so Draco had to get a bit creative.

Smirking, Draco himself got ready to go out. He had been saving this outfit for a special occasion, and now was as good as ever. Oh, Draco would show Potter alright. As he was applying some eyeliner, Harry knocked on the door.

"One moment!"

Draco made sure he looked his best before slipping one of Harry's hoodies over his outfit. There would be a big reveal of course, right when Harry wasn't expecting it. With a flick of his wand, Draco opened the door for Harry, then laced up his boots. He watched as Harry's own boots walked across the floor and came toe to toe with his.

Looking up, Draco couldn't help the soft smile that appeared on his face, just as Harry couldn't help the way his face lit up at the sight of his Draco. Letting out a low whistle, Harry extended a hand to help Draco up.

"Look at you getting all dressed up for me."

"I get dressed up for myself. You having the privilege to look at me is your reward."

"Merlin I have missed your sass", Harry teased, kissing Draco on the cheek. "I'm ready to be dazzled."

Draco beamed at Harry, and Harry swore that he fell even more in love at that moment.

"I love you", Harry whispered quietly.

"As you should, but I love you too of course. Now, let's go."

Draco apparated them both to a quaint little bookstore.

"A bookstore?", Harry asked, an eyebrow raised in confusion.

"I thought we could both pick out some books that we think the other would enjoy? We can meet up in about half an hour or so?"

Draco was nervous that Harry wouldn't be into it, but he just grinned widely and pecked Draco on the lips before excitedly heading off on his own. Sighing in contentment, Draco began his search for things that his boyfriend may enjoy. Maybe he got a little overzealous, but when he was offered a basket to hold his items, he didn't refuse it.

It was Harry who ended up having to find Draco about 45 minutes later. He sputtered at the amount of items Draco had. Sure, Harry had also grabbed multiple things for his Prince, but not to such a great extent.

"Half an hour already?", Draco asked sheepishly.

"Try 45 minutes."


"I hope some of those things are for you."

"Nope. You're my boyfriend and I'm going to spoil you. We can exchange these later tonight after dinner. It'll give me something to look forward to."

They gave each other space to check out so as not to ruin the surprise, then they apparated home. As soon as their packages were stored away, Harry pulled Draco in for a kiss that left the other man breathless.

"What was that for?"

"Just because I love you, and I had a wonderful time."

"Good, I'm glad."

"Yeah, we should have more dates where we aren't together. The quiet was nice", Harry teased, immediately dodging Draco's light hit, grabbing his hand instead and kissing his knuckles.

"You're such a prat."

"I'm all yours sweetheart."

"Damn right you are. Now, it's time for our next destination."

"Oh, we're going somewhere else?"

"Of course we are! I'm rather offended that you think that's all I had to offer you", Draco retorted with an eye roll.

Next on their itinerary was a place Draco used to go a lot when he needed to get away. It was a meadow of wildflowers that he knew Harry would love as much as he did. Sure enough, Harry was absolutely stunned by the bright array of colors.

"Merlin i wish I had my-"

Draco cut Harry off by handing him his camera.

"You're perfect, I swear. You always know exactly what I need and when I need it."

"I also got you some more gifts."


"Quiet you. I wanted to do this for you. When we became... whatever you consider us to be now, I told you that I would love and spoil you, did I not? Hell, I told you that before we got together. So accept my love in the form of material gifts", Draco argued, waving his hand around as he made his points.

"Draco. You are my other half, plain and simple. You call me your boyfriend and I'm perfectly fine with that. I'll be whatever you want me to be. I just don't like labels per say. It makes things feel very... final... and after everything I've lost it scares me.

The thought of losing you absolutely tears me apart. I know codependency isn't very healthy, but you really do complete me. You encourage me to be better every single day, you never hesitate to call me out either, and that is exactly the kind of partner that I need.

You're just my person. I don't quite believe in soulmates, but I also didn't believe in magic until I was 11. If they are real, then I don't have to worry because I'm lucky enough to be with mine every single day, hopefully for the rest of my life", Harry finished quietly, one hand on Draco's cheek and the other pressing the ring on his necklace into his chest.

"If you ruin my eyeliner again I swear to Salazar Potter- mmph."

"Even if you look like a raccoon because your eyeliner ran, which it didn't by the way, you'll always be my beautiful boy."

"And you're my special boy", Draco promised, closing the distance between them once again.

With a grin, Draco presented Harry with the gifts.

"You're going to be tough to beat when it comes to Christmas aren't you?"

"I thought we could take some pictures, is that so bad?", Draco asked innocently.

"Sweetheart I'm sure this tripod cost more than my camera."

"Well, we can't always use magic to levitate the camera can we?"

"Or take the photos either", Harry added pointedly.

"That's why I got you a second gift."

Harry just smiled and shook his head in disbelief at the remote to take the photos.

"Let's test this out shall we?", he asked instead.

They took some nice pictures, cuddled up lying amidst the flowers.

"Wait, I want some without the hoodie on."

"What, my hoodie isn't good enough for you?", Harry teased, tucking his hands into the hoodie pocket and tugging Draco forward.

"I like this new usage you've found for my pocket", Draco appraised, kissing Harry quickly. "But I promise you'll like what's underneath better."

Rolling his eyes, Harry just fiddled with the camera settings while Draco prepared for his "grand entrance." Harry really should have given Draco his full attention, because what he saw had Harry stumbling to catch the camera that slipped out of his hands.

"Merlin Draco."

"Yes my darling?", Draco asked with a smirk.

"You look... wow... when did you buy a crop top?"

Draco was relishing in Harry's attention. He knew the crop top with the roses would keep Harry's eyes on him, as they should be.

"When I got these boots", Draco replied, doing a little turn for his boyfriend.

Harry was on Draco in an instant.

"I have the most stunning person in the world to call mine", Harry whispered, eyes shining.

"You like it?"

"I think I like it a little too much."

Draco's grin was feral, and he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck.

"There's no such thing as liking anything about me too much Potter."

"Oh yeah Malfoy? Prove it."

"With pleasure."

Of course, Harry had to prove Draco wrong.

"Potter! I can't believe you gave me a hickey!"

"I guess I can like something about you too much then huh? You look incredibly sexy in that crop top. This and those tight pants? Merlin, I'm a goner."

A blush formed on Draco's face, but he held eye contact

"I have to make sure you only have eyes for me. I'm glad you agree that I look hot in this shirt."

"Draco I've only had eyes for you since we were 11 let's be honest. I'll only ever have eyes for my Prince. No one else will ever mean this much to me. In this way at least", Harry added.

At Draco's raised eyebrow Harry continued speaking.

"Teddy is my godson, and I plan to take him in and raise him. I want more kids in the future though. It's not something that's come up with us yet, so I don't know how you feel about it."

"You'd want to raise a family with me?", Draco asked, so startled that he stepped back and slipped out of Harry's grasp.

"I'm in love with you, of course I would. It's still early in our relationship and I have no plans on immediately settling down and having any kids, but it's crossed my mind a few times", Harry admitted. "I don't want to scare you or rush you into anything-"

Draco cut Harry off with one of the most tender kisses they've shared to date.

"There's nothing else in the world that I would want more than to raise a family with you Harry. Sometimes I get into my own head convinced that you don't actually love me, but then you say things like that and it reminds me that you're truly in this for, ideally, forever."

"Of course I am you prat. It's you and me forever sweetheart. I wear this ring for a reason."

"One day it'll be replaced with one on your finger."

"As if I would ever get rid of this. Enough sentimentals now, I want to see some flowers."

Draco, having spent much time here since he was a child, was able to confidently identify most of the flowers that he saw. Harry was ecstatic that he had one more thing to bond with Draco over. They had taken hundreds of photos together, and now Draco was patiently teaching Harry how to make a flower crown.

"Draco I'm absolutely rubbish at this", Harry spoke, laughing dryly.

"It just takes practice my darling. Here, let me help."

Harry relished in the feeling of Draco's fingers covering his own, and leaned back into him.

"Harry", Draco whined, but leaned into Harry's back anyway.

"I'm sorry, I'll focus. I just like being with you like this."

"You're such a sap, but you're my sap. Let's try the braiding again shall we?"

This time, Harry paid better attention, wanting to make something worthwhile for Draco to wear. In the end, Harry made something that he was proud of, and presented it to Draco.

"Merlin I'm so in love with you", Draco whispered, placing the flower crown he had made on Harry's head.

"Well that's a relief or else this would've gotten awkward", Harry teased, leaning in to kiss Draco softly.

Draco couldn't pull Harry close enough to him. His boyfriend was like a breath of fresh air that Draco so desperately needed to survive.

"What's next on your list my Prince?", Harry asked, pulling back slightly.

"What do you want to do for lunch? We can go out somewhere, order in, or I can try to make us something?"

"Let's order in. I can't snog you in public yet, and that's a dealbreaker. I would rather see you than your glamour."

"Good. I don't want anyone else looking at you but me."

"Oh please, everyone would much rather stare at you. You're absolutely stunning, you don't look real."

"You only love me because I'm eye candy", Draco said dramatically, laying across Harry's lap.

"Not true. I also love you because you help me understand Potions."

"You're going to surpass Granger soon enough."

"Oh that's going to go over real well. She'll assume you're doing my homework", Harry retorted with a snort.

"As if. I don't even want to do my own homework. You're not an infant, you just need to be taught in a different way that makes it easier for you to understand."

"You're very patient with me, it helps a lot."

"Anything for you my darling."

"How about lunch?"

"That can be arranged."

Draco ordered them lunch, and then dragged Harry into his safe room.

"What are we doing now?"

"We are going to make a blanket fort. We'll have lunch and watch some more tv inside of the fort. After that I'll paint our nails, and then we'll get ready for dinner. How does that sound?"

"Absolutely wonderful because I'm with you."

Draco's look of fondness said everything.

Building a pillow fort however, was easier said than done. Draco had assumed that it wouldn't be too hard to build one "the muggle way", but neither he nor Harry had any experience in such a thing.

Irritation was slowly building in Draco because it really should not be that complicated. He was about to burn all of the blankets the third time it partially collapsed, but Harry's hearty laughter made him stop.

"Not everything has to be textbook definition perfect Draco. I think our lopsided fort is absolutely wonderful."

"Easy for you to say when your half has a roof", Draco grumbled, blowing a strand of hair off of his forehead in irritation.

"If it rains you can snuggle with me under my half", Harry cooed, kissing Draco's nose.

"Just for that I'll make it rain in here. Don't tempt me Potter."

"Oh, but tempting you is my favorite thing to do Malfoy", Harry flirted back, easily slipping back into their old banter.

"Just shut up and pick a nail polish color."

"Green and silver", Harry replied immediately.

"I'm not painting mine in Gryffindor colors", Draco warned.

"I wasn't expecting you to. I just want everyone to bugger off and leave me be."

"You know they're not going to do that. You're our Savior oh Saint Potter. I can already imagine all of the abhorrent headlines. This will be the final nail in my coffin."

"Wait until everyone finds out that I'm bisexual."

"They don't have to find out. You're allowed to keep your private life private Harry."

"Exactly. Private, but not hidden. You're not some dirty little secret that I'm trying to keep sequestered away. You're my Draco, and I want everyone to know that I belong to you."

"I love when you get possessive like that", Draco drawled, leaning into Harry.

"You're mine, and I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel loved and keep you safe."

"Even if it means switching sides with me in our fort?", Draco inquired, innocently batting his eyelashes.

Harry shook his head as he was overtaken by laughter.

"I'll fix it, go get our lunch before I find something else I want to devour."

"You're making it hard to want to leave."

Snickering at his lover's choice in wording, Harry let himself be hit with a pillow. He deserved that one, he admits it, but the blush and feigned look of annoyance on Draco's face made it worth it.

Harry wasn't able to completely fix the roof, but he thought the whole fort looked quite endearing, and smiled proudly at it. Draco had been teasing Harry about it, for the most part anyway, but it was sweet that Harry would rush in and do anything to make Draco feel even just slightly better.

Draco had never been in love before, but with Harry he falls in love with at least one new aspect of him every day. Whether it be the way his nose crinkles when he laughs, how he stirs his tea three times counterclockwise and taps the spoon on the rim of the cup another three times, or even how whenever something funny happens he always makes sure to look to Draco for his reaction. Draco truly could not imagine living another day where he doesn't have his Harry with him in some capacity.

As if sensing his thoughts, Harry pulled Draco in for a passionate kiss, then pulled him down into his lap, wrapping a blanket around the both of them. Grimmauld Place finally felt like a home to Harry when Draco was there with him, but he was quickly realizing that home could be a person as much as it could be a place, and that was his Draco.

{A/N: 3140 words, before my author's note, I am SO sorry that it took this long to update. I also didn't proofread this so I apologize for typos as well. I've definitely been feeling that a part of me is missing when I don't have time to write, and things have been so hectic I barely have time to breathe.

Thank you all for your patience and your wonderful supportive messages! I hope this longer update helps make up for my absence. This is the longest that I haven't updated in months and it feels so strange.

I do however have 2 other Drarry stories posted that you can all read if you'd like, but I think I'm definitely more proud of Ghosts. The Halloween AU is a little fun thing I was inspired to write, and Piece of Your Heart is an even longer slow burn with more angst. 

I've got a bit more of an idea where I want to take this story. The question for you all is: should I add more angst or keep it fluffy? I'm trying to go for a mixture but I'd like your opinions.

Stay well and be safe. Sending all of my love as always, along with some positive vibes.

J 💗}

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